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The transportation plays a vital role in the field of supply chain it is called the heart of the supply

chain from raw material to finish goods and end to end it has imperative role. Transportation can be
defined as movement of materials and products from one place to another place to reach at the final
destination. It could be at consumer market, industrial market, and business market. Furthermore plants
and suppliers are widely scattered geographically and because products are rarely produced and
consumed in the same location, transportation plays a significant role in every supply chain.

To practice effective, cost efficient Logistics Management, an organization must lay the
foundation for a responsive, economical transportation network. With a responsive, economical
transportation network, an organization is able to implement major strategic changes to reduce costs and
increase customer service levels with very little disruption to the overall supply chain flow.

A responsive transportation network begins with end-to-end network visibility. Visibility allows
the business to centralize production operations to lower-cost areas without impacting customer service
levels, because any uncertainty within the network can be monitored and appropriately managed to keep
inventory levels as low as possible. When the appropriate tools to manage complexity and guarantee
visibility are in place, transportation provides an organization with the opportunity to continuously create
operational efficiency and improve the bottom lin-ultimately unlocking previously untapped value for
Therefore management of transportation has far more crucial role in supply chain as heart circulation of
blood in once body.

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