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President Trump’s Second Term

December 20, 2020

Dear Mr. President,

I and many millions of Americans voted for you in November.

I believe, as do many others, that you were robbed; that this election was stolen from you and from the
American people.

I have a way of preventing that in the future which I present as Part F below.

Should Joe Biden take office in January, I believe the following plan will guarantee your re-election in
2024. If you remain as President, implementing this plan will ensure your legacy in perpetuity.

It would be my pleasure and honor to advocate for the following plan over the next 4 years by traveling
from state-to-state, city-to-city, town-to-town and college campus-to-college campus across the United

I don’t have an overall name for the plan but I’m sure you can come up with one.

I already know how to do all the following, but I need your help which I will explain shortly.

The plan I propose is this:

A. Establish a free college - university system across the United States.

B. Establish a free nationwide health care system.
C. Eliminate all student loan debt.
D. Eliminate the federal debt.
E. Build, rebuild, improve and upgrade all national infrastructure, (including the Wall).
F. Establish a hack-proof, change-proof, ID-based nationwide voter system.

I will build the above, in your name, using the precepts of the capitalist system.

A. Establish a free college – university system across the United States.

1. Build a free world-class university & medical teaching school in each of the country’s top
20 metro areas.
2. Build a free national-class college in each state capital or largest city of each state.
3. Build a free community college in each of the country’s largest 100 metro areas.
4. Build a free job training and adult education facility in each city with populations of
100,00 or more, perhaps as a supplement to the community college system in 3.

B. Establish a free nationwide health care system.

1. Cooperative with A.1. above, build a free hospital and medical teaching school in each
of the country’s top 20 metro areas.
2. Build a free hospital in each state capital or largest city of each state.
3. Build a free medical clinic in each of the country’s largest 100 metro areas.

Funding for A and B may derive (if D below fails) by creating dedicated hedge funds the proceeds of
which will provide for ongoing and operational expenses.

C. Eliminate all student loan debt.

1. Create a website listing all student loans, including federal, private and school.
2. Corporations, organizations and individuals can then register on the site.
3. Each person in 2. can then buy all or a portion of each student’s student loan.
4. Student loan purchases from the website will be a 1-to-1 tax credit to the purchaser.

This will require some minor changes in law.

D. Eliminate the federal debt.

1. 2 Edge Act corporations (Sections 25 & 25a, Federal Reserve Code) will be created.
2. Each Edge Act corporation will be authorized to purchase up to $1 trillion dollars of the
federal debt each year.
3. Each Edge Act corporation will be authorized to spend this money or to make loans
using this money to build, rebuild, improve and upgrade national infrastructure (part E).
4. Each Edge Act corporation will be authorized to provide funding for the establishment
and ongoing costs of A and B of this plan.

Part D will require substantial changes in federal law.

E. Build, rebuild, improve and upgrade all national infrastructure, (including the Wall).
1. Each of the 2 Edge Act corporations formed in Part D above will fractionalize their debt
to make loans to each state, city or community or private or public organizations to
build, rebuild, improve and upgrade infrastructure in their areas. Infrastructure will
include roads, highways, bridges, dams, airports, seaports, light rail, commuter rail or
other projects as deemed appropriate by the jurisdiction within which the loan is made.
2. Each Edge Act corporation will use a portion of their funds to provide for the
construction and ongoing expenses and costs of the free national college-university
system and the free national health care system.

F. Establish a hack-proof, change-proof, ID-based nationwide voter system.

1. Under federal law and in all federal elections including those of President, Senate and
members of Congress, and their primaries, each vote will be tied to both a person’s
social security number and a signature.
2. Votes will be made on a blockchain system providing a reliable, consistent, change-
proof and hack-proof voting process.
3. All votes will be tabulated and verified against the person’s social security number and
4. Votes will remain anonymous, but can be easily validated, counted and examined by
any outside party.
5. Each voter will have the option of reviewing their vote at any later date to ensure it has
not been changed and may notify appropriate authorities if it has.
Part F will require large changes in existing law.

The operations of the Edge Act corporations require further explanation.

