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Predicting through

Sthira Dasha original and fundamental research

Akhila Kumar
under the guidance of

K.N. Rao
Man9alacba ran
Guru PaDuka Pancbakam

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Dedication....................................................................................... .4
Acknowledgement ...........................................................................5
MangaJacharan - Guru Paduka Panchakam. .......................................6
Contents.......................................................................................... .?
Why Sthira Dasha?.... . .....8
Sthira Dasha-lntroduction ............................................................. .I I
Interpretation of Chara Karakas in Predictions................................30
Mesh a Lagna ...............................................................................43
Vrishabha Lagna ..........................................................................47
Mithuna Lagna. ............................................................................50
Karka Lagna ................................................................................S3
Simha Lagna ...................................... ~ ......................................S6
Kanya Lagna ................................................................................59
Tula Lagna ...................................................................................63
Vrischika Lagna ...........................................................................66
Dhanu Lagna ...............................................................................69
Makara Lagna ............................................................................. .72
Kumbha Lagna ........................................................................... .75
Meena Lagna .............................................................................. .78
Enlarged Portraits
India's Independence Chart. .........................................................81
Congress (Gong.).........................................................................85
Bharatiya Janata Party (8JP)..........................................................9 I
Swami Vivekananda .....................................................................96
A C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada .....................................I 0 I
John F. Kennedy.........................................................................I 06
Ch. Charan 5ingh (Ex-Prime Minister of India) ..........................Ill

wb~stbira Dasba?

For many years I had struggled with Sthira Dasha because I

found that if one followed what was advocated by many writers like
DrB.V. Raman and others many horoscopes would be without
Brahma. Without Brahma the Sthira Dasha would not be applicable.
It appeared odd to me because Sthira Dasha is a general dasha of
Jaimini and should be applicable to all horoscopes. If it was not a
general dasha then it would become applicable only to some
horoscopes which satisfied the conditions given which were:

The method which we have rejected

1. Brahma had to be a planet in the visible half of a horoscope and
2. It should be in an odd rashi.
These two conditions are not generally satisfied in a majority
of horoscopes. I corresponded with lranganti Rangacharya and asked
how could these conditions be satisfied in majority of horoscopes
and why a general dasha should thus be turned in a conditional
dasha. Iranganti agreed with me that Sthira Dasha would become a
conditional dasha in these conditions but he had no clear solution to
this problem. I told him that some years ago, my problem had been
solved by a traditional Punjab astrologer whom I met accidentally
when a subordinate working under me brought him to my office
room. That pandit introduced himself as one of the rare astrologers
of Pubjab using Jaimini dashas. I asked him if he did Sthira dasha. He
said he did and could demonstrate to me on the spot then and

The Punjab astrologer's method

I took out some horoscopes I had with me in my office and
Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Why Sthira Dasha?

gave them to him and demonstrate his method. He proceeded to

calculate rashi and graha bala and then he demonstrated his method
which was:
I. Find out the strongest of the houses between the lagna and
seventh house. •n ·. ·
2. Find out the the strongest of the lords of the sixth, eighth and
the twelfth houses from the stronger of the houses between
the lagna and the seventh houses.
3. Now among these planets exclude Saturn and never consider
Rahu and Ketu because they have no place in the scheme of
the calculation of graha and rashi ba/a scheme.
I interrupted him and asked him what the authority for this
method. He recited a shlokaand promised to send me his manuscript
after getting back to his place in Punjab. He could not do it as soon
after getting back to his place he died. His name was perhaps Tek
Chand and he met me only once but spent nearly eighth hours
with me demonstrating his method and 1 must say that I was
highly impressed.
But I had made sure to test his method and so asked him to
show to me how it worked. He took nearly ten horoscopes of some
persons from me about whom he knew nothing and pinpointed the
fatal periods of their lives which was very accurate. I was impressed
and decided to try his method.

My own testing
I tested his method on series of horoscopes including mine and
of many friends whom I knew very intimately. There is no doubt that
like Nirayana Shoola Dasha, this dasha worked very well in pointing
out periods of fatality in the life of a person. But there was a difference.
While in Nirayana Shoola Dasha, the broad periods became visible,
here it was possible to narrow down the period better.

