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Preposition must always have an object Into – in to

a. I’ve seen this movie before

Into- movement - where

A. To / toward In to (adverb) to (prep)- in order to
I walk toward library – the end point is not necessary the
landmark. The boss came into the office
Toward - She started toward barn, but then she turned The boss came in to collect the papers
toward hourse
To- direction
To- the landmark is the end point Talk to your superintendent and get more information

In vs Into For- doing something for someone

- A reason for doing something
In: focus on the result I bought this gift for you
We got in the car
He runs for his health
Into : highlight the movement & more dynamic TIME
We got into the car
On- used for days
We crashed in the tree/ we crashed into the tree The week begin on sunday
We slept in the car/ we slept into the car. At- noon, night, midnight, with the time of day
We got in France after some delay The movie start at 6 pm.
We got into France after some delay
My plane leaves at noon.

We drove deeper into the forest In – other parts of day, with months, years, and seasons.

Cause- verb/noun
Because – conjuction..
Use due to if you can subtle with couse of..otherwise use
because of
I miss the class due to the rain
I miss the class caused by the rain – because of
My grade was due to the lack of study
My grade was caused by lack of the study.

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