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TAGEDENS E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 44 (2020) 151227

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Seminars in Perinatology

Pharmacokinetic studies in pregnancy

Michael J. Avram
Department of Anesthesiology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 330 E. Superior Street, Morton 4-660, Chicago, IL,
United States


Keywords: The effects of the many biochemical and physiologic changes of pregnancy on the dose-
pregnancy response relationship of drugs administered to pregnant women are poorly understood.
pharmacokinetics The dose-response relationship is affected by pharmacokinetics, or what the body does to
pharmacodynamics a drug, and pharmacodynamics, or what a drug does to the body. Insights into the potential
dose-response effects of the changes of pregnancy on one aspect of the dose-response relationship of a
longitudinal studies drug can be obtained by studying the pharmacokinetics of the drug in the various stages of
pregnancy and the postpartum period. There are several available approaches to studying
pharmacokinetic changes in pregnancy. Single trough screening studies can provide quali-
tative estimates of elimination clearance, which with the dosing rate determines the
steady-state drug concentration, throughout pregnancy and into the postpartum period.
Population pharmacokinetic studies such as two stage pharmacokinetic studies and stud-
ies using a nonlinear mixed effects pharmacokinetic modeling approach can characterize
pharmacokinetic changes more rigorously.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

There is a pressing need for studies of the pharmacokinetics To identify safe and effective dosing of a drug for the pregnant
of drugs used in pregnant women, who have been poorly woman, it is necessary to understand the effect of the bio-
represented in drug studies. The origin of the historical chemical and physiologic changes in pregnancy on the dose-
under-representation of females of all ages in drug studies response relationship of the drug. Such studies are urgently
has been attributed to concern about unnecessarily exposing needed6 and optimal dosing information derived from them
women of childbearing potential to drugs that followed the must be translated it into “the right dose for the right condition
thalidomide-induced phocomelia tragedy in the 1960s.1 in the right patient.”7 The Obstetric-Fetal Pharmacology
While recognition of sex as an important variable in health Research Centers (OPRC) Program was established by the
research by major organizations such as the Institute of Medi- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and
cine in 1991 stimulated the inclusion of women in clinical Human Development (NICHD) in 2004 to enhance the under-
trials,1,2 research to identify appropriate dosing, safety, and standing of dose-response relationships in pregnant women.
effectiveness of medications in pregnant women has only Research supported by the OPRC has included clinical studies
recently begun to be prioritized.3 in pregnant women that identify the longitudinal changes of
Unfortunately, the effects of pregnancy on drug disposition the dose-response relationship in pregnancy.4
remain poorly understood due to lingering concerns about The goal of this report is to review pharmacologic concepts
the exposure of the unborn fetus to medications. As a result, that form the basis of optimal drug prescribing and their appli-
standard doses of drugs prescribed to pregnant women could cation to pharmacotherapy, beginning with a consideration of
be subtherapeutic or toxic, if they are prescribed at all.4,5 the dose-response relationship. It then reviews several

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0146-0005/Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 44 (2020) 151227

