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Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God


Through Predicaments Which Arise In Our Existence pg 1- pg 6

Humans Have Thirty-Three Vertebrae pg 6- pg 24

Save Me My Bird By The Window pg 24- pg 38

What Boundaries Do You Pray For pg 38- pg 49

Through Predicaments Which Arise in our Existence

As an inspiring writer, I’d like to explain how Predicaments which come up in our existence, can

provide the possibility for originality & innovation, and how I would use these experiences to

interpret to audiences the occurrences or unconventionality in human existence. Through

predicaments which arise in our existence some such predicaments prevent individuals from

assuming their absolute presence for situations where their presence and distracting which

causes self-possessions can hinder their possibilities. While attending classes @ the

Community College of Vermont (CCV) as a section of Dimensions of Work students were

required to read ‘The Alchemist,’ by Paulo Coelho, which in my interpretation parts gives

remembrance to how individuals with souls conquer their imperfect struggles to appreciate the

moment. When a situation arises in an individual life, which involves them with the inclination to

posses the situation, and interpret it into how it can coincide with what they believe they can live

up to it, can un-compose them to the extent of causing interpretations preventing them from

breathing (metaphor), especially when the conclusion they come to about the situation refuses

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

to coincide with their orientation. These situations can become something uncomfortable for the

individual if not frightening because of how seemingly ‘off’ in terms of how society's normal

functions are interpreted by the individual, as unconventional as what occurred seemed to them,

which brings disconcerting emotions though if disconcerting could ever be considered an

emotion, it is an emotion which is disagreeable to terms.

When I was sitting in the front seat of my father's pickup in the front of my grandparents

house in the accompaniment of a possum which my grandfather had caught because it was

eating the tomato plants, as we were bringing the animal to the Mongaup to release the animal

to freedom in the wild, I comprehended something. When someone's trying to understand the

circumstances behind someone's image up say their grandmothers (both of my lady

grandparents are important in their positive journey, both sweethearts, who I continue to have

respect for hoping within the guidance of how much I believe they deserve it in a great stance)

to what situation would make someone comfortable in their demeanor, would have to be only

particular situations. However there are situations which may or may not be uncomfortable in

itself, something could arise as perhaps the angry grumbling so far a garbage truck which could

surmise, an considering what you were thinking at the moment of the angry grumbling,

uncomfortable feelings as though your thoughts were sexual tension related, when wishing they

were nothing of that composition and I cannot emphasize how uncomfortable when the

circumstances of a situation coincides in such behavior that the mere coincidence of

happenings overlapping in such inappropriate timing someone can become very uncomfortable

in calamity. When the garbage truck drove through the street at that moment I hadn't been

affected to the extent which would have been, had my thoughts not been on something else that

was causing a distraction though the dread that it could have was enough to have to overcome

it. If a more uncomfortable situation had arose I would have felt consumed at such an extent

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

that and cornered in such an uncontested way, that I wouldn’t have known whether I could have

brought my head above water as conveniently.

When someone's overcoming circumstances which brought about something incommodious,

their thoughts are preoccupied with understanding in a way to overcome, there's no room for

conversation, with family or being preoccupied with something intellectual. And when the radio's

playing that seemingly personal song you can’t integrate your thoughts with, you're holding out

knowing you need the opportunity to overcome. When we arrived at the Mongaup, down 97

North the person in the seat in front of me (my wonderful brother and I mean that because he’s

precious to me) didn't assist me with opening the door for me, being stuck behind the front seats

as a passenger to exit the pick-up because he was unsure if I was coming out, or forgot about

me for whatever reason, as though he thought I wasn’t interested in witnesisng the possoms

departure. Though I knocked on the door, my means of overcoming were to climb over the

passenger seat, because when there’s something preventing us from getting somewhere, we

overcome it. Though my dad mentioned me over to where they released the opossum and I said

something along the lines of ‘he’s free now,’ I probably would have mentioned more about it

though because I wasn’t entirely over the situation which happened before hand though partially

I was, I wasn’t in the position to be immersed in the moment. However otherwise I would have

been in awe and compassion towards this possums being let free in the wild, continuing with a

special life- that only he’s allowed to live, and bring happiness to those members of a family he's

striving to find, within his own environment, while still staying alive. Eventually I wrapped my

head around the situation coming to an understanding of what the problem were, and how it

wasn’t intendmeant, and had everything to do with the wrong circumstances, and as this was

understodd it provided me to carry forth with orientation.

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

Someone may assume we've all been encumbered by something, this particular way in one

moment or another, besides whether it's as troublesome as my situation could have been

because there were prolonged periods I’ve been encumbered by something, things on my head

which has prevented me from the moment; perhaps general happenings though I’ve come to

learn how to overcome those situations in an improved way. It’s awful discouraging yourself

when you’re encumbered with uncomfortable thoughts, because often you’re waiting to

overcome them, so you can continue being in the moment. It’s important to remember we’ll

eventually have the opportunity to overcome them and eventually be in orientation with

ourselves. What I bring out of these predicaments, is to incorporate to them into my writing,

because I aspire to communicate to others, though not necessarily the situation which arose

with my own issues, but a various amounts of situations whether people aren’t incommodious of

their situation. Necessarily when someone has an ability to look back on the situation with

understanding however uncomfortable they were, one can strive forward bringing their idea of

the positivity they need because of the unconventional-ness of the situation: And they will grow

to bring interesting ideas, and combat negativity with positivity.

As the Traveling Wilburys said in ‘End of The Line, ‘You can’t sit around and wait for the

phone to ring, at the end of the line, waiting for someone to tell you everything at the end of the

line, sit around and wait for the phone to ring, at the end of the line, waiting for someone to tell

you everything at the end of the line, sit around and wonder what tomorrow will bring, at the end

of the line.’ When it comes to living in the present moment, don't wait around for the phone to

ring, as the song goes, and someone else tell you something, as perhaps its time to start being

interactive with your environment when the time comes where you’re comfortable and capable

of interacting within the present moment, and be thankful. When you’re preoccupied with some

circumstance you have to come to an understanding with your thoughts, hopefully without

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

dwelling on them for extended periods of time if it prevents you from being in the moment,

where everyone prefers to be. However everyone can improve and become better. In the

Alchemist it’s written “ When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we

strive to become better than we are everything around us becomes better too.” (Coelho) It’s

important to appreciate when we're in synch with our environment and our relationships with

other people as well as our improvements in thought and how we learn from our circumstances.

Another written quote from the story the Alchemist is ‘We are travelers on a cosmic journey,

stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have

stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious

moment. It is little parenthesis in eternity’ (Coelho). We need to remember today is today &

tomorrow is tomorrow. Let’s live in the present as a party, while celebrating all times

remembering our past, and anticipating what will come, although we may not know what it will

be. However this does not mean we shouldn’t learn from the situations we overcome, and

become an improved person because of them, because we’ll understand there is room for

inadvertence so, though we shouldn't forget to feel some sort of anticipation for the future.

Hopefully, though ,these predicaments overwhelming me and preventing me from positive

orientation will cease, as I strive to become a successful entrepreneur & career as a creative

writer, because everyone can improve from different situations, and eventually become

improved at being in the present moment, able to be interactive within the environment.


Coelho, Paulo The Alchemist, San Francisco: Harper San Fransisco. 1993. Print.

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

Humans Have Thirty-Three​ Vertebrae

When you wonder what life is for another or how much they are broken: Does one attempt to

heal them or wake them, not to come running. Was this specific creation for the worst

orientation & something lingering in confines.

[and one must remember humans have the ability to save animals in difficult situations; even in

everyday life ones, there able to bring their animals to a veterinarian to remove the discomfort

with the mites in their ear: bringing the end to excess scratching at what they are unable to cure


Before it's too late it was believed one never needed them. However much the one needed

them but one didn't feel they’d be welcome. To scream this. Please! Please…..but who ever

doesn't want to get in someone's way. Why not? If it will make a difference in a child's life: fight

for that child who needs you, don't ignore and leave them in misery please for their role in


As a metaphor let’s search into the idea of a human child on the edge of being impressionable

comparing the recently born elephant to the human mammal dying for something resembling

compassion to be brought along the bend no matter what pregnancy birth defect which was

organized; this causes discomfort when it's life isn’t productive enough to recover, as its kin’s

companion (its parent grieving the birth defect) having compassion to heal family members. The

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

result is in consideration as a birth defect where it lacks the energy to drink its mother's milk,

because of a disability (‘please please drink this milk, my dear elephant) within a human

mammal resulting with insecurities of an abductees average life which may be compared to the

complex social network of 21st century elephant community youth. The human mammal is

hoping to be nourished, as such a human searches out for guidance and direction; they look for

someone who knows how to show they care, and get them out to conquer the unconventional

with wonderful direction and promising situations.

Not only a nice fragrance which lasts only something like a few weeks: Love must be shown

to bring a kid into happiness, please still buy your children a fragrance which keeps them feeling

nourished spiritually, and confident: or for an elephant a nice watering hole.

