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technology its impact on your world of

work the world of work is constantly

changing 65 percent of children entering

primary school today will be doing new

jobs that don't yet exist technologies

that haven't yet been invented will

solve problems that aren't even problems

yet you are part of the fourth

Industrial Revolution technology is

changing quickly

it affects most things you do in life

and will impact how you work in the

future what you think is modern and

technologically advanced now might look

old and slow in five to ten years time

think about how the iPhone has changed

over the last 10 years so just imagine

what the future of mobile technology

could be new rules are emerging all the

time just think about the jobs of today

that didn't exist 10 years ago jobs such

as an app developer social media

consultant and 3d printing engineer some

of the tech predictions of the future

include 10% of the world's population

will be wearing clothes connected to the

Internet by 2026 smart clothing will be

available that changes color and shape

and keeps you cool or warm artificial

intelligence already exists among us in

our everyday lives and whilst they are

predicted to take some human jobs they

still need humans to control and program

them think about those in charge of

controlling space robots police robots

or controlling a robotic arm during

surgery within 15 years some things AI

and robots are expected to do include

driving cars shopping and cooking for us

some of the jobs we know today will be

considered being high risk for future

automation the jobs are there just in a

different and technological way

employees of the future need the skills

to do things that AI cannot easily do

critical thinking emotional intelligence

and creativity some of the digital

technology jobs that exist today include

cyber security specialists big data

analysts coders and software engineers

think digital technology jobs are on the

rise Wales is playing its part at the

cutting edge of new technology the

academy of robotics based at Aberystwyth

University is aiming to have their

driverless car go to deliver packages

ready for testing in 2018 comparison

creator income bron is developing the

latest software for leading comparison

websites such as go compare and confuse

comm opportunities to work in the

digital sector in Wales we'll be

expanding the digital sector in the UK

is creating jobs two times faster than

jobs in the non digital sector these

jobs are usually highly skilled and

highly paid the average advertised

digital salary in the UK is 51 thousand

pounds yet three and five businesses are

suffering a shortage of digital talent

and more than half say this talent gap

is on the rise have a think would you

like a career link to the digital world


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