approaches to studying the pharmacokinetics of a drug in the section and one later in the Drug Accumulation section. These
various stages of pregnancy and the postpartum period. studies provide important insights into the distribution of a
typical lipophilic molecule. For several decades the barbiturate
thiopental was administered by intravenous injection to pro-
The dose-response relationship duce anesthesia. It has a very rapid onset of effect and a very
brief duration of action that was initially thought to be due to
The earliest statement of the dose-response relationship was its irreversible removal from the body by hepatic metabolism12
provided by Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von and later thought to be due to uptake by fat, which is faster
Hohenheim (1492  1541), who is perhaps better known as Par- than its metabolism.13 Price and colleagues demonstrated that
acelsus. In his Third Defense, this remarkable Swiss physician its hypnotic effects are actually terminated by redistribution
and alchemist said, “. . . what is there that is not poison, all from the brain, its site of action, to pharmacologically unaf-
things are poison and nothing (is) without poison. Solely the fected tissues, such as muscle.14 This is nicely illustrated in
dose determines that a thing is not a poison.”8 A contemporary Fig. 2, which shows that drug concentrations in the blood, into
statement of the dose-response relationship has been taught which it has been infused (the central pool), decrease precipi-
in graduate school as Tatum’s (presumably Arthur Lawrie tously as a result of distribution to highly perfused, rapidly
Tatum, 1884  19559) Dictum, “The dose of a drug is enough.” equilibrating tissues of the viscera, including the heart, kidney,
Every physician aspires to prescribe their patients a dose that splanchnic area, and brain. Slower distribution occurs to the
will produce the therapeutic effect while avoiding toxicity. less well perfused but high capacity lean tissues and to the
What determines the dose that is enough? How and why would poorly perfused adipose tissues (fat). The brisk distribution of
a dose that is enough in an individual when they are not preg- thiopental from the blood to the brain produces the rapid
nant be too much or too little when they are pregnant? onset of its effect. Once drug concentrations in the tissues of
The dose-response relationship is determined by pharma- the viscera and brain reach equilibrium with those in the blood
cokinetics (drug absorption, distribution, and elimination or (the peak visceral concentration occurs at approximately
what the body does to a drug) and pharmacodynamics (the 1 min in Fig. 2), they begin to decline as those in the blood
relationship between drug concentration and the effect it pro- (pool) continue to decrease. Meanwhile, the concentrations in
duces or what the drug does to a body)10 (Fig. 1). Biochemical the lean and fat tissues continue to rise at the expense of the
and physiologic changes that occur in pregnancy could affect viscera and brain. This redistribution of drug from the brain
the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of a drug and and other well perfused viscera to the lean tissues and fat
thus affect its dose-response relationship. This review will ends the effect of this “ultra-short acting” drug on the brain.
focus on the pharmacokinetic aspects of the dose-response After drug concentrations in the lean tissues have reached
relationship. The interested reader is referred for detailed equilibrium with those in the blood (the peak lean concentra-
presentations of general and specific aspects of clinical phar- tion occurs at approximately 32 min in Fig. 2), concentrations
macology to the authoritative textbook on pharmacokinetics, in the lean tissues begin to decrease while those in the brain
Principles of Clinical Pharmacology, written and edited by Arthur and viscera further decline and the concentrations in adipose
J. Atkinson, Jr. and colleagues.11 tissues continue to rise.
These insights into drug distribution were based on tissue
drug concentration measurements. Although tissue drug con-
centrations are not typically measured in contemporary clini-
cal pharmacokinetic studies, plasma drug concentrations are.

As an introduction to the fundamental concepts of pharmaco-

kinetics, two seminal studies of the pharmacokinetics of thio-
pental will be considered, one here in the Pharmacokinetics

Fig. 2 – Price’s physiologic pharmacokinetic mode of thio-

pental distribution from the pool (intravascular space) to the
Fig. 1 – The dose-response relationship is determined by viscera (which includes the brain, where the drug produces
pharmacokinetics, or what the body does to a drug, and its hypnotic effect), lean tissue, and, ultimately, fat after
pharmacodynamics, or what a drug does to the body. rapid intravenous administration. Reprinted from Price
Modified from Sheiner and Tozer.10 et al.14 with permission.
TAGEDENS E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 44 (2020) 151227 3

