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The role and competence of general

practioners in management of Covid

19 patients at ICU isolation

Dewi Wijaya, MD, Pulmonologist


The COVID 19 outbreak is arguably one of

the greatest public health challanges of our
time not least for general practioners, where
over 1 million patients are already treated

COVID 19 is a new disease that range from

asymptomatic to critical condition

Being the first point of contact for a

significant proportion of patient, primary
care physicians play an essential strategic
function in the fight against COVID 19, both
during in stable and critically ill patients
The course of COVID 19 and general approach
of treatment

EVMS Critical Care COVID-19 Management Protocol 11-03-2020 |

The course of laboratory tests for
Prof. Dr. Menaldi Rasmin, Sp.P (K), PhD
Summary of caring for critically ill patients with COVID 19

Srinivas Murthy, MD, CM, MHSc; Charles D. Gomersall, MBBS; Robert A. Fowler,MD, CM, MSc, Care for critically ill with
COVID 19.JAMA:323:2020
• Post-COVID-19
pulmonary fibrosis. An
unknown number of
patients who have
recovered from COVID-
19 organizing
pneumonia will develop
pulmonary fibrosis with
associated limitation of
• Respiratory critically ill in Covid 19 needs a special
attention and strong medication since this
condition leads to death or post covid sequelae
• The role of general practitioners managing COVID
19’s patient is important in recognizing the
severity of the patient at the first time they enter
the isolation room, realizing the worsening of the
symptoms until managing patient with
mechanical ventilation due to direction of the
• Be proud being part of the COVID 19’s team
Stay safety – healthy – happy and
helpul to other people

Thank you

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