P 2 Engelska Oktober 2008

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1 Pärm 2 English

Which of the following alternatives shows the true order of rank of

the traffic instructions?

A Police signals, rules of the road, light signals, traffic signs

B Police signals, light signals, rules of the road, traffic signs

C Police signals, traffic signs, light signals, rules of the road

D Police signals, light signals, traffic signs, rules of the road

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

2 Pärm 2 English
What does the insturctions mean?

A I may drive becaus I have

preference to oncoming
vehicle according to the road

B I shall stop because the

traffic light shows red.

C I may drive but must give

way to oncoming vehicle
according to the road sign.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

3 Pärm 2 English

What should you do if you see a police car behind you starting to
alternate flashing the blue and red lights?

A Slow down
B Speed up
C Make way
D Stop
Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150
4 Pärm 2 English
What does the police signal mean?
A Only traffic from the front should stop
B Slow down
C Traffic from the front and behind
should stop
D Only traffic from behind should stop

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

5 Pärm 2 English

What does the police signal mean?

A Oncoming must stop and you must stop

B Oncoming must stop and you shall drive

C Both shall drive but slowly

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

6 Pärm 2 English

What does the police signal mean?

A Oncoming must stop and you must stop

B Oncoming must stop and you shall drive
C Oncoming shall drive and you must stop
D Both shall drive but slowly

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

7 Pärm 2 English
Which statement is true regarding the defensive way of driving?

A I always give way to all crossing traffic

B I am always prepared to adapt to situations that appear.

C I drive with low speed through all junctions.

D I drive offensive.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

8 Pärm 2 English

You intend on turning left at the junction. Which statement is true?

A I must give way to all vehicles at the junction.

B I must stop before I make a turn at the junction.

C I must give way to vehicles coming from the right at the


Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

9 Pärm 2 English

You want to continue straight. Does the right hand rule apply in any of
the cross-roads?

A Yes, only at the crossroad at picture A.

B Yes, only at the crossroad at picture B.
C Yes, in both crossroads A and B
D No, not in any of the crossroads.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

10 Pärm 2 English
You intend on going straight and meet a car that drives slowly. What
shall you do?

A I drive first because I am on the

bigger road.

B I drive first because I intend on

going straight.

C I let the dark car drive first because

the right hand rule upplies.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

11 Pärm 2 English
Which statement is true regarding the junction in the picture?
A The road sign is only for crossing
vehicles, therefor I must have
good attention and be prepared to

B The road sign means that I am on

a primary road, and therefor dont
have to pay attention for any
thing on this junction.

C Because of the right hand rule I have to adapt my speed and

make myself prepared to stop.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

12 Pärm 2 English
You have just passed this road sign. What applies at the junction
you are approaching unless indicated otherwise?

A I must give way to traffic from the right

B I must give way to traffic from the left.

C. All intersecting traffic must give way to me.

D I must give way to all intersecting traffic.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

13 Pärm 2 English
What applies as the junction when you intend to drive straight on?

A I must gie way according to the ‘give way to traffic

approaching from the right’ rule.
B I drive first as I am driving on a
public road.
C I drive first as I intend to drive
straight on.
D The driver in the vehicle
approaching from the right must
give way as he is coming from the
private road.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

14 Pärm 2 English

You intend on turning left at the junction. To whom must you give

A Only vehicles from the right-hand side and pedestrians who are on their
way across the road.
B Only pedestrians who are on their way across the road.
C Only vehicles from the left-hand side and pedestrians who are on their way
across the road.
D Vehicles from the right-hand side and left-hand side and pedestrians who
are on their way across the road.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

15 Pärm 2 English

You intent to continue forward. Does the right hand rule apply in
any of the crossings?
A Yes, only in crossing A
B Yes, only in crossing B
C Yes, in both crossing A and B
D No

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

16 Pärm 2 English

You will turn right at the junction. Which statement is true?

A I must stop before I turn at the junction
B I must observe caution before I turn at the junction
C I must give way to vehicles coming from the left-hand side at
the junction .
D I must give way to all vehicles on the crossing road.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

17 Pärm 2 English
The stopp line is missing in this situation. Where should you stop?

A Immediately before the road sign

B Immediately before the railway


C 30 meters before the railway


Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

18 Pärm 2 English
What applies at the junction in the picture?

A I must turn left

B I must turn right

C I may turn both left and


Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

19 Pärm 2 English
You approach a junction where this road sign has been erected.
How should you appear?

A I keep my speed and then do

a hasten brake at the give way

B I slow down in plenty of

time and must stop at the give
way line.

C I slow down in plenty of

time and stop if needed.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

20 Pärm 2 English

What does this road sign mean?

A I must give way to vehicles coming

from the right and left hand side.
B Drivers on the crossing road must give
C I must give way to vehicles coming
from the right hand side

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

21 Pärm 2 English

You will turn left towards the primary road. What is true?