When blood samples are obtained frequently and serially

after drug administration, the dynamic processes of distri-
bution and redistribution described by Price and colleagues
are reflected in the exponential phases of plasma thiopental
concentration versus time relationships15 (Fig. 3). A very
rapid decrease in plasma drug concentration is observed
during the distribution phase, which begins the moment the
drug is administered intravenously. Within a matter of
minutes, the transition into the redistribution phase, during
which drug concentrations decrease more slowly, is evident.
The drug redistribution phase lasts several hours before
transitioning into a slower, terminal, elimination phase.
Because the body is in distributional equilibrium during the
elimination phase, the concentration of drug in plasma
changes only as a result of the irreversible removal, or elimi- Fig. 4 – The three compartment mammillary pharmacoki-
nation, of drug from the body. A drug and its metabolites, if netic model in which drug enters the central compartment
any, are typically eliminated from the body by hepatic (volume VC) and immediately begins equilibrating with the
metabolism, renal excretion, or both. rapidly equilibrating (fast) peripheral compartment (volume
This disposition (i.e., distribution and elimination) of a drug VF) and the slowly equilibrating (slow) peripheral compart-
can be described by a mathematical model that characterizes ment (volume VS) by their corresponding intercompartmen-
the plasma drug concentration versus time relationship using tal clearances (ClF and ClS). As the distribution processes
a three compartment pharmacokinetic model (Fig. 4). In a begin, the body also begins eliminating the drug by elimi-
three-compartment pharmacokinetic model, the central or nation clearance (ClE).
initial volume of distribution (VC) is the volume in which a
drug is assumed to mix instantaneously before being distrib- irreversibly removed per unit time. Unlike ClE, the elimination
uted throughout the remaining volume. From VC, drug is dis- rate of a drug at any given time is concentration-dependent. It
tributed to the rapidly (fast) and slowly (slow) equilibrating is the product of the ClE and the plasma concentration of the
volumes of distribution (VF and VS, respectively) by intercom- drug at that time.
partmental clearance (ClI). Intercompartmental clearances The clearance of a drug by an organ is a function of both
between VC and both the rapidly equilibrating and the slowly blood flow to the organ (Q) and the efficiency with which the
equilibrating volumes (ClF and ClS, respectively) are volume- clearing organ removes drug from the blood, the extraction
independent estimates of drug transfer that are determined ratio (E). It can, therefore, be affected by factors affecting
by blood flow and transcapillary permeability. These varia- blood flow to the organ or by factors affecting the efficiency
bles are measured in units of volume per unit time. The of the organ in removing the drug, such as hepatic enzyme
volume of distribution at steady-state (VSS) is the sum of the induction or inhibition. Thus, hepatic elimination clearance
volumes of the central, rapidly equilibrating, and slowly (ClH) can be described as16
equilibrating compartments. ClH ¼ Q H ¢ EH
Elimination clearance (ClE) is a concentration-independent
quantitation of the ability of the body to remove drug, and has Drugs cleared by the liver can be classified as high (EH > 0.7),
units of volume per unit time. It can be thought of as the por- intermediate (EH = 0.3 to 0.7), or low (EH < 0.3) EH drugs. Drugs
tion of the drug distribution volume from which drug is with a high QH have flow-limited hepatic ClE because their EHs
are minimally affected by physiologic perturbations. The ClH of
drugs with low EHs have capacity-limited clearance because it
is not affected by changes in QH. Factors, such as the biochemi-
cal and physiologic changes of pregnancy, producing changes
in either QH or the EH of drugs with intermediate EHs can affect
the ClH of these drugs.
Renal clearance is affected by glomerular filtration, tubular
secretion, and tubular reabsorption. Glomerular filtration
depends on both renal blood flow and the efficiency with
which the glomeruli filter the drug (the extraction ratio),
which change in pregnancy. In non-pregnant adults, renal
blood flow is generally less variable than hepatic blood flow
because it is autoregulated and is, therefore, less likely to be
rate limiting in drug clearance. Because only unbound drugs
Fig. 3 – The disposition of a thiopental viewed from the are filtered, a slight decrease in the protein binding of an
plasma after rapid intravenous administration, illustrating extensively (> 90%) bound drug that is eliminated by glomer-
the rapid distributional phase, the redistribution phase, and ular filtration will increase its glomerular filtration rate.
the terminal elimination phase. Modified from Fragen and The elimination half-life (t1/2b) is the time required for the
Avram.15 amount of drug in the body to decrease by 50%. The t1/2b of a
4 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 44 (2020) 151227

drug is a dependent variable that is related directly to a

model-independent estimate of its volume of distribution
(Vdb) and inversely to its ClE:
t1=2b ¼ 0:693 Vdb =ClE

