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#17 above sent. 18 loading

oru gold :
#1 above sent. 2 loading

My Wife, I feel an incredibly large and genuinely wonderful feeling for you,
without which a person does not live,
but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me, and even more, you are
the one for which I live
and breathe. I love you, and I will love forever!

My Queen you looks like a bottomless ocean, in which I want to dissolve and forget
about everything...The sound of
your voice, like a melody for my heart, is sweet, gentle and magical. That's why I
love hearing it everyday. Your
voice and smile from this great distance changes everything so fast in my life. I
used to doubt love but ever since
i know you, i do believe in miracles, i now believe in Love and i believe in you.

i have more to say to you but right now let me stop here for another day and save
the best for the last



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