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LG 2.

3: Nominalization Navigate Task

NAME: Christopher Tyrese dela Cruz SECTION: English DATE: 09/23/2020

Rewrite each sentence below, and nominalize the underlined word. (5/5 POINTS)

1. In rating essays, examiners do not only expect accurate answers from examinees.

In rating essays, the accuracy of the answers from the examinees are not what is only
expected by the examiners.
2. Answers also need to be elaborated to get high marks.
The elaboration of the answers are also needed to get high marks.

3. Moreover, ideas should also be presented in a coherent manner.

Moreover, the coherence in the manner of presentation of ideas is a must.

4. Accurate grammar does not merit a lot of points, but erroneous grammar may negatively affect the marks
awarded for the other components.
The accuracy in grammar does not merit full points, but erroneous grammar may negatively
affect the marks for the other components.

5. Most importantly, the essay needs to have complete parts because incomplete outputs are left
Most importantly, the completeness of the parts of the essay is needed because incomplete
outputs are left unmarked.

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