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Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay – Captain of

the Ship Project

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This Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay – Captain of the Ship Project
assignment discusses the management of a client with bipolar I
disorder in terms of psychopharmacology and psychotherapy. It also
describes the medical management and primary care needs and how
best to coordinate with other providers when managing such clients.

                                          HPI and Clinical Impression for the Client

                        EO was a 22year-old African American female client who

came to the clinic accompanied by her mother with complaints of
insomnia for an entire week and a heightened activity state which she
thought was out of control. The client is a college sophomore student.
The client’s mother mentioned that most of the client’s behaviors
were primarily characterized by ideas which were not only strange but
also grandiose as the client thinks she is most important to be
recognized by everyone in the entire school irrespective of her poor
background. The client had proclaimed to her friends that she owns a
business given to her by her father and does not need to go to school
Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay – Captain of the Ship Project.
However, the client is sometimes noted to be begging for money. 
When questioned, EO clearly explained that she was unique in a way
that she could still lend her colleagues cash from her business.
EO also had bizarre thinking patterns which had a political dimension.
The client strongly believed that her soul had been switched with that
of the governor of her state. She also explained how she had
developed three governmental theories that only she could use to
safeguard the US from destruction with nuclear weapons. The client
also reported that she believed that she was best suited for a position
in government. The client mother also stated that the client kept
explaining her thoughts and theories to everyone at school, family and
even wrote them on the dormitory walls, her notebooks and computer
with the fear of forgetfulness and also started to campaign for an
elected post in government though there were no elections scheduled
at this time. Although she was well known by family and friends to be
highly organized and tidy, lately, most of them had expressed a lot of
worry and disbelief to find that she had started being disorganized and
frantic.  The client was very talkative and quickly changing the subject
during the interview and in a loud tone of voice without realizing, of
which she has to be redirected to speak calmly in a low tone. The
client mother also reported that the client was noted not to be
sleeping well and will argue and have elevated moods swings and
angry at most times, thereby affecting her not to focus on her
academic studies.  These behavior patterns especially with the manic
episode and others above had be going on for the past two months.

It is imperative to know that the client grew up in an overprotective

environment with very demanding parents. Apart from being a
passively obedient child, EO never applied makeup as her mother
forbade her. The client was also noted to have an angry mood when
young at the age of 10 years and will fight with his mother. The client
had a positive family history of mood disorders. The client’s paternal
grandfather had at once received electroconvulsive therapy for
depression and her maternal aunt was once diagnosed with
depression when she was going through menopause
Objective: Mental Status Examination

            The client is a moderately built African American female. Gait is

intact and has fair eye contact. Language is intact. Speech is
pressured in rate and rhythm, and fast pace. The thought process is
logical, slightly goal-directed and tangential. Association is loose, alert
and oriented to person, place, time and situation. Concentration is
poor. Mood and affect is expansive elation and irritation and anger at
times when confronted. Affect is full of a range of expression and
talkativeness, euphoria, and intolerance to criticism. Insight and
judgment are guarded (American Psychiatric Association. 2013).

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