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changes in any sector of the general

environment economic technological

socio-cultural and political or legal

eventually affect most organizations

each organization also has a specific

environment that is unique to that firms

industry and directly affects the way it

conducts day-to-day business customers

purchase products and services companies

cannot exist without customer support

monitoring customers changing needs and

wants is critical to business success

there are two basic strategies for

monitoring customers reactive and

proactive reactive customer monitoring

involves identifying and addressing

customer needs and problems after they

occur one reactive strategy is to listen

closely to customer complaints and

respond to customer concerns companies

that respond quickly to customer letters

of complaint that is reactive customer

monitoring are viewed much more

favorably than companies that are slow

to respond or never respond proactive

monitoring of customers means

identifying and addressing customer

needs trends and issues before they

occur competitors are companies in the

same industry that sells similar

products or services to customers

managers perform a competitive analysis

which involves deciding who your

competitors are anticipating competitors

moves and determining competitors

strengths and weaknesses surprisingly

managers often do a poor job of

identifying potential competitors

because they tend to focus only on two

or three well-known competitors with

similar goals and resources suppliers

are companies that provide material

human financial and informational

resources to other companies a key

factor influencing the impact and

quality of the relationship between

companies and their suppliers is how

dependent they are on each other buyer

dependence is the degree to which a

supplier relies on a buyer because of

the importance of that buyer to the


sails and the difficulty finding other

buyers of its products a high degree of

buyer or seller dependence can lead the

opportunistic behavior in which one

party benefits at the expense of the

other in contrast to opportunistic

behavior relationship behavior focuses

on establishing a mutually beneficial

long-term relationship between buyers

and suppliers whereas the political

legal component of the general

environment affects all businesses the

industry regulation component consists

of regulations and rules that govern the

practices and procedures of specific

professions advocacy groups are groups

of concerned citizens who band together

to try to influence the business

practices of specific industries

businesses and professions the members

of the group generally share the same

point of view on a particular issue the

public communications approach relies on

voluntary participation by the news

media and the advertising industry to

send out an advocacy groups message

media advocacy is much more aggressive

than public communications approaches

media advocacy approach typically

involves framing the group's concerns as

a public issues meaning they affect

everyone exposing questionable

exploitive or unethical practices and

creating controversy that's likely to

receive extensive news coverage a

product boycott is a tactic in which an

advocacy group actively tries to

persuade customers not to purchase a

company's product or service oftentimes

advocacy groups will combine media

advocacy with boycotts this not only

draws attention to concerns a group has

with the company's practices or its

products it also decreases the company's

revenue and profits


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