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Questions Analysis(Keywords) >> Ideas Generate(Coffee-shop-method) >> Structure >> Vocabulary

Main Body:
That is to say /\ In other words /\ This is because /\ The reason is /\ As a result /\ Therefore

For example /\ For instance /\ A good illustration of this can /\ Hence, there is a good reason to believe
Personal stories (you can use “I’ in this example type) /\ Real examples [incident, tragedy] /\ Statistics
/\ News Stories [report] /\ Surveys [survey] /\ Academic studies [study] [research]

In conclusion /\ To conclude
It is recommended /\ It is predicted


*INTRO* It is argued that

(When restating someone’s else opinion)
This essay completely/totally agrees with that /\
In my opinion /\ I am in favour of the idea of
/\ I am completely against the idea of …… because
Another reason


*INTRO* Some would argue – while others say

Although / While – I believe …
/\ This essay will argue that although – I believe
On the one hand -- However I believe
On the other hand – I believe
*********************PROBLEM/CAUSE & SOLUTION-ESSAY************************
*INTRO* The main problem this causes is ----
and the most viable solution is …
*PROB-PARA* The principal problem associated with
*SOL-PARA* To tackle this problem the …
*CONC-PARA* XYZ is a major issue that can result
--- however it can be addressed through …
*INTRO* The primary cause of this phenomenon is
---- the most viable solution is to
*SOL-PARA* A long term solution to this predicament is

***********************ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES-ESSAY********************

*INTRO* While /\ Although --- I believe
*Side-1-ADV-PARA* The main advantage.. Despite this
*Side-2-DISADV-PARA* I believe ….
*CONC-PARA* Although

*INTRO* This essay will first suggest – while
*DISADV-PARA* Despite this …
Advantages-Disadvantages-Far Outweigh:
*INTRO* This essay will argue that despite ---
far outweigh/s
*Weak-Side-PARA* -- However …
*Strong-Side- PARA* N/A
*CONC-PARA* --- far outweigh/s

******************************DOUBLE QUESTIONS-ESSAY*************************

*INTRO* This essay will argue that /\

This essay completely agrees/disagrees with that
statement because --- However

(Intro useful words can be picked from previous

related essays accordingly)

************************INFORMAL—LETTER == TO FRIEND*************************

Use Contractions e.g: I’m, I’ve, I’d, It’s

Stating purpose:
I’m just writing to let you know that…
Apologising :
I’d like to apologize for…
Asking for help:
I was wondering if you would do me a favour...
Expressing satisfaction / excitement:
I was over the moon to hear about..
Giving bad news:
I’m afraid I’ve a bit of bad news for you.
All the best /\ Keep in touch

*************************FORMAL—LETTER == TO OTHERS*************************

Stating purpose:
I am writing with regard to …
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with…
Apologising :
I would like to apologize for…
Asking for help or making suggestion:
I would be grateful if you would…
I would like to suggest that…
Expressing satisfaction / excitement:
I was delighted to hear about…
Giving bad news:
I am afraid I have some bad news for you.
I look forward to your response.
I await your prompt service.
Thank you for your consideration.


1- Answers are in same order as text
2- Read all questions first and mark keywords and synonyms from them.
3- Scan and read closely to find answer
4- Answer should only be based on facts and information in text/para. Don’t use your personal
or anyone else opinion

1- Answers are in same order as text
2- Read all questions first and mark keywords and synonyms from them.
3- Scan and read closely to find answer
4- Answer should only be based on writer’s opinion. Don’t use your personal or anyone else

1- Do this question type at first, if it is a part of same section.
2- Don’t look at headings
3- Skim all para’s and try to sum up each para in 2-3 words. Also identify keywords in para
4- Match headings with para’s to find answer
5- For ambiguous ones, match remaining 2-3 headings with para and establish if there is
synonym in para to headings keywords.

Matching Information to Para’s:

1- Do this question type at the end, if it is a part of same section.
2- Read questions first and then try to rephrase and predict their answers.
4- Quickly skim the reading text and try to understand the correct meaning of it
5- Now match question and text to find the answer.

1- Answers are in same order as text
2- Read the questions before you read text and beware of distractors.
3- Locate the right part in text and read carefully.
4- Narrow choices by eliminating the wrong answers first.
Matching Name’s:
1- Answers are not in same order as text and read questions first
2- Quickly find the names by scanning and underlining in the text. Names might be shortened
or abbreviated in text.
3- First answer that question whose name appear only once in text.
4- Read around the name in text and then match with statements list.

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