Predicting about fatal periods

In any scheme of prediction about fatal period it was better to
use simultaneously both of these dashas and see if they were in
harmony with the indications available in the Vimshottari dasha. It
is generally not sound astrology to make predictions about fatal
events unless they are checked thorougly through three or more
dashas and also on vargas.
But in doing Sthira dasha, I found that even the good events
of life could be predicted just as we can do through Chara dasha
which is also a general dasha applicable to all horoscopes.
Why Sthira Dasha? Predicting through Jaimtni's Sthira Dasha

Then I taught this method to successive batches of students in

the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi and asked them to test it
on the horoscopes in their collection.

How Akhila came to write this book

While many students did It and reported its successful
application, it was left to Akhila Kumar to keep working on it lor some
years now. Then when she joined the teaching faculty olthe Institute
of Astrology in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, she was given Jaimini to
teach to students and particularly Sthira dasha which she did.
Along with teaching she continued with her researches and
told me many times that she found that she could use Sthira dasha
lor predicting normal events of life along with fatal ones. It was a
good progress and I asked her to produce her researches in a book
form following the scheme which 1 gave in my book Mandook Dasha.
She has followed that scheme systematically outlining first the
scheme of Sthira Dasha, definitions of Brahma, Rudra and
Maheshwara. Then she took twelve horoscopes lor all twelve lagnas
and showed its application. Finally she has given enlarged portraits
where horoscopes are discussed in detail.

The novel features

Akhila has discussed in this book some of those events of life
which we discuss through other dashas also. Some of the events
covered here are the time of marriage, ups and down in career. The
crux of predictions, she says, emerges out when the significance of
karakas are kept in the mind and their role in the events that have
happened are seen clearly.
I asked Akhila to try using this dasha lor mundane events. 1
gave her the horoscopes 1 had and also told her about some
landmarks in these cases. Application of Sthira Dasha to mundane
events is a very novel feature of this book. Akhila has taken up the
horoscope of Independent India of 14/ I 5 Aug I 947 and of the two
well political parties, the Congress(!) and the Bharatiya Janata Party
and has traced some well known events. It will be interesting to see
how dependable this method is. As far as I know such an application
to mundane charts has not been done by astrologer ever before-
Having made a break through in the application of this dasha,
I hope students will make wider uses and researches in this dasha
and come out with additional points lor the benefit of all.

K.N. Rao

Stbir aDasi;Ja-Int roOuctwn

In Jaimini system, there are about 44 dashas, out of which,

only two or three dashas are used for predictions. Some of the
important dashas are Chara Dasha, Sthira Dasha, Mandook Dasha
etc. Chara dash a and Mandook Dasha are the dashas used for
predicting all events in a native's life while Sthira Dasha and Nirayana
Shoola Dasha have been used partially for predicting sickness, fatal
events and death.
Chara Dasha is applicable to all horoscopes. Among the specific
dashas, Mandook is also one which is applied in a horoscope with
special conditions, i.e. when a chart has four or more planets in
kendriiS exduding Rilhu il!ld Ketuso that it comes under the category
of a conditional dasha, and ±rom this dasha also all sorts of events
can be predicted.
Likewise Sthira Dasha is also a kind of dasha which has certain
conditions. To calculate this dasha,graha bala and rashi bala is to be
calculated fer a horoscope and with the help of both of these, Brahma,
Rudra and Maheshwara are determined. The rashi dash a starts from
where Brahma is placed. This dasha also like Chara Dasha can be
applied to all horoscopes. This dasha is generally used to predict
misfortunes and mishaps, deaths etc. Mr. KN. Rao asked me to
apply this dasha for predicting all the events which is what he had
also taught to successive batches of students in the classes of the
Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi. What is given in this book is
from the lessons he gave us.

Controversies in the System

In the ancient times. the sages calculated the degrees of planets

Sthira Dasha-lntroduction Predicting throughJaimini's Sthira Dasha

up to degrees, minutes, seconds and even the minutest point called

anupal. In Parashari system the karakas are fixed and are known as
sthira karakas unlike Jaimini where we know them as char a karakas.
There is no need to determine them by their longitudes in Parashari
In Jaimini system chara karakas are determined according to
the longitudes of planets and these vary from chart to chart.
It must be understood that the karakas are seven and seven
only, not eight. Jaimini is clear when he states that the
Atmakara.'<a is the planet with the highest degree among seven
or eight which makes it clear that generally seven planets are to
be considered. In case two planets have the same longitudes
exactly then they become joint karaka for one of the chara karakas
and then Rahu will have to be brought in.
~: ~: w~t'1t'ltet'1t err n

