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1. What are some of the new information that you have obtained from this video?

them down below.

-Special needs students need to pass certain criteria and go through a screening
process to be in an inclusive classroom
- Parents are encouraged to help teachers by providing extra input at home to help
the student with their learning.
-Different method are used to teach special need and inclusive student as they take
more time to digest information and learn new things.

2. Do you think the video reflects the implementation of inclusive education in the real
setting? Why or why not? (about 100 words)

In my opinion yes it reflects the real setting, because most of my siblings are
teachers so I heard their stories regarding on how the school handle inclusive
education. Screening is a really important process because you do not want the
student to be pressured with things that they can deal with. We must put them in a
class that suit their level. Whenever they met the criteria and achieved the level that
they should have they will go to the mainstream class. Other than that, teacher have
to give extra time to the inclusive classroom student because their tempo in learning
are a bit slower compared to other regular learners.

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