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Individual Learning Packet

Teaching Unit

All The Pretty Horses

by Cormac McCarthy

written by Christina Taneyhill

Copyright © 2005 by Prestwick House Inc., P.O. Box 658, Clayton, DE 19938. 1-800-932-4593. Permission to copy this unit for classroom use is extended to purchaser for his or her
personal use. This material, in whole or part, may not be copied for resale.

ISBN 978-1-58049-695-5
Item No. 301151
All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

All the Pretty Horses

Note to the Teacher

This novel deals with a number of controversial topics, including language, sexuality, violence,
and alcohol usage by minors. The three young men central to the story are teenagers. These
three characters use some explicit language in their conversations. The young men also become
intoxicated one night from drinking. There is a sexual relationship in the novel and it also
includes scenes of graphic violence. All these elements, in conjunction with McCarthy’s own
particular style, required that the maturity level of the class be taken into consideration before
teaching the book.


All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

All the Pretty Horses


By the end of this Unit, the student will be able to:

1. define the term bildungsroman, and explain how this novel is a bildungsroman for the
protagonist John Grady.

2. describe the author’s style and identify the specific narrative techniques the author employs
to create his style, including:

• the use of allusion

• the use of dialect
• a slow exposition
• free indirect discourse
• the lack of quotation marks
• untranslated Spanish passages
• the repetition of phrases (anaphora)

3. identify the ending of the cowboy era as a major theme of the novel, find examples
from the text that illustrate this ending, and discuss how the changing times affects the

4. discuss how the motif of blood is central to the story by giving examples of where it is
used and why it is an appropriate symbol for the novel.

5. discuss how John Grady’s relationship to horses affects the story and informs the reader
about his character.

6. identify the theme of adolescent rebellion against parental authority figures, give examples
of its occurrence in the text, and discuss why it is a significant aspect of the story.

7. discuss the significant impact of war on various characters in the novel

8. examine John Grady’s parental figures and identify how he feels about each and the impact
they have had on his life.

9. discuss the role women play in the novel, especially in relationships with the protagonist,
and identify what constraints society places on women during this time period.

10. explain the role physical violence plays in the novel and how it contributes to the
protagonist’s maturation.

All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

11. discuss why the author extensively describes the landscape of the novel and how these
passages contribute to the reader’s experience.

12. explain how the various deaths that occur in the course of the story propel the plot, and
discuss what larger meanings they might represent.

13. characterize the role dreams play in the narrative.

14. identify the pessimistic attitudes some characters maintain about human nature.

All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

All the Pretty Horses

Terms and Definitions

Allusion – a reference to a person, place, poem, book, event, etc., which is not part of the
story, that the author expects the reader will recognize. Example: In The Glass Menagerie,
Tom speaks of “Chamberlain’s umbrella,” a reference to British Prime Minister Neville

Anaphora – repetition of a word or group of words within a short section of writing. Example:

“A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is
– Ecclesiastes 3:2

Bildungstrom – a novel that revolves around a young protagonist’s development into a hero
through episodic growth. Example: David Copperfield, John Grady Cole in All The Pretty

Coming of Age – a novel or other work of literature in which the main character or characters
grow, mature, or understand the world in adult terms. Examples: The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn; The Cay.

Dialect – a particular kind of speech used by members of one specific group because of its
geographical location or class. Example: Jim, in Huckleberry Finn says, “Shet de do.’’
[“Shut the door”.]

Exposition – the background information that the reader has to know and/or understand before
reading the play or novel. The information is usually dealt with at the beginning of the
book. Sometimes, exposition reveals things that occurred before the actual plot begins.
Example: The chorus in Romeo and Juliet explains the setting, the feud between the
families, and the future deaths of the main characters in fourteen lines of poetry.

Foil – a character whose qualities or actions usually serve to emphasize the actions or qualities
of the main character, the protagonist, by providing a strong contrast. On occasion, the
foil is used as a contrast to a character other than the main one. Examples: Hotspur
contrasts Prince Hal in Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part I; the Roadrunner of cartoon fame uses
Wile E. Coyote as his foil.

Foreshadowing – the use of hints or clues in a story to suggest what action is to come.
Foreshadowing is frequently used to create interest and build suspense. Example: Two
small and seemingly inconsequential car accidents predict and hint at the upcoming,
important wreck in The Great Gatsby.


All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

Hero – the central character, usually one who possesses noble qualities such as self-sacrifice,
courage, wisdom, etc. Examples: Tarzan, King Arthur, Frodo.

Inference – the act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually stated by the author. Example: In
The Pigman, John and Lorraine are writing a “memorial epic” about Mr. Pignati. Therefore,
the reader may logically assume that Mr. Pignati dies in the book.

Juxtaposition – the placement of two dissimilar items, people, thoughts, places, etc., next to
one another to emphasize the differences or heighten the similarities. Example: In The
Pearl, the main character instinctively touches the valuable pearl and his knife at the same

Motif – a situation, incident, idea, or image that is repeated significantly in a literary work.
Examples: In Hamlet, revenge is a frequently repeated idea. In The Catcher in the Rye,
Holden continually comments on the phoniness of people he meets.

Narrator – the one who tells the story. The narrator must not be confused with “author,” the
one who writes the story. If the narrator is a character in the book, the proper term is
“first-person narration.” Example: Moby Dick is narrated by Ishmael, a crewmember. If
the narrator is not a character in the book, the correct term is “third-person narration.”
Example: Sense and Sensibility.

Protagonist – the central or main character in a story around whom the plot centers. Examples:
Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter; David Copperfield in David Copperfield.

Setting – when and where the short story, play, or novel takes place. Examples: Macbeth takes
place in the eleventh century in Scotland. The Old Man and the Sea has its main setting
on the ocean outside Havana, Cuba, in an unspecified time in the middle-to-late 20th-

Simile – a comparison between two different things using either like or as. Examples: I am as
hungry as a horse. The huge trees broke like twigs during the hurricane.

Stream of Consciousness – the continuous flow of sense perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and
memories in the human mind; a literary method of representing such a blending of mental
processes in fictional characters. Example: James Joyce’s Ulysses.

Style – the way an author chooses and uses words, phrases, and sentences to tell the story.
For example, in an action/adventure story, the author may use simple words and short,
choppy sentences, because this style moves the story along quickly. In a story about a
college professor, the same author may choose to use polysyllabic, unfamiliar words, and
long, convoluted sentences.


All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

Theme – the central or dominant idea behind the story; the most important aspect that emerges
from how the book treats its subject. Sometimes theme is easy to see, but, at other times,
it may be more difficult. Theme is usually expressed indirectly, as an element the reader
must figure out. It is a universal statement about humanity, rather than a simple statement
dealing with plot or characters in the story. Themes are generally hinted at through
different methods: a phrase or quotation that introduces the novel, a recurring element in
the book, or an observation made that is reinforced through plot, dialogue, or characters.
It must be emphasized that not all works of literature have themes in them. Example: In
a story about a man who is diagnosed with cancer and, through medicine and will-power,
returns to his former occupation, the theme might be: “Real courage is demonstrated
through internal bravery and perseverance.” In a poem about a flower that grows, blooms,
and dies, the theme might be: “Youth fades, and death comes to all.”

Tone – the atmosphere in a literary work or the attitude the author puts in a literary work.
Examples: The gloom and representation of decay is the main tone of Poe’s The Fall of the
House of Usher; the tone of Catch-22 is one of sarcasm and absurdity.

Verisimilitude – the use of realistic elements to make literature appear truthful or accurate.
Example: The creature in Frankenstein meets and converses with a blind man.


All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

All the Pretty Horses

Questions for Essay and Discussion

1. Identify three scenes in the novel in which the author either uses the imagery of blood to
describe the landscape or a character’s real blood is a major part of the scene. Why do you
think blood so frequently comes up throughout the novel? How does this motif relate to
themes in the novel?

2. Describe the various ways the author attempts to create authenticity in his dialogue.
Do you find these methods add value to the story or make the story more difficult to
understand for the reader? Why or why not? Give examples of points in the text that
support your position.

3. In what ways is John Grady’s father somewhat of a disappointment to him? What are
the positive aspects of their relationship? What impairs his father’s ability to be a good

4. Describe how the changes in John Grady’s hometown relate to larger shifts in the
Southwestern way of life. Compare the era that is passing in the novel to the one that
seems to be arriving.

5. What is the significance of John Grady’s father’s comparison of modern people to the
Comanche Indians? How does this frame the rest of the novel and relate to its main

6. Describe the various issues John Grady has with his mother. What is the source of their
problems? Does John Grady have any other mother figures in the novel?

7. Characterize the role Rawlins plays in the novel. At what points in the novel do his good
instincts predict danger? Ultimately, how is he similar or different from John Grady?

8. Explain how Rawlins and John Grady earn respect when they first arrive at the hacienda.
What does this undertaking reveal to the reader about their characters and values?

9. Compare and contrast the two romantic relationships that end for John Grady during the
novel. Who was responsible for the end of each relationship? How has each affected him,
and how does he feel about the ending of them?

10. A number of characters introduced early in the novel are mirrored or reflected in later
characters. Identify two of these pairs and the similar roles they play in John Grady’s life.

11. Why do you think both John Grady and Don Héctor believe cattle is the only wealth
proper to man? What does this reveal to you about their values and characters?


All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

12. Discuss how main characters in the novel are affected by the history of their families. Explain
how major historical events, such as wars, also shape the lives of many characters.

13. John Grady is an extremely loyal friend. Give examples of his loyalty to Rawlins, Blevins,
and other characters throughout the novel. When, if ever, is he disloyal?

14. What do John Grady’s dreams reveal about his character, and how do they relate to major
themes of the novel?

15. Explain the title of the novel in the context of the major themes of the story.

16. Compare and contrast Alfonsa’s philosophy about responsibility and her father’s. What
view of responsibility is John Grady likely to believe? Why? What philosophy best explains
the events of the novel?

17. Rawlins says they are in prison, “All over a goddamned horse.” John Grady replies, “Horse
had nothin to do with it.” (Pg. 185) What do you think John Grady means by this? What
does their incarceration have to do with, in his mind?

18. Explain the differences Pérez sees between Americans and Mexicans. Do his
characterizations seem accurate? Why or why not? How do his beliefs relate to the larger
themes of the novel?

19. La Purísma is described as a paradise. Given John Grady’s romantic relationship with
Alejandra, is an Adam and Eve-like story implied? Who tempts whom in the relationship?
What causes their fall from paradise?

20. The author writes that John stands in the back of a truck, “as if he were some newfound
evangelical being conveyed down out of the mountains…” (Pg. 217) What is the new
knowledge that John has acquired during Chapter III? Why would he be unlikely to
preach like an evangelist?

21. The vaqueros say that “a man leaves much when he leaves his own country…it was no
accident of circumstance that a man be born in a certain country…” (Pg. 226) At the end
of the novel John leaves in search of his own country. How do you think each of these
characters defines “country”? How is this significant to the central theme of the novel, the
ending of the cowboy era?

22. Is John Grady a hero? If so, what makes him heroic?

23. The author, Cormac McCarthy, has also written a play and a screenplay. What about his
writing style in All the Pretty Horses makes it similar to a play or screenplay?

24. What are the typical conventions of a Western? Does All the Pretty Horses ultimately
conform with or defy these conventions?


All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

All the Pretty Horses


1. Whose funeral does John Grady attend in the opening of the novel?
A. his father’s
B. his grandfather’s
C. Abuela’s
D. Blevins’

2. What is the name of John Grady’s hometown?

A. San Antonio
B. Encantada
C. Langtry
D. San Angelo

3. Why is his mother’s play such a disappointment to John Grady?

A. He thought she had a more significant role.
B. His mother did not accurately describe the content of the play to him.
C. The play only drew a small crowd.
D. He expected the play to have a more significant meaning.

4. Why did Blevins leave home?

A. because his stepfather treated him badly
B. because his older brother beat him
C. because his parents would not allow him to have a horse
D. because his dad died in the war

5. What surprising thing do the men at the waxcamp ask John Grady?
A. They ask him to join them in retrieving the lost horse.
B. They ask him if he will sell Blevins to them.
C. They ask him if he will help them find a lost child
D. They ask him if he will sell his firearms to them.

6. What beliefs does Luis communicate to the young men regarding horses and souls?
A. Luis believes horses have individual souls, just like men.
B. Luis believes horses share a collective soul.
C. Luis believes horses do not have souls.
D. Luis believes it is impossible for men to understand the souls of horses.

All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

7. What job does Don Héctor promote John Grady to at the ranch?
A. foreman
B. vaquero
C. stableboy
D. breeder

8. To what Spanish language author does Don Héctor allude?

A. Gabriel García Márquez
B. Federico Garcia Lorca
C. Miguel de Cervantes
D. Sor Juana De La Cruz

9. What game does John Grady play with Alfonsa?

A. chess
B. billiards
C. checkers
D. backgammon

10. How many men does Blevins kill while retrieving his gun?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

11. What important piece of information does the attorney, Franklin, reveal to John Grady?
A. Franklin reveals the ranch has already been sold.
B. Franklin reveals what type of illness John’s father has.
C. Franklin reveals the name of a man John’s mother is dating.
D. Franklin reveals that John’s parents’ divorce is final.

12. What does Blevins do just before he is killed?

A. He tells John his real name.
B. He pulls off his boot and gives John some money.
C. He gives John a pack of cigarettes.
D. He reveals his actual age to John.

13. Who is Emilio Pérez?

A. a wealthy prisoner
B. a rich hacendado
C. a vaquero
D. a prison guard

All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

14. What is a mozo?

A. a prisoner
B. a servant
C. a ranch worker
D. a foreman

15. How was Alfonsa’s hand deformed?

A. in a knife accident
B. in a horseback riding accident
C. in a train accident
D. in a shooting accident

16. Who was the man Alfonsa loved?

A. Gustavo Madero
B. Venustiano Carranza
C. Francisco Madero
D. Victoriano Huerta

17. What holiday is it on the day John Grady returns to America?

A. Christmas Day
B. Thanksgiving Day
C. Easter Day
D. The Fourth of July

18. What does the judge tell John Grady he still thinks about?
A. a man he killed during the war
B. a man he saw killed by a horse
C. a man he sentenced to the electric chair
D. a man he believes was guilty who was not convicted

19. Why is Jimmy Blevins famous?

A. He is a radio-preacher.
B. He is a well-known actor.
C. He is a wealthy horse breeder.
D. He is the owner of a large ranch.