[However remember she’s an angle.]

-Take action today. Go out of your way.-

There are many- misunderstandings- one which perhaps prevents a young creature (say

elephant) which was meaning to bring that light in their, as well as others lives, which needs

proper background support in order to get the message into the light, however these obstacle

courses which keeps them back; these are necessarily misunderstandings even when life has


These obstacles when we're talking about these ways which are believed to be the best way

to bring up someones children in the parents view (say they were part of an experiment to allow

their children to grow without teaching them necessary messages, because they believed they

will make as little impact as possible to see how their children would naturally grow up, ignoring

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

signs of mental illness) and these experiments within a child's life which are part of society, are

not necessarily the correct options. That’s this elephant's individual problems, as other individual

elephants around consider these problems and weather they’re in the situation to help, as

they’re giving these opportunities except something holds them back into a depression as they

worry what they may lose.

There are possibilities: however these envelopments within a child’s life, which are part of

society, beatiful white lies, which keep their inspiration growing in a present tense within the

moment which enlightens their life with wonderments, should be hopefully available, but ignored

when a child is too shy. There may have at one point in the past been opportunities, which one

was unable to grasp onto, however eventually the promise of their inspiration will come to not

future, but present tense where they come back to these wonderments creating their own life,

(with support from an organized system within beautiful wrinkles of elephants).

The opportunities, such as easter or christmas, which are beatiful white lies within a child’s

life, even considering what keeps their inspiration growing in a present tense within the moment

which enlighten their life with wonderments. These sort of orientations which children have

within and the orientation around them when these- imaginary stories- can bring them into such

joy, it's a way to be (in esse) within their moments which makes life so magical which can only

be brought to children with such orientation within them. If children are capably of such joy, it's

miserable sin not to allow them the freedom of wonderment.

The Angel, God brought you, loves to consider such things as the easter bunny as they learn

consideration and positive thoughts towards another, and once in awhile a visit from their

younger sister dressing up in a ghost costume to cause momentarily fright within healthy

children, who believe in ghosts on Halloween.

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

What if one's life was a mind game developed by scientists (or a very rich indign) as an

experiment. This does not mean one will be treated well, or given the love they deserve in their

mere development, and the spirit of their youth. [[Is it possible to play mind games with your

children: and is it necessary: how much do loved ones mini children love to hunt for Easter

eggs? However that’s not that dangerous and isn’t like an indign’s experiment.) What if one’s

mind game was developed by evil spirits themselves, and it were miserable being put down

unnecessarily and unintentionally. By the parents being controlled by the Evil, bringing

uncomfortable thoughts because of what’s said unthoughtfully and they’re neglected at the

same time, wondering where their real family is because being in this situation it couldn’t

possibly mean they were supposed to be with that family, as they suffer, and the suffering is

brought into their underdeveloped personality.]] The children, within their confused minds

yearning for protection from these negative thoughts hoping for a change within of scarce

feelings, and no one in the family knew it (they really were individuals who had hearts they just

didn't know the complicated uncomfortable child who needed extra assistance from outside the

family dynamics).

[[However apart from them, it can be noted the action of God keeping those in line but

therefore life wasn't ruined by evil putting down those who will be important Angles: they still

thrive within a life worth the struggle (even if the past will not change), considering eventually

the future will come.

This mind-game would cause a child, within it’s confused mind, yearning for protection from

these negative thoughts hoping for a change with a scarce feeling within it’s environment, only

waiting for improvements, wondering why there can’t be positivity: where's the positivity: where's

the positivity?

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

What if instead that child was an animal: an infant Elephant believing depression will take its

life away and believing he won't make it in the world: Do humans in the thousands come rushing

to help? No: instead those who are after a lump of searchable Ivery cash would come to kill her

family for their ivory horns and polluted their precious fresh water with chemicals, because they

live their life, with many types of petroleum chemicals.

They could have healed this elephant instead, however this seems impossible, this

elephant story is reality and comes by real-life representation of an elephant’s story, who wasn’t

able to capture its mother's milk for whatever complication. Thankfully there are humans who

are interested in elephants as mammals of Mother Earth to be respected, and continue

reproduction to increase the amount of elephants considering the dwindling numbers of dead

elephants because of the continuation of the Ivory Market within Asia and around the world


They protect: how wonderful is that world so eff'n ineffable wonderful when there’s those

people so so motivated to be able to make it necessary to save wildlife, even the youngest fox

with its beautiful living tail [in a world where going back to the elephants there's so much

inconsideration and cruel nature from animal poachers.]

With the baby elephant struggling to survive, the humans had no other choice but to trap

her and bring her away to heal her, for they knew if they weren't able to convince her to drink

the powdered moisten milk moisture which would have been specifically targeting the nutrients

the baby elephants need to transform into those angles they were meant to be (as though there

was no such things as elephant poachers, but that still doesn't necessarily mean the elephants

aren’t angles, it just mean they reached their full potential when this was what the elephant

deserved as God's initial plan for it was to be an angle-and as long as God’s initial plan for it

were just that) where they can consider humans as creatures to be respected with the thought

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

to not harm them because of tragic event happening to their loved-one, and leaving them

traumatized by the advancement towards humans.

These other caretakers of elephants mentioned, how the young elephant, whom its relative

elephants watched over with such heart ache and pain especially the mother elephant in not

knowing how to take care of her, they knew she would only survive say figuratively twenty-four

to forty-eight hours.

The humans captured the young elephant against her will considering her traditional natural

instincts, as they brought her to their stand post, within an elephant proof cage (or hopefully

elephant proof enough for a calmed down elephant that would be contained in a place they find

safety, at least, or if and when additional containment is necessary the cage would’ve been built

with whatever possibility of what it should be used for, effectively to keep it contained) with a

successful outcome giving the situation. They made connections with the young elephant who

made bounds with them, considering that elephants bond through all five senses, as they would

in the wild: smelling all over them with and exploring their facial features, etz. Someone was

near the elephant the whole length of her recovery in order for the effects of loneliness not to

cause stress & heartache from not enough comfort, and acquaintances growing on a friendly

sort of individual- which includes humans as noticed, to obtain company. So: there was a

successful outcome giving the situation. The young elephant learned from the company of

humans how to have the desire and capability to drink from constant supervision. The majority

of people don’t have the right to say they have seriously helped an elephant recover but of

course they can watch a video on some sort of database by using some sort of much

impressive networking of searching for the video through key terms and become inspired

through a video about a young elephant.

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

One elephant out of a hundred, and in a bittersweet symphony she survived to live another

day, as those who were in her immediate family were so enthusiastic and thankful towards whos

ever child was brought into an orientation where she was healed to live around those other

animals who loved her for the opportunity she would now have within the elephants family

dynamics, reunited with her mother, and her two older sisters.

The Holly saved her!!!

When was one sorted out. Like this one person will be directed towards another and the other to

them as family are searching for thethem wanting to be best for them and therefore they’re

loyal. The family dynamics will greet the child species: the hybrid family. Where’d this girly one

come from and you loved her but knew not of what misery to become: tweet tweet tweet tweet

the bird cried but never explained her true feelings: she tweeted thoughts tweeting in her head:

so she knew what she needed and was stubborn because otherwise her personality wouldn't

survive, to obtain this, because she were so shy and trapped in ashamed unnecessary

complicated mental confusion and pain, and uncomfortable doubt that it were impossible to

explain her problems. If only she tweet tweeted louder.

The blue-jay was the spiritual guide within this situation: listen to the birds instincts as they

sing their own percussion without an interpreter or conductor to teach/to help bring a significant

amount of precious time, in order to become the organizer of keeping such an individual's

wonderful Talent’s within a source to encourage individualized honors which will record the

beauty of the moment to be appreciated for centuries……..hold on a moment the bird is an

individual and their sound, which was brought from their hearts so naturally sweet, and be

prepared to learn from them (their beautiful song will never be repeated again, as one failed to

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

record the voices within the birds precious lyrics of only sounds sung without a proper way to

make a difference to many whichever minute or hour, within their week or month).

Was there a bird struggling? If only she tweet tweeted louder: she never believed she would

be old enough to have strength when she’s Broken, and carry on forgetting her previous posts

and raving to others for being in her life & saving her to the most promising ability of such

wonderful lashes: “Jouie de mots” the unspeakable is finally speakable. However much to

describe is the opposite of ineffable: meaning it's too miserable to talk of and hard to


[But remember she’s an angle!!!]

[Remember considering this bird was acutally a metephore for a particular human] What saved

her? Her SPOA apartment, her father's cousin, open mics, her therapist/ her, boyfriend and her

soul fighting for what is right in justice for herself, and the significant God (her father) Angles, for

this indivisual was me.

The most wonderful genes whose are these?: one’s able to recognize who their reliant upon for

genes combination; Memere and Pa & Grandma & Grandpa not just anyone in the family,

considering not having the facts of DNA samples proving everything about her heritage right in

front of her.