A I must give way to all crossing traffic

B I must give way to traffic from the right
C I must give way to traffic from the left
D Traffic coming straight ahead must give way to me.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

22 Pärm 2 English
You will turn left immediately after the pedestrian crossing. What
is true?

A All crossing traffic must

give me way.

B I must let traffic from the

right drive before me.

C I must let traffic from the

left drive before me.

D I must let all crossing

traffic drive before me.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

23 Pärm 2 English

You will turn left. Are you obligated to give way to vehicles coming
from the right hand side in any of the junctions?

A Yes, in junction on picture A

B Yes, in junction on picture B
C Yes, in both junction on picture A and B
D No

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

24 Pärm 2 English

You will continue forward in the crossing. How shall you appear?

A You must give way to the bus

B To avoid hindering the bus you shall speed up

C You shall adapt your speed so you can stop in case the
bus turns

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

25 Pärm 2 English

You will continue forward. What is true?

A I let the bicycle drive first because she will turn

B I drive before the bicycle because it is allowed to drive before
C I drive before the cyclist but should be prepared to stop
because she might turn.
D I let the bicycle drive first because the right hand rule apply.
Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150
26 Pärm 2 English
In which of these two situations does the right hand rule apply?

A In picture A

B In picture B

C None

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

27 Pärm 2 English

Are you obligated to slow down to give the bus a possibility to

leave the bus stop in any of these situations?

A Yes, in situation A

B Yes, in situation B

C Yes, in both situations

D No

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

28 Pärm 2 English
What is the most important reason why you should adjust you
speed when you see this sign?

A There may be narrow passages.

B The road surface may be in poor conditions

C There may be road-workers on the road.

D Road markings may be missing or may be


E The road signs may be missing or misleading.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

29 Pärm 2 English
Which statement regarding our vision is true?

A The direct (central) field of vision constitute a very little part of

the vision acuity.

B The direct (central) field of vision constitute a very big part of

the vision acuity.

C With the peripheral vision you are able to see sharply in the
whole field of vision.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

30 Pärm 2 English
Why must you keep shifting your gaze when driving a car?
A Because only with a little part of my field of vision am I able to discover
moving objects.

B Because only with a little part of my field of vision I am able to estimate

(judge) speed and distance.

C Because only with a little part of my field of vision I am able to see colors.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

31 Pärm 2 English
When is the risk biggest that a driver might get misinterpretations
and optical illusions?

A When driving in lacing with the full beam.

B When driving on a motorway a warm summer day.

C When driving on a straight gravel road a warm summer day.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

32 Pärm 2 English
What is true about the inexperienced drivers scanning techniques
comparing with the experienced drivers?

A Inexperienced drivers have a longer and wider scanning


B Inexperienced drivers have there look pointed closer to

the car

C There are no difference in their scanning techniques

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

33 Pärm 2 English
What is the main reason that risk-situations appear in traffic?

A Lack in the drivers attention

B Lack in the traffic-invironment

C Lack in the car

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

34 Pärm 2 English
There is glasses-condition on the driving license. What applies
when you drive the car?

A I must carry glasses with me in the car but uses it only when needed,
e.g. during darkness.

B I need to use glasses or lenses.

C I must use glasses or lenses.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

35 Pärm 2 English
What do the supplementary sign mean?

A Reduced movement ability

B Deaf
C Blind

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

36 Pärm 2 English

What does this supplementary sign mean?

A Deaf (impaired hearing)

B Reduced movement ability

C Blind (impaired vision)

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

37 Pärm 2 English
You will overtake the horse and carriage on the picture. How
should you do it?

A I drive carefully through and

be prepared to brake.

B I signal with the full beam to

call for attention

C I horn to call for attention

D I speed upp to quickly pass it.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

38 Pärm 2 English

What should you at first be prepared for in this situation?

A That pedestrians may appear on a pedestrian crossing
B That children might run out in front of the parked cars.
C That the car from the left-hand crossing drivs in front of me
D Pedestrians might go onto the pedestrian crossing.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

39 Pärm 2 English
What is most treacherous (dangerous) in this situation?

A That it could be bad sight at

the junction

B That it could be slippery

road conditions

C That cyclist at the bicycle

path could be difficult to

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

40 Pärm 2 English
What should you bear in mind in particular when the light on a
school bus is flashing in the manner shown in the picture?

A As the school sign is flashing I

must give the bus right of way.

B Children could run out.

C No children may alight from the

bus until the school sign has stopped

D No children may cross the road

until the bus has driven off.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

41 Pärm 2 English
You want to overtake the bus that has stopped on the bus stop. May you pass
(overtake) the bus?

A No, because the bus is

indicating to the right.

B No, because the sign is blinking

C Yes, with low speed and

preparedness to act.

D No, because the bus has stopped

to set down school children.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

42 Pärm 2 English
You are about to turn onto the road in the picture. What is most
treacherous in this situation?

A Vehicles on the road coming

from left hand side.

B Cars in the parking lot that

may reverse.

C Vehicles on the road coming

from the right hand side.

D Pedestrians that may be on the

footpath (sidewalk).