20. Who tells John Grady that his father has died?
A. Abuela
B. his mother
C. Franklin
D. Rawlins

All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

All The Pretty Horses

Essay Questions (Answer any two)

1. The novel begins and ends with a funeral in John Grady’s family. By the end of the novel
his father has died as well. How do these deaths figure into the larger plot of the story?
What greater meaning might they signify?

2. Describe the ways Alejandra rebels against her great-aunt’s controlling treatment. How
does her defiance of her great-aunt’s wishes first enrich, but ultimately devastate her life?
Were her rebellions worth it in the long run?

3. Explain how John Grady and Rawlins react to Blevins’ death. In light of their relationships
with him while he was alive, is their behavior surprising? Why or why not? What larger
meaning might the death of Blevins symbolize?

4. Alfonsa describes societies as machines that suppress women. In what ways does the
reader see women oppressed during the story? Is Alfonsa’s characterization valid? Explain
why or why not.

All The Pretty Horses TEACHING UNIT

All The Pretty Horses

Test Answer Key

1. B 6. B 11. D 16. A

2. D 7. D 12. B 17. B

3. D 8. C 13. A 18. C

4. A 9. A 14. B 19. A

5. B 10. A 15. D 20. D


All the Pretty Horses TEACHER’S COPY

All the Pretty Horses

Chapter I


abated – became less intense, subsided

alcove – a nook, a hallowed-out or recessed section of a wall
ardenthearted – a passionate, enthusiastic person
arroyo – a stream, brook
bajada – a slope, hill
bill of lading – a receipt used in seeking payment for goods shipped
bizcochos – Mexican rolls or biscuits
caballero – a cowboy; gentleman on horseback
candelilla – a shrub coated in wax, found in Mexico
canted – angled, tilted
caporal – a person in charge of a group of workers, foreman
carbine – a short-barreled gun
catspaw – a tool with a hook used for grabbing
chaparral – a thicket of shrubs and/or trees
ciénagas – swamp
cordilleras – a mountain chain
creosote – a southwestern desert shrub
cuttinghorse – a horse used for herding cattle
desperado – a Western bandit
die-up – a large loss of cattle
estancia – a cattle ranch
firmament – the heavens, sky
floodplain – a plain composed mostly of river sediment and susceptible to flooding
founder – become sick from overeating
galvanized – coated with a rust-resistant sealant
gunsel – hoodlum
hackamore – a rope headgear used for breaking horses
jacales – huts found in Mexico and the Southwest made of upright poles, mud, and
thatched roofs
javelina – a small type of wild hog
lope – the slow way a horse walks
mesquite – type of tree or shrub found in the Southwest U.S. that forms dense
midden – a pile of rubbish
nopal – type of cactus
panhandle – a narrow strip of land projecting from a larger territory
pierglass – a large, tall mirror designed to take up the wall space between windows
pommel – the protruding front part of a saddle

All the Pretty Horses TEACHER’S COPY

primogeniture – the exclusive inheritance rights of the first born son

retablo – a piece of artwork, usually made from tin
retinue – a group of attendants to a high-ranking person
ribald – coarse, crude, offensive
roily – turbulent, rough, wild
sequestered – segregated, separated
serape – a brightly-colored shawl worn by Mexican men
shoal – a shallow part of a stream, made by a sandbar
soogan – a blanket ranch workers sleep on outdoors
supplicant – worshipper, servant
tallow – fat of cattle used in soap
tienda – a store or shop
travois – a Plains Indians’ vehicle, composed of two poles trailing behind a horse that
support a net or load
vaqueros – ranch hands, cowboys
waddies – cowboys, ranch workers
wainscotting – the paneled, wooden lining of a wall
wash – the empty bed of a stream

1. What is happening in the opening pages of the novel?

The main character has arrived for a funeral. He sees the body at home and then attends the
funeral. It is at first unclear who has died and what the relationship of the main character is to
that person.

2. Who is the narrator of the story?

The narration is in the third person omniscient form.

3. Why do you think the author chooses to leave Spanish dialogue untranslated?

Leaving the dialogue untranslated adds to the authenticity of the scene the author is creating
for the reader. It gives the reader a feeling of actually being in the scene described. Throughout
the story, the author tells the reader exactly what the main character is hearing during
conversations, but does not explain the dialogue or its effects on John Grady any further.

4. Consider the description of the horse ride on pages 5 and 6. What do you learn about the
main character from this passage?

The main character chooses to ride his horse on an old Comanche trail. He seems to feel
a strong connection to the history of the land, demonstrated in the long description of the
Comanche people who used to travel there. His love of horses is also revealed, as well as his
reverence for the “ardenthearted.”

All the Pretty Horses TEACHER’S COPY

5. Discuss the repetition of the word “blood” in this chapter. What do you think the author
is trying to convey?

Answers may vary. The blood could signify death, which is fitting because John Grady has just
experienced the loss of his grandfather. The blood also seems to be a reference to the violent
lives of the Indians that once traveled the trail. In describing the Indians, the author also refers
to blood oaths, or sacred vows taken by exchanging blood.

6. Identify a simile from this chapter.

Answers may vary. Possible answers include: ‘the constant drag of the travois poles in the sand
like the passing of some enormous serpent”; “the young boys…jaunty as circus riders”; “the
joints in the cranium like a ragged welding of the bone plates”; like vaudeville comics”

7. The author describes the main character as standing “like a man come to the end of
something.” What do you think the author is suggesting is coming to an end?

It becomes clear during the next few pages that the author is pointing to a number of endings.
The first is the death of John’s grandfather, which signifies the larger ending of an era. The
ranch is being sold, and the cowboy way of life is ending.

8. The name of the main character is not revealed until the sixth page of the book. The
author continues to slowly reveal basic facts about the story throughout the first chapter.
How does this slow exposition affect the reader? Why might the author have chosen to do

Answers may vary. The withholding of the information forces the reader to pay close attention
to detail while attempting to piece bits of information together. The author may have chosen to
do this as a way to draw readers in by keeping them searching for answers.

9. What year did John Grady’s grandfather die?

He died seventy-seven years after the house was built in 1872, which is 1949.

10. What does the information about the grandfather’s seven brothers add to the reader’s
understanding of John Grady’s family history and his home?

The variety of violent deaths that John Grady’s great uncles suffered contribute to an image of
his hometown as part of the “Wild West.” It shows that John comes from a line of adventurers
or risk takers.

All the Pretty Horses TEACHER’S COPY

11. Why does John Grady’s grandfather reflect upon the laws of “primogeniture”?

John Grady’s grandfather has inherited the ranch, not only because he is the last living son, but
also because of the law of primogeniture, or inheritance by the first-born son. He must also be
wondering about the legacy of his ranch, once he dies.

12. What facts does the conversation between John Grady and his father, which starts on page
seven, reveal? What do you think their relationship is like, based on this scene?

During the conversation, the reader learns that John Grady’s mother is in San Antonio; John
does not approve of his father’s smoking; and the young man and his father plan to meet to ride
horses. It seems John Grady and his father are able to talk easily, but with little emotion. They
are very much directly to the point in their talks. This characteristic will make John Grady’s
speaking habits throughout the novel.

13. How does the lack of quotation marks affect the narrative? Why might the author have
chosen to omit them?

The lack of quotation marks creates the impression of a very natural, quick-flowing conversation.
The author may have chosen to write without quotation marks in order to impress a sense of
authenticity upon the reader. The lack of quotation marks also makes the reader work to
understand the conversations, which in turn may function to draw the reader in further as
he or she repeatedly reads passages and deciphers the mysteries underlying the text. This
technique is similar to a stream of consciousness style. It forces the reader to slow down and
examine who says what in the dialogue, but at the same time, it speeds the conversations up.

14. Who do you think is the “she” John Grady and Rawlins are discussing on page ten?

They are discussing John Grady’s ex-girlfriend, who broke up with him because of another
young man.

15. Why might John Grady sit in the dark in his grandfather’s office?

Answers may vary. Example: Perhaps it makes him feel peaceful and connected with his
grandfather. He also admires the sky from the dark room.

16. Who comes in while John is in the office?

John Grady’s mother comes in, turns on the light, and asks John what he is doing.

17. What is the significance of the mention of “oilfield scouts’ cars” on page eleven?

It demonstrates that times are changing in their town. Oil is now big business.

All the Pretty Horses TEACHER’S COPY

18. How does John Grady’s father make money?

He gambles.

19. In what war was John Grady’s father probably involved?

The novel is set in 1949, so he was probably in World War II.

20. How long has it been since John Grady’s father spoke with his wife?

It has been since 1942, which was seven years ago.

21. How does John Grady’s father feel about John’s grandfather?

He cared about him very much. He says, “I thought the world of that old man.”

22. How did John Grady’s grandfather teach him to never give up?

When John Grady’s father was missing during the war, his grandfather told him they would not
have a funeral until they had something to bury.

23. What gift does John Grady’s father give him?

He gives John a Hamley Formfitter saddle.

24. Who are Luisa and Arturo?

They are workers on the ranch.

25. What does John Grady ask his mother to do with the ranch? Why does she not do that,
and what is she going to do with the ranch?

John Grady wants his mother to lease him the ranch. She will not because the ranch has not
made any money for twenty years. Since John is only sixteen years old and needs to go to
school, she is selling the ranch.

26. Why does John Grady go to see the attorney, Franklin? What information does Franklin
provide to him?

John Grady goes to see the attorney to find out if he has any way to stop his mother from selling
the ranch. John finds out from Franklin that his parents are divorced.

All the Pretty Horses TEACHER’S COPY

27. How does Franklin explain why John Grady’s mother is getting rid of the ranch?

He points out to John that not everyone enjoys life on a ranch. His mother does not want to live
there any more, and the ranch is not making any money. She is also young and wants to have
more of a social life.

28. Franklin says to John, “Wayne tells me he’s quit goin to the doctor.” What is Franklin
talking about?

Franklin is referring to John Grady’s father, who is apparently very sick.

29. What time of year does John Grady hitchhike out to see his mother’s play?

It is winter, and snow is falling.

30. On page 19, the narrator begins to refer to John as “John Grady,” and continues to do so
throughout the rest of Part I. Why might this be significant?

Answers may vary. Example: It is meaningful that the narrator refers to John throughout the
rest of Part I as “John Grady,” because his proper name is actually John Cole. It could be
a reference to John’s identification with his grandfather’s side of the family and also that he
wishes to carry on their tradition, even if the Grady name died with his grandfather. It also fits
in well with McCarthy’s style of emphasizing verisimilitude in his writing. It was, and still is,
common in the South to refer to people by both their first and middle names.

31. Explain the importance of the following conversation between John Grady and his

“You still seein that Barnett girl?

He shook his head.
She quit you or did you quit her?
I dont know.
That means she quit you.

Answers will vary. Example: It indicates the father’s knowledge of the world and John Grady’s
previous unwillingness to accept facts as he knows them to be, instead of how he would
like them to be. The boy is, through this dialogue, coming to understand the adult world of
disappointment. The conversation also emphasizes the simple wisdom that McCarthy gives to
the characters.

32. Why do people stare at John during the intermission of the play?

It seems that most people there are not dressed in boots and hats like John is. He is conspicuous
as he smokes and tips the ashes into the cuff of his jeans.

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33. Why is John Grady disappointed by his mother’s play?

John expected the play to explain something about why the world is the way it is or the way it
is becoming, but he found no meaning in it.

34. While sitting in the hotel, what does John Grady see his mother doing?

He sees her leave on the arm of a man in a suit. The suit serves as another indication of the
difference between Wayne, her ex-husband, who never wore a suit and this new man. It also
shows how the West has become more modern.

35. Why is it significant that John Grady’s mother has not registered in the hotel by the name

It shows that she is no longer using her married name, which gives a sense of finality to the

36. How does Wayne, John Grady’s father, look during their last ride together?

He looks thin and frail and has sunken eyes.

37. Discuss what this quote reveals about John Grady.

“The boy…sat a horse…as if were he begot by malice or mischance into some queer land where
horses never were he would have found them anyway.”

This passage demonstrates John Grady’s deep connection to horses. His life is inextricably
linked to the animals, and he is a very talented rider. He understands horses in a way most do

38. What does Wayne reveal about John’s early childhood?

John’s mother left from the time he was six months until he was about three. Luisa, the
housekeeper, cared for him during that time.

39. What is Goshee, and why was John’s mother so important to his father while he was

What Goshee refers to is not fully explained in the text at this point, but in Chapter III, it
becomes clear that John’s father was held as a prisoner of war there during World War II. John’s
mother was crucial to his father while he was there because he imagined talking to her every
hour and the thought of her kept him going through a desperate situation. Note to teacher:
“Goshee” is not an actual location.

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40. Why does John Grady’s father compare modern people to the Comanche? Why is this
comparison significant?

The father thinks the current time is similar to the end of the Comanche people because people
do not feel safe any more, just as the Comanche people did not feel safe at the end of their
time. People do not know who is going to show up to attack or confront them each day. It is
significant that a comparison is made between modern people and the Comanches because it
emphasizes the author’s theme that the western or cowboy way of life is ending.

41. How would you describe the tone and style of the novel so far? What is the author’s
attitude to the subject matter he is describing?

Answers may vary. Example: The author’s tone is somber and nostalgic. He treats the
disheartening subject matter of John Grady’s loss of the ranch and the changing ways of life
with great respect and seriousness. In addition, students might point out the varying sentence
lengths, the lack of quotation marks, and the non-attribution of quotes to characters. The tone
of seriousness adds to the plain-spoken wisdom that both father and son possess.

42. What are Rawlins and John Grady planning on doing? Why?

They are discussing running away. Neither of them feels there is much for them to stay for in
San Angelo, particularly for John, who has lost the ranch.

43. What happened between Mary Catherine and John Grady? Why does she come over to
talk to him?

Mary Catherine is John’s ex-girlfriend. She broke up with him to go with another boy. She talks
with John because she wants them to still be friends, and she wants him to know she does not
have any bad feelings against him.

44. Mary Catherine says, “Everything’s talk isnt it?” and John Grady responds, “Not
everything.” What do you think he means?

Answers may vary. Example: It seems that John is saying there are times when people say more
significant things than what he and Mary Catherine are currently saying. John Grady may
also be saying that their previous relationship was not all based on words and that the words
they exchange now are not important, since the facts of their breaking up are obvious. The
comment fits in with the way McCarthy writes. Sometimes the important portions of the book
are revealed in dialogue, but sometimes they are shown in narration or description. He could
also mean action is not talk, and he is about to take action by leaving San Angelo.

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45. Interpret this passage:

“He didnt look back but he could see her in the windows of the Federal Building across the street
standing there and she was still standing there when he reached the corner and stepped out of
the glass forever.”

