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Trabajo de ingles

In my free time I like to do productive things, like helping my dad with work, reading or doing
pending work.

I like to play the accordion sometimes and get distracted by the music since it relaxes me, I like to
go out with my friends to go around but with the covid I can't do it so regularly.

I like to watch movies of any genre, but those of super heroes plot more to me and I like to watch
them with my girlfriend, I also like to make roasts, it is very fun and I like to eat too much of it. I
also like to exercise, it draws my attention to see things on the internet as what I can buy and I buy

I am passionate about playing soccer and seeing everything about it. It is my favorite sport. What I
like about it is that it has different teams and very good players from all countries, one of the best
teams from Brazil.

I like gameplays since they are entertaining and they displease me, because they talk and show
everything about the games, which are gta, fall guys, minecraft and many more. The one I like the
most is auron play since I am very laughing at their comments and the content offered by their
videos. As I like gameplay, I also like music, I like any genre but the one that is most up to me is the
vallenato for how its lyrics are generated, the passion and love that they reflect. The singer I like
the most is RAFAEL OROZCO since his songs are dedicated to the woman in his life and I really like
the feeling that he reflects.

and those are my tastes and what I do in my spare time

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