There is a dispute if two planets have the same longitude then

Rahu is brought in for the relevant karaka. If the calculation of degrees
is done up to the third level, i.e. up to seconds, then no two planets
will have the same longitude. If the fourth level is also calculated
then, there will not be any disputes and bringing in Rahu as the
eighth karaka is ruled out. Sometimes eight karakas are taken. In
the order, Bhratru karaka serves as the karaka for rather and elder
brothers and sisters also. Some astrologers do not consider this
karaka for father, but include pitru karaka by pushing the putra karaka
to the sixth place. The fifth house indicates progeny and the putra
karaka should be the fifth karaka only and so as dara karaka. In
interpreting these sutf·as there has to be a principle of harmony. In
Parashari the frlih house and the frlih lord are to be seen for children
and the seventh house and seventh lord for spouse. So in Jaimini,
the fifth karaka has to be seen for children and the seventh karaka
for spouse.
Let us stick to one particular method that was taught by MrK.N.
Rao in the class room which proved accurate in predicting events.

Controversies in determining Brahma,

Rudra, and Maheshwara
Who are Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwara? How they become
useful in predicting events?
Brahma can be expanded as Brihayati brahmateeti Brahma",
meaning 'to spread through knowledge'. When the term Brahma is
split up as ba+ra+ha+ma, each letter reveals certain meaning which

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Sthira Oasha·lntroduction

we can see here. Ba means abhivriddha meaning to grow, to spread.

·ra daati daanam' means the giver or creator of various forms', ha
is haani hataha'means 'the destroyer of the forms' and ma vayoonam
gnanann meaning wealth and knowledge, and ma is also maanann
gnaanam layaschaiva maryada chaapi kathyate'meaning that of
evidence, knowledge, merging of everything, respect and
personality. Brahma is Rajoguna and has the technical knowledge of
how to produce things and if found faulty has the power to destroy
them also. On the whole the term Brahma is the creator and
destroyer of everything. Our ancient grantha says that from Brahm a
only arishtas can be predicted. But when we probe the meaning of
Brahma, we can come to a conclusion that Brahma can be used to
predict both fortunes and misfortunes in an individuals's life. Veda
Bhashya of Vedavyasa refers to Brahma as the soul of souls
Rudra expands as 'rodayati sarvam anatakale' meaning that
the one who makes everyone cry finally, in other words the chastiser.
The root of this term is 'rudir' and it means 'asm vimochane', in the
sense of shedding tears, and another meaning of this is rujann
draavayati' meaning that the one who melts away pain or the cause
of pain. When 'Rudra' ls split, it comes out as ra+vu+da+ra and each
letter conveys some specific meaning. Here 'ra' is 'ra daane' meaning
'the giver', ·vu' means 'superiority', 'ra daati uttamam iti ru'and
'draavayati sarvam iti dra' meaning that· driving away the negative
features or ignorance or the one who is the remover of all defects
and helps to raise to the optimum leveL 'utkrishta shankann raati
daati iti rudrah and this is the indicator of Lord Vishnu and the term
Rudra also can be the giver of joy and sorrow and here it is
appropriate to use this for predicting both good and bad.
Maheshwara expands as 'mahaan ishwaraha Maheshwaraha'.
'lshwaraha sarva bhootaanaam hriddeshe arjuna tlshtati iti' is
according to Gita Bhashyann of Shankara. This means that the one
who is present in everything. 'lshw,,raha ishana. 'isha+vara' means
sheelo naaraayanaha' and 'ishteti ishaha' meaning that the giver of
controlling power in all -: 'isha+vara means the superior being. When
this is split wi II give the meaning ee+sha+va+ra. 'ee' means
knowledge, 'sha' means bliss 'va' means knowledge, 'ra gati
gandhanayoh' meaning provider of the smell of knowledge. This
term can also be taken to predict all kinds of happenings and I think
that it is appropriate to use these for both good and bad effects for
a native. In a chart 8th house indicates the spiritual bliss and 8th
lord from AK is considered as Maheshwara. Let us examine the
events from all the three for different lagnas.