Answers may vary. Example: The author is referring to the finality of the end of John’s
relationship with Mary Catherine. He has left it behind forever when he walks away from her.
John is also leaving much more behind in the glass; he is leaving San Angelo for what might be
forever, as well.

46. Discuss how John Grady and Rawlins must be feeling as they ride away, based on the
description, “they rode at once jaunty and circumspect, like thieves newly loosed in that
dark electric, like young thieves in a glowing orchard, loosely jacketed against the cold
and ten thousand worlds for the choosing.”

The author is describing how the boys feel that a world of opportunities is opening up for them
as they ride away. They feel like they can now choose whichever life path they want.

47. Where are John Grady and Rawlins planning to go? Why is Rawlins dismayed when he
looks at John’s map?

The boys are heading south to Mexico. Rawlins is upset by John’s map because he sees that there
is nothing down there.

48. What is a desperado? Why do Rawlins and John Grady look like desperadoes when they
are in the town off of the Pandale road?

A desperado was a term used for bandits in the West during the 19th century. Rawlins and John
look like bandits because they are dusty, unshaven, and smelled bad.

49. How do John Grady and Rawlins catch the person who is following them? Why does
Rawlins not want him to join them? Explain the significance of the horse.

John and Rawlins ride up the road a bit, then go off the path and come back through the woods
to watch for the person who is following them. Once he passes, they come out of the woods, and
ride up behind him. Rawlins does not want the boy to join them because he believes his horse
must be stolen, since it is such a fine horse. Blevins’ horse is obviously stolen, but he does not
worry about the potential problems that theft may cause. On page 47, the problems that may
occur because of horse stealing is foreshadowed when John Grady says, “you don t care for us
to have to look out for you though,” and Blevins answers that he can take care of himself.

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50. When Rawlins asks Jimmy Blevins why they would want him to come along with them,
he answers simply, “Cause I’m an American.” What do you think he means by this?

Answers may vary. Example: Blevins could mean it would be a good idea for them to have
another American on their side while they’re down in Mexico. More likely, he means he is
useful because he has the mindset and values of an American: belief in freedom, equality, etc.
He may be suggesting the other boys should have a loyalty to Americans.

51. How does Rawlins react to Blevins shooting his billfold? How do you think he feels?

Immediately after the shot, Rawlins will not discuss what happened or show the billfold to
John. After the incident, Rawlins seems to respect Blevins more, even speculating that Blevins
could have shot him during their first meeting. Rawlins probably felt very embarrassed and
humbled, because until the shooting, he treated Blevins very poorly and did not believe he
would be such an accurate shot.

52. Why does Blevins leave the house after falling off the bench? How does everyone else feel
about his behavior?

Blevins leaves the house after falling because he says he cannot sit and be laughed at by
everyone. He does not like being laughed out. The boys’ hosts’ are concerned that they have
offended Blevins, and the children also seem to feel bad. Rawlins thinks Blevins should be able
to handle getting laughed at if he is going to fall down. John tries to talk Blevins into coming
back in, but he will not.

53. Why do Rawlins and Blevins argue over John Grady’s riding skills?

Rawlins believes it is a fact that John is the best rider there is. Blevins says there are a lot of
good riders, and it is impossible to say just one is absolutely the best.

54. Why did Blevins leave home? What happened the last time he ran away?

Blevins left home because his stepfather beat him, and he refused to take it any longer. The last
time he ran away, he went to Oklahoma following a show he had bought tickets for. He was
badly bitten by a dog and was sent back to his family.

55. What is sotol and why do the boys end up buying it instead of water?

They are not carrying any money denominations small enough to purchase water from the
caravans. They buy a canteen full of an intoxicating beverage instead.

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56. Why does Blevins lose his horse and all his clothes and belongings? Do you find this scene
comic or tragic?

When a thunderstorm approaches, Blevins goes into a panic to get somewhere safe from the
lightning. He has been struck by lightning before, along with many people in his family, and he
feels certain he will be struck again. Therefore, he rids himself of anything metal by stripping
down to his shorts and leaves his things and his horse while he hides in a ditch. By the time the
storm passes, Blevins’ horse is gone and all his belongings have washed away. Some students
may certainly find this scene comic because of the outlandishness of Blevins behavior. However,
Blevins also appears very pathetic and vulnerable as a result, which may result in the reader
feeling the situation is more tragic than comic.

57. What do the men at the waxcamp ask John Grady about Blevins? Why will John not tell

The men at the waxcamp, after determining that Blevins is not John’s family member or close
friend, ask if he wishes to sell the boy. John refuses to tell Blevins, probably because he does
not want to make the boy feel worse about his situation or scare him. Rawlins, who does not
like Jimmy Blevins, tells him anyway. Note to Teacher: Students may need some help with
the Spanish dialogue at various places throughout the book. Frequently, the Spanish can be
translated in general terms, by using a Spanish English dictionary. These are available free

58. Why does Rawlins want to leave Blevins once they arrive in Encantada? Why do they not
leave him?

Rawlins explains to John Grady that before every dumb thing he [Rawlins] did in his life, he
made a choice that led to it. He feels the choice he could make now to prevent himself from
getting into trouble is to leave Blevins to attempt to recover his horse and gun alone. John
Grady, however, says he cannot leave Blevins behind.

59. Under what circumstances do John Grady and Rawlins separate from Blevins?

The three young men go to take Blevins’ horse back, but the horse is not where they saw
it earlier. Blevins goes into the stable to find it and causes a great commotion. Someone is
shooting at the three young men as they ride away. Once they get far enough ahead, they stop
for a moment to confer. Blevins tells them he is going to ride off ahead, and they will not be able
to keep up. He advises them to ride into the country. They do so and do not find Blevins in the
following few days.

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60. Where do John Grady and Rawlins find work? How do they feel about their new

John and Rawlins run into the vaqueros they met earlier on the road, who are working at a
ranch. The vaqueros help the young men obtain jobs at the ranch as well. Both young men are
very happy with their new position. They will be living the type of life they are seeking: the life
of cowboys.

61. “This is how it was with the old waddies, aint it?”

Explain the significance of Rawlins’ comment above, in light of the theme of the ending
of an era.

Rawlins’ comment is significant because it clarifies what the boys have been seeking in their
journey. They wish to continue to live in the cowboy era that seems to be coming to an end in
San Angelo, so they are very happy to have found a place where they can live just as the old
cowboys did.

62. How has the author used dialects so far in the narrative? What does this contribute to the

John Grady and Rawlins clearly speak in a Southwestern, cowboy type of dialect. The use
of this dialect lends to the authenticity of the novel, because the characters speak exactly as
someone from that time and place might be expected to speak. It also distinguishes them from
other characters, such as the Mexicans they speak to who use broken English. The two boys
are clearly Americans and, therefore, foreigners, subject to whatever Mexico has in store for

63. The author spends a significant amount of time in Chapter I detailing the landscape the
boys are riding through. Why do you think the author does this? What does it add to the

Answers may vary. Example: The author uses the landscape descriptions to lead the reader
on the journey along with John Grady and Rawlings and allow the reader to see what they
see. The changing landscape also emphasizes themes throughout the story. For instance, when
the young men first start their journey they encounter fences, car parts, and other bits of
machinery. This landscape signifies the increasing industrialization of Texas. However, when
the boys move into Mexico the landscape is free of the signs of industry. Finally, landscape adds
to the reader’s understanding of the young men’s feelings. The rich, paradise-like description of
the hacienda informs the reader of how happy the young men must be to be working in such a
beautiful place.

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Chapter II


aduana – customs, agency that checks travelers for imports

barrial – basin
bay – a reddish-brown colored horse
bolsón – a flat, dry valley
bosalea – a rope that wraps around the nose of horse, used in training
campesinos – farm workers
conformation – the shape or proportions of an animal
curandero – a Mexican healer, medicine man, or herb doctor
dun – a neutral brown or gray colored horse
esquilador – sheep shearer
factura – bill, invoice
forefooted – looping a rope around a horse’s forelegs, causing it to fall
gerente – manager
greenbroke horse – a horse comfortable with the saddle, bridle, and rider, in the
beginning stages of training
grullo – a charcoal gray horse
hacendados – owners of haciendas
hacienda – a large estate or ranch
hawsers – heavy ropes used in towing ships
hectares – an area equal to 2.71 acres
kiacks – a traveling bag
maguey – a type of cactus that a produces a fiber used in making rope and a liquor
manada – herd, pack
mecates – ropes attached to horse in order to lead it
mescal – liquor distilled from the leaves of a maguey plant
mesteño – mustang, unbroken horse
mozos – assistants, servants
norteños – a person of northern Mexico
paint – a horse colored with large patches of white and another color
patina – sheen on a surface produced by age
portrero – an open lot or ring
rainsquall – a sudden, brief rain and wind storm
relict – a surviving species in an environment that has substantially changed
remuda – herd
roan – a dark colored horse, with sprinklings of white in its coat
sackin – (sacking) a method of calming a horse down using a cloth
sideline – a method of breaking horses that involves tying up their legs to make
them stop kicking
valises – hand luggage

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1. What are unusual qualities of the Hacienda de Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción
in comparison to other ranches? What is the allusion in the ranch’s name?

The Hacienda is one of the few ranches in that part of Mexico that retained its originally
allotted area. Don Héctor Rocha y Villareal is also one of the few ranch owners who actually
live on the land. The name translates as “Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception,” a reference
to Mary, the mother of Jesus.

2. How long has the ranch been in Don Héctor Rocha’s family?

His family has owned the land for one hundred and seventy years.

3. Why do you think John Grady and Rawlins want to break the horses in just four days?
Does it seem like they have broken horses before?

Answers may vary. Example: John and Rawlins are new to the ranch, so it is possible they
want to impress their new boss and co-workers by taking on such an impressive feat. They
also seem to have the attitude that Mexicans do not know how to break horses as well as they
do, indicated when Rawlins says, “They got one thing goin for em...They aint had no Mexican
to try and break em.” John and Rawlins do act like they have broken horses before. They
immediately employ systematic tactics for getting the job done.

4. Interpret the quote, “They looked like animals trussed up by children for fun and they
stood…with the voice of the breaker still running in their brains like the voice of some
god come to inhabit them.”

The author suggests John’s interaction with the horses makes a strong impression on them, like
a god would in speaking to humans. The horses continue to hear John’s voice after he is gone.

5. Why do you think John Grady talks to the horses as he trains them?

John Grady uses a low, soothing voice to talk to the horses as he gets ready to ride them, which
seems to reduce the horses’ nervousness and fear. His method also indicates his respect for the
horses since he explains to them everything he will do to them before he does it.

6. Why does such a large group of people assemble to watch the young men break the

A large group watches because the young men are attempting an unlikely feat. Breaking sixteen
horses is an unusual undertaking in that area, so the crowd comes to see if they can do it. It is
also entertaining for the crowd to watch, and they probably expect the boys to be bucked off of
a horse at some point.

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7. How does the horse that Rawlins has chosen as the wildest of the bunch perform for John

The grullo, which means “Dark-gray horse,” does well. John is able to ride him out of the
petrero and into the countryside with no problems.

8. How does the sight of the beautiful woman, while he is riding the grullo, affect John
Grady? Who is she?

He is so overcome by her beauty that he forgets to speak to her and feels his life has been altered
forever. Her identity is not revealed yet, but she is the daughter of the owner of the hacienda,
Don Hector.

9. Interpret how the vaqueros now feel about the boys based on the quote, “when John
Grady pointed and asked that it be passed there came hands from both sides of the table to
take up the dish and hand it down in this manner like a ceremonial bowl.” Do you think
John and Rawlins intended to have this result from their work?

The vaqueros now greatly respect the young men, shown by how eager they all are to serve
them. The boys were certainly seeking this result when they undertook such a difficult task.
They wanted to prove themselves to the others at the ranch. John Grady had no doubts about
his abilities at breaking horses but Rawlins did. The reference to “a ceremonial bowl” conveys
esteem, respect, reverence, great appreciation, and an acknowledgement of the value of the
boys’ work.

10. In what war do you suppose Luis, the mozo, fought?

Based on the time period and the locations named that Luis fought in, he was a soldier in the
Mexican civil war, which lasted from 1911-1914.

11. Luis says that horses love war just as men do. He also repeats what his father told him,
“No man who has not gone to war [on] horseback can ever truly understand the horse…”
What do you think of this claim, in light of how well John Grady seems to understand

Answers may vary. Example: John Grady has never gone to war on horseback, yet he seems to
deeply understand horses, so it seems this claim may not be true, at least John may not believe
it to be true at the time. However, later in the novel, John does fight violently on horseback, and
perhaps this increases his true understanding of horses.

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12. What does Luis tell the young men about horses and souls?

Luis tells the young men that horses have souls that are very similar to men’s souls. He claims
to have “seen the souls of horses and that it was a terrible thing to see”. He also tells the young
men that horses all share a common soul and that “if a person understood the soul of the horse
then he would understand all horses that ever were.”

13. “He said that among men there was no such communion as among horses and the notion that men
can be understood at all was probably an illusion.”

Explain what Luis means by this statement.

Luis draws a distinction between horses and men. Because horses share one soul, if you truly
understand one horse, you understand all horses. However, men do not share one soul in the same
manner as horses. Thus, even if you understand one man, you certainly do not understand all
men. He seems to indicate that the way horses are connected is positive, but the individualistic
nature of men, resulting in an inability to understand any of them, is a flaw of mankind.

14. In the paragraph containing the above quote, the reader seems to hear the exact words of
Luis through the narrator, although his statements are not written out in a direct dialogue
form, separated from other statements. This is a narrative technique called free indirect
discourse. Explain why the author may employee this technique and what effect it has on
the reader.

The author’s use of free indirect discourse gives the reader bits and pieces of what was said,
without specifically quoting what the character stated. It results in a quick flowing, almost
dream-like sequence in this scene, which the reader can identify with how Rawlins and John
Grady are sitting back, while this man rambles on extensively about his knowledge of horses.
It produces a sense that the information is coming to the young men in such a way that they
are not remembering the exact words of the speaker, but are remembering the basic content
of his statements. It approaches what might be called a stream of consciousness technique.
McCarthy’s style does not completely conform to the basics of Stream of Consciousness writing,
but it does resemble that technique at times.

15. When John Grady first meets with Don Héctor, they enter a room with walls covered with
portraits of men and horses. What earlier scene in the novel described a room with the
walls covered in portraits? Which family member may Don Héctor remind John Grady

In the opening scene of the novel, John walks towards his grandfather’s casket through a hallway
covered by the portraits of his ancestors. John’s grandfather was also the head of a ranch, and
Don Héctor may remind John of him.

