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(1). Concept of Tauhid. e Allah is supreme. Sustainer and Master of the world. e All powers belong to Allah. e None share his attribute, power and work. (2). What is shirk? This means ascribing to someone other than Allah something that belongs only to Allah, such as Lordship, divinity and the divine names and attributes. (3). Attributes of Allah. Oneness/Unity Sovereignty. Omnipotence Eternal and Immortal All-Knowing All mighty Perfect. = SoG Ss wn (4). Kinds of Tauhid. 1. Unique in person. 2. Unique in attributes. 3. Unique in Actions. (5). Evidence/Arguments of Tauhid. The way the whole universe works in a systematic way proves that there is a one supreme authority. (6). Obligations of Muwahid. (7). Impacts of Tawheed on human life. 1. Sense of responsibility. 2. Self respect and self esteem. 3. Bravery and courage. 4. Freedom from slavery. 5. Obedience and determination. 6. Righteous and honest. 7. Determined and steadfast. 8. Tolerance and forgiveness. 9. Satisfaction and hopefulness. (8). Impacts of tauhid on society. 1. Equality of mankind. 2. Dignity of mankind. 3. Unity and brotherhood. Facebook; Competitive Exams Preparation (1). Introduction. e According to the Holy Prophet the number of the prophets is said to be 124000. First Prophet was Hazrat Adam. e All Prophets were sent for guidance of mankind. (2).Nature of Prophethood. Prophethood is not something which can be acquired by effort, it is bestowed by Allah. Persons chosen for prophethood were most suitable for this great and sacred mission on account of their multifarious qualities. (3). Distinct qualities of Prophet. (4 — Truthfulness. Free from all sins. High degree of intelligence. Bravery. Humanitarianism. Modesity. Obedient to Allah. . Status of prophethood. Leadership and Model. Legislator and Interpreter. Arbitrator and Judge. Worthy of obedience. Teacher and Guide. (2).Nature of Prophethood. Prophethood is not something which can be acquired by effort, it is bestowed by Allah. Persons chosen for prophethood were most suitable for this great and sacred mission on account of their multifarious qualities. (3). Distinct qualities of Prophet. (4 — Truthfulness. Free from all sins. High degree of intelligence. Bravery. Humanitarianism. Modesity. Obedient to Allah. . Status of prophethood. Leadership and Model. Legislator and Interpreter. Arbitrator and Judge. Worthy of obedience. Teacher and Guide. Facebook; Competitive Exams Preparation (5). Necessity of Prophethood; Logical proofs. e |t was felt necessary to send a Prophet to a community for which no Prophet was sent previously e To those people had forgotten the message of previous Prophets and had amended the teachings and message of earlier prophets. e@ Teachings of previous prophets did not suffice to give full guidance and rule of conduct in matters of faith and religion. e The need of an extra Prophet was felt to help assist the existing Prophets. (5). Arguments; Finality of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH. 1. His massage is Universal, Applicable to all nations for all times. 2. Protection of the Book. 3. The religion and divine law which the Holy prophet brought is perfect in all aspects. (6). The results of dissenting from the belief of finality of the Holy Prophet. e@ Our faith on Holy Quran shall weaken and generate doubts and confusion. e@ The discharge of duties to God would be felt as annoying and burdensome. e wewill develop feelings of boredom and annoyance at discharging our religious obligations. Facebook; Competitive Exams Preparation (7). Basis of our Relations with Prophet Muhammad PBUH. e Faith. e@ Obedience. e Love for the Prophet PBUH. (1). The basic concept. (2). Importance of belief. 1. Belief in Akhrat is right next to belief in oneness of Allah; 2. The importance of belief in akhirat can be judged from the fact that it is an essential pre-req to enter the folds of Islam. 3. In Quran, the mention of al-akhirah on many occasions is right next to belief in the oneness of Allah. 4. This is so because denial of this belief makes all other beliefs meaningless. 5. Ifin the afterlife there does not come an opportunity when everyone get due reward of his actions, it will result in a situation which would negate the justiceness, the wisdom, the compassion and the supremacy of Almighty Allah. Facebook; Competitive Exams Preparation (3). Summary of belief. 1. 2. One day God will destroy the whole world. He will grant another life to mankind who will then be presented before Allah. All humanity will have to render an account of all his deeds, good or evil before the Judgment of God. Allah Almighty will weigh the good and evil deeds of everyone. Punishment and reward will be given according to the deeds. (4). Logical arguments. 1. Scientists agree that one day the sun will become cold and will give up all its energy, the stars will collide with one another and the whole system of the universe will be upset and destroyed. It is evident that God who created man in this world can do so in the next; the resurrection. It has been discovered that the sound leaves its impression on its surroundings objects and can be reproduced. This shows that record of our deeds is completely preserved and can be reproduced. Our reason and sense of justice demand that a man who does good must be rewarded and the one who does evil must be punished. Facebook; Competitive Exams Preparation (5). Different viewpoints regarding life hereafter. 1. A section of people say that there is nothing left of man after death and that after this life ends, there is no other life. A section of people say that a human being is a human being because in his previous animal form he had done good deeds and an animal is animal because previously as a human being he had behaved badly. There is a third viewpoint which calls for belief in the day of judgment. (6). Impact on individuals. RB OMDNDUBWHN Fear of Allah. Sense of responsibility and accountability. Optimistic about reward in the hereafter. Happy and satisfied. Virtue and Piety. Abstinence from sins. Spirit of sacrificing. Humility and modesty. Courage. 10. Patience. (7). Impact on society. 1. 25 3. 4. Ideal society. The spirit of generosity. The spirit of worship. Cooperation and brotherhood. Facebook; Competitive Exams Preparation (1). Introduction. Revelation is not acquired through efforts or intelligence it is only from Allah. The principles of religion relating to the Unity of Allah, day of Judgement, concept of reward and punishment are common in all revealed books. The books revealed from time to time either had been totally lost or their original massage deleted. Allah sent final and complete revelation in form of Holy Quran. (2). Revealed books mentioned in Holy Quran. {. 2. 3. 4. Taurat revealed on Prophet Musa A.S. Injil revealed on Prophet Isa A.S. Zabur revealed on Prophet Dawud A.S. Holy Quran revealed on Prophet Muhammad PBUH. (3). Impacts of belief in revealed books. 1. 2. Belief in all messengers of Allah without discrimination. They are given same divine message, they should neither be denied nor be disrespected. Unstained faith in uncorrupted messages of all messengers. Facebook; Competitive Exams Preparation (1). Introduction. Angels were created from light. Angels are free from carnal desires. Angels never disobey Allah. Angels have spiritual powers and functions, hence can not be seen. They do not eat, marry or sleep. They have no personal desires. (2). The prominent Angels are; 1. 2. 3: 4. Hazrat Jibrael. Hazrat Izrael. Hazrat Israfil. Hazrat Mikael. (3). Other Angels. 1. 2. 3. Angel incharge of Paradise is Rizwan. Angel Malik rules over the hell. The angles who records man's words and deeds are called the respected Recorders (Kiram-ul-Katibeen). Two Angels called Munkar (records good deeds) and Nakir (records wrong deeds) question the dead in their graves. Facebook; Competitive Exams Preparation

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