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Strategy - We read the numbers in reverse order Back to front

1. In the video example: in 1 and 2 and 3 example Downtrend .

The main thing is the first selective numbers and trend!

From video example

If the first number is greater than the deal number

We skip the correction and the second numbers can be of any color.

1.example 17 > 71 back to front it 71> 17 deal down

And if the second transaction number is greater, for example, xxxx.72, xxxx.73, xxxx.74, xxxx.75, xxxx.76,

xxxx.77, xxxx.78, xxxx.79- purchase- top

2 example. Trend downward.

The main thing is the first selective numbers and a tender!

From video example

If the first number is greater than the deal number

82 > 02, in reverse order 28 - 20 purchase - down

If the second figure would have fallen 29 purchase top


1. If the trend goes down, the first figures must be

reds , for example, the numbers are dropped: xxxx. 82 red read numbers you need to read in
reverse order - this is xxxx. 28 and if then in the same way the numbers fall out in the reverse order;
xxxx. 29th so go UP
And if the second numbers fall out: xxxx.27, xxxx.26, xxxx.25, xxxx.24, xxxx23, xxxx.22, xxxx.21 - we

make a purchase DOWN

3. An example from a video trend downward

02 - 62 in reverse it 20 - 26 purchase top

An example; the trend goes down the first digits must be red
drops out for example: xxxx. 56 red , we read the numbers in reverse order is xxxx. 65 and then the

second number also drops out: xxxx.64, xxxx.63, xxxx.62, xxxx61, xxxx.60 purchase DOWN and if it

falls out xxxx.66, xxxx.67, xxxx.68, xxxx.69 - purchase top .

With an uptrend, everything is the same only for turnover

It is better to choose a number to start the analysis and conclude a transaction at a broken level.
At the broken level, I wait for the correction to roll back and, in the course of the trend, select a number if the

trend is down reds numbers if top blue everything is simple

Important to remember

1. The trend is up, the first figures must be blue for example: xxxx. 37 blue (we read the numbers in reverse
order - this is xxxx. 73 and if then the numbers xxxx.71 or xxxx.72 also drop out in the reverse order, we make
a purchase top.

If it falls: xxxx.74, xxxx.75, xxxx76, xxxx.77, xxxx78, xxxx79 - then we buy DOWN .

2. When the trend falls, the first digits must be red, for example: xxxx. 46 red ( we read the numbers in
reverse order - this is xxxx. 64 and then it also drops out with a reverse: xxxx.61, xxxx.62, xxxx.63 -
means purchase DOWN .

If it falls: xxxx.65, xxxx.66, xxxx.67, xxxx.68, xxxx.69 - that means bid UP.

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