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16. Don Héctor observes that John is the leader of Rawlins. John denies this characterization.
Do you think John is the leader of the two? Why or why not?

Answers may vary. Example: John does seem to be the leader of the two young men. Rawlins
discusses his concerns with John, but usually defers to John’s decision. For example, Rawlins
felt very strongly that they should leave Blevins in Encantada, but because John refused to do
so, Rawlins stayed and helped Blevins retrieve his horse. It is obvious, though, that John Grady
is the protagonist. He sees the woman, he breaks most of the horses, and most of the narration
and dialogue deals with him.

17. Don Héctor appears to be testing John Grady’s knowledge of horses. How does the boy do
on the test? Where has he acquired much of his information on horses?

John Grady impresses Héctor with his knowledge of horses. He is familiar with every type
of horse, and familiar with many of them by name, Héctor brings up. John appears to have
acquired most of his information about horses from his grandfather.

18. What opinion do both Don Héctor and John Grady share regarding the importance of the
mare in breeding? What does this tell you about these characters?

Both Héctor and John agree that a mare is as important as a stallion in breeding. This is a
view not shared by many breeders. The belief that the male is more important than the female
horse in breeding may reflect an underlying belief that the male genes are stronger and more
important than the female’s. Their disagreement with this belief could be interpreted to indicate
a greater respect for women than most men, and a basic belief in equality.

19. When Don Héctor questions John Grady about who he rode in from Texas with, John
does not reveal that a third young man traveled with them. Why do you think he lies to
Héctor about Blevins?

It is puzzling that John lies, because up until this point he has appeared honest in all his
interactions with others. Perhaps John fears ruining the paradise that he and Rawlins are
living in if he tells Don Héctor about their incident in Encantada. This lie about Blevins is also
a hint of foreshadowing.

20. John Grady consults with Rawlins about moving. To where is he moving? What is the
opportunity that Rawlins tells him he should not miss?

John Grady is being moved to a room in the stables. He has been promoted by Don Héctor to
oversee the breeding of his new stallion.

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21. “Horses still wild on the mesa who’d never seen a man afoot and who knew nothing of him or his
life yet in whose souls he would come to reside forever.”

Describe what you think about John Grady’s thoughts described in this passages; is this a
healthy way for John to view his role in the lives of these horses?

Answers may vary. Example: This passage is slightly disturbing because John appears to be
developing a God-like complex regarding his breeding of horses. He is daydreaming about how
he will affect the lives of horses forever through the upcoming mating. However, this quotation
could also be read as a completely altruistic thought. Perhaps he is just looking forward to
having a positive impact on these horses’ lives.

22. On a trip into the mountains for horses, John Grady and Rawlins’ conversation leads to
the inference that John has interacted with Alejandra, Don Héctor’s daughter. Why do you
think the author has omitted a description of how and when the pair began speaking to
each other?

Like many of the author’s other writing techniques, he appears to have omitted this potentially
important scene to surprise the reader and keep him intrigued by the story. When the reader
finds out that the beautiful girl and John have finally interacted, it creates a great curiosity as
to what has happened between them.

23. Why does Rawlins say to John Grady, “I just figure you must enjoy cryin yourself to sleep
at night.”

Rawlins thinks that John pursues girls who are unlikely to be interested in him and are likely to
hurt him. He refers to John’s last girlfriend, Mary Catherine, leaving him for a young man with
a car when he says of Alejandra, “she probably dates guys got their own airplanes let alone

24. John Grady and Alejandra sit after the dance and talk. McCarthy writes, “…she drew
patterns in the dark water…” What is unusual about the quote?

One cannot “draw” anything in water; it disappears as soon as it is drawn. Additionally, the
statement may foreshadow the disruptions in their lives that love brings, just as ripples in
water cancel and overrun each other.

25. Don Héctor and John Grady agree that, “other than cattle there was no wealth proper
to man.” What do you think this means? What does it reveal to you about these

Héctor and Grady both feel that working with cattle is the only decent, respectable way a man
acquires wealth. This seems to be a very old fashioned idea, showing they both share a similar
philosophy about money.

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26. What do Antonio and John Grady conspire together to tell the hacendado?

Antonio and John Grady tell Don Héctor that the stallion needs to be ridden in order to keep it
manageable, so that John Grady can ride the stallion more often.

27. Why does John Grady really want to ride the stallion?

He loves to have Alejandra see him riding.

28. What happens when Alejandra finds him riding the horse bareback? How does this result
in potentially getting John in trouble?

Alejandra insists that she ride the stallion bareback. John is reluctant, but gives into her wishes.
She tells him to take her horse back to the stables, and John does so. However, someone sees
him returning the horse, which probably contributes to Alejandra’s great-aunt discovering their

29. “As she rode her black hair twisted and blew about her shoulders and the lightning fell silently
through the black clouds behind her and she rode all seeming unaware…”

Contrast this scene with the earlier lightning storm that results in Blevins extreme reaction.
What does this tell you about Alejandra?

Alejandra’s apparent indifference to the coming storm and the lightning starkly contrasts with
Blevins intense fear of the storm and extreme behavior in the first chapter. This quotation
reveals a fearless quality, as well as an identification with nature, in Alejandra.

30. What does the author mean to convey by this quotation, “real horse, real rider, real land
and sky and yet a dream withal.”

The author seems to be relating how John Grady feels about this young woman as he watches
her ride. Although she, her horse and the landscape are real, they also have a dream-like
quality for John.

31. Does John give the dueña Alfonsa an easy time in any of the chess games he plays? What
does this reveal to you about John?

John does not throw any of the chess games, although he considers it for a moment, and he
believes the dueña has wondered if he will as well. This decision shows the honesty of John’s
character and also his unwillingness to win over elders with flattery.

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32. “Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real. The events that cause them can
never be forgotten, can they?”

What is the significance of this quote?

Answers may vary. Example: This quote relates to an ongoing theme in the novel: relating the
importance of the past in shaping who a person is today. Scars are evidence of an injury or
suffering in the past, which a person carries throughout his lifetime and contributes to his or
her current identity. The issue of scars becomes especially important later in the novel when
both John Grady and Rawlins receive terrible scars.

33. What does Alfonsa try to explain to John about women and Mexican society? What does
she want him to do?

Alfonsa tells John that in Mexican society, all a woman has is her reputation. Unlike a man,
once a woman mars her reputation, she is never forgiven. She is asking John to be considerate
of Alejandra’s reputation and not spend time with her unsupervised.

34. What does Alfonsa mean when she states, “I am the one who gets to say.”

Alfonsa means that it does not matter whether the rules Alejandra must follow are fair or
unfair; all that matters is who gets to set the rules. In this circumstance, Alfonsa believes she
has the authority to set the rules and, therefore, she is the one “who gets to say.”

35. What is Rawlins referring to when he asks John Grady, “You got eyes for the spread?”

Rawlins is asking John if he is interested in Alejandra partially because he wants to become an

heir to the hacienda.

36. Why does Rawlins think John should reconsider his relationship with Alejandra?

Rawlins points out that just because Héctor likes John does not mean the haciendado will
approve of him dating Alejandra. He also thinks that John is taking a chance of getting them
both fired and kicked off the ranch by continuing the relationship.

37. Rawlins says to John, “What I see is you fixin to get us fired and run off the place.” Explain
what literary term this is an example of. Have any other events been foreshadowed by

This comment is an example of foreshadowing because the author is suggesting a future event
will occur to the reader prior to it actually happening. Rawlins also foreshadowed the trouble
that Blevins would create for them. He immediately thought the boy was trouble.

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38. How does Alejandra feel about her great-aunt’s rules?

Alejandra declares that she will not be treated this way by her aunt. She clearly intends to
continue her relationship with John.

39. When do Alejandra and John Grady see each other for the remainder of her time on the

The young couple begins riding their horses together at night. One night they swim together in
the lake, and that leads to the beginning of their sexual relationship. Alejandra comes to John’s
room for nine nights in a row before she leaves for Mexico City again.

40. Don Héctor makes an allusion to Don Quixote, a great work of Spanish literature:

“Beware gentle knight. There is no greater monster than reason.”

How does this quote relate to the subject he and John Grady are discussing?

Héctor is not idealistic in his view of human nature. In contrast to the “freethinkers” of Alfonsa’s
generation, he does not believe “people can be improved in their character by reason.” The
literary allusion further reinforces McCarthy’s themes and Don Héctor’s idea that reason is not
the solution to problems with human character. In fact, he seems to think reason may actually
aggravate the problems of humans. McCarthy maybe likening John Grady to Don Quixote in
the idea that instinct is more important than conscious thought and logic.

41. What does John Grady intend to discuss with Alejandra when she returns?

He plans to “speak to her with the greatest seriousness. He said that he intended to know her
heart.” It seems that John wants to ask Alejandra to marry him.

42. To whom do Rawlins and John Grady think the greyhounds belong? Why do they suspect
the greyhounds are out on the mountain?

Rawlins and Grady know the dogs belong to Don Héctor. Both boys fear he may be hunting
them as a result of John’s affair with Alejandra.

43. How does the paradise of the hacienda come to an end for John Grady and Rawlins?

The young men are arrested and taken away.

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Chapter III


acolytes – attendants who assist priests in church rites

adjuring – inviting, entreating
alameda – a park, grove
alcaide – the head guard or jailer
baroque – bizarre, elaborate
bedrock – the foundation, basis
bellcot – small area used to shelter bells
callejón – an alley, side street
castellano – Spanish
charro – a Mexican cowboy
cuchillero – a knife wielder, fighter
dervish – a type of Muslim monk that practices complicated bodily exercises
djinn – a demon, or shift-shaping spirit
factura – proof of purchase, papers
feinted – made a false move to strike, used to distract
marca – a brand, identifying mark
mendicants – beggars
paseos – walks, strolls
perfunctory – indifferently, routinely
pozole – cornmeal
previas – opinions; charges
quinta – a country home
satrap – a ruler, governor, official
selvedge – a woven edge
spume – froth, foam
tamalera – one who sells tamales

1. Why is Rawlins angry with John for their arrest? Why does he think Don Héctor was

Rawlins believes both he and John were arrested because of John’s relationship with Alejandra.
Rawlins thinks Don Héctor turned them in because he was angry about John’s relationship with
his daughter. He has evidence that Héctor was involved because he asked the Mexican officers if
they had alerted the hacendado of the arrest, and they indicated he already knew and laughed,
as if Héctor conspired in their arrest.

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2. Explain what John Grady means when he says, “I know you did. But some things aint

He is responding to Rawlins’ assertion that he tried to reason with John about Alejandra. John
is saying that the way one acts and feels while in love cannot be altered by reasoning with that
person. Love affairs are not reasonable. This comment might also refer to the quotation from
Don Quixote.

3. John Grady says to Rawlins, “You either stick or you quit and I wouldnt quit you I dont
care what you done.” Based on this quote, discuss John Grady and Rawlins’ loyalty to each
other and what that shows about their characters.

John Grady and Rawlins’ both adhere to a value system where loyalty to your friends/
companions is almost unconditional. The boys stick together and support each other’s decisions,
regardless of their disagreements, such as here, when Rawlins advised John against pursuing
his relationship with Alejandra. Their loyalty shows how strong their friendship is and also
their personal integrity. It also reinforces the overall motifs of friendship, trust, and honor.

4. Describe the building the young men are taken to in Encantada.

The adobe building with a tin roof appears to have once been a schoolhouse. There is a space
along one wall that may have once held a blackboard. The building is old and the windows are
missing panes of glass, which have been replaced by tin squares.

5. What has Blevins done since the young men went separate ways? How do John Grady and
Rawlins feel about his behavior?

Blevins made off with his horse and worked for a family east of town for two months. He then
returned to Encantada and found the man who had his gun. He grabbed the gun from the man’s
belt. When the man came at him, Blevins shot him. Other men chased Blevins as he went for his
horse, and he shot two other men. Only one of the injured men died. John Grady and Rawlins
are very angry with Blevins. It was already very risky when he was wanted for stealing a
horse, but now that he has killed a man, his situation is even more dire. It seems selfish and
stupid to them that Blevins returned for his gun.

6. How has Blevins been injured while in custody?

The officers or guards broke bones in Blevins’ feet, so he has difficulty walking.

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7. Discuss John Grady’s dream that is described on pages 161 and 162. How does it relate to
his current predicament? How might it relate to the title of the novel?

John Grady has a beautiful dream about horses. He dreams he is among the horses and running
with them. He and all the horses feel a connection and harmony to each other and there is no
fear amongst them. This dream emphasizes once again John’s deep connection to horses. It is
significant that John has the dream about freedom, horses, and the beautiful landscape while he
is incarcerated. These three things are missing from his life, and it is as if he is dreaming about
them to escape from his terrible situation. This dream relates to the title of the novel, in that
it shows the beauty John finds in all horses and the deep connection he feels to the animals. It
is the thought of horses that John turns to in his despair. Students might also be able to relate
the flow of words in this one long sentence to the flow of a dream and to a dream’s stream of
consciousness quality.

8. Describe the similarities and differences in how the captain treats Rawlins and John Grady
during their interrogations. Why do you think they are treated differently?

Both Rawlins and John Grady are accused of lying during their interrogations. However,
Rawlins is physically abused and humiliated by the captain and his assistants to force his
confession, while John Grady is not physically harmed. It is possible they abused Rawlins until
he confessed so they could use his admission as leverage while speaking with John. However,
John is not affected by this tactic, and he simply tells them Rawlins was lying.

9. What is the situation of the old man who is incarcerated with them?

The old man, Orlando, does not know what crime he is accused of and he did not know how
long he had been there. He was told he could go if he signed certain papers, but no one would
read him the papers so he refused to sign them.

10. John Grady tells Rawlins to leave Blevins alone a number of times during the novel. Why
does he do so while they are incarcerated?

Blevins asks Rawlins what he told the captain, and Rawlins responds that he told the truth.
Blevins starts pestering Rawlins about how it would have been easy for him to put in a good
word to the captain and try to help him, Blevins, out. Rawlins becomes very angry and threatens
to beat him up if he keeps talking. John steps in and tells Rawlins to leave Blevins alone.

11. Describe the location where the captain and his officers stop the truck and tell John
Grady, Rawlins and Blevins to get out.

They stop the truck at an abandoned estancia, or ranch, which consists of (many) mud
buildings. A grove of ebony trees is nearby.

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12. What does Blevins hand John Grady before he is taken off into the trees by the guards?
What does this action indicate to you about Blevins’ state of mind?

Blevins pulls off his boot and hands John Grady all the money he has. This demonstrates that
Blevins is aware he is probably about to be killed. He is getting rid of everything of value before
he dies.

