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The world has evolved with the discovery of computer. Science and technology made it possible to
maintain the rapid momentum of evolution. Cloud computing is a result of such evolution.
Worldwide spending on cloud services is increasing at a rapid rate. In 2015, almost $70 billion was
spent on cloud services. By 2019, worldwide spending is projected to reach over $141 billion.
([ CITATION sal \l 1033 ]. In 2018, approximately 3.6 billion internet users are projected to access
cloud computing services, up from 2.4 billion users in 2013.[ CITATION DrH \l 1033 ]. due to the ever
expanding market of cloud computing even universities like Newcastle university, are offering
courses on cloud computing.

We use it in our everyday life without even realizing it. We use cloud computing when we use
Microsoft one drive as storage for while working on Microsoft office 365, or when we use office
online, internet only version of Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint or one note without installing

We use cloud computing every time we use google drive for google sheets, google docs or google
slides. In fact, most of Google's services could be considered cloud computing: Gmail, Google
Calendar, Google Maps, and so on.

We use cloud computing even on our apple products when we log into apple iCloud. We use iCloud
to store, backup, synchronize our emails, contacts, calendars etc.

We use cloud computing when we use amazon cloud drive to store music, images. We use it on our

Hybrid services like box, Dropbox, and SugarSync all say they work in the cloud because they store a
synced version of your files online, but they also sync those files with local storage. Synchronization
is a cornerstone of the cloud computing experience, even if you do access the file locally.

Likewise, it's considered cloud computing if we have a community of people with separate devices
that need the same data synced, be it for work collaboration projects or just to keep the family in

We also use Cloud Hardwares like Chromebook. These are laptops that have just enough local
storage and power to run the Chrome OS, which essentially turns the Google Chrome Web browser
into an operating system. With a Chromebook, most everything you do is online: apps, media, and
storage are all in the cloud.

Thus, cloud computing isn’t a new concept. We have been using this concept almost for as long as
we have been using a modern computer and internet services. But , Cloud services are more than
just a re-brand of an old concept; they’re also faster, safer, and more highly available than their
predecessors. Managing infrastructure, whether it’s at home or in the work place, can get expensive
and may not meet the same standards as a large cloud service provider. Knowing our data is safe
and easily accessible makes cloud technology the perfect solution for many of our computing needs.
Speed, security, and availability all are factors that help define the importance of cloud computing in
today’s world.
Cloud computing is a hosted environment. The same servers, hard drives, firewalls, and routers exist.
The same security protocols are used for physical access. When we store information in a cloud
service, we are sending our data to someone’s data center. It is delivered through their firewalls and
guided down the network path to the servers. The data is stored on hard drives similar to the hard
drives in your laptop or computer. It is the concept of where an organization has its data and
application hosted on a third party infrastructure. Sometimes the applications are designed and
developed by the service provider and the company using it uses that application against its own


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