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Class notes Kabir case

Geographically dispersed teams can offer huge benefits – efficiency, cost savings, and the ability to choose team
members with the best skills, regardless of their location.


1. Track hours worked, attendance and other basic measures of productivity

2. Implement systems
3. Allow a degree of flexible work hours but also keep some consistency
4. Track work output
5. Organize a system of overlapping times for communicating in different time zones.
6. Do a quarterly review to see how your virtual team members are coping


1. Compensate for the fact that you are not bumping into each other
2. Have a chat room open constantly
3. Be wary of Chat and Email overload
4. Choose the right communication style
5. Use tools for quick video or visual communication
6. Use screen sharing tools
7. Video conferencing technologies
8. Set up a meeting rhythm
9. Effective collaboration on documents and spreadsheets
10. Set up a project management system, and actually use it


1. Test new employees with short-term work before hiring them full time
2. Pay virtual team members well
3. Look for people who are the right fit for virtual work
4. Create a standard on-boarding process for educating new employees about your company


1. Inspire via video

2. Meet in person
3. Nurture virtual friendships
4. Create a true “team” feeling
5. Beware of a mixed office and remote culture

1. Please help Kabir with short-term solutions for the six-week launch to be carried out?
 Unite your team around a team charter, and communicate objectives clearly and frequently.
A team charter is a "roadmap" for your team. It ensures that all workers are focused on the right
thing from the start. Time zones to be considered.
 Give frequent, fair, and appropriate feedback to everyone, and make sure you're always available to
your team members.
 Review meetings Nurturing virtual friendships- Even if your team can't meet in person frequently,
try to occasionally visit all of your remote team members so they know that they're valued.

2. What’s Your advice to him for long-term solutions for Virtual Team Effectiveness?
a. Promote Team Bonding- start team building exercises virtually to build trust and know the strengths
of the members better.
b. Give Feedback and Reward Performance- devise a mechanism for fair rewards to all depending upon
performance- for complaints.

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