1. The Edge Act corporations will reduce federal debt by purchasing the federal debt by
posting it as a credit (deposit) on their books in the name of the United States Department
of the Treasury, (only). (Not the Federal Reserve).
2. The Edge Act corporations will then have the option of fractionalizing the deposit by up to
10 to 1. Each incoming dollar will be used to meet Federal capital reserve requirements. In
so doing, loans of up to $10 dollars per capital reserve dollar (the amount on deposit), can
then be made. (Every trillion dollars on deposit would be up to ten trillion dollars in loans,
modified by 3 following.)
3. All debt purchased by the Edge Act corporations would be required to be spent 90% for the
provision of loans and operational and ongoing costs of A and B of this plan and no more
than 10% for operational and working capital costs and other expenses, including salaries, et
al. These percentages may be modified somewhat by up to 15% being used for internal
operating costs and expenses as the Edge Act corporation deems necessary.
4. Current holders of federal debt would receive payment for their notes remitted by the U.S.
Treasury utilizing the funds on deposit with the Edge Act corporation or by borrowing funds
from the Edge Act corporation. This latter option is not preferable as it would only transfer
existing debt and not eliminate it.
5. Two Edge Act corporations are required to 1. Reduce reliance by the U.S. Treasury and the
federal government on any one company, 2. Increase competitiveness in their operations
between the 2 Edge Act corporations and 3. Ensure all areas of the country and
infrastructure needs are met.

Social Security

I also know how to privatize Social Security while increasing benefits thus assuring the continuation of
Social Security income and annual expansion of income and benefits for all Americans for generations to
come. This could be Part G of the plan above.

Police Department Reform

And I have a plan to transform police forces across the country to improve their professionalism while
holding them more accountable and responsive to the communities and citizens they serve. This would
be a reorganization somewhat similar in nature to the establishment of the Securities and Exchange
Commission. To be fully effective, this would need to be a plan separate and apart from the plan as I
have outlined above. I expect resistance to this proposal to be high and therefore making this a separate
plan would be preferable to avoid tainting the plan above.

Your Help

Mr. President, obviously from this brief outline above, a lot of work and cooperation will be required
from many quarters to implement this plan and make it work successfully.
I need your help, first, in access to capital. With your connections in the business world and as President,
your network of organizations and investors will be instrumental in accessing the capital required to
initiate and execute this plan. Once off the ground, this plan should be substantially self-funding, IF, the
Edge Act corporations can be formed in the manner described.

Secondly, as President, your access and influence with state and federal legislators will be required to
help all see the merits of the plan I have proposed and implement the necessary legislation to make this
plan work.

In Return

In return, I will be the lead organizer and operational head of this plan. I will travel, as I have stated
above, to each state, city, town and college campus speaking on behalf of this plan and helping to
generate grass roots support for this plan.

It will be my pleasure to state that this plan can only exist with your leadership and help. I will state that
you are responsible for getting this plan going, making it work and ensuring the success that I know it
will attain.

Providing you credit for this plan should create a groundswell level of support for you throughout the
next four years ensuring your election in November 2024.

I have already assembled a top-notch team to implement this plan consisting of compliance experts,
health care experts, an advisor to the U.N., a Board Member of the National Red Cross, a senior federal
litigator and college professors.

Although I am not very articulate verbally, my team is, and they and I will be happy to meet with you or
your team to answer questions and consider the merits of this plan.

Mr. President, this is a great plan and I am certain that you standing behind it will not only make it a
success but will also assure that you sweep back into the White House in 2025.

This plan will touch every American in one way or another and each person in the country will be
positively affected by it or will know someone who has been. With this plan, your sweep back into the
White House in 2025 can almost be said to be an already “done deal.”

Mr. President, I and my team look forward to meeting with you and your team and working with you
and them over the next several years to push this plan and ensure its success.

You may reach me at my home phone at:

Home phone: 508-867-6651

Cell phone/text: 774-757-7962

Voice mail: 774-757-0524

Work email:

Personal email:

Mr. President, I thank you and your team in advance for considering this plan and my team and I look
forward to working with you.


Perry Jones

35 Bates St.

PO Box 65

North Brookfield, MA 01535

CC: Vice President Mike Pence

Jared Kushner, Advisor to the President

Lara Trump, Advisor to the President

Edge Act Corporations – from 2010 Annual Report of the Federal Reserve

Edge Act and Agreement Corporations

Edge Act corporations are international banking organizations chartered by the Board to provide all segments
of the U.S. economy with a means of financing international business, especially exports. Agreement
corporations are similar organizations, state chartered or federally chartered, that enter into agreements with
the Board to refrain from exercising any power that is not permissible for an Edge Act corporation. Sections 25
and 25A of the Federal Reserve Act grant Edge Act and agreement corporations permission to engage in
international banking and foreign financial transactions. These corporations, most of which are subsidiaries of
member banks, may (1) conduct a deposit and loan business in states other than that of the parent, provided
that the business is strictly related to international transactions, and (2) make foreign investments that are
broader than those permissible for member banks. At year-end 2010, 51 banking organizations, operating 10
branches, were chartered as Edge Act or agreement corporations. These corporations are examined annually.

(From line 2, bolded, the law would need to be changed to include financing of national infrastructure
and national public benefit organizations.)

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