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Menurut saya belajar secara virtual ini kurang efektif karena blum tentu semua orang bisa beljar


Hal ini bisa di sebabkan karna masalah ekonomi keluarga siswa yang berbeda beda, Apa lagi karna ada
penyakit corona ini membuat ekonomi kita menurun. Dan Belajar online ini kita dipaksa harus paham
sendiri materi yang telah di kirim oleh guru lalu mengerjakan tugas walau kita belum terlalu paham.
Kadang ketika kondisi mati lampu, itu menyebabkan koneksi internet terganggu, apalagi bagi siswa yg
memakai Wi-Fi, maka koneksi internet pun akan hilang, apalagi sekarang beberapa daerah ada yg
sering hujan dan angin kencang

In my opinion virtual learning is less effective because of course everyone can learn online

This can be caused because of the economic problems of different student families, What's more
because there is a corona disease that makes our economy decline. And online learning is forced us to
understand the material that has been sent by the teacher and then do the work even though we do not
really understand. Sometimes when the lights go out, it causes the internet connection to be
interrupted, especially for students who use Wi-Fi, then the internet connection will be lost, especially
now that some areas often rain and strong winds

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