They were birds locked in a cage. However they are pretty high up in age, so that could explain

the the troubles which was aged: hopefully any of these aged souls were saved to go

peacefully, through God's salvation. Is it the medication, GMOS or bad-Karma which prevented

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

this; hopefully there's opportunities those sweethearts to be prevented by uncomfortable old

age: hopefully no GMO’s because that can be prevented in the future!

Jealous of her cousins. For they had such wonderful Parents. The same

women carried those wonderful Genes in her very birthing tool: the mother of Pa’s (in my

perception it's comfortable enough for those involved to write freely, which means some

breakthroughs sure have been made since years ago, considering the individual's history) who

braved on and became the Grandpa of the Divine grandchildren, however yet troubled

themselves with their own troubles. Perhaps one just hopes it’s not that way and it's different.

This precious elephant is holding on to his last strings,

With the Genes that come from him

( )

_( )_

( )

( )


Note that being someone with extreme excellence considering somebodies opinion out there,

comes into play, and somebody edging on discomfort one must considering there's variety in

many different aspects and personalities of orientation, benefits and drawbacks of everyone,

what someone must accept, and what someone can change necessarily. So besides

considering these things such as besides the true genes as well as the environment of family

dynamics one must be considering possibly the negatives how does radiation come in (or

perhaps do the child's mind is damaged from whether the mother was drinking or on medication,

or from physical impact from being dropped as a child), being as radiation is just as depleting

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

perhaps worse than genetically modified foods (and considering your opinion there quite a big

deal), or perhaps radiation gets rid of the positive energies in your bodies, leaving God to guide

someone if they're meant to make any difference in the environment, or be worthless.

Wonderful Genes?????





[Considering cousins specifically as proff if they were truly her family of course] The beautiful

young elephant had wonderful genes (if not necessarily she believed this completely

considering those certain people in an immediate relationship in her family in certain incidents,

but throughout the family it were seemingly true) and those whom she (no families perfect,

however taking care of oneself can bring one's own beauty and fight off misunderstandings to

show strength within anybody with the right orientation and environmental actions of what

influences someone how they fight off the negativity, and develop their personality. Even the

ugly genes can be fought of necessarily as one can prove themselves) shared the genes with

wonderred about her, as her elephant Aunts and Uncles, elephant cousins and sisters were

studying the young elephant, as though they were considering her for acceptance into the

family: an individualized baby who’s going to find contentment and acceptance important in her

youth as a baby elephant, in order to develop socially. While her new family bonds are an

important complete aspect of functionality to consider in times of sweet beauty waiting to have

her natural shyness as a youngin’ waiting along the protection lines, the lines of her

impressionable yet what brings her into her growth (however all this only if she’s lucky enough

to be accepted and others know they’re needed in her life, and not that she’s so shy she’s

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

desired, but ignored and feels lonely unnecessarily): Hopefully in the ideal situation of an

elephant with beautiful wrinkles, with cousins, aunts, siblings, uncles, fathers, mothers with

beautiful wrinkles, however having witnessed those with miserable wrinkles, to keep one on

their toes, however it’s so complicated considering different elephant personalities, that it’s not

necessarily ugly vs beautiful, writing this, but wrinkles depicting personalities which appeases

another personality but not just every: there are group signs like any congregation. So hopefully

in the ideal situation from someone hopefully being strong within her mother’s protection and

healing and raising nature, and within these limits she grows, so this is necessary for those who

raised this individual, that they aren’t considered in her eyes as immature outcast as she

becomes uncomfortable with those who claim they are her owner, however she claims she were

adopted in necessity. Perhaps this is why she didnt originallly take her mothers milk. However

from her natural new nature-beauty as a youngin’ waiting for the attention that awaits her for her

growing years as a child as she learns through her natural personality as well as her learned

personality combined from different reactions, and how she fits into the social competition within

her mammal life. Hopefully. As a youngin she is still yearning for that protection and bonding

time with those of her same rank as she accepts her status in the hope to her, personality is

important within the jumbled family dynamics. Boundaries which will heal her spirit, and provide

necessarily social reaction with spiritual and mental growth. Again as she hopes for her

necessity in her life with a facial expression and tension and flexibility with her wrinkles like

laugh lines: which are all thought too condescending within high society within human

population, from the idea from the anti-wrinkle foundation seeming like another beauty ritual

which must be used spiritually, regardless to other elephants wrinkles are beautiful. And Instead

they show the character within them which was allowed to prosper from the complicated social

patterns within an elephant’s society such is noticed from the elephant community; the character

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

that brings even the most struggled elephant into beauty from their unique character identity of

these wrinkles, and what they have gone through in order to overcome the everyday and into a

field of passion to overcome and learn the complexity still within them waiting to be an important

decision maker within the family, even if only suggestions discussed with the Matriarch of

elephant society, as they show their problem solving skills. Her personality [the lines of the

wrinkles] [like the wrinkles of human feet: have you ever felt the beautiful wrinkles on your feet]

is sketched throughout her individual sized growth within society learned behaviors from her

opinions based on her natural personality and what compels her from the social interactions

from the other members of her elephant society bringing light to her personality and ability she

were giving to make her growth into this personality, bringing compassion and motivation for life.

Again hopefully.

Her personality is etched with wrinkles throughout her whole elephant lines within her facial

features to her beautiful ankles and extremities of soul.

Wonderful Namesake

The lucky ones kept that namesake

The worst of them couldn't even be blamed (blame the humans for killing of elephants) for their


Beautiful Genes?

Then how did one live that way

It's difficult to believe Twins who grow up away from each other & guidance by a different

character of influence with polarity on either side of the spectrum, that you still want to believe

they end up with husbands with the same 1st name, or as great of quality on human occupation:

come on there’s going to be split occupation & skin organized in various different ways.

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

The elephants have a father and a mother who are different from thier children even though

there related.


What about a noble educated high performance athlete, in a full-out athletic costume​. And the

women & children insist on matching pink, and for this reasons he does, even if his family

doesn't believe so it's wonderfully considerate how he paid an extra dime or two for cotton

outfits (out of in the moment consideration) for that's the ideal fabric he comforts them with by

manners of important clothing (which shows he has consideration): however his polyester suit

isn't the most comfortable………….’please God help him’, while the father feels left out: why

can’t we all wear matching clothing: that comfortable clothing, how come I couldn't find

consideration for myself? However I will be strong within the discomfort with mental fortitude, for

the positive cotton to comfort my deserving family [for that's not meant only materialistically,

because theres meaning involved as in an offering to his famiy of benevolence.] So as said he

has the strength within the discomfort (because me as the author that's one of the amazing

skills I'd pray the heavens for to have such wonderful mental fortitude).

[People can be forced to wear the same clothing another bought, or even if they bought it

themselves they can be forced to wear them (or actually they couldn’t if they insisted to wear

only one of their outfits all of the time) However after considering what, if what the outfits he got

them, they were disappointed in: they must live with that mistake, or be forced to buy more

clothing and consider whether there’s financial security which can be appropriated to the cause

to improve one’s wardrobe.

When there's such things as decision making and freedom of the Holy Spirit, and

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

bodily form based on desires of dieting for beauty: for one in one household will be different in

another household (but it were already put in places what clothes you picked out. But he loves

his family so much. Also considering he found he loves to wear pink because it shows he has a

soft side to cure his skepticism which is something a straight man may even synthesize with,

and wear something feminine to remove otherwise stressful skepticism. [His wife didn't

understand. Is he a homosexual? His wife always wondered, but she refused to believe it]. (Just

because something seems one way, doesn't mean it is) (So that means before you go judge

someone with your ideas about these individuals from the way the situation appears while

someone's dealing with a specific situation, or whatever idea ones picking up from this person

one may not come to a full negative attitude towards that person, because there's things one

can never assume to something unless they have complete proof, but it doesn't hurt to be

cautious in questionable situations.]

Vain girls do much poorer off in extreme misery as the guy/ tom boy, because the guy/tom boy,

accepts when necessary but also fights.

No that’s male clothing says the female email, no that’s female clothing said the male email.

What do the parents say: let her suffer in silence: let her alone, for she’ll grow strength. Then

how come you failed your life quest, to wish her the best, AND communicate that to her?

The vain girl in the misery is stubborn for her bestlife…….but it didn't come till she were an

adult, as she looks towards the summer, praying this summer will be a good one, because of

the misery involved when coming back to school with the idea their was no saving grace from

misery within her summer, how many more years will this misery go on, because it's too much

already, and if she knew how long she might have been more drastic to end it. When will she

have a summer she enjoyed with events shes proud to gossip about when returning to school,

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

so she doesn't feel the stress of missing out? However if she knew when it was over the

productivity she would accomplish, and the idea of forgiveness, and sympathy, would become

part of her, as she forgets her past like creating a negative vibe towards it like radiation erasing

it all out, and forgiving her family for the neglect and dissociation towards the needs they didn't

realize she had. As well she felt she became unbelievably talented as she dreamed of

becoming an influential writer, and accumulated an interesting, more productive and cultured life

within society. As well she prays to God for herself and others positively.

