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First and foremost, I wish to thank my wife for her patience and encouragement during the writing

of this book. Thanks also to my mother and father for raising me in an environment that was
conductive to learning the magickal arts, and for always encouraging me in my esoteric pursuits, no
matter how strange they seemed or how far away they took me. Special thanks to Mathew Brownlee
for more than 20 years of friendship and for providing all the artwork for this book. Bang up job, my
friend. Thanks also to: Frater Xanthias for linguistic assistance; Albus Eddie for information on NLP
and Ericksonian Hypnosis; John Myrdhin Reynolds for Tibetan translations and other help; and Sister
Persephone and Frater Rufus Opus for impromptu copy editing. Thanks to all my initiators, mentors,
teachers, friends, and informants who have revealed to me the secrets of their craft. Special thanks
for this go to: John Myrdhin Reynolds, Namkhai Norbu, Lopon Tenzin Namdak, Kunzang Dorje
Rinpoche, Cliff and Misha Pollick, catherine yronwode, Tau Nemesius, Paul Hume, Simon, Lama
Wangdor, Blanch Krubner, Dr. Jim, and Susan Carbury. My heartfelt gratitude to everyone that
attended my monthly classes at Mystical Tymes in New Hope, Penn., The Cauldron in Pt. Pleasant,
New Jersey, and The Full Moon in Mt. Holly, New Jersey. Those classes and your feedback were
instrumental in helping me evolve the ideas presented in this book. Thanks also to my fellow
bloggers Frater R.O., Witchdoctor Joe, Frater B.H., “My Gal,” Jack Faust, Mike Rock, and Sister
Persephone. Much appreciation to all the members of Thelesis Lodge, The Chthonic Auranian
Temple, The Terra Sancta Sodality, the Wild Hunt Club, and The Ngakpa Zhonnu Khang Sangha for
their continued fraternity and support. Lastly, I want to thank everyone at New Page Books who
worked on this book. Specifically Laurie Kelly-Pye who read an article of mine and suggested I start
writing books, and her husband Michael Pye, who was extremely generous with deadline extensions
for the present work.

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