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One Step Towards Success

Hello Everyone, I am Faraz, and I will be speaking on the topic “One Step Towards Success”.

One step at a time you can change your life, one step at a time you can go from average to great.

Imagine this,

You wake up too tired for school, college or whatever — it’s just one little step to get your day
started. It doesn’t need to be a great day, just get past it.

You feel too tired to work on your assignment — it’s just one little step that you need to make. You
don’t need to write The Lord of the Rings today; you just need to go one step further than yesterday.
Or one step better. Or one step faster. Or just one crappy step that gets something done.

You go one step after one step and you add them up to the thousands of little steps that you need to
get up that daunting mountain.

And you keep going because you know the only way is forward.

Maybe you look at the road ahead and it’s a dusty, gross, barren desert. You don’t want to go. You
know it will be all tough. But you remember, if you go back you get what you always got. And you
don’t want that. You want more.

No, you know the only way is forward. It’s up and up and more and more hard climbing. But you
keep doing it.

You keep going.

You know that one step in the direction of better makes you better. It gets you leadership. It boosts
your self-esteem. It empowers and emboldens and creates opportunity.

It’s all just one little step.

So don’t give up my friends.
We can do this.
Just one little step at a time.
Keep going forward.
Keep looking for the path.
And take each little step in the million steps that will get you success.

Thank You for listening.

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