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How to Make a Triangular Wall Storage System

In rounding up awesome geometric objects for the home, we came across this handy
little kit for making your own geometric wall caddy. Naturally, we had to figure out to
make it ourselves, and using materials we already had. The result? A playful collection
of wall triangles perfect for storing pens, pencils, pom poms, and more. Best of all, you
can make this for under $10.

– cardboard
– printable template
– spray paint

– ruler
– pencil
– scissors or xacto knife
– hot glue gun
For our color palette, we went with cool tones – sea foam green, sky blue, and a bright
Print out our triangle template and cut. Trace all three pieces onto cardboard for
however many little triangles you want to make. To create the design above, we used
15 triangles (with about 8 of them being functional for storage). Use an xacto knife or
scissors to cut out all your pieces.
Now you should have a pile that looks like this.

Use hot glue to glue edges together. The larger triangle is the back base and the two
smaller ones go in the front as side panels. You can be sparing with the glue – you
don’t want too many globs to peek out.

Here is what our first finished triangle looks like.

Now to paint them, lay them out on a piece of cardboard or a drop cloth.
Spray paint them in whatever colors you like – we recommend 2 coats though some
lighter colors may call for 3. If you’re feeling fancy, you can spray paint with primer
before adding color, and seal the whole thing off with spray shellac.
Let dry for at least an hour before mounting to your wall. They’ll be dry to the touch
after 20 minutes, but you don’t want to end up with spray paint on your wall.
Before heading to the wall with your mounting tape, plan out a design. We played with
4 different designs on the floor before settling on one.
Now, use mounting tape to attach to the wall in your chosen design.

It looks pretty awesome just as a piece of wall art, don’t you think?
Fill with pens, pencils – whatever you like. This could also be great for organizing
accessories or craft supplies like buttons, pom poms, and the like.
How do you keep things organized? Any homespun caddy or organizer projects
we should know about? Talk to us in the comments below.

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