Sthira Oasha-lntroduction Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

In the determination of these three factors, there are

controversies among astrologers. Let us see these controversies
before getting into the subject in detail. As a normal procedure the
steps to calculate Brahma are
1. Find out the stronger of the two houses between the lagna
and the seventh house
2. Find out the strongest of 6th, 8th, and the 1zth lords from there.
That planet will qualify to be Brahma.
3. lfSaturn, Rahu, Ketu compete for the post, then these should
be rejected.
Here, while calculating graha bala, Rahu and Ketu are not
considered. While calculating rashi ba/a, there is a mention that
some units of strength are allotted to the rashi where atma karaka is
placed, but while calculating mulatrikonadi bala, alma karaka is given
special units of strength.
If Saturn, Rahu qualify to be Brahma, then take the 6<h lord to
be Brahma. Here also there is a dispute that when Saturn is placed
in Simha, then Saturn becomes the 6th lord which is again not
applicable. In case of Rahu, it- is not considered while calculating
graha bala.
Another controversy is that if too many planets qualify to be
Brahma, then which is to be taken. According to B.Suryanarayana
Rao,'next in degrees to Alma karaka' meaning that Amatya karaka
becomes Brahma. In some cases Saturn stands in such a position.
P.S.Shastri takes the one with highest degrees and does not say
that it should be amatya karaka.
P.S. Shastri gives some special rules which BV Raman also
mentions in his book that is Brahma has to be in an odd rashi i.e.
Mesha, Mlthuna, Simha, Tula, Dhanu, Kumbha. He also insists
that Brahma should be in the visible hall. If this i!'>so, then many
horoscopes will be without Brahma. Neelakanta mentioned that
Saturn should be excluded when becomes a candidate for Brahma.
There can be no horoscope without Brahma.Brahma is the
Creator and there should be a Creator in every horoscope.

Controversies about the order of the dasha

Some calculate the dasha balance from the longitude of the
lagna which is not being done here. Some mention about the '!'>avya'
and 'apasavya' sequence i.e. direct in the case of odd rashis and
indirect in the case of even rashis again this is not followed here.

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Sthira Dasha-lnlroduction

Controversy about Rudra

Rudra is the stronger between the Z"" and 8th lords. But If the
weaker of the two receives malefic aspect. it becomes the Rudra.
B.S. Suryanarayana Rao mentions about two Rudras and this leads
to confusion again, but P.S. Shastri sticks to one Rudra only.

Controversy about Maheshwara

The lord of the SL~ from Alma karaka becomes Maheshwara,
but if it is exalted or in own house, then the lord of the 1Z"' is
considered. But again if the lord of the 1Z"' also in exaltation or own
house then whom to be considered as Maheshwara? This remains
as a dispute. So it is safe that only 8th lord from Alma karaka is
considered as Maheshwara. Some take Maheshwara as the 8* lord
from lagna, which again is not applicable. But as far as Maheshwara
is concerned, there are no two Maheshwaras.
Let us leave all controversies aside and stick to one particutar
method as used in the following chapters which is widely used and
time tested.
As the first step. let us calculate the graha ba/a and rashi ba/a
for the example horoscope.
An improvised method of calculating graha bala is given in
the table. In Jaimini sutras how this is to be calculated is given and
here we are reducing that method into a mathematical formula for
our purposes.

Let us take up the chart of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.

I. Graha Bala
To Compute graha bala, three components are used. They are
Mulatrikonadi bala, Amsa bala and Kendradi bala. The strength of
the planets can be ascertained from the table given separately.

i. Mulatrikonadi ba/a
This kind of strength is based on the planets placed in different
houses in the chart. Different houses include exaltation, mulatrikona,
own house, friend's house, neutral's house, inimical house and at
the debilitation. Planets in these positions allotted units like 70. 60,
SO, 40, 30, 20, and 10. In the example chart, Sun is placed in his
friend's house and so gets 40 units. Moon is placed in Karka, his
own house and hence gets SO units; Mars is in Kanya in the house
of enemy and gets 20 units. Mercury is placed in his friend's house
and has been allotted 40 units. Jupiter is placed in Dhanu, but not

Improvised method of calculating Graha Bala
Jaimlnl's S'l
Am sa Kendr '~"
BaJa a BaJa ~
Alloted 'l'
; Units a0
3" 50 A a.
10° 28° 15° 27° 20° c
EXALTED Vrishabh 70 planet !l
Mesh a :. Makar Kanya Karka Meena Tula c;·
a 1n :::1
3" to 30" 15° to 0°tO O"to 1, 4.
MOO LA- 0° to 20° 0° to 12° 0° to 15° 70
Vrishabh 20° 10° 20° 60 7, 10
TRJKONA Simha Mesh a TuJa
a Kanya Dhanu Kumbh from
12° to 30° 20°to 100 to 15° to 30° 20°to 60
20° to gets
Mesh a 30° 20° Tula 30°
OWN HOUSE 30° Karka 50 60
and .Kanya Dhanu Vrishabh Kumbh · BK
Ol Simha units -,
Vrishchik Mithun Maena a Makara 50 iil
A ..

