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Real Madrid have enjoyed five victories in a row using largely the same pool of

players and they’ll look to make it six when they take on Granada at home on
Wednesday night. Zinedine Zidane was asked in his pre-match press conference about
this next opponent and the difficulties they pose. He said: “It’s a very very
important match because this is a team that’s having a very very good season. We
know we’re facing a very tough opponent tomorrow. There is not a single easy match
in this league, but even more so tomorrow against this team that’s playing so well.
When you play against a team that defends more, it’s more difficult. When you face
teams that attack, it can be easier with more space. But, I don’t think Granada
will defend very deep tomorrow. This is a team that also knows how to play football
and attack.”

Asked about his lack of rotations in recent weeks, Zidane started chuckling. He
replied: “You make me laugh, in a good way though. If I make rotations then you ask
why I’m making them. If I don’t then you ask me why I’m not. The team is playing
well and the players are prepared. Given that there are so many matches, they’ll
all have to be ready for when it’s their turn to play. But, I’m counting on all my
players. With some more than others, but I’m counting on them all.”

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