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Answers::(Block Chain)

Blockchain which is popularly known as ‘for the people, by the people and of the
people” is ___________.---public
Bitcoin network would make it impossible to bypass the traditional financial
intermediaries.-- false
The three concepts used to explain the foundation of blockchain are
__________________. -- business n/w,digital assets,ledger
Private Blockchain is a de-centralized type of Blockchain?---false
The value of coins ( litecoin, bitcoin) is same at a particular time.--false
Encryption reduces data security?--false
The value of cryptocurrency is independent of market conditions such as supply and
HASH can be used to validate the input?--true
Name the first cryptocurrency with computing power contribution?--gridcoin
We can buy cryptocurrency.--false
The two types of cryptography are ______________.--asyymmetric,symmetric
Which among the following is the most flexible cryptocurrency?--ether
encrypted text---cipher text
We may use bitcoin for purchasing merchandise as well?--true
The output of Hashing is popularly known as _______ . Digest
The sender and the receiver in a transaction provide miners with a fee.--false
Which among the following are the advantages of using Bitcoin?--all
Bitcoins can be purchased in exchange of services. --true
The rate of generation of new bitcoins is constant.--false
The higher the computational power, the lower is the difficulty in mining.--false
Ethereum is a digital currency --false
Which platform could gain its best use case from supply chain industry?
Ether provides greater flexibility than Bitcoin does.--true
Which of the following platform(s) provides a modular architecture?--hyperledger
New bitcoins are released every time a transaction is verified. --true
Which platform could gain its best use case from financial service industry?
The first smart contract platform is _______. ---ehtereum
China and Russia were amongst the first few countries to promote bitcoin in their
economy? --false
One symbol could be substituted with a key using substitution cipher.---false
A transaction without verification in bitcoin could be fastest accomplished in how
much time?--instanteous
Number of bitcoins to be ever created would depend upon demand-supply in the
market? --false
BlockChain provides ___________ database of every transaction involving value. --
open decentralized
Bitcoin is an example of which type of blockchain?---public
There is no cryptographic protocol that can be used to secure HTTP connection.--
Blockchain could soon replace central banks? --true
Consortium Blockchain provides a faster and more protected ecosystem than a Private
Blockchain? ---true
Coincap is a budding cryptocurrency.--false
Blockchain offers identity authentication through a visible ledger and thus have
greater potential for cyber risk.--false
Private Blockchain allows organizations who have privacy and compliance regulations
to implement Blockchain.--true
Blockchain could prevent robustness and transparency in the post – trade
Chose the correct options(s).--fixed size
Currencies other than Bitcoin such as Litecoin and Dash are popularly known as
_______ records all the transactions in a blockchain.--Block
One bitcoin could be divided down to ____ decimal point?--8
Bitcoin is an example of which type of blockchain?--public
Who is a miner?--computers that validate
Bitcoin is __________ --public to public currency(wrong),peer ro peer
Smart Contracts are reversible.--false
Crypto analysis is used ___________.--to find
How many types of blockchains have emerged after bitcoin introduced blockchain to
the world?--three
Bankchain is an example of __________-- private blockchain
Where can you buy a cryptocurrency?--at a private transaction
Ripple is an example of _________----federated blockchain
Hyperledger allows us to customize the visibility of a transaction in a
In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by _________.--everyone in
the network
_____________ is popularly known as DLT with a difference.--etherum
Both ________ and ________ automatically check your previous transactions to make
sure you have enough bitcoins to send.--ledger and your wallet
Digital assets must always be tangible.--false

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