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Goal Alignment model.

Following the same logic, the productivity measurement system at each level of
analysis should be developed to direct behaviors and performance at one level of
the organization to the goals at the next higher level. These relationships are
depicted in their ideal state in my Goal Alignment model, Across the top of the
model, the organization attempts to make business unit goals (at all intermediate
levels) congruent with organizational goals. Since the organization has no control
over the individual's goals or the non-work-related goals of the group, it must
accept them as given and design the organization to be compatible with them.

Goal Alignment model. The compatibility of individual goals with group goals, or
the resultant effects on performance, but it assumes that the behavior of one or
the other, individual or group, is the basic unit of analysis determined by the
process. Productivity measures at the individual or group level direct behaviors to
the business unit goals, if properly aligned.

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