Elephant skin isn’t about the color: consider elephants more beyond their color;

however, trade lives with the elephant, and it’s spirit would be experiencing the thinking: No

that's male clothing says the female email, no that's female clothing said the male email; and

your spirits within the elephant's body would be experiencing thinking. The elephant perhaps

would communicate: the most important aspect of my appearance is my own individual skin

within my own characteristics of wrinkles, showing the importance of my social encounters: as

I’m proud of each one of those wrinkles.

However to humans perhaps elephants seem ugly fat, and unpleasantly ugly, however that

doesn't mean they deserve the harassment and suffering of being killed for their Ivory tusks, or

being dissociated socially between each other, or harassed by humans in any way, because the

animal creatures, who just are who they are and need to be appreciated as such, considering

they don't necessarily bother humans. They should be left alone to associate with their own kind

within the wilderness: associating with other elephant creatures, appeasing only those who they

happened to appease, considering some humans love elephants, and elephants happened to

be their favorite animal, considering elephants were my grandmother's favorite animal.

How about back to the strength of an athletic family who hold high standards and put in place

design of an individual into orientation.

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

[It’s either too much or not enough]

Elephants have arguments which leads to conflict & consideration.

Those who he raised with his hands…….STRENGTH:​ everyone should have the opportunity

towards their own kind of strength: may I say that again: their own kind of strength/everyone

should have the opportunity: Whatever ways to gain what person they hope to be, originally or

within the right orientation they believe they’re able to be. A strength they hold onto and grow

from. In their own (unconventional, awkward in shape, loved, failed, redirected, ridiculed,

wanting to live in their best orientation most of their moments, reasonably) a troubled life, for

amongst a troubled life people can reform.

The thought I’m important: whatever anyone else's says or how: they must hold on to

something: I know it's within me. Someone might be an amazing biologist but give them the only

option of being a stewardess and they’d sit back down and pray.

………..As they cry their eyes out at these claws gripping at em pressed and unfolded

stewardess dress, as they can't function without ripping the hair out of her head and screaming

to be taken back to the ground Immediately…………..

- As the whole Airplane passengers pray for their might, traveling fears come to life as

something like an every day’s fold old period which has become distracted, has been brought

on. Something serious is happening (hey any general person can get paranoid), demanding to

be informed as the Airlines blame this on the young stewardess, and she must have

consequences. [When God looks into her eyes he believes she deserves redemption].

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

The kind lawyer says: “But she was supposed to be a biologist & work with plenti luscious plants

and gorgeous animals who are unbelievably spiritual and bring goodness because their Gods

Angels: whom she strives to learn about and lean on to take care of the ecosystem by fighting

for the lives of animals and the environment. [and comfortable clothing, weather fashionable or


Not fussing with hyped up demanding ungrateful Airplane travelers which she feels she's not

socially apt to deal with the situation. As the sweat pours off her greasy body and her

unshowered dry hair curls up frizzy because her schedule requires a lot of tolerance to be

accommodated with and so demanding of perfect time that her body remakes & reeks of sweat

and anxious inferiority complex brought on by the strain of everyday orientation around her.

And if only someone were there to tell her, her ‘adult body is flattening and the pink blush

complements your skin and even with fuzzy hair (which just brings voluptuous volume making

you substantial and you should compliment yourself for your natural beauty which shows even

without brushing your hair (& of course your gorgeous freckles): (however I would advise you to

brush your hair even brushing it with your fingers if your hair looks better that way because it

doesn't flatten it out and take away the volume) your bright blue eyes are so beautiful and

reflective, and the sparkle of reflection shows a wonderful position of humanity (especially) for

when those individuals who are important people…………..) Because that's how people

honestly saw her in her natural beauty in great circumference!

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

[In their own acquaintances & friends & family however much their lives are important hopefully

for even the most unique of hearts ​‘without the worst of us getting the best of us.’​ (but it is a

common phrase,) but once they get on an Airplane their demanding noisy mouths to feed &

bring their drinking water too, one of these beige hairless people with the snapping gum and

cracking knuckles & once were immature (in one of the negative ways of being uncalled for

which is brought from spite or lack of explanation and consideration, for what appears to be

something interesting) as the other stewardess mentions ‘and by the way I’m taking a break,

could you have a conversation with the couple in seat AB546 about their commotion & mention

they will be written up and taken to the quiet room to sit in their bitter unimportant energies

before the rest of the patients get too cranky and tired: offer them some sedatives, I’m sure you

know what kind of people I mean cause well it's the kind you…………….well never mind just go

tend to them: oh my head keeps banging: by the way you look like a mess: you’re certainly not

as pretty or as put together when I first met you’[even though she were naturally beautiful] keep

it together from now on because I may need to write you up if this continues.”

[‘If only I could just mutter the word Bitch but I can't even do that I’d lose my job. oh my I’m

about to have a nervous breakdown’, she thought.]

…………… such as she was never supposed to be within the unconventional restless life of

a life in an itchy recycled & restyled styrofoam stewardess uniform:

”This is not a beautiful life” she complains in her head!, mentioned the stewardess “I’d rather be

in nature:” ​In nature I can be myself. In nature I see beauty and even if I’m one of these pink

hairless people with the snapping gum to clean my teeth, [​ hoping for comfortable clothes she

looks beautiful in] ​at least I am one who is planning on learning from nature with C for

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

conservative reasons to help protect, heal, and encourage animals to still survive and thrive

without their beautiful forests being reformed into grasslands (​ where ticks can multiply and

multiply as the deer walk amongst them and then find its way to the human as she’s catching

Lymes disease: however after being bedridden for a couple years she becomes strong from

various different ethnic herbal remedies to the point where she conquered everything and can

now continue her work and specially/ sophistically and gradually, with very much consideration

& practice & practice how much she wanted to be a biologist@ age forty-eight (let's say to be

considerate): oh so she's a late bloomer: that's ok because she practices until she's her ultimate

being in her place within the seeming artificial, beige skin clothed Humans who love to find

beauty in everything but not those who could care less if all trees were chopped down & oxygen

started to become artificially produced. What a depressing world :​Bring Nature Back​:

conservation/ participation/population control/environmentalism/ A heart for change: If you take

away the biologist Environment you take away the other species environment: God created

more species than one: how many of God's creations do you care about and support the

rebuilding of their forest homes (how many millions of species are out there besides people &

how many of them do you care about?????): why not start planting trees where land has

deforested many of God's creations in this world, however angels (animal spiritual guides:

Jinnys) hoping to accompany people to guide them to their full potential in bringing them

positive silent occupation of communication towards what important people they will be able to

become: brought here to save Mother Nature [but before the polluters control it]- We better hope

Diseases aren’t bringing ultimate destruction:

​However Remember Animals Are Angels

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

And if we give leftover operations to save Mother Earth and come and repair what our race

(considering a human is reading this and they didn't come and destroy the earth with their Alien

diseases) have destroyed before it’s too late [with scientists/politicians/

[Humans] and's the general population)

only concerned with Mother Nature by doing what will help her we give her the ability to heal]: all

the creatures/ angels will come together to heal the earth if only Humans give them the

opportunity, so each individual can be their healthiest most compelling as they can be in

environmentally appreciation towards others, within their positively environmentally positive

lives, and encouragement of environmentally friendliness will arise in nature for its most positive

impression towards growth, and possibility in greatest orientation of being.

Save Me My Bird By The Window

So there was unfocused eyes and notions and glances of obsession. Everything is in its own

devotion, and this may only continue on with proliferation it there's truth to it, and everyone has

their own power as an owner or necessary devotion and then control, understanding, and

promising thoughts for another, so it's important to believe in truth for it, however every situation

is different) (there's being yourself with obsession but as well the immature individuals youth

[which to some never leaves pray for their soul] [If their the immature meaning violent insollence

and intollerence, I hope they don't damage too many of a precious pet rabbit and miniature

poodle Chawawa mix or less or more] [My grandfather only wants the best for his dear mixed

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

breed Charlie but I worry on these dark nights of a comfort with grandpa and grandson doggy

please precaution: please wear orange on your long late night walks in the dangerous streets,

because they need it to bring awarness of their presence, however remember they saved each

other (not everyone can do that for each other)]. When my grandfather is missing, my

grandmother, he know she's moving on as we all must do, as he appreciates his former lovely

lady as he paid an emotional price for her promise everyday, even when they had their own


When she leaves he's interested in her by noticeable devotion, (even within the commotion

of chatter remaining on whether he noticeably acted on a regular timed schedule of when it's

necessary to take medication specifically on time or spend time healing the soul with the sleep

that lasts fifteen more minutes, with a circadian personality of slow but comfortable position,

and/or whether it's important enough to put hearing aids in) he should be blessed (when

possibility to consider) within a spiritual devotion throughout that life, as each individual awakes

to their self acquired and organize life among other individuals, human life brought on by Mother

