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The motherboard sends a signal to the power supply device

2. the power supply provides the proper amount of electricity to the computer.

3. the motherboard receives the power good signal

4. the motherboard tries to start the CPU

5. The CPU resets all leftover data in its registers and sets predefined values for each of them
Predefined values of registers:
IP 0xfff0
CS selector 0xf000
CS base 0xffff0000

6. The processor starts working in real mode

20-bit segmented memory address space , and unlimited direct software access to all

7. memory, I/O addresses and peripheral hardware.)

PhysicalAddress = CS selector * 16 + IP (instruction pointer , code segment)

8. PhysicalAddress = Segment Selector * 16 + Offset

0xffff0000 + 0xfff0 = 0xfffffff0 (16 bytes below 4GB) ( reset vector )
l'instruction à cette addresse contient un jump qui pointe vers le bios ( basic input output

9. BIOS starts

10. BIOS initializing and checking the hardware

11. BIOS needs to find a bootable device

A boot order is stored in the BIOS configuration, controlling which devices the BIOS
attempts to boot from

12. When attempting to boot from a hard drive

the BIOS tries to find a boot sector.
dans un format de patitionnement MBR : le secteur de boot est dans le 1er secteur du disk
(446/512 ) les 2 dernier octet du disk (si = 0x55 , 0xaa) permet de dire que disk est bootable

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