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T: Hello

A: Can I help you?

T : Of course, How much is the skirt?

A: It’s ten dollars

T: It’s very expensive, It’s five dollars ok?

A: mmm ok, Here you are

T: I can pay with credit card?

A: Of course,Enter your Pin please

T:Ok no problem

A: And here’s your receipt.

T: Tenkius

A: Come back son


A: Hello

S: Can I help you?

A.: Of course, How much are these trousers?

T: They are twuelve dollars each

A: It’s very expensive, It’s eight dollars ok?

T: mmmm Ok,here you are

A: I can pay with credit card

T: mmmm no sorry, just cash

A: Ok no problem

T: And here’s your receipt.

A: Tenkius

T: Come back son

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