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Dale Hagen

1273 Rockefeller St.

Concord, NC 12345


Governor Asa Hutchinson

State Capitol Room 250

500 Woodlane Ave.

Little Rock, AR 72201

Dear Governor Asa Hutchinson,

As a concerned citizen and previous constituent, I would ask that you consider encouraging local
governments to build and introduce community gardens to places where food options are harder to
come by.

I was a student at Bentonville High School and during my time there I made some friends who had to
work after school to help their parents put food on the table and meet rent. While that was some years
ago, I cannot help but be concerned if there are others there and in other schools across the state who
are in the same position now.

Community gardens help alleviate this issue by providing a way for families to a safe, healthy, semi-
constant source of food. These same gardens also help promote healthier eating habits and can be used
to educate younger children about where food comes from.

Please help the families across Arkansas feed themselves.


Dale Hagen

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