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Last Name 1

Omri Kochavi

Star Black

Writing at Museums


Assignment #5 – My date with a fire Hydrant


New York is a benchless city. There is no place to sit down, and you're left with standing up

and observing the concrete staring back at you, with its merciful sheen. The benchlessness of this

city, disappointing as it may, turns your attention towards other street objects.

That's how I came across George. He stood there, right on the edge of the pavement.

Although he was standing still, his undulant nature was unignorable. I could see the tide inside

his body, streaming endlessly with an unconscious yet precise directionality. He looked at me

with his shut eye, which he only opens at parties, and I immediately felt truth spilling out of it.

My cheeks were colored with this vermillion blush they always get when facing crude honesty. I

walked away.

George was still there the following day. And the day after. Well of course he was, he is a

fire hydrant, but I don't know, maybe they replace them sometimes. This rapacious city is always

looking for progress.

He is still there today. I hope he'll stay there, at least until I leave. After I leave, I’ll be

thinking of him. I hope he'll be fine. I don't know what happens to dead hydrants.
Last Name 2

Omri Kochavi

Star Black

Writing at Museums


Assignment #4 – Three urban haikus

This mural is flat.

If the wall is outlandish
then the mural dies.

The wall is a place.

its space so vast and brutal
for just one mural.

Let me introduce
the colors, the eyes of it.
Let me prepare you.
Last Name 3

Omri Kochavi

Star Black

Writing at Museums


Assignment #1, 2, 3 – Three ekphrastics

Beaming (after Procession by Norman Lewis)

Stimulation is a mirror. Whatever drives you is the reflection of yourself.

In a similar manner, light reflects from the dark. Is there light in the space between the rug and

the floor? From a tactical perspective, the light has no reason to go there. But it reflects from the


Stimulation is a mirror. The only difference is that it’s a permanent one.

What would happen (after Dinner Party by Judy Chicago)

What would happen if all of history’s notable women would sit down for dinner? Past queens

with recent princesses, modern days mime artists with medieval mandolin virtuosos.

Will they enjoy the same food? Their metabolic structure is the same, but food must have

changed in the last millenniums. Cooking for this dinner will be a difficult task. Pasta is a good

bet. It’s inconceivable not to like pasta.

Last Name 4

Will the conversation be interesting? I mean, the age differences are pretty extreme for a lively

talk. They even can’t play “Do you know this one guy I know from your city?”, that’s always an

icebreaker. I guess they’ll figure some common topics. I just wonder if they’ll be the good ones

or the bad ones.

Pink in water (after The Islets At Port Villez by Claude Monet)

These waters are in their perfect state. A few months earlier and they would have been slush. A

few months later, and the sun would drain the mystery from them, like a little kid would drain

the air from a balloon when he wants to make fart noises.

Baking powder is crucial for cakes. Candle light is mandatory for sitting around and looking

smart. Pink is obligatory to color the waters.

You must be flabbergasted. How can pink be necessary for something other than conservative

gender dichotomy in baby clothing? Well, it is in the islets at port-villez.

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