13. How do John Grady and Rawlins know what has happened to Blevins?

They hear two gun shots from the woods where the officers took Blevins. The men return
without Blevins and throw his boot into the weeds. After getting back into the truck, the group
leaves without Blevins.

14. Where are the young men taken to in Saltillo?

They are taken to a massive old prison.

15. What does the captain tell John Grady and Rawlins about what happened to the charro in
the ebony trees?

The charro is the brother of the man Blevins killed. He had paid the captain money to make
arrangements so that he could shoot Blevins. However, he lost his nerve when the time came to
kill the boy.

16. What is the captain talking about when he says to John Grady and Rawlins, “Excuse me
but you will be making some arrangements.”

He is explaining to the young men that if they want to get out of prison they must make deals
with people who are there. John tells him they will not be making arrangements because they
do not have any money. He assumes the only way to get out is by using money.

17. What does the captain believe a man does not do? What did he do to prevent his friends
from laughing at him when he was young?

The captain believes a man does not change his mind. He spent time with older boys when he
was young. One night, he and his friends went to see a prostitute. When it was the captain’s
turn, she refused him. He knew that if he went back out to his friends without having had
sex with her, they would laugh at him. He does not specify what he did to the woman, but he
implies that he killed her. No one was laughing at him when he came back.

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18. In what ways could the captain be seen as a foil to the heroic characterization of John

The captain is so dishonest, cruel, and selfish that his negative qualities emphasize how
different John Grady is from him. John Grady is depicted in a heroic way. He is characterized
as an honest, good person, and how differently the captain behaves from him emphasizes John’s
positive qualities.

19. What happens during the first few days John Grady and Rawlins are in prison? What
standard does the author say every man is judged by in prison?

The young men are constantly fighting their first few days at camp. They receive some severe
injuries. Rawlins thinks his jaw may be broken and John Grady loses some teeth when he is
hit in the face with a sock full of gravel. The author says “every man was judged by a single
standard and that was his readiness to kill.”

20. How do John Grady and Rawlins use Blevins’ money?

They use it to buy clothes, soap, and food at first. John Grady uses the last of it to buy a

21. Rawlins says they are in prison, “All over a goddamned horse.” John Grady replies, “Horse
had nothin to do with it.” What do you think John Grady means by this?

Answers may vary. Example: Apparently, John Grady could mean that it was not simply getting
property back that was their motivation for retrieving Blevins’ horse. It was out of a sense of
fairness or justice. Alternatively, John Grady could mean they ended up there not primarily
due to the horse theft, but because of their search for a better life in Mexico and his relationship
with Alejandra.

22. Who is Emilio Pérez? What does he want John Grady and Rawlins to do? Why do they

Pérez is an apparently wealthy prisoner, who has his own living quarters at the prison. He
claims to be in prison because he has political enemies. He wants John Grady and Rawlins
to become a part of his gang or group and give him money. If they do what he asks, they
apparently will receive his protection. He asks them to show faith in him so that he can help
them. The young men refuse because they do not believe Pérez will be able to help them since
they have no money to give. They also do not seem to want to have to be loyal to such a man.

23. Who injures Rawlins and how badly is he hurt?

A man Rawlins has never seen before attacks him with a knife. He is cut three times across his
chest, and the lowest cut is the worst. He is cut deep, through the skin, but no internal organs
were punctured. John Grady turns him over to the guards for medical attention.

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24. Why does John Grady go to Pérez again?

John Grady goes because he believes Pérez might know about Rawlins’ condition.

25. What is Pérez referring to when he says, “It is not a matter of finding. It is only a matter
of choosing.”

He is telling John Grady that it does not matter whether he has committed a crime. The
authorities will simply pick an unsolved crime and accuse him of it.

26. What does Pérez believe is the difference between Americans and Mexicans?

Pérez thinks that Americans are godless and do not properly understand the nature of good and
evil in the world. Mexicans know that evil is a true thing that exists independent of men, while
Americans believe that when a man is evil it is his own evil.

27. What is the significance of the tattoos the man has?

John Grady understands the tattoos’ importance, but it is a few seconds too late for him to do
anything with this knowledge. The answer is not readily apparent to the reader, however, until
the fight is in progress, and the narrator says, “ John Grady knew that he was hired.”

28. Explain how John Grady comes to kill the cuchillero.

John Grady is attacked by the man while eating. At first the cuchillero hits him with his tray,
but soon he is using a knife to attack John. John is badly injured and back up against a wall,
but when the cuchillero leans in to cut his throat, John stabs him in the heart and kills him.

29. Where is John Grady when he awakes? What is his condition?

He seems to be in some type of hospital. He is bandaged and is being provided with meals. He
experiences an incredible amount of pain when he moves. He feels himself start to bleed again
when he walks to the door.

30. Why does John Grady think about his father in Goshee while he is recovering?

He has always thought that he did not want to know what happened to his father while he was
a prisoner of war. However, now that he has been through some terrible, physically painful
experiences, he has more interest in his dad’s past. He could relate to and understand his father’s
experience better now.

31. How does John Grady know that other men have died in his hospital room?

He has a dream about the dead standing around him, and when he wakes, he knows that other
men have died in his room.

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32. What does the commandante tell John Grady?

He explains that John and Rawlins will be going home right away.

33. Why do you think John asks to sit quietly with Rawlins at first?

He probably feels that it would be too much for both of them to discuss what has occurred just
yet. He wants to sit quietly and reflect about what has happened.

34. Who do John Grady and Rawlins assume paid for their release?

Rawlins and John Grady assume Alfonsa has paid for their release.

35. Explain Rawlins’s concern with his blood transfusion. What is John Grady’s opinion on
the subject?

Rawlins is afraid that, because he has been given Mexican blood in a blood transfusion, he is
part Mexican. John Grady tells him receiving Mexican blood does not mean anything because
all blood is the same and it does not know where it is from.

36. What does John Grady reveal to Rawlins that it seems Rawlins already knows? Does this
surprise you?

John says, in answer to Rawlins’ advice not to return to Mexico, that he must, both for the “girl
and the horses.” Later on that page, John Grady states that his mind is made up to return to
Mexico even after Rawlins tells him again not to “go down there.” Answers will vary

37. Rawlins says, “ There’s only one kind of deal I can see that she [Alejandra] could of made
with the old woman.” What deal is it?

Answers will vary. In many plots dealing with forbidden love, one lover must make the decision
to give up the other to save him or her from harm or death. That is most likely the case.

38. “Rawlins turned and looked at him. His eyes were wet and he looked old and sad. I caint believe
they just walked him out there and done him that way.”

Are you surprised at how Rawlins feels about Blevins? Why or why not?

Answers may vary. Example: It is somewhat surprising that Rawlins is so upset about Blevins,
because he frequently was angry with the younger boy and did not seem to like him that much.
However, regardless of how Rawlins felt about him, having someone he knows killed in such a
terrible way is bound to create the sort of feelings Rawlins has.

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39. John Grady says to Rawlins, “You dont need to try and make it right. It is what it is.” What
is he taking about? How does John Grady feel about this subject?

John Grady explains that Rawlins does not need to try to make him feel better about killing
that man in the prison. John feels surprised that he was able to kill someone, and this makes
him question what type of person he really is.

40. Where is each young man headed at the end of Chapter III?

Rawlins is on his way back home to Texas. John Grady is going back to the ranch to find

41. The author writes that John stands in the back of a truck, “as if he were some newfound
evangelical being conveyed down out of the mountains…” What is the new knowledge
that John has acquired during this chapter? Why would he be unlikely to preach like an

John has not gained any uplifting insight into life that an evangelist might preach about.
Instead, he has learned about the dark side of human beings during his incarceration. He has
seen how cruel men can be through Blevins’ murder. He has also seen the corrupt nature of the
criminal justice system in Mexico. Finally, he has experienced killing another man. All of their
encounters leave him with doubts about the type of person he is and the goodness of human

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Chapter IV


abrazo – a hug
bivouacked – camped
cofferdam – a chamber used to pump water out of a river or stream in order to do
collusion – an agreement to cooperate
cortege – a procession
fractious – unruly, irritable
gachupine – a derogatory term for a Mexican man; lower-class citizen
grackles – large blackbirds
increate – uncreated, something that exists but has not been created
millstone – a burden, a hardship
mochila – a backpack, knapsack
myopic – nearsightedness, lack of a long-range perspective
rebozo – a long scarf
rote – mechanical repeating of words; speaking from memory without fully
comprehending the meaning of one’s words
soldadera – a female soldier
vigas – beams

1. “And after and for a long time to come he’d have reason to evoke the recollection of those smiles
and to reflect upon the good will which provoked them for it had power to protect and to confer
honor and to strengthen resolve…”

Why is this show of good will particularly significant to John at this point in the

John has seen a very ugly side of mankind while in prison. Through the kindness of the farm
workers, he is beginning to have his faith in the goodness of people restored. He sees that
kindness is powerful. The men are also giving him hope about a potentially tragic situation.

2. Give examples of other acts of kindness that John receives from strangers on his way to
La Vega.

As John walks along the road, no one passes him without speaking. Some workers invite him
to eat with them. He is able to hitch a ride, and when the workers see what condition he is in,
they pull him up and help him aboard.

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3. How is John Grady received by Antonio and then María at the hacienda?

Antonio does not invite John into his home, but he does come out and speak with him. He does
not seem surprised to see him. María also does not seem surprised to see him and treats him

4. Describe the dream John Grady has had about Blevins and what he hopes might happen
if he continues to dream about Blevins.

John Grady has dreamt that Blevins came and sat with him, and they discussed what it was
like to be dead. Blevins said that it was like nothing at all. John hopes that if he dreams of
Blevins enough he will go away forever and be at peace.

5. The vaqueros say that “a man leaves much when he leaves his own country…it was no
accident of circumstance that a man be born in a certain country…” How has national
identity been important to the story so far? How do you think John feels about this

Answers may vary. Example: John Grady, Rawlins, and Blevins have been Americans traveling
in Mexico and that fact has played a very important role in the story. The young men are
treated particularly well by some because of their nationality, while in the prison system, they
seem to be treated worse because of it. John Grady may question this belief because he seems
to feel very at home in Mexico, as opposed to living in America.

6. What does Alfonsa reveal to John Grady about the events that led up to his arrest?

She tells him the officers came before the day he was arrested. Don Héctor sent them away so
he could perform his own investigation. He was certain John and Rawlins were not the young
men the officers were looking for.

7. Why does Alfonsa think John Grady does not really deserve an opportunity to speak with
Don Héctor?

She points out that John already lied to him when Héctor questioned him about the horse theft.
He would have no reason to believe anything John told him.

8. What is the bargain Alfonsa made with Alejandra? Why does Alfonsa think that John
Grady is not the right person for Alejandra?

Alfonsa agreed to save John’s life by paying for his release from prison, but only on condition
that Alejandra promised never to see him again. Alfonsa does not think John should be with
her niece because, in her mind, he has demonstrated a poor character. She does not have any
sympathy for those who let themselves end up in bad situations.

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9. Why does John expect Alfonsa to have been more sympathetic about his relationship with

John thinks that because Alfonsa has experienced the pain of not being allowed to marry a man
she loved, she would be more sympathetic to helping the two young lovers to continue their

10. Alfonsa says societies seem to be, “largely machines for the suppression of women.” Give
two examples of how she sees women as being suppressed by Mexican society.

Answers may vary. Example: Women are not allowed to vote in Mexico. Women are not given
another chance once they mar their reputation. In Mexican society, the physical appearance of
women is much more important than that of men, which is demonstrated in how devastating
Alfonsa’s deformity was initially.

11. Explain Alfonsa’s father’s theory on the connectedness of the world. How does Alfonsa’s
perspective on personal responsibility differ from her father’s?

Alfonsa’s father believed that the responsibility for an action could not be explained by the single
decision of one person. Instead, each decision is the product of a string of human decisions
that came before it. He used the example of a coiner when explaining it to Alfonsa. Alfonsa
has instead found that the world is more of a puppet show. She also believes that when one
discovers the puppet master, he or she becomes a puppet ruled by someone else.

12. What was it about Mexico that led Alfonsa, at sixteen, to refuse to believe in God?

Alfonsa saw tremendous poverty in Mexico when she was young. She could not believe there
was a God who would permit such injustice.

13. How did the summer of her seventeenth year change her life?

Francisco and Gustavo Madero returned to Mexico. They were the leaders of a group that
shared Alfonsa’s convictions about how the world should be. It was a very exciting time for
Alfonsa because she was idealistic and believed that any change in Mexico was possible. She
also became very close to Gustavo.

14. Why was the loss of her two fingers so difficult for Alfonsa? Describe what happened
when Gustavo came to visit her after her injury?

Because the physical appearance of women is so important, the loss of her two fingers was
devastating. Alfonsa would not go into public, and she assumed she would not be able to marry.
Gustavo came to visit her, and she refused to see him, so he waited all night in their parlor.
The following day, her father insisted that she see Gustavo. She did, and they walked together.
He was extremely kind to Alfonsa and treated her no differently. He even discussed his own
deformity with her.

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15. Gustavo told Alfonsa, “those who have endured some misfortune will always be set apart
but that it is just that misfortune which is their gift and which is their strength…” What
misfortunes has John Grady suffered that may become his strengths?

John Grady has experienced the loss of his family ranch, his friend Blevins, and some significant
physical injuries. He could also potentially lose Alejandra. These misfortunes could lead him
to value land, life, and health more.

16. Why did Alfonsa’s father keep her in Europe?

Alfonsa’s father would not bring her home unless she agreed to stay away from the Maderos,
but she refused to do so. As a result, she and Gustavo remained separated for a long period of
time, and he married someone else.

17. Alfonsa describes her own rebellion against her father. What other young characters have
rebelled against their families? What has been the result of their behavior?

Answers may vary. Example: Alfonsa regrets never having reconciled with her father before his
death. Alejandra clearly attempted to rebel against her great-aunt’s wishes by seeing John, but
has now been forced into a bargain with the woman to end the relationship. Blevins is another
character who was rebelling against his family. He left home because he did not want to be beat
or insulted by his step-father anymore. His life, of course, has ended tragically.

18. What was Francisco Madero’s undoing according to Alfonsa? How were he and Gustavo

Alfonsa believes Francisco’s trust in the basic goodness of humankind was his undoing because
he refused to believe that men surrounding him were traitors. Gustavo was murdered by a mob.
Francisco was shot behind the prison.

19. Alfonsa goes into a considerably detailed history of the Mexican Civil War. How are the
facts she offers an example of verisimilitude?