40 MK
2, 5. a
Mars· 8, 11' <li,.
Jup Ven Mars PK
NEUTRAL Meir Jup Sat Jup 30 gets '-
Ven Sat Jup 30 !".
Sat 40 3
Sat units ~:
GK .,-
Sun A
Ven .
- Mer Moon
Mer Sun
Moon 20
.. 20
Sat Ven Moon ~r
- Mars
in 3, 6,
g, 12 0

10° 10° 28° 15° 50 27° 20°
Gets "'"'

Tula Vrishchik Karka Meena Makara Kanya Mesha 20 "'

- ----- ----------
units .J
Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Sthira Dasha-lntroduction


Pt. Jawaharlal
Nehru lag Moon
11.03 pm
Allahabad Sot


Jup Ket Sun Mer Ven Mor

Moon Mercury Jupiter Saturn Mars Venus Sun

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

23°07' oo•1s· 17°52' og•sg· 17•08' 15°10' 07•21'

within the mulatrikona degrees. Hence Jupiter is treated as if in his

own house and given 50 units. Venus is placed in Tula within the
range of mulatrikona and gets 60 units and saturn is placed in his
enemy's house and gets only 20 units. Here Rahu and Ketu are

ii. Amsa Ba/a

In computing graha bala next to mulatrikona bala is amsa bala.
In the Jaimini system of Astrology, we use chara karakas. The karakas
differ from horoscope to horoscope. In any chart, a planet which
attains the highest degree of longitude is termed as Atmakaral<a.
This is irrespective of gandanta and the other planets according to
their degrees in the descending order Amatya karaka, Bhratru karaka,
Matru karaka, Putra karaka, Gnati karaka and Dara karaka. Here, in
the example horoscope, Moon has the highest degree and hence
became Alma karaka and in the descending order, Mercury is Amatya
karaka, Jupiter- Bhratru karaka, Saturn- Matru karaka, Mars- Putra
karaka, Venus Gnati karaka, Sun- Dara karaka. The units allotted to
the chara karakas from Alma karaka to Dara karaka are70, 60. 50,
40, 30, 20 and 10.

Hi. Kendradi Ba/a

The third and the last component in computing Graha Bala is

Sthira Oasha·lnlroduction Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Kendradi Bala and this is the simple thing to find out. Mark the
placement of Alma karaka (AK). From AK, the planets placed in
Kendras or angles get 60 units each and planets placed in Panapharas
from AK get 40 units each and planets placed in Apoklimas get 20
units each. In this case, AK always gets 60 units. In the example
chart. AK is Moon. Moon is plaed in the lagna itself i.e. Karka. Moon
gets 60 units. Kendras from AK are I) Karka, Tula, Makara and Mesha
(1 ,4,7, and 10). Panaphara houses from AK are Simha, Vrischika,
Kumbha and Vrishabha (2,5,8, and 11). Apoklima houses from AK
ae Kanya, Dhanu, Meena and Mithuna (3,6,9, and12).
Here Moon is the AK and gets 60 units. In the 4 1h house from
AK, Venus and Mercury are placed and these two planets get 60
units each and 7'h and I ou. kendras are vacant.
Saturn is placed in panaphara i.e. 2"d house from the
Atmakaraka and thus gets 40 units.Sun is placed in 5"~ house and
gets 40 units. su. and JJth houses are vacant.
Mars is placed in an Apoklima house i.e. 3'd house from the
Alma karaka. So Mars gets 20 units, Jupiter is placed in the 6"~ house
and hence gets 20 units. Rahu and Ketu are excluded here.
Now let us compute the Graha balain a tabular form.

