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obligatory (adj.): Required by law or conscience; mandatory.

Then came 1980: the year it became obligatory to wear

the veil at school (3).

decadence (n.): Excessive indulgence in luxury or sensual pleasures; self-indulgent to the point of moral decay. All the
bilingual schools must be closed down. They are symbols of capitalism. Of decadence (4).

avant-garde (adj.): Of the most advanced and progressive sector of society; vanguard, cutting-edge. I really don’t know
what to think about the veil. Deep down I was very religious, but as a family we were very modern and avant-garde (6).

predecessor(n.): A person who had previously occupied a position or office. Like all my predecessors, I had my holy
book (7).

disciple (n.): A person devoted to following the teachings of a leader; a follower or adherent. In that case, I’ll be your
first disciple (7).

wrath (n.): Strong anger or indignation; vengeful fury. I wanted to be justice, love, and the wrath of God all in one (9).

imperialism (n.): A form of expansive power whereby one nation takes control of another nation’s territory,
government, economy, or culture; the establishment of an empire. First our own emperors, then the Arab invasion from
the West, followed by the Mongolian invasion from the Easy, and finally modern imperialism (11).

dynasty (n.): A succession of rulers from the same line of descent. You know, my child, since the dawn of time,
dynasties have succeeded each other, but the kings always kept their promises (27).

martyr (n.): A person who sacrifices his or her life in order to support a greater cause or principle. People came out
carrying the body of a young man killed by the army. He was honored like a martyr (31).

clandestine (adj.): Done in secret; covert; hidden or concealed. My favorite author was Ali Ashraf Darvishian, a kind of
local Charles Dickens. I went to his clandestine book-signing with my mother (33).

social class (n.): A group sharing the same economic status. The reason for my shame and for the revolution is the same:
the difference between social classes (23, 33).

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