Drug accumulation and bioavailability

The longer the duration of an intravenous drug infusion, the

closer the concentrations in the tissues come to reaching
equilibrium with the drug in the blood. As drug accumulates
in tissues during continuous administration, they lose their
dilutional capacity after termination of drug administra-
tion.17 That is, plasma concentrations decrease less rapidly
after stopping a drug infusion than they do after rapid intra-
venous administration. Therefore, for example, the time
required to recover from an infusion of thiopental increases
with the duration of the infusion (Fig. 5). Fig. 6 – The approach of plasma drug concentrations to the
The accumulation of drug as a result of equilibration of steady-state concentration (CSS) for a continuous constant
drug in the blood with the tissues during infusion or multi- rate intravenous infusion and intermittent constant rate
ple-dose regimens occurs until a steady-state is achieved. At oral administration. Reprinted from Buxton18 with permis-
steady-state, all compartments are in equilibrium, no net tis- sion.
sue distribution occurs, and the infusion rate (I) exactly
oscillates around the smooth increase in drug concentrations
matches the elimination rate. The steady-state plasma drug
produced by a constant infusion at the same rate (Fig. 6). After
concentration (CSS) is predictable from these variables:
each oral dose, drug concentrations increase from the predose
CSS ¼ I=ClE trough during the absorption phase until a maximum concentra-
tion is reached (Cmax) for the dosing interval at time Tmax. After
The approaches of plasma drug concentrations to CSS for a
this point the concentrations decrease as a result of redistribu-
continuous constant rate intravenous infusion and an inter-
tion and elimination. Oral dosing achieves a CSS that is the aver-
mittent constant rate oral administration are illustrated in
age of the peak and trough concentrations after constant rate
Fig. 6.18 When the drug is administered by a continuous con-
(e.g., the same dose administered every t1/2b) oral administration
stant rate intravenous infusion, the plasma drug concentra-
lasting more than four t1/2bs. Like continuous intravenous
tions increase steadily until they plateau at the CSS after an
administration, continued oral administration at the same rate
infusion lasting more than four t1/2bs (called half-times in
maintains that CSS unless there is a change in the ClE of the drug.
Fig. 6). Continued infusion at the same rate would maintain
As suggested above, administration of drug by any route other
that CSS unless there is a change in the ClE of the drug.
than intravenous adds additional complexities to the pharmaco-
The accumulation of a drug during repeated oral administra-
kinetics of the drug, such as the rate of drug absorption. An addi-
tion at intervals equal to the t1/2b of the drug is illustrated by the
tional complexity is the bioavailability of the drug, F, which is
plasma drug concentration versus time relationship that
the extent of absorption or the fraction of the dose reaching the
systemic circulation after administration. An intravenously
administered drug has a bioavailability of 1 because all of the
drug administered enters the systemic circulation. The bioavail-
ability of a drug administered by nearly any other route is usu-
ally less than 1 because some portion of the dose administered
does not enter the systemic circulation. In the case of an orally
administered drug, its bioavailability may be affected by incom-
plete absorption, intestinal metabolism, or first-pass metabo-
lism by the gut wall and liver. First-pass refers to the absorption
of drugs from the intestinal lumen through the gut wall and into
the portal circulation, which flows directly to the liver where
they may be metabolized before entering the systemic circula-
tion. A high hepatic extraction ratio for a drug reduces its bio-
availability. For orally administered drugs, pharmacokinetic
equations containing the terms dose or dosing rate must make
an adjustment for its bioavailability. For an orally administered
Fig. 5 – The rates at which thiopental leaves the brain by dose, the steady-state concentration is determined by the bio-
redistribution to indifferent tissues after rapid intravenous available dosing rate and the elimination clearance:
administration (Rapid Inj) and after 20 min, 60 min, and
CSS ¼ ððDose  FÞ=t Þ=ClE
120 min infusions. Reprinted from Price17 with permission.
TAGEDENS E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 44 (2020) 151227 5

