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Integrated Studies
Assessment Worksheet

Name: ____________________ Class: III ________________

Date: ____________________ Total Marks: ______ /20

Q.1 Write short answers of the following questions. ( 2x6 = /12)

a) Name two complex machines and why do we call them complex?

b) What would the Earth be if there was no Sun?
c) Why do shadows change during the day? Explain the concept through diagram?
d) At what time of the day is your shadow the longest?
e) How is rainbow formed?
f) What happens when light hits a mirror?

Q.2 Fill in the blanks with the correct word. (.5x4= 2)

a) Sun is the source of_________ energy.

b) A plough was used in __________________.
c) A______________ moves something further away from us.
d) Light travels in _________ line.

Q.3 Write the function of these tools. (1x4= /4)

i. Scissors ___________________
ii. Spade ____________________
iii. Lever ____________________
iv. Hammer ____________________
Q.4 Write true and false (.25x4= / 1)

i. The moon is a big ball of fire.

ii. Refraction is the bouncing off of light rays.
iii. A lever is used to hoist the flag.
iv. Plier is hand tool used to hold objects firmly.

Q.5 .Read the statement and choose the correct option. (.25x4= / 1)

i.This is required to move an object.

 motion
 friction
 gravity
 force
ii. When something changes position, it is in .
 friction
 gravity
 acceleration
 force

iii. The greater the force, the lesser the change in the position of the object.

 True
 False
iv. _______ can be either a push or a pull.

 Force
 Operation
 Motion
 friction

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