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Covid 19 Immediate Lockdown

A lockdown is a very complicated scenario in which many situation have cropped up in India resulting to
domestic abuse and other forms of mental and physical torture ultimately causing a massive outbreak of
conflicts amongst partners after the corona outbreak. The expressive ones may show up with many
symptoms of anxiety, tension and bewilderment by living in close confines for 24 hours a day with their
partners, children and family members especially when all of us are facing economic/financial pressure
and threat of coronavirus infection.

The gender equality is likely to get challenged in this lockdown situation by excluding very few cases
where men step up to lead the home by taking up the responsibility of the homemaker. In India many
such incidents have occurred in the past 4-5 months since the lockdown where gender conflicts have
resulted to lowering the density of talking terms between partners and sharing of responsibilities and
duties of the genders while parenting their child especially when online schools are functioning.

Matrimonial Disputes
Family and marriage have been considered the two most significant institutions of society. The
preservation of family is essential for it is considered to be the fundamental and vital unit of the social
organization. Its importance lies in the fact that it influences the behavior of children in this social era. In
India, from time immemorial, marriage is considered to be a perpetual and sacred bond. Earlier, it was the
norm to understand marriages to last for an eternity, and it worked as a bulwark against social

Begin with the definition of divorce. Black's Law Dictionary defines divorce as "the legal separation of
man and wife." The New Brittanica - Webster Dictionary defines divorce as "a complete legal dissolution
of a marriage." it is interesting to see that marriage is viewed as a legal and social union of two people;
however, divorce is merely viewed as the legal termination of said marriage.

Domestic Violence
The incidents of violence against women have increased worldwide since the lockdowns were
implemented. As per the statistics released by the National Commission for Women (NCW) India in early
April 2020 there has been 100 % increase in complaints related to violence against women after the
nationwide lockdown was imposed in March 2020. This twofold increase has pushed NCW to announce
Mental Health Helplines for those witnessing any form of DV.

Loss of income, especially for males leads to lesser control over economic security and there by making
them exert more control on their partners, this scenario is worse if female spouse is employed and male is
unemployed. Rise in DV could also be attributed to household work related disparity. India being a
patriarchal society, domestic work is primarily considered women's job. Absence of domestic help and
people thrown into close quarters, increases workload and cabin fever ensues, adding fuel to the ongoing
friction between the couple and results in increased chances of DV. In addition to above, among the
families affected by substance use disorder, COVID 19 has worsened the DV. The stress of economic
instability itself has resulted in increased consumption of alcohol, thereby increasing DV independently.
Sexual violence is also likely to increase during lockdown. India noted a surge of porn usage and sale of
condoms and sex toys, reflecting increase in sexual activity thereby indirectly indicating increase in
chances of sexual rights violation.

While there was an evident spike in the number of domestic violence cases in India at the point in time,
strangely enough, the NCW monthly data spoke some alternate truth. It showed an overall decrease in the
complaints received during the months of lockdown in comparison to even the initial months of 2020
(Complaints received: January: 538, February: 523, March: 501, April: 377). However, the gradual
relaxation of the lockdown saw a subsequent surge in the complaints. While 552 complaints were
recorded in the month of May, June saw over 730 complaints. This data shows that while the concern of a
rapid increase in the domestic violence cases during the lockdown was valid, the instances were not
actively reported.
Child Sexual Abuse
The pandemic situation is moving fast toward “an emerging social crisis.” The key risk factors include
overstressed caregivers becoming violent or abusive due to economic crisis and children’s restricted
mobility as the schools are closed. The children are struggling to cope with an alternative lifestyle and the
trauma experienced due to these increasing incidents.7 The Childline India Foundation reported a 50%
increase in the phone calls than usual days in the last two weeks of the lockdown. Out of the total calls
received during the period, 30% were related to protection from abuse.

During lockdown, CSA can be devastating as the isolation has further limited support networks, making it
even more difficult for the victims to seek help or escape. When the data reveals that 93% of perpetrators
are relatives or known individuals,8 this also exposes the possible magnitude of the associated
helplessness and mental health consequences in the victims.
Divorce Rates
It’s not just cases of domestic violence that saw a rise during the prolonged COVID-mandated lockdown.
In the midst of the pandemic, there has also been a surge in the number of cases related to divorce and
child custody. Mumbai, which tops the list of maximum coronavirus cases in the country, also saw the
highest number of divorce cases being filed during the lockdown period. Post-corona, the city saw a
nearly three-fold increase in cases pertaining to divorce and women-related issues being filed. From an
average of 1,280 cases in a month, their numbers went up to it 3,480 during the lockdown. Delhi was at
the second spot.

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