where t is the dosing interval (e.g., the t1/2b dosing interval in be conducted to identify the time course of alterations in the
the example in Fig. 6). Bioavailability is determined by compar- pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs.
ing the area under the curve of the plasma drug concentration
versus time relationship of a dose after administration by a
non-intravenous route with that of the dose after intravenous Population pharmacokinetic studies
administration. Such studies are often done in the same indi-
viduals to whom drug is administered by each route on sepa- Population pharmacokinetic approaches are well-suited to
rate occasions. When a stable isotopically labeled formulation identifying changes that occur during pregnancy.30 The goal
is available for oral or intravenous use, the two routes can be of population pharmacokinetics is to characterize inter-indi-
studied simultaneously. This approach eliminates not only vidual, intra-individual, and inter-occasion variability in drug
interindividual differences in drug disposition by the two pharmacokinetics and explain the observed variability. Fac-
routes being compared but also interday differences in drug tors such as patient characteristics, gestational timing, co-
disposition in the same individuals.19 morbid diseases, and concomitant medication can affect the
pharmacokinetic parameters of a drug. The two most com-
mon population pharmacokinetic strategies are the two-stage
The need for pharmacokinetic studies in and the nonlinear mixed effects modeling approaches. In
pregnancy designing a pharmacokinetic study to test hypotheses such
as that ClE is increased or decreased in pregnancy, published
The dose-response relationships of drugs taken by a woman data describing the pharmacokinetics of the drug in nonpreg-
before she becomes pregnant are likely to change when she nant individuals can help plan blood sampling for plasma
becomes pregnant. If she has been taking a dose of the drug drug concentration measurements. Sample collection during
on a regular basis, that dose may become ineffective or the absorption, distribution, and elimination phases is critical
result in new side effects. Changes in the dose-response to careful characterization of pharmacokinetics. For a
relationship in pregnancy are due to changes in the pharma- detailed discussion of not only population pharmacokinetics
cokinetics or the pharmacodynamics of the drug (or both). but also population pharmacodynamics, the interested
Much of what is known about the alterations in the dose- reader is referred to an excellent series of articles by Mould
response relationship of drugs in pregnancy has focused on and Upton.3133
changes in the steady-state concentration, which may Studies for the two-stage approach need to be data rich for
change due to decreased bioavailability, increased elimina- all subjects each time they participate (e.g., each trimester
tion clearance, or both. and postpartum). Blood samples need to be obtained before
Drug distribution throughout the body, including to the site drug administration and then frequently during the absorp-
of drug action, occurs as a result of mixing, flow, and diffu- tion, distribution, and elimination phases. Each set of the
sion, which are affected by cardiovascular physiology.20,21 individual subject’s concentration versus time data is first
Irreversible removal of drugs from the body (ClE) occurs pri- modeled using nonlinear regression to obtain an estimation
marily by enzymatic metabolism and renal elimination, of pharmacokinetic parameters for each time they were stud-
which are affected by factors ranging from blood flow to hor- ied (the first stage). Individual parameter estimates for each
monal enzymatic induction or inhibition. Physiologic stage of pregnancy and postpartum are then combined to
changes that occur throughout pregnancy and can affect the generate mean population parameters along with their vari-
pharmacokinetics of drugs include increases in cardiac out- ance and covariance to explain the observed variability (the
put, hepatic blood flow, and glomerular filtration rate. Such second stage).
physiologic changes as well as pregnancy-induced changes in When plasma drug concentration data are collected from
drug metabolizing enzymes, such as increases in CYP3A4, individuals using a sparse sampling strategy (i.e., one to six
CYP2D6, and UGT1A4 activity and decreases in CYP1A2 activ- drug concentrations are available per subject), parameter
ity, have been reviewed elsewhere2225 (Fig. 7). The result of estimates for individuals are not possible. However, if the
many of these changes is an enhanced ClE, with a resulting samples are collected in a carefully planned manner from a
decrease in both CSS and therapeutic effectiveness as has relatively large number of individuals during the various
been reported for antiepileptic agents,23 antiretroviral pharmacokinetic phases, a non-linear mixed effects model-
drugs,26 antidepressants,27 and other drugs.28 ing approach can be used. This approach estimates the popu-
Another important element of pharmacokinetics is drug lation pharmacokinetic parameters and their relationship to
absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Since many, if not covariates from the concentration versus time data and char-
most, drugs are administered orally, the decrease in gastric acteristics of interest of all of the participants in the study.
pH, prolonged gastric emptying, and reduced gastric motility The disposition of beta-blockers in pregnancy has been stud-
in pregnancy could affect the rate and extent of drug absorp- ied using both the two stage modeling approach and non-lin-
tion.29 Similarly, increased dermal hydration and increased ear mixed effects modeling. Hebert et al. studied the
skin blood flow affects transdermal drug absorption.29 pharmacokinetics of atenolol in 17 patients in the second and
The dynamic physiologic and biochemical changes that third trimesters of their pregnancy and three months postpar-
occur across pregnancy are associated with the timing of tum using a two stage pharmacokinetic approach.34 They
alterations in drug pharmacokinetics. To develop optimal found that its renal clearance in the second and third trimes-
dosing strategies throughout pregnancy and after birth when ters were 38% and 36% higher than postpartum renal clear-
physiologic changes are reversed, longitudinal studies must ance, respectively. and was strongly correlated with creatinine
6 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 44 (2020) 151227