Verisimilitude refers to when an author makes a fictional story seem true by adding details that
enhance the believability of the tale. The great detail with which Alfonsa offers the history of
the war lends credibility to the author’s story and assists the reader in to view the novel as true,
rather than fictional.

20. Explain what Alfonsa mean when she says, “those whom life does not cure death will.”

She means that most people will become disillusioned or lose their idealism as she has.

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21. Alfonsa believes that even knowing history will not save us from repeating it. Based on
this comment, what is Alfonsa’s view on human nature?

Alfonsa has a very pessimistic view of human nature. She believes what is constant in history is
greed, foolishness, and a love of blood. She does not believe anything can actually change this
about the world.

22. Why does Alfonsa say she has taken great pains to explain her life to John Grady?

She believes that it is important to know who the enemy is. She wants to save John from nursing
a hatred for a phantom, just as other unhappy people she has known have done.

23. Which horse does John Grady choose to take from La Purísima?

He leaves with the grullo horse that Rawlins chose as the wildest of the first bunch they

24. John Grady stops to share his lunch with a group of children and ends up telling them his
story. Why is this scene important to the novel? How does hearing John explain his own
story affect the book?

This scene is important because it adds a summary and new perspective on the events of the
book. The way John tells his story sounds very much like a fairy-tale or heroic myth, which
leads the reader to look back on what has happened to John in that light. The story sounds
fantastic when it is summarized into a paragraph, yet the reader who has been witness to the
events described knows that John is telling the truth.

25. What advice do the children give John Grady to help his situation?

The children tell John he should win the approval of the grandmother. When they find that is
not possible, they advise him to bring Blevins to explain what happened to her. John tells them
that option is not possible either because he has died. They then suggest that he speak to a wise
man, a healer, or simply pray to God.

26. How does John Grady convince Alejandra to see him?

When she refuses to see him, John tells her that he loves her, that she had no right to make the
promise she did, and that he will not leave until he sees her. Alejandra then agrees to leave a
day early for La Purísma and meet him in Zacatecas.

27. What does John Grady buy for Alejandra?

He buys her a plain silver necklace.

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28. What makes John feel uncomfortable while he and Alejandra are at dinner?

Older men openly look at Alejandra, and she accepts their glances gracefully.

29. What is Alejandra’s response when John tells her what has happened to him?

She cries, but then she also questions how she can truly know what kind of man he is.

30. What does Alejandra reveal to John about what occurred before he was arrested? How
does he feel about her actions, and how does she explain them?

Alfonsa demanded that Alejandra stop seeing John or she would tell her father that they were
lovers. Alejandra could not stand that her aunt would have that power over her, so she told Don
Héctor herself. John is shocked and upset that she told her father. Alejandra explains by saying
her aunt was making her crazy, and she refused to be blackmailed.

31. Why does Alejandra believe her father did not kill John?

She believes he intended to kill him but he would not because he feared Alejandra would kill

32. How does she believe her father feels about her as a result?

Alejandra believes her father has stopped loving her.

33. Despite everything John has seen during his journey, he says he has never seen despair
before this moment in the restaurant with Alejandra. Is this surprising to you? Why might
her despair be greater than Blevins’ just before he is killed, for example?

Answers will vary. Example: This is somewhat surprising because John has seen a young man
face his own death, and it seems that was a more desperate situation. Perhaps Alejandra’s
despair is greater because she must continue on, despite having lost both her father’s love
and her ability to stay with John Grady. She is suffering emotionally from two losses and is
punishing herself for destroying her relationships with both John and her father.

34. Explain this quote, “he saw very clearly how all his life led only to this moment and all
after led nowhere at all.” What has happened?

Alejandra has just told John Grady that she cannot marry him. He feels that this is the most
important moment of his life and, now that he has lost Alejandra, his life is worth nothing at
all, he has no future. He has become “soulless”

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35. What does John Grady do that night?

He goes to a bar and gets very drunk, fights, and he does not know where he is when he wakes

36. “As he lay there the agony in his heart was like a stake.”

Who has received a literal stake in his heart in the novel? Do you think John deserves this

John stabbed the cuchillero in the heart earlier in the novel, so it is ironic that he now feels
he has a stake in his own heart. However, John was attacked first by the cuchillero, and the
killing seems completely justified in light of this fact. Answers may vary. Example: John Grady,
therefore, does not deserve his current suffering because of the killing. Some students may feel
the pain is justified because of his lie to Don Héctor and disregard of Alfonsa’s warnings.

37. What philosophical points is McCarthy making while describing John Grady’s thoughts?

John Grady thinks that the world is dangerous and filled with pain. This pain and grief wants to
inhabit human beings and live off them like a parasite would. He believes that he understands
why this can occur, but he fears that the “parasitic being” has no limits, just as the soul it
inhabits has none also.

38. Why do you think John Grady chooses to return to Encantada? Does this seem like a wise
decision? What does this choice tell you about his current mindset?

John Grady chooses to return to Encantada for a number of reasons. He does truly care about
his horse and does not want to leave it behind. He also probably feels it was unjust that the
captain took his horse. Finally, he is also probably looking for revenge against the captain for
killing Blevins and treating Rawlins and himself so poorly. Answers may vary. Example: Based
on what happened to Blevins when he returned to Encantada, John’s decision to return and take
back his horses seems like a very dangerous undertaking. It demonstrates that he feels very
reckless, as if he has nothing to lose.

39. What good deed does John do while in the place he was once held captive?

John releases the old man who was incarcerated with him and the other boys.

40. How does John locate his horse once he arrives in Encantada?

John takes the captain hostage and demands that he take him to his horse. The captain leads
him to the charro’s house.

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41. What does John Grady tell the captain and the charro about his relationship to Blevins in
order to scare the men into cooperating with him?

He tells them that Blevins was his brother and that he has taken a bloodoath to his father not to
return without the captain’s head. He goes on to tell them that he has a line of brothers waiting
to do the task if he fails.

42. What happens to John Grady while attempting to get the horse?

While John is attempting to take back the horses with the charro and the captain, a man,
presumably the owner of the stable, comes out to see what is happening. John steps out of the
stable and puts a gun to the head of the man, he tackles him and another man shoots John
Grady in the leg.

43. “He found he was breathing in rhythm with the horse as if some part of the horse were within him
breathing and then he descended into some deeper collusion for which he had not even a name.”

Explain the meaning of the quotation above.

Answers may vary. Example: John Grady has had an intimate connection with horses from the
beginning of the book. He always believed that he understood this connection, despite the fact
that humans and horses cannot communicate through words. Horses were part of him and he
was part of the animal itself. Now that he has been shot and is trying to protect the horse at the
same time as protecting himself, John Grady realizes that this connection with horses is both
deeper than he recognized and completely unfathomable to him.

44. How is the captain injured?

His shoulder is dislocated. John has handcuffed him to a rope that is connected to Blevins horse.
When the horse lurches the captain is injured.

45. How does John Grady convince the captain to come with him and the horses?

At first, the captain refuses to get on one of John’s horses. One end of a rope is already tied to
Blevins’ horse. John Grady ties the other end to the captains’ handcuffs and gets ready to leave
with the horses. When the captain sees his situation, he cooperates with John.

46. Does it seem strange that the charro was so helpful to John Grady? Why or why not?

Answers may vary. Example: It does seem odd that the charro is willing to do what John Grady
wants because he is the brother of the man that Blevins killed. For some reason he appears to
be sympathetic to John Grady and not loyal to the captain. Earlier, the captain was upset with
him for failing to shoot Blevins. Perhaps, he feels John is justified in his actions.

47. Why is John keeping the captain with him? Do you think the captain deserves the

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treatment he receives from John?

John is keeping the captain with him as a hostage. Answers may vary. Example: The captain is
portrayed as a bad person who has done terrible things throughout the novel, including killing
Blevins. Therefore, he does seem to deserve the treatment John gives him.

48. For what reasons does the captain believe John should be afraid of God? Why does John
say he is not afraid?

The captain says John should be afraid of God because he is acting outside of his authority by
taking the horses and capturing him. According to the captain, only an officer of the law has
that authority. John says he has no reason to be afraid of God, and he actually has some reason
to be angry with God.

49. What does John Grady do to his gunshot wound with the gun? How will this help him?

John heats the barrel of the gun and puts it into his bullet wounds to cauterize the injured flesh.
This will stop the area from bleeding anymore and also stop his pain there after the burnt flesh

50. How does the captain try to get away?

While John is writhing in pain from his treatment of the gunshot wound, the captain grabs the
rifle and holds it on John. John gets up and simply takes the rifle away from him because he
knows it is not loaded.

51. How does John Grady distinguish himself from the type of person the captain is? How
does he assist the captain?

John Grady tells the captain he is not going to kill him, because, “I am not like you.” He helps
relieve the captain’s pain by putting his dislocated shoulder back into place.

52. Who are the men who come upon John and the captain and take the captain away?

When John asks them who they are, they simply say in Spanish that they are “men of the
country.” They take the handcuffed captain and leave John with his horses. It is obvious that
they also have some sort of grudge with the captain.

53. When John Grady kills a doe, what does it lead him to think about?

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He begins to think about death, and he wonders if the captain is still alive. He thinks about
Blevins, and then his thoughts turn to Alejandra. John ultimately begins to feel very lonely and
alien to the world, although he still loves it and feels as if he is still part of it. The author has
John Grady express some more philosophical beliefs. His thoughts reveal that he thinks that
the beauty within the world holds a secret: Pain and beauty are equal, but different, and the
death of many people can be caused simply by the desire for this beauty, “the vision of a single

54. What do you think is the significance of John watching a wedding party when he is
stopped in Los Picos?

The wedding party signifies the potential future John has lost with Alejandra. It is certainly
sad for him to watch what he wanted so much to have with Alejandra. He is an outsider to the
happiness and laughter at the wedding.

55. The man in the cafe says to John, as they look out at the wedding party that it is “good that
God kept the truths of life from the young as they were starting out or else they would’ve
no heart to start at all.” How does this relate to John Grady’s experiences on his journey?
Were the truths of life kept from him before he started the trip?

While John Grady seemed mature at the outset of the book, he did start his trip naïve about
many of the truths of life. He had never killed a man, or been involved in potentially deadly
fights, he had never been in prison, and his love for Mary Catherine is not comparable to his
feelings for Alejandra. It is perhaps likely that if he knew everything he has learned at this
point in the story before he left, it may have prevented him from taking the trip at all.

56. Compare John Grady’s experience of crossing the Rio Grande back into Texas with the
way it was when he first crossed into Mexico.

A significant change from the first experience is that earlier, he was with Rawlins and Blevins
and now he is crossing over the river alone. When the young men came into Mexico, they were
very excited, galloping their horses and laughing. John’s trip back across the river is much more
somber. When he makes it back into Texas, he sits down and weeps over his dead father.

57. How does John Grady spend his first few weeks back in the country?

He travels the border country looking for the rightful owner of Blevins’ horse.

58. Why does John Grady end up in court telling the story of the horse to the judge?

Three men swear that the horse was stolen from them, the animal is impounded, and they
either sue John or bring criminal charges against him.

59. What are the three questions the judge asks, and why does he ask each one?

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The judge asks John the number of hectares on the ranch, the name of the husband of the
hacendado’s cook, and if he has clean shorts on. The first two questions are to prove that John
is not lying, because the judge believes a liar cannot remember what he said. The last question
is asked because the judge wants John to show him his gunshot wound.

60. What bothered John about the judge’s comments in court?

John is afraid that the judge thinks he was justified in everything he did, and he does not feel
like that is the case. He feels in the wrong primarily about how he showed a lack of respect
and honor for Don Héctor, a man John Grady admired and liked, by having a relationship with

61. What does the judge observe about John’s character?

The judge observes that John is the type of person who is too hard on himself. The judge further
says that maybe the best thing for John to do it to put everything behind him.

62. How does the judge help ease John’s mind regarding the man he killed?

He finds out what is really bothering John, which are John’s thoughts that the young man could
have been a good person, and maybe he should not have died. The judge reinforces what John
already knows: the cuchillero was not a good person. The judge also tells him about a similar
situation that he experienced. He still thinks about a boy he sent to the electric chair a long time
ago. Although he knows he did the right thing and would do it again, he still thinks about it.

63. What is the real reason John wanted to kill the captain?

He wanted to kill the captain because he (John) stood there and let him walk Blevins out to the
trees and shoot him without doing anything. It seems like John is more angry at himself for how
he behaved around the captain, rather than actually angry at the captain himself.

64. Why does John Grady go to see the reverend? What kindness does he show John?

Blevins was using the reverend’s name, Jimmy Blevins, so John went to see if the horse actually
belongs to him. The reverend takes John in and feeds him dinner.

65. What are some of the difficulties the reverend and his wife encounter for being so

His wife explains how people started sending things to them so the reverend could bless or heal
them. Some event sent the bodies of their loved ones. They also receive letters from all over the

66. How has the radio been integral to the reverend’s practice?

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The reverend has used the radio to connect with many people. He started telling people to touch
their radios as he prayed on the air in order to heal them. The radio carries his voice all over
the world.

67. After the lengthy talk with the reverend and his wife, primarily about the details of the reverend’s
life, John Grady leaves. The next sentence, short and simple, summarizes John’s search:

“He never found the owner of the horse.”

What literary term is employed? Explain it.

Answers may vary. Example: It is an example of juxtaposition. From page 257, when he
declares, “I aint leavin my horse down there” until this section, John Grady’s motivation has
been to retrieve the horses and find the owner of Blevins’ horse. The simplicity of the statement
of not finding the owner contrasts starkly with the previous tension, fights, losses, searches,
and long philosophical thoughts John has had.

68. Why does John Grady plan to leave again?

John wants to continue to move on because he feels that San Angelo is not his country.

69. Rawlins asks John where his country is. Interpret John’s response. What do you think will
make him feel a country is his?

John responds to Rawlins by saying that he does not know where his country is or “what
happen to country.” This could mean he believes this was once his country, his shame, but
now he does not know where that country has gone. It seems that John will only feel at home
in a place like the La Purísma; however, that did not end up as his country, either. For John,
his “country” is about the cowboy way of life that he instinctively understands: honor, loyalty,
friendship, loneliness, and horses.

70. A bildungsroman is a story of a person’s maturation from childhood to adulthood. How

has John Grady come of age or lost his innocence in this story?

John Grady has become an adult in a number of senses. He has left home and taken care of
himself for a prolonged period of time. He has fallen in love and become an adult, and he has
also experienced the loss of this love. He has lost his innocence regarding the harsh realities of
human nature. He witnessed an execution of a young man, killed someone with his own hands,
and experienced a very dark side of human nature while in prison.

