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Study on the Scriptural Sabbath according to Scriptural Calendar

Names of more than and meanings

January: Month of Janus(Ianuarias)- mythical god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality,
doorways, passages and ending.

February: Month of Februa(Februaus)- a festival of purification and purging. From 13 th to 15th

(valentine’s day)they sacrifice goats and dogs, fertility rituals, nude except for a goat skin robe, and
offering of cakes and presents.

March: Month of Mars- mythical god of war, and an ancestor of the Roman people through his sons
Romulos and Remus. First month of the ancient roman year until 153bc. Number festivals celebrating
the new year and international deities(gods).

April: Month of Aprilis- Means “to open”, because fruits, flowers, animals, seas and land ‘open' this time
of the year. Sacred to the goddess Venus, and Roman’s celebrated Veneralia (apr fools) to worship the
goddess on the first day of the month. They did this by ritual bathing and adorning of the occult statue
of Venus.

May: Month of Maius- mythical god Maia, roman goddess of fertility (Bonadea). Also tied to Apherdities.
The priest sacrificed a pregnant pig to Maia on the first day.

June: Month of Juno- mythical god Juno, the goddess of marriage; the wife of Jupiter. Known for the
Rose festival and secular games.

July: Month of Quintilis- name was changed to Julius after julius caesar’s death (was his birth month).
Sacrifices would be made to Neptune and Apollo. Under the guard of Jupiter, their supreme god. Month
became dominated by ludiapollinares, 10 days of games in honor of the god Apollo(god of healing).
 Differences in Julian, Gregorian, and Scriptural Calendars
1. Julien Calendar
o Replaced by Gregorian Calendar because it did not properly reflect the
time it takes the earth the revolve around the sun.
o Had 365.25 days and a leap year every 4 years.
o Was decreed in 46BC by Emperor Julius Ceasar
o Calculated with the aid of Greek astronomers and mathematicians.
o Heliocentric based theory
o According to Rome's first Emperor, Romulos, there were only 10
months, and the year started with March. 2 nd Emperor, Numa
Pompilious, added January and February. (Disclaimed by theory that
Julius Ceasar created July after his name, and Ceasar Augustus did the
same with August)
o It was a reform of the Imperial Roman Calendar which had 8 day
weeks(nundial week). A transition from an 8 day week to a 7 day
planetary week. Names of the days were based on the gods/planets
worshiped that day.
o Saturday was the first day and Friday the 7 th day based on the worship
of the 7 then known planets they worshiped as gods.
o Caesar Augustus later declared Sunday as the first day of the week in
12BC. Roman’s of that time adopted Mithraism (sun worship).
o Was enforced by Emperor Constantine upon all regions under Roman
control, including Israel. In 321 AD, Sunday was made the new sabbath.

2. Gregorian Calendar
o Decreed in 1582 by Pope Gregory 8th and encouraged by Philip 2nd of
Spain, who ruled much of European territory.
o Has 365.2425 days in the year, and a leap year every 4 years. Only 10.8
min difference from Julian Calendar.
o Became canon law in the RCC; Catholic countries like France, Italy,
Spain, Portugal accepted immediately. Some countries didn’t adapt until
18th-20th century.
o Protestant community initially refused to accept the Gregorian
Calendar because they feared it was a plot by the Papacy, who they
believed was the 4th beast of Daniel, to bring them back into the
Catholic fold.
o Prussia was the first protestant state to accept in 1611.
3. Scriptural Calendar
o Lunisolar Calendar/Hebrew Calendar
o Origin is Anno Mundi (Latin for "in the year of the
world"; Hebrew: ‫לבריאת העולם‬, "from the creation of the world")
o Composed of 360 days, 12 months each year, 30 days a month.
o Days had no fixed length, rather days run from sunset to sunset. A day
ended and a new one began when 3 stars are visible in the sky.
o New Moons mark the beginning of a new month. And every new moon
is celebrated as a rest day, making the 2 nd day of each new month the 1st
day of the week.

 Scriptural evidence of Scriptural Calendar

1. Isaiah 66:23- Months are from new moon to new moon, and sabbaths follow
2. Deuteronomy 5:15- Reminder of deliverance from Egypt and to keep Sabbaths.
(Israelites were delivered the evening after The Passover(a sacred Sabbath), the
15th of the first month.)
3. Deuteronomy 16:1- Observing Passover in the holy month of Aviv, the 7 th month of
the Jewish Civil year and 1st month of the Biblical Ecclesiastical year
4. Numbers 33:3- Departing from Egypt the evening of 15 th day of the first month.
5. Leviticus 23:39- How to worship on the feast days and sabbaths. 8 th day, after the 7
days of feasting beginning on the sabbath of the 15 th, is to be a holy rest day as well
(The first day and the eighth day are to be shabbaton)
6. 2nd Chronicles 7:10- The 15th was a sabbath, as was the 22nd, and the 23 the people
were sent to their tents.
7. Psalms 104:19- Moon to mark the seasons/months, the sun to mark the hours of the
8. Colossians 2:16-17- Message to the new believers that no one ought to judge them
in regard to various standards, including observing the New Moon and Sabbaths.
9. Leviticus 23 for reference.

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