Graha bala
Planet Mulatrikonadi Amsa bala Kendradi bala Total·
Bala <M) (A) from AK (K)
Sun 40(F) 10 (DK) 40 (P) 90
Moon 50(0) 70 (AK) 60 (K) 180
Mars 20(E) 30 (PK) 20(A) 70
• Mercury 40(F) 60 (AMK) 60 (K) 160
Jupiter 50(0) 50 (BK) 20(A) 120
Venus 60 (M) 20 (GK) 60 (K) 140
Saturn 20(E) 40 (MK) 40 (P) 100
Next to Graha bala, Rashi bala is to be calculated. Rashi bala
comprises other factors also apart from graha bala. This type of bala
consists ofgraha bala (what we have computed earlier), chara bala,
sthira bala and then drishti bala. This drishri bala includes the aspect
of the lord, aspect of Mercury and the aspect of Jupiter. Now let us
see one by one.

Rashi Bala

i. Chara ba/a
A chart contains 12 houses out of which 4 rashis are chara or

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Oasha Sthira Oasha-Jntroduction

movable. 4 rashis are sthira or fixed and 4 rashis are dviswabhava or

dual. In any chart, all chara rashis get 20 units; all sthira get 40 units
and dviswabhava rash is get 60 units. So the strongest of all rash is
are dviswabhava, then come sthira rashis and then chara rashis. The
units are allotted to rashis irrespective of any placement. This is the
standard scale of assessing the strength of rashis and this has to be
done in every horoscope. In the example chart also chara rashis i.e.
Mesh, Karka. Tula and Makara get 20 units each and all sthira rashis
- Vrishabha, Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha get 40 units each. All
dviswabhava rashis - Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanu and Meena get 60
units each.

;;. Sthira bala

Sthira bala is computed by the number of planets placed in
various rashis. If one planet is placed in a rashi, that rashi gets 10
units. If two planets are placed then the particular rashi gets 20
units and so on. In the example chart, no planet is placed in rashis,
Mesha. Vrishabha, Mithuna, Makara, Kumbha and Meena and hence
no points are allotted. Karka has a planet Moon and gets 10 units,
Simha having a planet Saturn- gets 10 units, Kanya, having planet
Mars - gets 10 units, Vrischika and Dhanu having one planet each
get 10 units each. Tula has two planets and gets 20 units. Thus the
strength of rashis through sthira bala can be examined.

iii. Drishti ba/a

Drishti means aspect and from the aspect of planets the
strength of the rashis gets enhanced. This drishti bala includes the
drishti or aspect of the lord. Any rashi aspected by its lord gets
additional strength and those rashis receiving the aspect of the
benefic planets Jupiter and Mercury also get additional strength.
The rashis receiving the aspect of their lords get 60 units. The rashis
having Jupiter and Mercury and those receiving the aspect of Jupiter
and Mercury also get 60 units.
In the example chart, let us start with Mesha. Let us examine
the houses receiving the aspect of their lords. Here Jaimini aspects
are taken. Mesha does not receive the aspect of its lord Mars as
Mars is placed in Kanya. Kanya is a dviswabhava and does not cast
its aspect on chara or sthira rashis.
Vrishabha is aspected by its lord Venus from Tula. Chara rashi
aspects a sthira rashi. So Vrishabha gets 60 units.
Mithuna is not aspected by its lord Mercury as Mercury is
placed in a chara rashi.

Sthira Dasha·lntroduction Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Karka has Moon in it and gets 60 units.

Simha receives no aspect of the Sun as Sun is placed in a stira
rashi. All sthira rashis aspect all chara rashis.
Kanya receives no aspect of its lord Mercury in Tula- a chara
Tula has Venus in it and gets 60 units.
Vrischika again does not receive aspect of its lord and hence
gets no points.
Dhanu has its lord Jupiter and gets 60 units.
Makara is aspected by its lord Saturn trom Simha (sthira rashi).
Kumbha is not aspected by its lord Saturn as Kumbha is a
sthira rashi and its lord is also in another sthira rashi.
Meena is aspected by its lord Jupiter from a dviswabhava rashi
(dhanu) and gets 60 units.
Now the aspectual strength of Jupiter and Mercury for rash is
to be examined. Let us take up Jupiter first. Jupiter is placed in
Dhanu and all dviswabhava rashis aspect each other. So Dhanu and
other dviswabhava rashis get 60 units each. Mercury is placed in
Tul~-achara rashi. All chara rashis aspect ail sthira rashi excepting
the adjacent sthira rashi. Here is in the example horoscope, Mercury
is placed in Tula. So Tulagets 60 units and except Vrischika-adjacent
sthira rashi. other sthira rashis, Kumbha, Vrishabha and Simha get
60 units each. Now the process of computing the strength is over
and let us see this in tabular form.

