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I have studied the articles of scientists on the topic of natural resources on Earth

and I want to tell in my report how long each resource will last.
1. Oil
Reserves: 50 years
Despite the fact that oil reserves are melting, the rate of its production is only
increasing from year to year. Humanity has only half a century left to switch from
gasoline engines to electric cars. But it is worth understanding that not only fuel
for cars is made of oil, but also things that we use every day. For example, a
polyethylene package or household chemicals.
2. Natural gas
Reserves: 53 years
The gas is burned. It is used to heat rolling, forging, and smelting furnaces; gas is
used to heat boiler houses that drive heat through pipes to our houses and generate
electricity. At the same time, do not forget that the use of gas reduces equipment
operating costs.
If intensive oil production was carried out back in the 19th century, then the rate of
natural gas production grew rapidly only in the second half of the 20th century.
Natural gas is considered to be the most environmentally friendly fuel.
3. Iron
Reserves: 57 years
The disappearing reserves of the mined iron are already compensated by the use of
scrap iron in metallurgy. The percentage of the use of scrap iron in the world as a
source of raw materials has grown to 40%.
4. Coal
Reserves: 233 years
Coal from a forgotten past may become our future in the coming years, but in a
different capacity.
In light of the imminent depletion of oil reserves, coal can replace it in the
chemical industry as an alternative source of artificial hydrocarbons.
5. Uranus
Reserves: 80 years
The atomic age of mankind can hardly be long. The reserves of uranium ores on
the planet are quite small.
Although, if we improve the applicable technologies in nuclear power plants to
increase their efficiency and stop using uranium for the production of weapons, the
existing uranium reserves can be stretched for a much longer period.
Already, half of the world's radioactive fuel is produced not from mined uranium,
but from disposable warheads.

I have listed only some of the main natural resources. As we can see, there are not
so many resources left. For all mankind, 50 years is a very short time. Thus, people
need to come up with new sources of energy and materials. Also, each person
should individually think about the use of plastic and so on.

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