71. To John, the world seems “to care nothing for the old or the young or rich or poor or dark

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or pale or he or she.” What does this mean, and what does it tell you about John?

Based on his experiences, John feels the world does not discriminate in how careless it is about
people. All people experience hardship, regardless of their characteristics. This shows that John
has developed a somewhat pessimistic view of life. He sees how everyone experiences pain, and
there seems to be no protection based on any of life’s usual distinctions of classifications.

72. Is it significant that John passes Indians in the beginning of his journey for his country?
Why or why not?

Answers may vary. Example: It is significant that John passes Indians on the beginning of his
new journey. John’s father compared modern people to Indians early in the novel and this final
imagery further supports his ideas. The Indians, like John Grady, are a people who lost their
country. While the physical land remains in some places, they have lost their entire way of life.
Likewise, what John seeks is not really his physical country, but a way of life that is dying.

73. Discuss the usage of blood/red imagery in the final paragraph of the novel. How is blood
a motif in this novel?

Answers may vary. Example: In the final paragraph of the novel, the author describes the
desert, the sky and the wind as red. The sunset and the dust are described as blood red, and
the sunsets are frequently described as bloody or bloodred throughout the novel. The author
uses the blood imagery to emphasis endings or deaths and beginnings. Many endings have
occurred throughout the novel, most significant of which is the ending of the cowboy era. It is
also emphasized in the scenes of physical violence, particularly when John kills the cuchillero.
Using the blood imagery again in the final scene of the novel emphasizes the loss that has
occurred, and the potential for a new beginning that lies ahead.

74. Interpret the last lines of the novel:

“…and horse and rider and horse passed on and their long shadows passed in tandem like the
shadow of a single being. Passed and paled into the darkening land, the world to come.”

This final image of the merging of John’s shadow with his horse’s reinforces a central theme of
the novel about how connected John is to other creatures. He truly seems to be of one mind with
the horse. They pass into the darkening land, which sounds like it describes the ending of the
land or the era, and they are going on to find a new world.

75. What do you think of Cormac McCarthy’s style? Supply some examples to back up your

Answers will vary, but should include comments on McCarthy’s lengthy sentences, juxtaposed
immediately with short fragments, minimal use of punctuation, especially the absence of
quotation marks or attributions, the many digressions into thoughts about the world, the use
of Spanish, the descriptions of nature, etc.

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All the Pretty Horses

Chapter I


abated – became less intense, subsided

alcove – a nook, a hallowed-out or recessed section of a wall
ardenthearted – a passionate, enthusiastic person
arroyo – a stream, brook
bajada – a slope, hill
bill of lading – a receipt used in seeking payment for goods shipped
bizcochos – Mexican rolls or biscuits
caballero – a cowboy; gentleman on horseback
candelilla – a shrub coated in wax, found in Mexico
canted – angled, tilted
caporal – a person in charge of a group of workers, foreman
carbine – a short-barreled gun
catspaw – a tool with a hook used for grabbing
chaparral – a thicket of shrubs and/or trees
ciénagas – swamp
cordilleras – a mountain chain
creosote – a southwestern desert shrub
cuttinghorse – a horse used for herding cattle
desperado – a Western bandit
die-up – a large loss of cattle
estancia – a cattle ranch
firmament – the heavens, sky
floodplain – a plain composed mostly of river sediment and susceptible to flooding
founder – become sick from overeating
galvanized – coated with a rust-resistant sealant
gunsel – hoodlum
hackamore – a rope headgear used for breaking horses
jacales – huts found in Mexico and the Southwest made of upright poles, mud, and
thatched roofs
javelina – a small type of wild hog
lope – the slow way a horse walks
mesquite – type of tree or shrub found in the Southwest U.S. that forms dense
midden – a pile of rubbish
nopal – type of cactus
panhandle – a narrow strip of land projecting from a larger territory
pierglass – a large, tall mirror designed to take up the wall space between windows
pommel – the protruding front part of a saddle

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primogeniture – the exclusive inheritance rights of the first born son

retablo – a piece of artwork, usually made from tin
retinue – a group of attendants to a high-ranking person
ribald – coarse, crude, offensive
roily – turbulent, rough, wild
sequestered – segregated, separated
serape – a brightly-colored shawl worn by Mexican men
shoal – a shallow part of a stream, made by a sandbar
soogan – a blanket ranch workers sleep on outdoors
supplicant – worshipper, servant
tallow – fat of cattle used in soap
tienda – a store or shop
travois – a Plains Indians’ vehicle, composed of two poles trailing behind a horse that
support a net or load
vaqueros – ranch hands, cowboys
waddies – cowboys, ranch workers
wainscotting – the paneled, wooden lining of a wall
wash – the empty bed of a stream

1. What is happening in the opening pages of the novel?


2. Who is the narrator of the story?


3. Why do you think the author chooses to leave Spanish dialogue untranslated?

4. Consider the description of the horse ride on pages 5 and 6. What do you learn about the
main character from this passage?

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5. Discuss the repetition of the word “blood” in this chapter. What do you think the author
is trying to convey?

6. Identify a simile from this chapter.


7. The author describes the main character as standing “like a man come to the end of
something.” What do you think the author is suggesting is coming to an end?

8. The name of the main character is not revealed until the sixth page of the book. The
author continues to slowly reveal basic facts about the story throughout the first chapter.
How does this slow exposition affect the reader? Why might the author have chosen to do

9. What year did John Grady’s grandfather die?


10. What does the information about the grandfather’s seven brothers add to the reader’s
understanding of John Grady’s family history and his home?

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11. Why does John Grady’s grandfather reflect upon the laws of “primogeniture”?

12. What facts does the conversation between John Grady and his father, which starts on page
seven, reveal? What do you think their relationship is like, based on this scene?

13. How does the lack of quotation marks affect the narrative? Why might the author have
chosen to omit them?

14. Who do you think is the “she” John Grady and Rawlins are discussing on page ten?

15. Why might John Grady sit in the dark in his grandfather’s office?

16. Who comes in while John is in the office?


17. What is the significance of the mention of “oilfield scouts’ cars” on page eleven?

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18. How does John Grady’s father make money?


19. In what war was John Grady’s father probably involved?


20. How long has it been since John Grady’s father spoke with his wife?

21. How does John Grady’s father feel about John’s grandfather?

22. How did John Grady’s grandfather teach him to never give up?

23. What gift does John Grady’s father give him?


24. Who are Luisa and Arturo?


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25. What does John Grady ask his mother to do with the ranch? Why does she not do that,
and what is she going to do with the ranch?

26. Why does John Grady go to see the attorney, Franklin? What information does Franklin
provide to him?

27. How does Franklin explain why John Grady’s mother is getting rid of the ranch?

28. Franklin says to John, “Wayne tells me he’s quit goin to the doctor.” What is Franklin
talking about?

29. What time of year does John Grady hitchhike out to see his mother’s play?

30. On page 19, the narrator begins to refer to John as “John Grady,” and continues to do so
throughout the rest of Part I. Why might this be significant?

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31. Explain the importance of the following conversation between John Grady and his

“You still seein that Barnett girl?

He shook his head.
She quit you or did you quit her?
I dont know.
That means she quit you.

32. Why do people stare at John during the intermission of the play?

33. Why is John Grady disappointed by his mother’s play?


34. While sitting in the hotel, what does John Grady see his mother doing?

35. Why is it significant that John Grady’s mother has not registered in the hotel by the name

36. How does Wayne, John Grady’s father, look during their last ride together?

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37. Discuss what this quote reveals about John Grady.

“The boy…sat a horse…as if were he begot by malice or mischance into some queer land where
horses never were he would have found them anyway.”

38. What does Wayne reveal about John’s early childhood?


39. What is Goshee, and why was John’s mother so important to his father while he was

40. Why does John Grady’s father compare modern people to the Comanche? Why is this
comparison significant?

41. How would you describe the tone and style of the novel so far? What is the author’s
attitude to the subject matter he is describing?

42. What are Rawlins and John Grady planning on doing? Why?

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43. What happened between Mary Catherine and John Grady? Why does she come over to
talk to him?

44. Mary Catherine says, “Everything’s talk isnt it?” and John Grady responds, “Not
everything.” What do you think he means?

45. Interpret this passage:

“He didnt look back but he could see her in the windows of the Federal Building across the street
standing there and she was still standing there when he reached the corner and stepped out of
the glass forever.”

46. Discuss how John Grady and Rawlins must be feeling as they ride away, based on the
description, “they rode at once jaunty and circumspect, like thieves newly loosed in that
dark electric, like young thieves in a glowing orchard, loosely jacketed against the cold
and ten thousand worlds for the choosing.”

47. Where are John Grady and Rawlins planning to go? Why is Rawlins dismayed when he
looks at John’s map?

48. What is a desperado? Why do Rawlins and John Grady look like desperadoes when they
are in the town off of the Pandale road?

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49. How do John Grady and Rawlins catch the person who is following them? Why does
Rawlins not want him to join them? Explain the significance of the horse.

50. When Rawlins asks Jimmy Blevins why they would want him to come along with them,
he answers simply, “Cause I’m an American.” What do you think he means by this?

51. How does Rawlins react to Blevins shooting his billfold? How do you think he feels?

52. Why does Blevins leave the house after falling off the bench? How does everyone else feel
about his behavior?

53. Why do Rawlins and Blevins argue over John Grady’s riding skills?

54. Why did Blevins leave home? What happened the last time he ran away?

55. What is sotol and why do the boys end up buying it instead of water?

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56. Why does Blevins lose his horse and all his clothes and belongings? Do you find this scene
comic or tragic?

57. What do the men at the waxcamp ask John Grady about Blevins? Why will John not tell

58. Why does Rawlins want to leave Blevins once they arrive in Encantada? Why do they not
leave him?

59. Under what circumstances do John Grady and Rawlins separate from Blevins?

60. Where do John Grady and Rawlins find work? How do they feel about their new

61. “This is how it was with the old waddies, aint it?”

Explain the significance of Rawlins’ comment above, in light of the theme of the ending
of an era.

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62. How has the author used dialects so far in the narrative? What does this contribute to the

63. The author spends a significant amount of time in Chapter I detailing the landscape the
boys are riding through. Why do you think the author does this? What does it add to the

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

Chapter II


aduana – customs, agency that checks travelers for imports

barrial – basin
bay – a reddish-brown colored horse
bolsón – a flat, dry valley
bosalea – a rope that wraps around the nose of horse, used in training
campesinos – farm workers
conformation – the shape or proportions of an animal
curandero – a Mexican healer, medicine man, or herb doctor
dun – a neutral brown or gray colored horse
esquilador – sheep shearer
factura – bill, invoice
forefooted – looping a rope around a horse’s forelegs, causing it to fall
gerente – manager
greenbroke horse – a horse comfortable with the saddle, bridle, and rider, in the
beginning stages of training
grullo – a charcoal gray horse
hacendados – owners of haciendas
hacienda – a large estate or ranch
hawsers – heavy ropes used in towing ships
hectares – an area equal to 2.71 acres
kiacks – a traveling bag
maguey – a type of cactus that a produces a fiber used in making rope and a liquor
manada – herd, pack
mecates – ropes attached to horse in order to lead it
mescal – liquor distilled from the leaves of a maguey plant
mesteño – mustang, unbroken horse
mozos – assistants, servants
norteños – a person of northern Mexico
paint – a horse colored with large patches of white and another color
patina – sheen on a surface produced by age
portrero – an open lot or ring
rainsquall – a sudden, brief rain and wind storm
relict – a surviving species in an environment that has substantially changed
remuda – herd
roan – a dark colored horse, with sprinklings of white in its coat
sackin – (sacking) a method of calming a horse down using a cloth
sideline – a method of breaking horses that involves tying up their legs to make
them stop kicking
valises – hand luggage

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

1. What are unusual qualities of the Hacienda de Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción
in comparison to other ranches? What is the allusion in the ranch’s name?

2. How long has the ranch been in Don Héctor Rocha’s family?

3. Why do you think John Grady and Rawlins want to break the horses in just four days?
Does it seem like they have broken horses before?

4. Interpret the quote, “They looked like animals trussed up by children for fun and they
stood…with the voice of the breaker still running in their brains like the voice of some
god come to inhabit them.”

5. Why do you think John Grady talks to the horses as he trains them?

6. Why does such a large group of people assemble to watch the young men break the

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

7. How does the horse that Rawlins has chosen as the wildest of the bunch perform for John

8. How does the sight of the beautiful woman, while he is riding the grullo, affect John
Grady? Who is she?

9. Interpret how the vaqueros now feel about the boys based on the quote, “when John
Grady pointed and asked that it be passed there came hands from both sides of the table to
take up the dish and hand it down in this manner like a ceremonial bowl.” Do you think
John and Rawlins intended to have this result from their work?

10. In what war do you suppose Luis, the mozo, fought?


11. Luis says that horses love war just as men do. He also repeats what his father told him,
“No man who has not gone to war [on] horseback can ever truly understand the horse…”
What do you think of this claim, in light of how well John Grady seems to understand

12. What does Luis tell the young men about horses and souls?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

13. “He said that among men there was no such communion as among horses and the notion that men
can be understood at all was probably an illusion.”

Explain what Luis means by this statement.


14. In the paragraph containing the above quote, the reader seems to hear the exact words of
Luis through the narrator, although his statements are not written out in a direct dialogue
form, separated from other statements. This is a narrative technique called free indirect
discourse. Explain why the author may employee this technique and what effect it has on
the reader.

15. When John Grady first meets with Don Héctor, they enter a room with walls covered with
portraits of men and horses. What earlier scene in the novel described a room with the
walls covered in portraits? Which family member may Don Héctor remind John Grady

16. Don Héctor observes that John is the leader of Rawlins. John denies this characterization.
Do you think John is the leader of the two? Why or why not?

17. Don Héctor appears to be testing John Grady’s knowledge of horses. How does the boy do
on the test? Where has he acquired much of his information on horses?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

18. What opinion do both Don Héctor and John Grady share regarding the importance of the
mare in breeding? What does this tell you about these characters?

19. When Don Héctor questions John Grady about who he rode in from Texas with, John
does not reveal that a third young man traveled with them. Why do you think he lies to
Héctor about Blevins?

20. John Grady consults with Rawlins about moving. To where is he moving? What is the
opportunity that Rawlins tells him he should not miss?

21. “Horses still wild on the mesa who’d never seen a man afoot and who knew nothing of him or his
life yet in whose souls he would come to reside forever.”

Describe what you think about John Grady’s thoughts described in this passages; is this a
healthy way for John to view his role in the lives of these horses?