Fig. 7 – Physiologic changes in pregnancy that can affect the absorption, distribution, and elimination (metabolism and
excretion) of drugs. CL = elimination clearance, F = bioavailability, AUC = area under the drug concentration vs. time relation-
ship, t1/2 = elimination half-life, ln2 = 0.693, Vd = model-independent volume of distribution, Css = steady-state concentration,
t = dosing interval, Tmax = time to maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) after administration of a dose, CYPs = cytochrome
P450 enzymes, UGTs = uridine 50 -diphospho-glucuronosyltransferases, and GFR = glomerular filtration rate. Reprinted from
Tomson et al.23 with permission.

clearance. However, the total oral ClE/F of atenolol did not quency distribution of trough plasma drug concentrations pro-
change during pregnancy. The oral ClE/F of the high EH drug vides a fairly accurate picture of the variability in trough con-
labetalol was studied in 57 women from the twelfth week of centrations, and, by inference, the ClE, in the population of
pregnancy through 12 weeks postpartum by Fischer et al. interest. The sample size should be sufficiently large (20 or
using nonlinear mixed effect modeling.35 They reported its more patients studied multiple times during pregnancy and
ClE/F at 12 and 40 weeks gestational age was 40% and 60% postpartum), assay and sampling errors small, and the dosing
higher than postpartum, respectively. Lean body weight was regimen and sampling times identical for all patients. The rela-
the only covariate retained in the final model of labetalol ClE/F. tionship of patient characteristics to the trough concentrations
can be explored by simple statistical procedures. Plasma drug
concentration to dose ratios can be used in lieu of plasma con-
Single trough screen studies centrations if the study participants are taking different doses.
An example of such a study is one designed to determine how
Elimination clearance determines the CSS achieved by a dose soon lamotrigine ClE changes in pregnancy.36 Blood samples of
of a drug administered chronically, and the ClE of certain drugs convenience (rather than trough samples) were collected from
is expected to change in pregnant patients. A simpler study 22 participants during 25 pregnancies before conception and
design, the single trough screen, could be used to provide qual- every two weeks between 5 and 13 gestational weeks.
itative estimates of ClE throughout pregnancy and into the Increased lamotrigine ClE was present at 5 weeks gestation but
postpartum period. In the single trough screen, one blood sam- the relationships of changes in ClE to serum estradiol concen-
ple is obtained from each patient at or near the trough during trations and to gestational week were not strong enough to be
steady-state dosing, shortly before the next dose is adminis- used clinically because of the significant interpatient variabil-
tered, for plasma drug concentration measurement. A fre- ity that is commonly observed in studies of this design.
TAGEDENS E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 44 (2020) 151227 7

