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Part 1:

Topic : plant
1, Do you like plants?

- Yes --> feel connected with nature

- I think plants play an assential role in our life
- Play an assential role in life : Đóng góp vai trò thiết yếu trong cuộc sống

2, Have you ever grow any plants

- When I was a little girl, grandfather gave me a little  planted it in a pot at home  it was
booming beautifully every autunm
- A pot : Cái Chậu
- It was booming : nở rộ

3, Did you grow any plants when you were a child ?

- Yes! My father who instructed me to grow my just plant

- It was a mango tree
- Watered the tree on a daily  hope that it would grow rapidly
- Now, stil alive and bears fruits every summer

4, Do you know how to grow any plants ?

- There are plenty of steps and techiniques involved in growing plants:

- Selecting quality sends
- Providing sufficient sunlight and water
- Spraying suitable fertilizers

Topic: Countryside
1, Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

- Fond of livig in the countryside a lot  The atmosphere here is so tranquil and peaceful 
can enjoy the show pace of life.
2, what do people living in the countryside like to do?

- The villagers can do many outdoor activities such as hanging out at night without fearing of
- Doing the moring exercise without concerning to air pollution

3, what are the benefits of living in rural areas?

- Significantly lower levels of pollution

- The living cost is also much cheaper than in the big cities

Topic: Park
1, Do you like park?

- Tobe really love parks

- Places to relax or go for a walk
- Where people can escape frrom the crowds
2, How often do you go to a park?

- With my busy scheldulue  go there on weekend

- Going for a walk around the park
- Immersing myself in the nature

3, what do you usally do at park?

- Going to the park for jogging --> can enjoy fresh air and commute with nature
- Jogging in the park is good way to keep fit and blow off some steam

Part 2:
Let me talk about the missed appointment I’ve had last time. A 2 years ago, I made an
appointment with my dentist to do a teeth washing at 10:00 am. But on that day I woke up
late at about 9:00, so it was really urgent to get to the dentist by bike. In a great hurry, I took
a bus and hope the driver to drive as fast as possible. But unfortunately as soon as we got to
the main road to the city, we found ourselves get stuck in the heavy traffic congestion. We
moved so slowly that I got totally mad. I was afraid of missing the appointment because I
need to wait for a couple of months to make another appointment. I repeated asking the driver
to move fast but he told me there was really nothing he could do about it. At last, It took me
about one hour and a half on the way to the medical clinic and I missed the important
appointment and I did not get the treatment. I really felt upset and even started to feel that my
teeth hurt me a bit.
Từ vựng mới:
Appointment /ə'pɔintmənt/ cuộc hẹn
Dentist /'dentist/: Nha sĩ
Traffic congestion : ùn tắc giao thông
Medical clinic : trung tâm y tế

Part 3:
1, Is it important to have a daily plan?
There are several reasons why it is necessary to make a plan on a daily basis =everyday .
Firstly, making a plan might give people clarity => People have so many thoughts running
through our head such as things that need done, appoinments to make, and goals to complete
=> making a note of things that need done would help people remember what to do =>
without a clear plan, people would feel stressed and not know where to start each day.
Secondly, people would have practical steps when having a daily plan => when having big
goals in our head, but without a plan steps to achieve them => people are not more likely to
reach those goals => having a list of actionable steps to take to meet our goals => it would get
people closer and closer to actually achieving our goals.
2, What kind of things do people need to plan carefully?
In my opinion, things which take time for careful preparation would need to be planned. For
example, when people want to have a long day trip, we need make a list of things that we
have to bring, destinations that we want to visit, especially calculating approximately total
price of that trip. If there was no a detailed plan, it would be hard to have the trip, or the trip
would not be as perfect as we expected.
3, Is there anything that can’t be planned?
In my opinion, everything in our life need to be planned. When doing anything, we would
have to make a detailed plan of things to gain success. For example, to get desired IELTS
score, I make a careful study plan to achieve my goal. However, there are some unexpected
things which arise suddenly in our life such as weather or traffic acciddent, but we still have
to plan immediately to deal with these situations.
4, Do you think it is important to have a work-life balance?
There are several reasons why it is essential for people to balance between work and life
Firstly, a work-life balance might help people to improve our relationships. Working too
much means spending less quality time with other people, especially our family and friends,
so it’s pretty difficult to be present and give others our full attention when being exhausted
and overwhelmed. Having a balanced lifestyle might help people spend more time with
beloved people; therefore, relationships would be enhanced
Secondly, having a work-life balance means better health. When people could balance
between work and life, we might spend time keeping our health by eating healthy meals,
having healthy sleep habits, and doing regular exercise.

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