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A Course on “Introduction to Science and Scientific Theories for Ulama”

The course, “Introduction to Science and Scientific Theories for Ulama” has been specially
designed for the participants of Madrassa Discourse Program in order to equip them better
for handling the imminent challenges of modern age. This course intends to build an overall
vision of not-much-familiar students ,about science. Through this course participants will
not only get acquainted with basic scientific laws, principles and concepts but also, they will
go through some of the foremost scientific theories such as Evolutionary Theory of Charles
Darwin or Einstein’s Theories of Special and General Relativity.
This course will be going on from September to April therefore, maximum 30 and minimum
27 classes will be conducted consecutively. The course has been divided into 3 parts,
1. History of Natural Sciences
2. Basic Concepts of Science
3. Major Scientific Theories
Because all classes of the course will be conducted online therefore Power Point Slides will
be used to share the graphical representations of the ideas. Necessary books, videos,
movies, documentaries and articles will be provided to students in order to make sure their
true understanding of the concepts.

Course Contents
Part 1, History of Natural Sciences
Week 1,
Thales Week
Ancient Science
(Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Indian, Chinese)
Greek Science
(Thales, Pythagoras, Democritus, Archimedes, Aristotle)
Week 2,
Alfarabi Week
Byzantine Empire
Islamic World
(Alfarabi, Ibn al-Haytham, Ibn e Sina)
Andalusian Scientists

Week 3,
Descartes Week
Descartes, Newton, Leibniz, Kant
Week 4,
Faraday Week
Faraday, Maxwell, Einstein, The birth of Quantum
…………. Part 1 (History of Natural Sciences) Ends here………

Part 2, Basic Concepts of Science

1. Physics
Week 5,
Newton Week
Basic Concepts of Classical Physics
(Classical Mechanics)
Week 6,
Maxwell Week
Basic Concepts of Electromagnetism
Week 7,
Lorentz Week
(Galilean, Lorentz’s)
The light
(Brief History, Nature, Measures)

Week 8,
Nicolas Week
Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
Dalton Week
Basic Concepts of Particle Physics
(Brief History, Subatomic particles, Standard Model, Introduction to Salam’s work)
Week 10,
Rutherford Week
Fundamental Forces
(Electromagnetic, Gravitational, Strong Nuclear, Week Nuclear)
Nuclear Physics
Alpha Particles
Week 11,
Hubble Week
Basic Concepts of Cosmology
(Brief History, Hubble’s work, Planets, Stars, Galaxies, Bing Bang, Blackholes)
2. Chemistry
Week 12,
Lavoisier Week
Basic Concepts and principles of Chemistry
Week 13,
Mendeleev Week
Understanding Periodic Table
3. Biology
Week 14,
Hook Week
Basic Concepts of Biology
(Cell Biology, Miosis, Mitosis, Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic, Photosynthesis)
Week 15,
Darwin Week
Introduction to Evolutionary Theory
(The origin, Panspermia, Natural Selection, Adaptation, Mutation)
Week 16,
Mendel Week
Introduction to Genetics
(Law of Segregation, Law of Independent Assortment, Selective Breeding)
…………..Part 2 (Basic Concepts of Science) Ends here…………

Part 3,Major Scientific Theories

Week 17,
Einstein Week
Theory of Special Relativity
(First Week)
Week 18,
Einstein Week 2
Theory of Special Relativity
(2nd Week)
Week 19,
Minkowski Week
Theory of General Relativity
(First Week)
Week 20,
Minkowski Week 2
Theory of General Relativity
(2nd Week)
Week 21,
Planck Week
Introduction to Quantum Physics
Week 22,
Bohr Week
Copenhagen Interpretation
Uncertainty Principle
(Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Fineman, Dirac)
Week 23,
Dirac Week
Quantum Weirdness and Reality
Quantum Spin
Week 24,
Everette Week
Many Worlds Theories
String Theory
Week 25,
Schrodinger Week
Wave Equation
Quantum Biology
Week 26,
Heisenberg Week
Introduction to Atom Bomb
(Brief History, Oppenheimer)
Week 27,
Huxley Week
……….. Part 3 (Major Scientific Theories) Ends here………….

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