Nature (however much no ones as perfect as they should be considering all human beings sins

towards Mother Nature within human beings orientation, becoming selfish, and politics

supporting agribusiness, etc etc life is going down hill for support of God’s creations within the

wilderness and including human beings society, considering their non-environmentally friendly


Grandpa only wants to be by grandmothers side (as in the last of their years they stood by

each others side, hopefully with not failing to understand each other's patterns and instead

continuing devotion from the beginning [hoping without commitment issues as though they

needed to confirm to negative association from being trapped within a dependent cycle. This

was not it]. Everyone hopes to believe in each other and those around their environments

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

orientation to think positively towards them, for they would rather not believe in things being

worse off in orientation, but if they were completely aware of something wrong with their lifelong

frined, they would either, [with outrage from them enough to explain a way out of that miserable

position],[OR], in all ineffable positions of power and ability necessarily of independence help

someone stuck in a situation considering their dependence to heal, Or climb mountains for

them, for, for them their problems are not problems, yet if their problems they have similar


Except in wonderful hopefully delusions of souls only complementing each other grandma

was the love of grandpa's life & when she leaves, (he forgives her for everyone is infused with

embarrassing heigene once in a while, and Mother Nature, and fears ill-development, however

everyone has a sense of looking through a different looking glass, with eye of the beholder for

bringing her passion, and he forgives her for the flaws and she forgives him for his flaws even

through struggles) (Many an individual would feel spiritual and hoping for religious commitment,

however every relationship is different and this must be considered) that there souls were

connected in this spiritual way within the body's specifically chosen by God to improve their

beautiful life together, however believing spirits continue after the physical life to join their family

members is a beautiful thought in all hopefulness, praying for peace and comfort coming with

their own discretion, (people should never be forced in spiritual life with each other unless that

beautiful life is true, and there's mental comfort and commitment). (This is no prediction or

nothing necessary to brand any specific people to including my grandparents who I would only

want to respect and believe they had that beautiful life, however this does not mean just

anything can be predicted). No life should leave too soon when trapped in a spiderweb of

negate ties between being trapped in negative disposition because of others wishing the worst

for them as their trapped within this spiderweb of a curse: it was in the corner and (an everyman

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

Joe human taking on the difficulties following a metaphorical cage of negativity, putting himself

in the position of Gods Angle doing his beautiful dirty work and guardianship to correct the

situation is beautifully) (For the angles best orientation’s intentions). How being taking down the

spiderweb reaching into the corner with a broom, and saved the beautiful monarch butterfly

meeting as close as he could, until heaven sorts them out for a new spiritual life, by a different

position, finding life.

As I’ve been informed that you mentioned, after your soul mates passing, you believed it was

your time to pass as well in a respectable way to be comfortable and aware of what your own

physical orientation with possibility of what is believed for you, as living a complete, interesting

enough for continuing positive commitment towards life and those you consider your precious,

protecting with your life positive thoughts towards others, for an aged hopeful Indian Summer;

as is allowed a decision only from those of highest spiritual standing. There are also those who

are aware of the necessary to consider complication considering how they were treated, what

the intentions were of who treated them, whether however how one treated their body physically

and mentally can get in the way positive or negative, and how it is believed within their physical

bodies with the mental process as though a Rabbit considering its surroundings and whether life

is treating them positive or negatively. As well, whether the life God created is allowing these

living individualized selves of creation within the wilderness allowing or not peace and

happiness necessary for a worthwhile life in the majority; while continuing their individual

journey, continuing life on earth whether positively or negatively( wherever that may be for


[You’ll no longer need to worry about hearing aids I know but I’ll miss your good nature:

always good to me & precious himself. However without words I know he’ll worry about his

precious puppy with love for hoping to allow Charlie to remember him and be so thankful & only

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

the best of will to know. As his granddaughter figured, so even if you never loved me I know my

grandfather did].

So there were sturdy eyes believing variously paranoid thing: abnormal people who are

normal to their families, who get paranoid- as considering the extraordinary vast amount of

personalities, which individuals treat each other differently, as hopefully family personalities are

organized towards those who are compatible with each other, through positive and negative;

hopefully they remember considering their behavior towards each other, and opinions of bad

and good, that those eyes they're watching (that could mean a many of various things) but let us

consider respectfully in peaceful all knowing, its God watching.

So in whatever other since, those families ignore the behavior like it’s normal No No there

not having any sort of issue they’re just trying to find their place in the world (that's a overdrawn

euphemism) with complication (this isn’t necessarily true considering from those judging

somewhat of people who have business caring to mention something, they are pretending

there’s some sort of solution they can bring, but really believe the voices they hear from their

psychosis are altered in delusion of harm; however sometimes someones behavior seems like a

problem to a mental health professional, however to the individual this isn't necessarily true,

when its just them working out their problems in expressive behavior, and its just something

they need to work out; however, other times, problems which are serious problems are ignored,

and not seriously given attention to when necessary). (Except how it is for the family members

isn’t necessary obsession over thats possibly workable, but an negative association being

trapped in a situation as mentioned, as its so demeaning its difficult to get their ideas to continue

to find interesting enough reason from them to incorporate away from a negative association

that doesn't go away).

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

(And for some mentaly-ill considering eventually over time they develop schizophrenia or bipolar

there subjected instead of what they originally underwent through suffering, with an unplanned

coverup of negative disorder which is a fortification between them and negativity [evil] out to

cause direction and harm with negativity; however this isn't necessarily true however sometimes

the disorder is a blessing for certain individuals, because it's a distraction from other undesirable

problems- however is it not still a problem of negativity.) And those within the situation need a

rain check of where they’re trapped compared to those who give in to [evil] and become the

abusers, or friends of the abusers, giving into the negativity and those who are abused, however

eventually considering it of interesting obscurity coming down to confuse this interesting and

complicated business, however theres a difference between an interesting delusion and a

punishment of their minds orientation, which is the [evil] which brings destruction of positivity,

however sometimes from the outside can be deemed interesting to those who are swayed by

gothic activity, however inside is a difficult disorder to experience.

However, between all these social and mental activity of wanting to be healthy and positively

associated with their experiences, weather just experiencing media, or dreaming 24/7 being

their ultimate planning when their experiencing nothing different, being bored sometimes,

however not negatively associating their experiences, when they finally start having these

positive experiences perhaps its time to consider the importance, for when in necessity of

believing their life is measuring up to believing they have necessary worth living to take care of

their environment through environmentally friendliness. And eventually through their eyes

including many individual's perceptions (believing in humanity, and human beings should

continue on the planet EARTH and flourish, generally believing over human experiences and

presence on the Earth is positive, and important within grande standards of living, then being its

time to care about our environment of an environmentally friendly consideration for how best

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

Mother Nature prefers us to live on this planet Earth, considerably of making life comfortable for

generations to come, considering Humans as well as the entirety of the living creatures

inhabiting Earth.

When it's necessary to support one’s own children’s interest are possible and create

interesting patterns of development, as there just looking for that entertaiment of intrest,

however even if such is of gothic nature in imaginary entertainment through media, they can still

be individual filled with justice when it comes down to it in REAL life. Remember, when handled

in promise of wishing those who in blood relations, respect, and creation of their children

committed to their best will, believing the best in them, and continuation of beautiful nature and

positivity. There is Gothic necessity and expression within human decisions on their interesting

creation of Media, yet respectful interest considering HOW it's Gothic, considering perhaps its of

questionable character what on individual finds interesting, however remember Gothic is a

cultural thing, and there's a difference between how people treat each other in real life, and how

they like their entertainment, such as Halloween paraphernalia collection, of ghoulish looking

objects, like a cultural tradition. Considering the sense that God is all knowing, you will not be

respected by God himself to a certain degree of negative interactions with your fellow humans

(after serious serious serious consideration of what is obviously true for he is all knowing within

everything he created, and he created everything for its possibly to go both ways) if this gothic

obsession is from your allowance in consciousness of this seeming positive gothicness to

continue on additionally into something reaching too far into Evil intent with negative intent to

abuse others orientation in harming, neglecting them or indifferent to their well being, because

this is considered as deserving punishment, from occurring Karma. Considering Heaven is the

ultimate pleasurable experience and life after death, considering each individual position in

heaven is different considering God's idea of what one deserves considering the way they live

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

their life on Earth, it's important to consider wisely what kind of person you truly are to the depth

of your soul, which to the depth of your soul is how God judges. Deciding Karma which is

all-knowing your whole orientation, and judging you in ultimate severe judgment which is taken

seriously and will not be taken advantage, as for God not only watches out for your intention,

but also what your willing to let happen under those within your control depending on how you to

provide for them. This considering what is noticed within you of what's negative, which you’re

seriously invested in independence over, conquering it and whether you know the proliferation

towards good which would have kept those you have influence over in positive orientation, and

your intentions if against this and whether or not you’re working for someone's best interest,

within all judgments of your orientation. [And whether you want your children to be beautiful

within themselves]. As well considering Gothic is not Evil, however can be, how should those

who negatively impact the environment, either regardless of the impact, inferent, or conscious

yet still perform negative purchases as the public looking for convenience for the production

entrepreneurs producing non-recyclable goods, which could be recyclable with a bit more

investment. If you were generously informed of Agribusiness and corporations who view people

as a gathering of cheap labor for their own power within the government and social boundaries,

to downgrade depress label and control as though they were working ants (on your own

bathroom floor so deprived of adequate living conditions they infest the 100% cotton towel left

on the bathroom floor (from the Salvation Army) for when you finish your shower (that towel was

from which your last completely personal shower generously and respectfully time used to keep

up with general humanity and taking care of Hygiene), unfortunately as you kill each ant,

however what of those who are hardworking with limited encouragement of profit, so others may

have surplus of cheap products of overwhelming nature, which are non-environmentally friendly.

