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Every child has different learning or thinking style they preferred and learned best. Many
parents started looking into the different ways of learning and assessing their own children
preferred learning method. However, the parents may be able to see patterns in their child’s
learning preferences. Among the different ways of learning, some are through seeing, hearing,
or doing.
Visual learners are those who prefer learning by observing things. I believe they are the
learners who learned best by using pictures, images, diagrams to understand the information
better. These students can easily visualize information, have a good sense of direction because
they see the actual places in mind as they say them and they usually likes to draw them. I
classified myself in here based from the activity given. Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic
number of responses are 8, 3, 3, respectively.
While the auditory learners learned best with accompanied of sound and music, I believe
that they typically have a good sense of rhythm. They are usually the singers or musicians
because they are good in listening and they learned best through verbal representations like
lectures or speeches. Since they are the effective listeners, they process the information
through analyzing sounds, organizing them into recognizable patterns and understanding the
message by interferring the meaning. That is what I learned from our macroskills class about
effective listening which I think is related to the auditory learners.
Lastly, the kinesthetic learners who learned best by using their body or hands. These
learners prefer to use their sense of touch. They usually learned best by manipulating things
with their hands. Physical activities and outdoor sports play a vital role in their lives.
These are the types of learners we could encounter in class that is why teachers try to
modify their teching methods and strategies because not everyone has the same learning style.
Identifying how a child learns could help us to cater their needs. Through that, we can
understand and formulate the best teaching method suited for them.

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