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‫جامعة عمار ثليجي األغواط‬

Université Amar Telidji of Laghouat

‫كلية اآلداب واللغات‬

Faculty of Letters and Languages
‫مجلة بــــدايات‬
Bidayet Journal
ISSN 2676 – 198X

Publication ethics and malpractice statement

Bidayet magazine publishes original and refereed scientific articles, with the
aim of providing high quality to its readers by adhering to the principles of the
code of publishing ethics and preventing malpractice.

The ethical code is classified within the COPE: Committee on Publication

Ethic, and it is the guiding basis for authors, researchers and other parties
influencing the publication of articles in the journal, including referees,
consultants, revisers and publishers, so that the journal seeks to set unified
standards of behavior. The magazine strives to ensure that everyone accepts the
ethical code by agreement, and thus it is fully committed to ensuring its
implementation in light of acceptance of responsibility and fulfilling the duties
and responsibilities assigned to each party:

1- responsibility of the publisher:

Publishing decision: The copyright and quotation rights of previous scholarly

works must be taken into consideration, with the aim of preserving the rights of
others when publishing articles in the journal, and the editor-in-chief is
responsible for the decision to publish and print and based on that on the
journal's policy and compliance with the legal requirements for publication,
especially with regard to defamation, slander or violation Copyright, printing or
piracy, and the editor-in-chief can consult with members of the editorial board or
reviewers in making a decision.

Integrity: The Editor-in-Chief ensures that the content of each article submitted
for publication is evaluated, regardless of gender, origin, religious belief,
citizenship or political affiliation of the author.

Confidentiality: The information of the authors of the articles must be strictly

confidential and preserved by all persons who have access to it, such as the
editor, members of the editorial board, or any member related to editing and
publishing and the rest of the other trusted parties as required by the arbitration

Explicit consent: The results of others' research related to non-publishable
articles cannot be used or utilized without the written permission or permission
of their author.

2- Responsibility of the arbitrator:

Contribution to the publishing decision: The referee assists the editor-in-chief

and the editorial board in making the publishing decision, as well as assisting the
author in improving and correcting the article.

Speed of service and adherence to deadlines: on the initiative and speed in

carrying out the evaluation of the article addressed to him within the specified
deadlines, and if this is not possible after the initial study of the article, he must
inform the editor-in-chief that the topic of the article is outside the scope of the
arbitrator's work, delaying the arbitration due to lack of time or insufficient
capabilities For arbitration.

Confidentiality: All article information must be confidential for the arbitrator,

and the arbitrator shall strive to maintain its confidentiality. It cannot be
disclosed or discussed with any party except for those authorized by the editor-

Objectivity: The arbitrator must prove his review and evaluation of the research
directed at him with objective arguments and evidence, and avoid arbitration on
the basis of stating his personal point of view, personal taste, racism,
sectarianism and others.

Identification of sources: the arbitrator must try to identify the sources and
references related to the topic (the article) that the author did not marginalize,
and any text or paragraph taken from other works previously published must be
properly marginalized, and the arbitrator must inform the editor-in-chief and
warn him of any similar, similar, or overlapping work with the work being done.

Conflict of interest: The arbitrator shall not be judging articles for personal
purposes, that is, he shall not accept the arbitration of articles through which
there may be interests of persons or institutions or in which personal relations are

3- Author's responsibility:

Preparation Criteria: The author must present original research and present it
accurately and objectively, in a scientific, consistent manner that matches the
specifications of the refereed articles, whether in terms of language, form or

content, in accordance with the standards and policy of publishing in the journal,
and the data should be shown correctly, and that is through full referral Taking
into account the rights of others in the article; Avoid showing sensitive and
immoral topics, taste, personality, ethnicity, sectarianism, false and incorrect
information, and translating the work of others without mentioning the source of
the quote in the article.

Authenticity and piracy: the author must prove the authenticity of his work and
any quotation or use of other people's paragraphs or words must be marginalized
in an appropriate and correct manner. Bidayet magazine reserves the right to use
piracy detection software for works submitted for publication.

Republish: The author cannot submit the same work (the article) to more than
one magazine or conference, and doing so is considered unethical and
unacceptable behavior.

Data Access and Retention: The author must keep the private data that he used in
his article, and present it upon request by the editorial board or evaluator.

Disclosure: The author must disclose any conflict of interest, financial or

otherwise, that may affect the research results and their interpretation, and the
source of all financial support for his article project must be disclosed.

The authors of the article: The authors of the article should be limited to those
who contributed significantly and clearly, both in terms of design,
implementation and interpretation, with the necessity to identify the author
responsible for the article and he who plays a major role in preparing and
planning the article, while the rest of the authors are also mentioned in the article
However, they do contribute to it, and the original author of the article must
ensure that the names and information of all authors are present, and that no
names other than the authors of the article are included. The authors must also
read all of the article well, and expressly agree on what is contained in its content
and publish it in the required form.

In publishing rules.

Referrals and references: The author of the article is obligated to mention

referrals appropriately, and the referral must include mentioning all books,
publications, websites and all other research people in the list of references and
references, cited or referred to in the text of the article.

Reporting errors: If the author was alerted and discovered that there was a
fundamental error or inaccuracy in the parts of his article at any time, he should

immediately notify the editor of the journal or the publisher, and cooperate to
correct the error.

4- Copyright:

All materials on this site are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced,
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The following guidelines apply to all users of the journal site:

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Privacy statement: The names and e-mail addresses entered on the journal's
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Fees and Charges: The magazine is non-commercial and does not impose fees
for arbitration, acceptance of publication and printing.

When an article is accepted, the copyright is automatically transferred to Bidayat


The copyright of all papers published in this journal is reserved by the respective
authors in accordance with a Creative Commons license.

Open Access Policy: All articles published by Bidayet magazine are freely and
permanently accessed online upon publication, without hindrance, including the
full texts of existing research papers, in application of the principle that "making
research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of

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