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

43 Pärm 2 English

Are you obligated to give way to the pedestrian in this situation?

A No, because the pedestrian has not gone out on the pedestrian
B Yes, because the pedestrian crossing counts as an uncontrolled
when the traffic sign is not lit.
C No, because there are a traffic signal.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

44 Pärm 2 English

How should you appear in this situation?

A I should slow down or stop to show that I intend to give way.

B I may continue without stopping because the pedestrian has allready
seen me.
C I may continue because the pedestrian is on the traffic island.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

45 Pärm 2 English
May you with your personal car enter a road where this sign is
being placed.

A No, only vehicles for

goods transport may
B No, motor vehicles are
C Yes, but only with
D Yes, but only with
speed slow as walk

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

46 Pärm 2 English
At which sign should you usualy drive with lowest speed?

A Road sign A
B Road sign B
C Road sign C
D Road sign D

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

47 Pärm 2 English
Which statement is true with regard to parking on a street designed
as a ‘gårdsgata’?

A Parking is never permitted on a street designed as a ‘gårdsgata’.

B On a street designed as a ‘gårdsgata’ I

can park anywhere if I do not block other

C On a street designed as a ‘gårdsgata’ I

am only permitted to park in marked
parking space.

D I must have a special permit to park on a street designed as a

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150
48 Pärm 2 English

You will continue forward. Which vehicles are you obligated to

give way to at the junction?

A Vehicles only from the

left- hand side

B Vehicles only from the

right-hand side

C Vehicles from the right-

hand and the left-hand side

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

49 Pärm 2 English
What is the maximum speed limit in this area?
A Slow as walk
B 30 km/h
C 50 km/h

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

50 Pärm 2 English

Which of the statements is true while passing a level crossing?

A As soon as a train passes I can continue even if the signal is
still sound
B I shall drive as slow as possible
C No matter how the crossing look like I must control so I can
pass without any risk
D I can pass without any risk thought the crossing is controlled

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

51 Pärm 2 English

What is it in first place that decide how fast you should drive when
you pass the level crossing in the picture?

A Speed limits (regulations) given on the road

B How well you can see (the sight)

C Safety arrangement in the crossing

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150
52 Pärm 2 English

You see a school crossing patrol in the picture. What is true?

A All triaffic is obligated to follow the directions of the school

crossing patrol.
B Their job is to stop the traffic on the road.
C Their job is to help School children going to and coming
from school.
D The school crossing patrol has the same rights as the police

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

53 Pärm 2 English
What do you call a way of driving where the driver adapts to
fellow road users and plans his/her driving?

A Defensive

B Offensive

C Stressful

D Impulsive

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

54 Pärm 2 English
What is true about the railway junction that the road sign is
warning for?

A The junction has barriers that are always down when a train is

B The junction has barriers but

thies could be up even when a
train is approaching.

C The junction has no barriers,

so I have to make sure that no
train is approaching.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

55 Pärm 2 English
You will continue the direction of the primary road at the junction.
Are you obligated to use the indicator?

A Yes, always

B Yes, but only when

there are other traffic at
the junction

C No

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

56 Pärm 2 English
What should you do to show vehicles behind your intention when
you want to stop.

A I use the engine-brake

B I prepare to brake

C I brake in plenty of time before the situation

D I wait with the braking and then make a marked stop.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

57 Pärm 2 English

What should you do in this situation?

A I stop behind the police car when it stops.

B I move towards the edge and stop at the first opportunity

C I drive past the police car and then stop at the edge.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

58 Pärm 2 English
How should you appear towards the pedestrian in this situation?

A I drive because she is obligated to

wait for me

B I slow down or stop to show that I

intend on letting her go first.

C I drive, because we have eye

contact and I can see that she will

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

59 Pärm 2 English
You drive into a big parking place and will continue straight
ahead. The car that is coming from the right is driving slowly.
What should you do?

A I let the other car drive first

because it is coming from the right.

B I drive first because the other car

is coming from the right

C I drive first because I will

continue straight ahead.

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

60 Pärm 2 English

You will continue straight ahead. Does the “give-way-from-the-

right-hand-side” rule apply in any of the junctions?

A Yes, but only in junction A

B Yes, but only in junction B
C Yes, in both junctions
D No

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

61 Pärm 2 English

1 X 16 X 31 X 46 X
2 X 17 X 32 X 47 X
3 X 18 X 33 X 48 X
4 X 19 X 34 X 49 X
5 X 20 X 35 X 50 X
6 X 21 X 36 X 51 X
7 X 22 X 37 X 52 X
8 X 23 X 38 X 53 X
9 X 24 X 39 X 54 X
10 X 25 X 40 X 55 X
11 X 26 X 41 X 56 X
12 X 27 X 42 X 57 X
13 X 28 X 43 X 58 X
14 X 29 X 44 X 59 X
15 X 30 X 45 X 60 X

Abo Jihad Privatlektioner 2006-02-16 Tel 031-3304150

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