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Home remedies

Mixture of lemon, cinnamon and honey

Another effective home remedy for common cold and cough is a mixture of lemon,
cinnamon and honey. This syrup effectively cures cold and cough.

How to make the syrup?

In half spoon of honey, add a few drop of lemon and a pinch of cinnamon. Have
this syrup twice a day to cure common cold and cough.

Carrot juice
This uncommon home remedy is great to fight common cold and cough. It may
sound strange but this interesting drink helps in relieving common cold and cough!

Flaxseeds for cold and cough

Flaxseeds are another effective remedy to cure common cold and cough. You can
boil flaxseeds. Add a few drops of lime juice and honey to it and consume the
mixture for cold and cough relief.

Ginger and salt

Cut ginger into small pieces and add salt to it. Chew these ginger pieces to fight
cold, cough and a sore throat.

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