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Chapter 3 Assignment

Due Monday Feb. 24th

Read Chapter 3 then using MS WORD only, type answers for all 12 questions and drop it in Chapter 3 Drop Box in
OnCourse. All questions are worth 10 pts. each.

1. What is the Linux command that will change the name or location of a file?
The “mv” command

2. Name the three most common Linux command shells.

The Bourne again shell (BASH)
The korn shell (ksh)
The C shell (csh)

3. Why are shells better suited than C programs for some tasks?
These shells are made specifically to work within a Linux system, so they are more efficient then writing programs in C or Java.

4. What command will allow you to see your shell environment?


5. What command will change your shell? What command will allow you to see all the shells available? In which directory are
shells stored?
‘chsh’ to change your shell then ‘more /etc/shells’ to see what shells are available

6. What command will display all of the meta-characters?

What are the meta-characters that will:

1) terminate a process ^C

2) log a user out of a terminal session ^D

3) suspend a process ^Z

4) kill a process ^U

7. What are the six attributes that every file has?

Who has permissions to the file
The hard link
Owner of the file
The file size of the bytes
The date and time the file was last modified
Name of the file
8. In a bash shell, which command will change your shell prompt? Still in the bash shell, what file would you edit to
permanently change your shell prompt?
PS1 = “This is how you change it”

Edit the .bashrc file by typing nano .bashrc to change your shell prompt permanetly.

9. Using octal numbers, what is the command to change a directories permissions for all of the files in the directory that will
give the user read, write and execute permissions, the group read permission and others execute permission?
chmod 741 filename.txt

10. In a bash shell, how can you manually set the terminal to xterm?

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