This as apparently only the rich can afford the newly produced- environmentally friendly

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

production line of, clothing, hygiene products, and organic superfoods, however some

non-comitally non caring, still purchase the high-end expensive non-environmentally friendly

goods, however much they can afford to be as environmentally friendly as possible, as every

human life on earth is almost impossible in not living a life of production for them of

conveniences causing environmental damage.

Mother Natures creations must be in dedication towards what else she allows from positivity

of the environment to give comfort as well as company of consideration of vastly complicated

beyond imagination and importance of what brings people desiring this company; weather the

imprint of infrahuman as comfort of bring compassion in their life for how they're treated as well

as companion in those desiring the best orientation of these animals, as they find importance of

other species inhabiting earth. Compassion is necessary to be taught for others to understand

the importance of dedication in family communication as necessary to want to always have

them in interest as showing where else to find additional justification of company within social

and educational communication with those outside of their dedication to family members from

the belief what is taught is their opportunity to have place in hoi polloi (of human beings) where

they find as well them as an individual are an interesting/ important addition (of importance of

other’s lives). It’s important for them to have not only social comfort but belief in the importance

of laws, procedures, and regulations, and an influence in such, to believe in their ability to bring

a positive revolution to improve Mother Nature, and find this importance for the survival brought

because of this revolution for God to continue to believe Humans are important enough (as

compared to those hairs necessary brought into existence from the concept of considering how

they are treated with or without the endearment which is necessary in the environment around

them). This, as God considers whether the life created in the eyes of his people in ownership

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

and control of beauty, is worthwhile, because, this, the ownership he developed beautifully

which is called Mother Nature is in the whole known information- as he is completely aware of

however skewered, as he sees beyond the illusion of being OK into the actual state of an

individual's consciousness. This considering, that everything is going in a complicated world

beyond understanding in the physical word because as will be mentioned plenty of times

humans are physical beings with limitations and are responsible for their actions, and opinions

even when they are not completely in control of their learning environment, however as they

develop and are impressionable are able to realize their full intentions, behavior, consideration

around them, what they intentionally invite and what they repress within their environment, and

the role they play in independent, [with creatures being dependent on them to teach them

morals and how to make an impression on the world towards justice of Mother Nature].

However much not necessary always what is initially expressed within writing beforehand is

more important, even when considering normally what is expressed afterwards is taught within

English classes (and as a metaphorical in real life impressions) that is whatever comes later in

impression is more Important?: In this situation what comes first within whichever sentence

which is obviously considering lists within may be experienced with creativity of writing as

though, however is bringing consideration of the preceding sentence, in combination of what

follows whether more powerful in importance, or not. As well as what's needed to be confined in

concept, within plain sight specifically educated, is known by communication of words of

language with those allowed the ability to make sounds to speak languages and communicate

in letters viewed by those allowed to see, within brackets (and various grammar rules, or

grammar mistake which are fixed or aren't fixed) does not necessarily need to be confined for

someone to know that (the informational) concept is confined. [Whatever is being discussed in

typing printing, etc etc in a complicated process does not necessarily need to be confined in

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

brackets in one situation explained or the polarity, however that is a writer’s creative right, and

freedom of speech]. So given such communication rights, and the rights of those communicated

towards expressionism, and exchanging of information, which changes opinions, should lead

towards them living life differently considering this information, correct?

[He who controls Evil, who is who controls demons], was in an understanding between him,

God (God who knew the necessity to confine to keep the evil both stable, which evil was

desperate for, as well as understanding the beautiful plan he had for what was not yet named

but is known to English speakers as the process that created Humankind (with various

complication…...continue with this) and the Earth. However why would God create pain, if this

here he did? Pain must be available to teach his [Gods] creatures, started in the most minuscule

bacteria and developed over in an ineffable amount of time (which considering what was

mentioned previously and not after what is taught in every science class in third grade) there

must be physical and mental pain to be felt between oneself and other selves inter se and inter

nos (in Latin obviously) for understanding of those other selves pain and bring compassion and

love (and importance from saving-especially those who are close in their hearts- others from

that pain) within physical beings owning spiritual and mental experience, in the physical world.

Considering some people believe Hell has no generally positive purpose of just associative

term to consider, as instead is a severe unstable demonic experiment which because of this

understatement word to describe or comprehend this way because of the vast never able to be

understood by human form would have been miserable to, as developed for those to suffer for

their sins, however wouldn't such just cause additional suffering. Perhaps an individual who

causes pain, if not just for the sense of showing the difference between comfort and discomfort

to bring meaning, otherwise just demonic control over their actions, or indifference or pleasure

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

in causing such pain, just prove they should be no more, or are not worthy of a higher

interaction with God in heaven. Even humans who follow daemons, eventually may change their

opinion, saved by their own guidance and instinct from experience, and those who are going

through difficult times are eventually saved by the great God God as he understands their

difficulties as undeserved which perhaps went on overwhelmingly too long considering they

learned their lessons long ago, through his working angles as what they seriously must go

through to understand good vs evil is in great consideration and/or those with a higher purpose/

and or those he chooses to save for positivity however isolated life which may change with

encouragement and again as what is deserved, etc, and only understandable of the ineffable

experiences whether positive or negative considered by the God God. In order for the hoi polloi

to be in the most organized of best consideration for preparing his angles for & children of God

in the present situations (which must be controlled and brought from the degree of negativity

which goes too far into the best state of orientation and positive energy within even if these

people must go through negativity (physical or mental) to understand why it couldn't have been

avoided is difficult considering of misery, and destruction brought on by powerful men bringing

negativity without compensation for the best of the very important humankind, and complicated

not always easy to compare and very important however difficult to compare in how important

as mention of how complicated within consideration for the best of God’s [perfect] will. As

believing it would be as important the composition environment and infrahuman and human

population and all the elements on the table, and extremely complicated environment that

makes it so completely impossible and even extremely complicated unnecessary efforts in

keeping this evil in place for it would never even come to possibility for this Evil to escape to

eventually having these obstacles that it would never be able to escape. However this is

showing when evil is in place so complicated even the most minute thing may not be harmed

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

under God’s will, as well as the complicated (which is completely impossible for anyone under

the control of this contract, or any physical and infrahuman spirits including humans to

understand) contract which was designed by the all powerful God searching for the best for

humanity, giving them freedom of their own choices within life, considering this contract

between Good and Evil. Guided personably by his trained workers who, after God notices in his

judgment humans are not for the truth of how long creatures have been allowed, as an

experiment to make their own decisions, however this has led to Revolutions to create a

complicated political and law abiding society, which must now be corrected from its corruption].

Not necessarily correcting their issues on their own as was complicated as these issues

happened through metaphorically billions of generations, however this is an understatement as

possible, considering the future to be because they are in physical form. Perhaps God allowed

souls to make an offering to the Devil of completely complicated and never able to be

understood by physical humans or their souls/ those who sign the life away from detection of

enormous fear, which is the deacons ploy in controlling them as ants(in that metaphorical

blanket on the floor) and distasteful to many a believer, however what sort of purpose does it

serve. The offerings from God to only important enough to sustain power over humans

considered infrahuman as limited as much as possible however still (as agreed upon)

completely control by him by their wills, wherever that comes from weather fear or very

complicated interference to allow no escape, which comes from previous indifference to God as

unsaved souls available to be interfered with, with indifference towards noticeable evilness

within them seemingly acceptable from previous understanding as their lewar (even which this

misunderstanding would have never happened ever with them if they knew the completeness of

what these followers of demons were planning, but their trust to make -what was thought of as-

Important connections gives control to these workers of inequity, and destruction leaving the

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

victim powerless with no other option but to confirm and give themselves up in fear of what

immediate emotional or physical pain would otherwise transpire, considering they already gave

over particular devotion (however perhaps they were just looking for a more interesting life.

