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"No, sir, he will not leave the room.

After learning that your

is some kind of accomplished Lothario with a penchant for
then I myself have no wish to hear more, either so I would be
if you would either voice your opinions in a more temperate
manner or
leave the room yourself. The cold air might go some way to
your ill humour."

The young woman's anger and deep blue-eyed animosity might at

any other
time have amused William, and he might have taken time to
admire her
slender form and the flawless beauty of her face, but now he
did not
smile. His temper was not improved by her bold attack, which
his lean face to darken and his lip to curl scornfully across
his even
white teeth.

"And I, madam, would be obliged if you would see fit to mind

your own

"At least I keep my own business to myself, sir, and do not air
opinions so vociferously in public."

William's mouth was tight and his black eyes snapped fiercely
as he
fixed her with a savage look. There was a murderous expression
on his
face and it was with a great deal of effort that he restrained
"You are extremely outspoken, madam."

"Not usually," she replied, looking at him with a cool hauteur

belied the anger mounting inside her to match his own. "Only

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