22. On a trip into the mountains for horses, John Grady and Rawlins’ conversation leads to
the inference that John has interacted with Alejandra, Don Héctor’s daughter. Why do you
think the author has omitted a description of how and when the pair began speaking to
each other?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

23. Why does Rawlins say to John Grady, “I just figure you must enjoy cryin yourself to sleep
at night.”

24. John Grady and Alejandra sit after the dance and talk. McCarthy writes, “…she drew
patterns in the dark water…” What is unusual about the quote?

25. Don Héctor and John Grady agree that, “other than cattle there was no wealth proper
to man.” What do you think this means? What does it reveal to you about these

26. What do Antonio and John Grady conspire together to tell the hacendado?

27. Why does John Grady really want to ride the stallion?

28. What happens when Alejandra finds him riding the horse bareback? How does this result
in potentially getting John in trouble?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

29. “As she rode her black hair twisted and blew about her shoulders and the lightning fell silently
through the black clouds behind her and she rode all seeming unaware…”

Contrast this scene with the earlier lightning storm that results in Blevins extreme reaction.
What does this tell you about Alejandra?

30. What does the author mean to convey by this quotation, “real horse, real rider, real land
and sky and yet a dream withal.”

31. Does John give the dueña Alfonsa an easy time in any of the chess games he plays? What
does this reveal to you about John?

32. “Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real. The events that cause them can
never be forgotten, can they?”

What is the significance of this quote?


33. What does Alfonsa try to explain to John about women and Mexican society? What does
she want him to do?

34. What does Alfonsa mean when she states, “I am the one who gets to say.”

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

35. What is Rawlins referring to when he asks John Grady, “You got eyes for the spread?”

36. Why does Rawlins think John should reconsider his relationship with Alejandra?

37. Rawlins says to John, “What I see is you fixin to get us fired and run off the place.” Explain
what literary term this is an example of. Have any other events been foreshadowed by

38. How does Alejandra feel about her great-aunt’s rules?


39. When do Alejandra and John Grady see each other for the remainder of her time on the

40. Don Héctor makes an allusion to Don Quixote, a great work of Spanish literature:

“Beware gentle knight. There is no greater monster than reason.”

How does this quote relate to the subject he and John Grady are discussing?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

41. What does John Grady intend to discuss with Alejandra when she returns?

42. To whom do Rawlins and John Grady think the greyhounds belong? Why do they suspect
the greyhounds are out on the mountain?

43. How does the paradise of the hacienda come to an end for John Grady and Rawlins?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

Chapter III


acolytes – attendants who assist priests in church rites

adjuring – inviting, entreating
alameda – a park, grove
alcaide – the head guard or jailer
baroque – bizarre, elaborate
bedrock – the foundation, basis
bellcot – small area used to shelter bells
callejón – an alley, side street
castellano – Spanish
charro – a Mexican cowboy
cuchillero – a knife wielder, fighter
dervish – a type of Muslim monk that practices complicated bodily exercises
djinn – a demon, or shift-shaping spirit
factura – proof of purchase, papers
feinted – made a false move to strike, used to distract
marca – a brand, identifying mark
mendicants – beggars
paseos – walks, strolls
perfunctory – indifferently, routinely
pozole – cornmeal
previas – opinions; charges
quinta – a country home
satrap – a ruler, governor, official
selvedge – a woven edge
spume – froth, foam
tamalera – one who sells tamales

1. Why is Rawlins angry with John for their arrest? Why does he think Don Héctor was

2. Explain what John Grady means when he says, “I know you did. But some things aint

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

3. John Grady says to Rawlins, “You either stick or you quit and I wouldnt quit you I dont
care what you done.” Based on this quote, discuss John Grady and Rawlins’ loyalty to each
other and what that shows about their characters.

4. Describe the building the young men are taken to in Encantada.


5. What has Blevins done since the young men went separate ways? How do John Grady and
Rawlins feel about his behavior?

6. How has Blevins been injured while in custody?


7. Discuss John Grady’s dream that is described on pages 161 and 162. How does it relate to
his current predicament? How might it relate to the title of the novel?

8. Describe the similarities and differences in how the captain treats Rawlins and John Grady
during their interrogations. Why do you think they are treated differently?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

9. What is the situation of the old man who is incarcerated with them?

10. John Grady tells Rawlins to leave Blevins alone a number of times during the novel. Why
does he do so while they are incarcerated?

11. Describe the location where the captain and his officers stop the truck and tell John
Grady, Rawlins and Blevins to get out.

12. What does Blevins hand John Grady before he is taken off into the trees by the guards?
What does this action indicate to you about Blevins’ state of mind?

13. How do John Grady and Rawlins know what has happened to Blevins?

14. Where are the young men taken to in Saltillo?


15. What does the captain tell John Grady and Rawlins about what happened to the charro in
the ebony trees?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

16. What is the captain talking about when he says to John Grady and Rawlins, “Excuse me
but you will be making some arrangements.”

17. What does the captain believe a man does not do? What did he do to prevent his friends
from laughing at him when he was young?

18. In what ways could the captain be seen as a foil to the heroic characterization of John

19. What happens during the first few days John Grady and Rawlins are in prison? What
standard does the author say every man is judged by in prison?

20. How do John Grady and Rawlins use Blevins’ money?


21. Rawlins says they are in prison, “All over a goddamned horse.” John Grady replies, “Horse
had nothin to do with it.” What do you think John Grady means by this?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

22. Who is Emilio Pérez? What does he want John Grady and Rawlins to do? Why do they

23. Who injures Rawlins and how badly is he hurt?


24. Why does John Grady go to Pérez again?


25. What is Pérez referring to when he says, “It is not a matter of finding. It is only a matter
of choosing.”

26. What does Pérez believe is the difference between Americans and Mexicans?

27. What is the significance of the tattoos the man has?


28. Explain how John Grady comes to kill the cuchillero.


All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

29. Where is John Grady when he awakes? What is his condition?


30. Why does John Grady think about his father in Goshee while he is recovering?

31. How does John Grady know that other men have died in his hospital room?

32. What does the commandante tell John Grady?


33. Why do you think John asks to sit quietly with Rawlins at first?

34. Who do John Grady and Rawlins assume paid for their release?

35. Explain Rawlins’s concern with his blood transfusion. What is John Grady’s opinion on
the subject?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

36. What does John Grady reveal to Rawlins that it seems Rawlins already knows? Does this
surprise you?

37. Rawlins says, “ There’s only one kind of deal I can see that she [Alejandra] could of made
with the old woman.” What deal is it?

38. “Rawlins turned and looked at him. His eyes were wet and he looked old and sad. I caint believe
they just walked him out there and done him that way.”

Are you surprised at how Rawlins feels about Blevins? Why or why not?

39. John Grady says to Rawlins, “You dont need to try and make it right. It is what it is.” What
is he taking about? How does John Grady feel about this subject?

40. Where is each young man headed at the end of Chapter III?

41. The author writes that John stands in the back of a truck, “as if he were some newfound
evangelical being conveyed down out of the mountains…” What is the new knowledge
that John has acquired during this chapter? Why would he be unlikely to preach like an

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

Chapter IV


abrazo – a hug
bivouacked – camped
cofferdam – a chamber used to pump water out of a river or stream in order to do
collusion – an agreement to cooperate
cortege – a procession
fractious – unruly, irritable
gachupine – a derogatory term for a Mexican man; lower-class citizen
grackles – large blackbirds
increate – uncreated, something that exists but has not been created
millstone – a burden, a hardship
mochila – a backpack, knapsack
myopic – nearsightedness, lack of a long-range perspective
rebozo – a long scarf
rote – mechanical repeating of words; speaking from memory without fully
comprehending the meaning of one’s words
soldadera – a female soldier
vigas – beams

1. “And after and for a long time to come he’d have reason to evoke the recollection of those smiles
and to reflect upon the good will which provoked them for it had power to protect and to confer
honor and to strengthen resolve…”

Why is this show of good will particularly significant to John at this point in the

2. Give examples of other acts of kindness that John receives from strangers on his way to
La Vega.

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

3. How is John Grady received by Antonio and then María at the hacienda?

4. Describe the dream John Grady has had about Blevins and what he hopes might happen
if he continues to dream about Blevins.

5. The vaqueros say that “a man leaves much when he leaves his own country…it was no
accident of circumstance that a man be born in a certain country…” How has national
identity been important to the story so far? How do you think John feels about this

6. What does Alfonsa reveal to John Grady about the events that led up to his arrest?

7. Why does Alfonsa think John Grady does not really deserve an opportunity to speak with
Don Héctor?

8. What is the bargain Alfonsa made with Alejandra? Why does Alfonsa think that John
Grady is not the right person for Alejandra?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

9. Why does John expect Alfonsa to have been more sympathetic about his relationship with

10. Alfonsa says societies seem to be, “largely machines for the suppression of women.” Give
two examples of how she sees women as being suppressed by Mexican society.

11. Explain Alfonsa’s father’s theory on the connectedness of the world. How does Alfonsa’s
perspective on personal responsibility differ from her father’s?

12. What was it about Mexico that led Alfonsa, at sixteen, to refuse to believe in God?

13. How did the summer of her seventeenth year change her life?

14. Why was the loss of her two fingers so difficult for Alfonsa? Describe what happened
when Gustavo came to visit her after her injury?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

15. Gustavo told Alfonsa, “those who have endured some misfortune will always be set apart
but that it is just that misfortune which is their gift and which is their strength…” What
misfortunes has John Grady suffered that may become his strengths?

16. Why did Alfonsa’s father keep her in Europe?


17. Alfonsa describes her own rebellion against her father. What other young characters have
rebelled against their families? What has been the result of their behavior?

18. What was Francisco Madero’s undoing according to Alfonsa? How were he and Gustavo

19. Alfonsa goes into a considerably detailed history of the Mexican Civil War. How are the
facts she offers an example of verisimilitude?

20. Explain what Alfonsa mean when she says, “those whom life does not cure death will.”

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

21. Alfonsa believes that even knowing history will not save us from repeating it. Based on
this comment, what is Alfonsa’s view on human nature?

22. Why does Alfonsa say she has taken great pains to explain her life to John Grady?

23. Which horse does John Grady choose to take from La Purísima?

24. John Grady stops to share his lunch with a group of children and ends up telling them his
story. Why is this scene important to the novel? How does hearing John explain his own
story affect the book?

25. What advice do the children give John Grady to help his situation?

26. How does John Grady convince Alejandra to see him?


27. What does John Grady buy for Alejandra?


All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

28. What makes John feel uncomfortable while he and Alejandra are at dinner?

29. What is Alejandra’s response when John tells her what has happened to him?

30. What does Alejandra reveal to John about what occurred before he was arrested? How
does he feel about her actions, and how does she explain them?

31. Why does Alejandra believe her father did not kill John?

32. How does she believe her father feels about her as a result?

33. Despite everything John has seen during his journey, he says he has never seen despair
before this moment in the restaurant with Alejandra. Is this surprising to you? Why might
her despair be greater than Blevins’ just before he is killed, for example?

34. Explain this quote, “he saw very clearly how all his life led only to this moment and all
after led nowhere at all.” What has happened?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

35. What does John Grady do that night?


36. “As he lay there the agony in his heart was like a stake.”

Who has received a literal stake in his heart in the novel? Do you think John deserves this

37. What philosophical points is McCarthy making while describing John Grady’s thoughts?

38. Why do you think John Grady chooses to return to Encantada? Does this seem like a wise
decision? What does this choice tell you about his current mindset?

39. What good deed does John do while in the place he was once held captive?

40. How does John locate his horse once he arrives in Encantada?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

41. What does John Grady tell the captain and the charro about his relationship to Blevins in
order to scare the men into cooperating with him?

42. What happens to John Grady while attempting to get the horse?

43. “He found he was breathing in rhythm with the horse as if some part of the horse were within him
breathing and then he descended into some deeper collusion for which he had not even a name.”

Explain the meaning of the quotation above.


44. How is the captain injured?


45. How does John Grady convince the captain to come with him and the horses?

46. Does it seem strange that the charro was so helpful to John Grady? Why or why not?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

47. Why is John keeping the captain with him? Do you think the captain deserves the
treatment he receives from John?

48. For what reasons does the captain believe John should be afraid of God? Why does John
say he is not afraid?

49. What does John Grady do to his gunshot wound with the gun? How will this help him?

50. How does the captain try to get away?


51. How does John Grady distinguish himself from the type of person the captain is? How
does he assist the captain?

52. Who are the men who come upon John and the captain and take the captain away?

53. When John Grady kills a doe, what does it lead him to think about?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

54. What do you think is the significance of John watching a wedding party when he is
stopped in Los Picos?

55. The man in the cafe says to John, as they look out at the wedding party that it is “good that
God kept the truths of life from the young as they were starting out or else they would’ve
no heart to start at all.” How does this relate to John Grady’s experiences on his journey?
Were the truths of life kept from him before he started the trip?

56. Compare John Grady’s experience of crossing the Rio Grande back into Texas with the
way it was when he first crossed into Mexico.

57. How does John Grady spend his first few weeks back in the country?

58. Why does John Grady end up in court telling the story of the horse to the judge?

59. What are the three questions the judge asks, and why does he ask each one?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

60. What bothered John about the judge’s comments in court?


61. What does the judge observe about John’s character?


62. How does the judge help ease John’s mind regarding the man he killed?

63. What is the real reason John wanted to kill the captain?

64. Why does John Grady go to see the reverend? What kindness does he show John?

65. What are some of the difficulties the reverend and his wife encounter for being so

66. How has the radio been integral to the reverend’s practice?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

67. After the lengthy talk with the reverend and his wife, primarily about the details of the reverend’s
life, John Grady leaves. The next sentence, short and simple, summarizes John’s search:

“He never found the owner of the horse.”

What literary term is employed? Explain it.


68. Why does John Grady plan to leave again?


69. Rawlins asks John where his country is. Interpret John’s response. What do you think will
make him feel a country is his?

70. A bildungsroman is a story of a person’s maturation from childhood to adulthood. How

has John Grady come of age or lost his innocence in this story?

71. To John, the world seems “to care nothing for the old or the young or rich or poor or dark
or pale or he or she.” What does this mean, and what does it tell you about John?

72. Is it significant that John passes Indians in the beginning of his journey for his country?
Why or why not?

All the Pretty Horses STUDENT’S COPY

73. Discuss the usage of blood/red imagery in the final paragraph of the novel. How is blood
a motif in this novel?

74. Interpret the last lines of the novel:

“…and horse and rider and horse passed on and their long shadows passed in tandem like the
shadow of a single being. Passed and paled into the darkening land, the world to come.”

75. What do you think of Cormac McCarthy’s style? Supply some examples to back up your

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