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Back then when I was in school, the participation shown by the community usually on the school
sports day. Because, they will be supporting the student that are participating in the event. Other
than that, they will come to the PIBG yearly meeting to discuss about the committee. The
contribution given are through the annual fees for each kid who studies at the school. The money
were used to support the relevance program especially for the students will face big examinations.
This situation happens both to primary and secondary school.


From the video, I can say that honestly all the students at Eastlea with disabilities can work as a
community better than some ‘normal’ person. The first thing that grabbed my attention the most is
the atmosphere of the school that are specialized for disabled person. The school really make
hospitality of the student as their number one priority so they can learn productively without
thinking that there are things that is not allowing them to learn normally. Other than that, the
diversity make the school so peaceful and beautiful. There are no Islamophobia, no racism, no
supremacy and they are just a bunch of people that are grateful and happy that they are not really
different from the other.

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