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Income for Life comes with some great tax benefits: Income for Life’s performance as a savings and investment vehicle
is hard to beat.
SAFETY • Your money grows tax-deferred (like a 401(k)) “SWISS ARMY KNIFE” VERSATILITY
• Any dividends you receive are tax-free • Policyholders can earn up to 5% on their cash over the long term
Investors typically put most of their money in the markets Income for Life is one of the most versatile
• Using a little-known loophole, you can extract your cash • Dividend payments that increase over time. I’ve seen:
(stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, etc.). If another financial crisis like vehicles on the planet. It offers tons of benefits
tax-free (unlike a 401(k)) - a 60-year-old policy paying annual dividends 10 times
the one in 2008 happens, they could be down up to 50%, that give you liquidity, control, and flexibility.
• You don’t need to report or file anything on your tax return bigger than its annual premium payment
seemingly overnight. The opposite is true for Income for Life: The policy-loan feature is Income
(which keeps it private). - a 41-year-old policy paying annual dividends 5 times
bigger than its annual premium payment for Life’s secret weapon. It allows you to:
• Insurance companies guarantee your cash balance won’t go
• The insurance (death benefit component) grows each
down in value (even if the markets tank 50%) • Use your policy like a banking or credit
passing year.
• The insurance companies guarantee your account will go up facility to finance big-ticket items
in value every year (it’s a contractual guarantee) • Use it as a college savings vehicle for
• Dividends aren’t guaranteed, but the insurance companies your kids
are so safe, they’ve paid dividends for more than 100 years in • Have some life insurance coverage for
a row anyway your family if tragedy strikes
• The insurance companies keep policyholders’ money • Have a safe place to store cash for
invested in the safest places. During the 2008 crisis, less than emergencies
1% of their assets were listed in default. • Tap into it as a source of retirement income
later in life
INCOME FOR LIFE • Use it as an estate-planning tool, so you can
leave something for your heirs
LEGACY PORTFOLIO Allocate a portion of your capital to a dividend-paying • Shelter money from creditors or lawsuits
whole life insurance policy from a mutual insurance (in most states)
If I could only choose one place to invest my • Use it as a platform for all your investing.
money, it’d be blue-chip dividend-raising company (our 702(j)/Income for Life plans).
stocks. Just like the ones we stuff our Legacy You’ll get four key crisis protection benefits.
Portfolio with. There’s no safer place to
guarantee yourself a fortune than letting your
money compound here. Their stock prices BONUS: DUAL COMPOUNDING
might go up and down, but the dividends they
pay only go up… even during the roughest Income for Life’s most powerful strategy is called “dual compounding.”
times. Here’s how it works:
During an economic or financial crisis, most asset Step 1: Put money into an Income for Life policy.
Step 2: Borrow against your account value.
classes suffer. But there are two places I’m comfortable Step 3: Invest it.
REAL ESTATE putting my cash to work during a crisis. Step 4: Use investment profits to service your loan interest.
Step 5: Put your money into a vehicle, but double or dual compound it
Another one of my favorite places to invest during a crisis is
in two places.
cash-flow-positive rental real estate. Bought the right way, rental real
estate provides high-yield cash returns. Again, regardless of whether
It’s one of the biggest breakthroughs we’ve made. In our Income for Life
the property’s price fluctuates up or down.
Premium program, we’ve put together an extensive manifesto explaining
everything you need to do to capitalize on it.
Every crisis gives investors the potential
SPECULATION to make a fortune in two ways.
First, by speculating. For example, those betting against tech stocks in 2000,
bank stocks in 2008, or emerging markets in 2015 made millions.

My favorite speculation right now is betting against Silicon Valley tech stocks. TROPHY ASSETS

• Before the last tech bubble burst in 2000, there were 18 unicorns (private companies worth $1 billion or more) The second way to make a fortune is by buying quality (irreplaceable) assets at
• Today, there are over 100 unicorns. distressed fire-sale prices. Anyone who bought bank stocks, gold mines, and retail
stocks in 2009 made a fortune.
Many of these have started to crash. And I believe they will continue to do so. One great way to play this is to short
the First Trust Dow Jones Internet ETF (NYSE: FDN). Its top 10 holdings trade at a ridiculous 7.5 times sales. I’m confident we’ll see another opportunity like the 2008 financial crisis again soon. I
think natural resources will get hit the hardest. When they do, I’ll be buying the world’s
But the better way to play it is by buying put options on select stocks that are very overvalued. I hand-picked six of best gold, copper, and iron mines.... the best oil fields... the highest-quality blue chip
these for my Tom’s Confidential readers. We’ve already profited 97%, 221%, and 95% on three trades. I think the stocks... all for pennies on the dollar.
other three will get hit hard during the next downturn.
One of my favorites is Freeport-McMoRan. It has some of the best assets in oil, gas,
Best part: These gains come without a crisis in the overall markets. copper, and gold in the world. Put this on your watch list.

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