That [to evil] which are offerings devised complicatedly by God to sustain [the evil] only in

necessary form) as to give understanding within humans give awareness and lesson into the

importance (which will never be able to be understood by physical humans including vast and

mental and physical pain) as the opposing viewpoint which is difficult to belive, that suffering

happens to e something which was developed overtime as natural evolution, of life's creatures

evolving and experiencing different things, through physical means only apparent through

experience. It seems impossible that their couldnt be some greater purpose for the development

of Humans and Earth. Ought the importance for the positive to love in their direction possible

from positivity and allowance growth from compassion, and importance within the hoi polloi

(human) company and social communication in modern technology as the best, as should be

when dealing with good will towards those they support to become independent or/and even if

not, have positive association towards oneself & others to allow another to fair positively about

human beings on the planet earth. Then perhaps theres something of greater importance, and

deserving experience of something greater then ourselves. It’s important to be about and

holding out for about and future generations, allowance of quality, and instead (if they don't

confirm into a belief in the importance of the environment and mother nature’s creatures, which

humans are considered caretakers as well) their lives will be pathetic, unnecessary (while it is

possible to turn around from a situation considering how negative a direction someone goes to

in vengeance of how they’re treated wrong) however in difficult to understand situations, God

may still be able to understand their pain, considering they were treated wrong, and only act in

self defence. This before turning to a life that leaves them stranded in impossible ability to

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

consider themselves ever worth living under positivity when this turns into how, they obviously

don't have correct mental boundaries as they must accept their way of life by signing

themselves over to the dark side in confidence of daemons who will then control them and their

destruction of what is negative in never being able to adjust in believing what's necessary for

humankind to survive within positivity). Instead, they should go through a revolution, in putting

their negativity in the past, and from thereforth only cause positive interactions from their actions

to happen, no longer causing harm, or negativity from bad intentions. As well from then on begin

a revolution towards protecting Mother Nature as is necessary for human beiges to support with

enormous vast communication, promotion from believing in necessity towards future

generations, to live sustainably which must be correct majorly within giving situations, towards

Good, considering many only have to realize after being with Evil for a long time, there are

circumstances where they can turn around the negativity and become with Good even after a

long time in the wrong direction, praying profusely considering the sins, in how every situation is

a different situation [However every situational disposition can be turned around for different

actions] considering our reality on Earth professes that our actions make a difference, and we

must live our current REALITY.

What Boundaries Do You Pray For

There's being yourself by living your life with some sort of unobtrusive to yourself obsession,

however whichever hobby or interaction this is, it’s important to wonder whether it’s unintrusive

towards others, by as well the youth’s obsession [which some should consider leaving the stage

of reality if there motives are questionable: that youth, if they had a positive role model,

hopefully should be someone with a more mature atmosphere, as I hope that will be them

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

matured as there older to be respectable and honorable. (However the only way this will happen

is for God to wish upon them a lesson, however much in the beginning they don't think they

deserve to be bothered, considering its important to avoid ones personal entertainment, for

another's discontent or pain. Bothering for entertainment without one's consent, No, that's not it:

please youth: you need to be taught a lesson. Will a more positive outlook from these

individuals another soul will be saved by their health, consideration and patients of their

personality, when that is impressive in interaction between others, while still impression with

entertained personability. We must pray for the misunderstood soul, whether abusive or abused,

and hope the abusive don’t damage too many of a precious individuals who need hope in their

lives: hope which needs impressionability to be nurtured and cared for to grow.

They threatened one of a something that was my most precious side to myself as though it

were somebody to try and break down. What about their their daughters rabbit or miniature

poodle mix or less or more will they ever receive a threat from their parents, because of spite

that they will remove (kill) the precious animal as though that's proper behavior: no that's not

proper: that's not proper. However much they saw it happen on television. Some people grow

up believing because of the media and negative reinforcement from parents, that improper in a

hugely negative way, is what makes them important: no it's called abuse!!!

God has patients for and loves the ones perhaps no one else can because immature youth

can grow to become the most lovely with respect, for I hope to God, in reality there’s good in

them and that reality follows them to kick start in them more respect for themselves and more

respect for others.

There are many who are saved because they’re so close to our hearts, and I pray for those

with the infection of being so condescending will turn around and actually make a positive

impacted by the God's blessing, as those who they looked up to didn’t. They deserve more than

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

to turn out like their abusers, considering the negative association they have with them, as they

prayed to God there whole life not to be like that.

So they were sturdy for a sense of immature coolness, at the same time unseated with eyes

believing variously paranoid things, which I was noticing by the chatter and the clumsy

backwards judging words of what they call a jock in high school: no no you're not compelling me

or sweeping me off my feet with that poem, because I’m not a victim, and I’m not waiting for you

to sweep me off my feet. Even without any physical proof those who seem to have the

characteristics of where the harassment is coming from, however much their characteristics are

just their personality, as the authorities must point out these individuals incorrectly, and

insultingly believe they deserve to be questioned -well that's a nice way of mentioning it- when

really it's called hectoring or harassment. However for each gathering of humans, such jerks

makes it so hard to find a definitive however concrete or however not, a sense of growth and

development which comes from within gradually as they develop, and for some the

transformation comes when Long lost emotional hope is answered. When nothing can have

proof of establishment whatever of what's being said, one must wish there was either an

obvious offensiveness to defend oneself from, and not a mumbling, for however much your

natural instincts raise the red flag of feeling defensive words towards them it's hard to say

whether it has anything to do with them, so they could defend themselves. When those

maladjusted people hector so indirectly one can't bottle and seal what they're hearing as true

even when they would defend themselves if they knew for certain these ghoulish people were

really after em [That's the only thing these offensive people have for strength, as the subject

does not deserve the negative deconstructivism towards them.]

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

So when a normal mature parent talks to the kids mother she (normal parenting whatever

that means considering individuals are mothers and many a female) brings by the abusive

young man or women’s individual's family's to inform them. These informed people these people

who are [normal] to their families who get paranoid- their eyes: they're preparing to defend any

situation. Like families ignore the behavior like it’s normal no no there not having any sort of


They defend with, ‘That's just them trying to find their place in the world with competition [oh yea

from judging verbally of people who they believe deserve, or feel more power when they abuse)

they think in the back of their mind there's nothing wrong. Well an ill-informed person in the

distance mentions, ‘hate to break the silence but it's called being paranoid each one of em’.

What about those ones whose informers are questioning whether a particular child is doing ok,

because they seem to be conflicted. What? That's just the way they are: I’m allowing them to

find their place in the world on their own? What? They never heard of parenting?

Here while I’m minding my own business they should be minding their own business while I’m

doing what's best for myself (as far as I’m able to concern however much I’m able to adjust to

my own concern). These things for myself with what brings me peace. However people need to

consider themselves as well as consider others: consider their mind & comfort and others mind

& comfort. Time to vary the notes replacing words replacing nervous beyond since keeping with

who I am myself, belonging as the discouraged individual expresses themselves questioning

God (Unlike what they believe I’ about)......God….. (- I plead- ) take me seriously and are you

testing me to make me stronger? So there was a statement poor poor poor one with the hoped

filled self which is sturdy and one may assume there's always going to be the nagging. Am I

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

paranoid? How much though God? How much do I deserve to go through. Is this really making

me stronger or more insecure (am I being paranoid?) -OR- it's it not coming from you God:

guide me. To everyone else there's no room for pity. (am I being paranoid?or are they

paranoid?) I’m an individual trying to seek something pleasant, mature: not trying to evert

anything from anybody only to continue on. I’m only trying to keep with my own orientation &

what keeps me strong (and when sometimes I have no motivation that's not so much). Stop

speaking out sir: stop speaking out: how many times do I have to consider, sir, (without words)

how he shouldn't be speaking out sir (or should we be implying to give someone their right to

speech) I plead, Lady or is that just to make [fun OR protect?) What is your problem? Are you

trying to make fun of to feel superior to or to lower someone to have a inferiority complex.

Perhaps you should help someone be their best instead? However are you only trying to protect

yourself period? Why aren't you more sturdy, Sir. Stop speaking out, sir stop speaking out I

plead (without words). My expression through poetry should be coming together and you’re

gestures of picking someone out for judgement, sir, shouldn’t however much you try for it to

make me uncomfortable, sir: however without distraction my art is bliss so you have no reason

on trying to make me bothered to that extent: for it's eventually going to be fixed: breakage

doesn't come easy, and mental fortitude is present. However I’m so thankful when I feel so

much peace and quiet whether my neighbors are cursing or not: I’ll just put on a little music:

thank God!!! (am I…...well you know………Am I? Say it as much as you like because I can’t

even hear you.)

………………..what is that called again- brings something what is that: Being something-

anyway I’m at a loss that world is stuck in my throat from building up so much [being paranoid].

[Sometimes someones paranoid in seeing the worst in someone when they shouldn’t, and

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

sometimes someone paranoid in thinking someone else sees the worst in them, and were

negatively mentioning something about them, when they don’t and werent.] How much can I

prove from my senses in knowing for sure what's being minded has anything to do with me- In

that way I avoid having an outbreak.] (When I’m in my zone I still want my compensation as a

wonderful calm minded if not sane individual from the neighborhood crowd. Which isn't true if

they ears drop on me: which makes me not stand bad insulation (Am I being paranoid?). And I’d

rather them think there's something wrong with me, but that I’ve grown strength from having

issues: without being hectored more as though I haven't even been hectored enough. What??!

