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parting words, she returned to her office to Cori wondered if she should recommend

begin what would be a hectic weekend. continued use of a forecasting method with
She mulled over the other forecasting which management was familiar or if she
alternative that she had not been allowed to should recommend switching to the survey
present at the meeting. She had been about of customers' buying intentions system.
to tell her bosses that she could develop an-
other mathematical model based on data
other than employment. She would have to What forecasting method should Cori New-
do a lot of statistical work to locate and val- man recommend that the company adopt?
idate such a series of information, but after
all that was her job.

Case 14-3
Forecasting sales for a new product
"What in the world is going on in there?" rect marketing techniques which included
asked Marcia Fox, the operations manager both direct mail and party-plan selling. The
for The Newport Cosmetics Company of company prospered.
Newport Beach, California, as she walked While Sara was legally the firm's presi-
into the office on a foggy Monday morning. dent with Jim its treasurer and Kent its sec-
Her question, addressed to no one in partic- retary, the three founders served jointly as
ular, was answered by the accountant. the firm's top management, each with an
"They're at it again!" area of special interest. Jim concentrated on
"What's it all about this time?" marketing; Kent was concerned with con-
"The sales forecast for the new shaving trols and finance; Sara spent her time on
oil. As usual, they can't agree on it," the ac- production and operations.
countant added. In its ongoing product development pro-
"All that noise over coming up with a gram, a combination of exotic oils such as
number that is at best a wild guess. They'll frankincense, rosemary, and jasmine proved
argue over anything," Marcia observed. to be a particularly effective shaving prepa-
"It's not the number they're arguing ration to be used instead of the traditional
about; it's how they are going to get the shaving soaps and after-shave lotion. The
number," the accountant said. panel of people who tested the product
The Newport Cosmetic Company had praised it highly.
been founded in 1988 by three young people, Once the product's effectiveness and ac-
Sara Haskell, Kent Graham, and Jim ceptability had been established, Jim
Porter, who had developed an interest in the Porter, the founder who was mostly con-
cosmetic uses for various herbs and herbal cerned with marketing, had developed a
compounds. After more than a year develop- marketing plan for the new shaving oil, yet
ing a line of herbal cosmetic products, they unnamed. It was thought that the new oil
introduced it to the market using various di- could not be marketed as a man's shaving
preparation because of the extreme compe- Sara defended herself, "Look, it costs us
tition from big advertisers in that market. nothing to mix up a batch of the stuff and
Instead, after extensive conversation about choose an isolated market to test it in. Let's
positioning the oil as a woman's shaving do it!"
product particularly designed for legs, it "Why bother? We don't need a sales
was decided to market the new oil as a forecast except to pacify management
woman's cosmetic. purists who insist that one should be devel-
Moreover, a consultant suggested that it oped. Since when do we do what those peo-
might be difficult to get men to change their ple think should be done? Let's figure out
traditional shaving rituals. For centuries how much sales we need the first few years
men have shaved with soap, not oil. Market- to make the program worthwhile to us,
ing history deals unkindly with firms that what sales volume we must have for us to
have tried to get people to change such come out all right on the venture." Jim con-
firmly implanted rituals. Thus the consul- tinued his support for his must-do forecast.
tant suggested that the company begin by "I figure that we must sell $500,000 of this
selling the oil as a woman's cosmetic item. stuff the first year to cover our costs. And
While the three founders were good that's using the marketing program with-
friends and worked well together, some- out the heavy advertising campaign! If we
times it was not without considerable strife use the program that calls for a substantial
and stress. They were not quiet people. They advertising campaign, we'll have to sell at
yelled a lot: at each other, at other people, least $2 million the first year to cover
and often at no one in particular. Their joint costs."
defense of their operating behavior was that Kent suddenly threw a different idea
it was "therapeutic." onto the table. "There's got to be some other
On this day, they disagreed about how to product like this that has been sold in the
develop a sales forecast for the new shaving past. Why don't we do some research and see
oil. Jim Porter strongly insisted that all they what we can find out about it and what it
could do was to use a "must-do" forecast. He sold the first year?"
maintained that because the product was so Both Sara and Jim screamed at him
new, there was no way to forecast its sales with rude statements about his refusal to
without a test market. "We're trying to pen- make a decision and his bureaucratic incli-
etrate a market so large that even a 1 per- nations to stall and delay. He tried to defend
cent market share would be a tremendous his thoughts, but to little avail.
success. We would need a market test to get Marcia Fox grew weary of listening to
some data on which to develop a market- the founders' quarrel, particularly because
based sales forecast," Jim said. there was much work that was waiting for
"So let's test it!" Sara shouted. their attention. She decided to go into the of-
"And tell the world what we're up to! Get fice and tell them what to do. It was not the
real!" Kent shouted back. He continued, "I first time that she had moved things along
shudder to think how difficult it would be to this way.
test market the oil, let alone the validity of
the results. It costs as much to test it as to Question:
go ahead and market it. We've got the prod- What forecasting method should Marcia tell
uct, now go with it." them to use?

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