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net profit (noun) the profit from a deal, or from business activity for a particular
period of time, after all costs and taxes are taken away
Example: Their contract stipulated that they were entitled to a fee of 41% of the
film’s net profit.
2. profit margin (noun) [countable] the difference between the cost of producing
something and the price at which you sell it
Example: Our profit margin is low.
3. market leader (noun) [countable] brand, product or firm that has the largest
percentage of total sales revenue (the market share) of a market. A market leader
often dominates its competitors in customer loyalty, distribution coverage, image,
perceived value, price, profit and promotional spending
Example: It is the recognized market leader in this field.
4. high-end product [countable] a product that is one of the most expensive or
advanced in a company’s product range, or in the market as a whole
Example: The company blamed the loss on higher costs and lower sales of high-
end products.
5. qualification (noun) an official examination that you have passed, which shows
what level of education you have reached or what training you have had.
Example: Study for extra qualifications in your free time.
6. CEO (noun) [countable] Chief Executive Officer: the person with the most
authority in a large company
Example: It has set up a special committee to look for a new CEO.
7. exchange rate (noun) [countable] the value of the money of one country when you
change it for the money of another country
Example: The last six months have seen a slight improvement in the exchange rate.
8. best-selling (adjective) bought by many people
Example: Nestle makes many of the world's best-selling food products.
9. compensation (noun) [uncountable] money paid to someone because they have
suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged
Example: The workers were given 30 days’ pay as compensation.
10. turnover (noun) [countable] the amount of business done during a particular
Example: The illicit drugs industry has an annual turnover of some £200 billion.

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