As though I would ever deserve it?) or general conversational in the background……...please

you're only jealous and not realizing I’m not trying to compete with you, and that I’m proud of

myself. [Sometimes one just needs to prove that their proud of themselves.]

[So now I’ll consider what it would be like to be a young homosexual man] Even when

someone's speaking in judgment, I’m my full self and no one impending on me is the dream: I

pray to God please keep me straight as in knowing for sure who I am in orientation of sexual

affiliation, without feeling like I deserve being negatively harassed until their hectoring turns me

straight, as instead I feel like, even though I’m confident in my height, their trying to make me

shorter (give me confidence in knowing my sexuality isn’t the reason people don’t respect me

when I know I’m not straight). However they mind my business and while they’re hectoring they

confuse me to such disoriented in my true confidence, because they use my orientation as an

excuse to harass me, however much their not confusing my sexuality, however trying to give me

an inferiority complex (as they are so condescending to me as I’m dying to accept the fact of

being the gay man I prefer to be, without being harassed on that reason alone). Negative

reinforcement most likely gives someone an inferiority complex instead of changing behavior

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

one does not agree with, so generally give constructed criticism or nothing at all, considering if

you strongly disagree and don't know how to give constructive criticism don't say anything at all.

(Narrator: however remember this is as if I wasn't a straight young lady, and was a homosexual

young man.)

Why is it so negative to them so they have to be so negative towards me. My therapist tells me

it's a part of my illness and no one's making fun of me it's all in my head, and she's so sure

about it that I wish I was as confident about it as she were. Then why, how I always try to think

as un-paranoid as my therapist would like me to be, does it always seem like whatever they’re

saying is so condescending directly towards me as they change their voice higher and lower

depending on my state of mind. How come I watch them speak the words I believe are coming

out of their mouths. [Sometimes no matter how positively someone thinks, if the environment

around them is seemingly constructed mainly to harass them, it's not necessarily their fault they

can't orientate positively in condition, because their environment in orientation is negative.]

My dream, please my dear God, is to be my full individual of orientation that makes me feel

like my complete self, and soar within my personality and the way I’d love to be reasonably in a

romantic way, without a problem. Even when to be completely honest because it has nothing to

do with being whatever orientation is that I have (holloween-language expressed eerie tile

disjunction-which is just how I like to put it, as a euphemism and tends to as unalluring- and that

is not the issue (Being sexual) because I feel gay {p.s.s happy) when I’m with a handsome man.

(The narrator is a straight young lady who would like a handsome man as well). [Sometimes

however, being subjected to extreme negativity and negative most of the time, can ruin the

mood, as in perhaps making life less enjoyable to the extent of causing erectile dysfunction, or

as mentioned halloween -language style eerie tile disjunction, which may mean extremely less

pleasurable life experiences for this particular person]

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

My dear soul is broken down when I hear all the whispers: the whispers of what I have trouble

distinguishing of between my personality and being repressed of my true comfortable state, as

I’m confused if they (the murmurings of other people in the background) have anything to do

with me or not/ or how I can continue being my full self in an environment which always brings

me on my hands and knees prostrated and weakened- not literally but within my mind. Am I not

strong enough to be my full self no matter what? (As I always feel and hope for the polarity or

what's being transgressed in my direction.)

For if I were to be my full self, I would be without being in the basement. I’d rather be in a

reconstructed renovated antique completely repainted, re floured in maple furnished and

cleaned with no dust from the renovation left with a proper sense of how to keep the place tidy

and comfortable, with a positive atmosphere to grow even with the occasional problem and

muttering and distraction and arguments which can be dealt with and overcome with a sense of

trying to be one's best self for those around me who needs me in their life. I’d say my

disintegration into regular life, and my development of having different sensitivities, considering

the triggers I’ve developed, in being uncomfortable with what other people are saying, instead of

as strong in mental fortitude as possible, if possible would be my development growing up with

my family. However my family are, without speaking, those whom I wished would be the family I

always wished them to be, and in the end they can be if they ever stop hectoring me into a state

I don’t want to be in, as my perception changes completely, and their behavior improved

towards better regularity, as I also wish would happen within my complete environment. And

before any of this can happen it's important for them to accept and forgive me, as I accept and

forgive them.

-Beginning of Prayer-

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

[God, even if you don’t believe in homosexuality, I’m an honorable person and believe in

Justice and personal rights, and the law and faith, so even if I don’t deserve to be in heaven

please give me mental fortitude to stand up to the voices and interactions I have to deal with in

real life, considering I’m an indiviusal with impressional perception, subjectivity, and

interpretation of negative and possitive. Thank you if possible give me strong mental fortitude, or

improved environmental factors. Ahmen.]

What am I supposed to be God: my dear God I pray towards you. When I was so frustrated

that I’m unsure the direction to look, look, look for you as ones walking the hallway lines strait in

the back of the body (or does that mean I’m overstepping my boundaries?) Should I look down

(no that seems like I’m being in appropriate & overstepping my boundaries, Instead, where or

should I stair where is it comfortable to look, and why when I had such troubles did it seem so

unconventional it's feel so unspeakable: my poor young mind unsettled & mangled. Was it

because I didn’t believe, or pray.

However now I’m finally praying & hoping. No before I didn't know how to pray, and I didn't

know how to hope- where was God when he knew of me. What was so much of an issue

called? There better be a name for this issue if it isn't soon brought down & shattered in a good

way, for someone to care to impinge & to have that conversations

-It's over when it's over- figures the homosexual. He hopes many will pray for him

(when it’s really only a couple: thank God If he never knew how scarce amount of people knew

their were a problem) he couldn't live with attention toward a better way of life, from holy


-End of Prayer-

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

The narrator's answer is to pray where Karma comes from: it will give you a break when it

seems to other illegitimate towards Justice sort of people, you don’t deserve it, but because

even if you can’t prove whether it's meant or not towards you coming from your human

acquaintances, however Karma can be Justice. I can’t decide your fate: I leave that to my God

& Savior: When you pray, What? (I hope I’m considered completely, not just by the negative

interpretation of select eyes of others, but what was truly my overall best impression outside of

and within myself.) Are you supposed to be considered completely? Yes so pray, as I hope I am

considered completely myself. Whatever problem someone has that they need help improving

from, as mentioned the idea of being confused as to where to look when in a line of directed

people, however this discomfort is helped by means of prayer, hopefully with answer.

My Grandfather and his dear chihuahua Charlie, who's keep a love in his heart heading on,

because of what he finds adorable, and how much he needs to show he still makes a difference

with an animal with a broken heart from his previous owners. My grandpa only wanted the best

for his dear Charlie but I worry on those dark nights of a company spent in a still breeze, (with

one special person my grandpa, who wishes beyond for his special person, my grandma, and

his dear wife to meet with her again) and I can just imagine however much he loves Charlie on

those walks with Grandpa and grandson doggy, please precaution please precaution while

walking the streets with you're best friend. Because my grandpa, not everyone drives as safe as

they should late at night: one of my fears and something I’ve witnessed myself. So please

precautions grandpa wear a blinking searchlight: please precaution. And I pray for you and my

grandmother that one of these days your souls can be together and to continue to be their in

heaven, peaceful heaven, where there's no arguments about why your not wearing your hearing

aid, or how important, however frustration to argue about, take your medication on time (or

whether or not you need to eat more toasted oats if you eat a half hour ago). Everyone has their

Without Intruding Rudely, As A Discouraged Individual Questions God

own opinion of what's most close to their heart, however it is important to realize, each individual

has their own reaction and interpretation, and may be an impressionable beings, without the

need of extra criticism, therefore if someone bothers you just leave them alone and try and

avoid them, however it's not fair to downgrade another into a n inferiority complex. However is

someone's way of behavior causes difficulties from others opinions harassing our own opinions,

this perhaps is a reasonable reason to defend oneself, and interact however to renew one's own

opinions towards understanding of what we believe is the overall point in life

So,I know you miss Grandma: the love of your life. When she leaves: his soul only wants to

be by her side meaning- as close as he can be prepared- to spend time accompanying for as

long as both their spirits are meant to, as they enter into God's spirit of enlightenment. [You’ll no

longer need to worry about hearing aids, & I’ll miss your good nature: Always good to me &

precious to my heart & precious himself.] But without words I know he’ll worry about his precious

puppy with love for hoping to allow Charlie to remember him and be so thankful. So even if you

never loved me: I know my grandfather loved me.

And only the holy spirit overall and God will know what's behind it all, and what's the reason

for a questionable existence, and why certain individuals are questioned, and harassed a tad

more unjustifiably than others by contrasting opinions. However hopefully the problems

presented here on earth, and existences looked into by God, is something of an experiment to

find the ultimate way of existence, for creativity, potential, and interesting lives, which are not

necessarily leading to negative existences, and instead overall positive existences.


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