rigorously. A two stage pharmacokinetic study can be con-

Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling ducted in ten to twenty individuals but requires the collection
of a relatively large number of samples over up to 24 h from
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling has
each individual on each occasion, which may necessitate
been a rapidly growing field for more than a decade. Such
admission to a Clinical Research Unit. A nonlinear mixed
modeling integrates physiological, physicochemical, and
effects pharmacokinetic modeling approach requires fewer
drug-dependent data in a complex mathematic model that is
blood samples be collected from each individual using a
used to simulate the absorption, distribution, metabolism,
sparse sampling strategy on each occasion, but often necessi-
and excretion of a drug under a variety of conditions.37 In so
tates the study of up to 100 or more subjects. Physiologic
doing, it is able to simulate the drug concentration versus
pharmacokinetic modeling can be used to facilitate the effi-
time relationships in arterial and venous blood in vascular
cient design of population pharmacokinetic studies.
beds throughout the body and in a large number of tissues.
Pariente et al. conducted a systematic review of 198 studies
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic models are becoming
of the pharmacokinetics of 121 medications in pregnancy.42
an increasingly important part of drug discovery and develop-
They found that pharmacokinetic changes during pregnancy
ment in the pharmaceutical industry where they have been
were often consistently observed among studies, including
used to do everything from informing study design to facili-
the increased ClE along with the resultant decrease in drug
tating drug approval and labeling.38 A pregnancy module
exposure for a given dose of many drugs. What they often
incorporating time-varying physiology of pregnancy using a
found missing was the very important consideration of
commercially available simulator was introduced in 2013.39
whether a dose adjustment was necessary to compensate for
Published physiologically based pharmacokinetic pregnancy
the observed pharmacokinetics changes, which is, presum-
models have been reviewed recently, with a discussion of
ably, the point of conducting such studies. When suggesting
their many strengths and several limitations as well as identi-
a dose adjustment to be tested in a prospective clinical trial,
fication of needed refinements.40 Application of a physiologi-
changes in not only dose but also dosing strategies should be
cally based pharmacokinetic modeling and simulation to
considered. For example, if an increase in dose is recom-
predict an optimal dose of darunavir/ritonavir in pregnancy
mended to offset an increase in ClE, dosing the drug more fre-
nicely illustrates the utility of such models in the absence of
quently may be warranted to avoid substantial increases in
formal pharmacokinetic studies.41 The predicted dose is
peak concentrations that could be associated with adverse
being tested in patients and the results of the testing will be
effects not seen pre-pregnancy.
used to refine the model.
Many of the physiologic changes of pregnancy, including
those that may lead to an increase in dose requirements,
return to normal after delivery over variable lengths of time.
Closing thoughts Studying drug disposition is imperative not only during preg-
nancy but also when their physiology has returned to the
Conducting studies of the pharmacokinetics and pharmaco- non-pregnant baseline to identify when the increased dose of
dynamics of drugs in pregnancy involves clinicians, patients, pregnancy is no longer needed.
clinical pharmacologists, analytical chemists, and statisti-
cians. Clinicians are needed guide the selection of diseases
and medical treatments to be studied and assess patient Disclosures
characteristics, safety, and effectiveness. Carefully selected
patients taking the drug of interest and willing to participate Michael J. Avram, Ph.D., is the Assistant Editor-in-Chief of
in the study multiple times throughout the course of their Anesthesiology and on the Editorial Board of Clinical Pharmacol-
pregnancies (e.g., in each of their trimesters) and postpartum ogy & Therapeutics. He is a co-investigator on several NIH
(e.g., at two weeks and one or two months postpartum) are grants, including NICHD U54 HD085601 “Optimizing Medica-
essential for longitudinal studies. Clinical pharmacologists tion Management for Mothers with Depression during Preg-
help design the studies and analyze and interpret the data. nancy (OPTI-MOM)” CoPIs: Katherine Wisner, M.D., M.S.,
Analytical chemists measure a wide range of drug concentra- Catherine Stika, M.D., Alfred George, M.D.
tions in biological matrices with great precision and accuracy.
Biostatisticians provide invaluable input into the design, R E F E R E N CE S
analysis, and interpretation of complex longitudinal studies.
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8 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 44 (2020) 151227

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