Rashi bala or strength of the signs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Graha bala 70 140 160 180 90 160 140 70 120 100 100 120
Chara bala 20 40 60 20 40 60 20 40 60 20 40 60
Sthira bala 10 10 10 20 10 10
Drishtl bala
Lord 60 - 60 - 60 - 60 10
Jupiter 60 60 - 60 60
Mercury 60 - 60 - 60 60
Total 90 300 280 270 200 290 300 120 310 180 200 240

In the graha bala, the strength of each planet is to be posted
in their respective rashis.

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Slhira Oasha·lnlroduclton

Sthira dasha of Jaimini

Sthira dasha starts from the rashi where Brahma is placed. To
do sthira dasha Brahma should be determined. Initially sthira dasha
was used to predict misfortunes, accidents, sickness and death. But
other predictions also can be given through this dasha.

Order of the dasha

Chara and Mandook dasha have a specific order. But sthira
dasha always go in the direct order only. The antar dashas also start
frrm the same rashi as of main rashi dasha.

Duration of the dashas

In other dashas, the duration of the rashi dasha is determined
by the placement of the lords. But in sthira dasha all chara rashis get
the duration of 7 years; all sthira rashis get 8 years and all
dviswabhava rashis get 9 years duration. The duration of the antar
dashas are evenly distributed as 7 months. 8 months and 9 months.

Sthira dasha worked for the example horoscope

After assessing the strength of planets and rashis. Brahma,
Rudra and Maheshwara are determined

Determination of Brahma
The steps involved in determining Brahma are:
i. Find out the stronger of the two houses, the lagna and the 7th
ii. Find out the strongest ol.the 6'". 8"' and 12"' lords from there.
iii. If Saturn qualifies for the post of Brahma, then simply reject it.

An exception is given in this regard. That is. if Saturn, Rahu or
Ketu compete for Brahma, then count the 6lh from there. Here also
there is a confusion. If Saturn is placed in Simha or Kanya again
Saturn qualifies to be the 6th lord. So let us stick to the thing that if
Saturn qualifies to be Brahma then reject it and choose from the
rest of the two planets.
The sthira dasha starts from the rashi where Brahma is placed.

The stronger between the lords of the 2"" and 8"' house
becomes Rudra. The strength can be taken from the graha bala. In

Sthira Dasha·lntroduction Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Da

the example chart, z•od lord from the lagna is the Sun and has 90
units and 8* lord is Saturn which gets IOOunits. So Saturn becomes

The lord of the 8th house from Alma Karaka becomes
Maheshwara, but, according to others if he is exalted in own house,
then the lord of the 12tl• from the Alma Karaka is considered. The
stronger of the two becomes Maheshwara.
In the example chart, Alma Karaka is the Moon and 8th lord
from Alma Karaka is Saturn. So Saturn qualifies to be Maheshwara.

Saturn can become Rudra and Maheshwara but cannot be
qualified for Brahma.

Determination of Brahma
First let us note the strenght of the lagna and the 7th house.
The lagna of the exmple horoscope is Karka. The 7tl• house
from the lagna Karka is Makara. The strength of the lagna Karka
taken from the rashi bala is 270 units and that of the 7th is 180.
Here lagna become strong with 270 units. The 6th, 8"' and 12'"
lords are to be taken from the lagna. The 6tl• lord is Jupiter and has
120 units. 8* lord is Saturn and as per rule, Saturn is to be rejected.
12"' lord Mercury has 160 units. Among the two planets Jupiter and
Mercury, Mercury becomes strong and is determined as Brahma.
Let us see the same in a graphical way.
L: -.,a 7* house
Kdtt<a Makara
270 units 180 units
Stronger between the two
6tl• Btl• J2tl•
Jupiter Saturn Mercury
120 units X 160 units
Brahma Mercury is placed in Tula. So the dasha starts from
Tula. The first dasha is Tula for 7 years, Vrischika for 8 years Dhanu
for 9 years. Makara for 7 years Kumbha for 8 years, Meena for 9
years and so on.

The dashas and antar dashas worked

Tula has Brahma in it. Tula started from 14'" November 1880

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Sthira Dasha-lntroduction
and ended in 14 November 1896.

Tula __-_...........................................1889 to 1896 - 7 yrs.

Vrischika ........................................1896 to 1904 .- 8 yrs.
Dhanu........................................... ..1904 to 1913 - 9 yrs
Makara........................................1913 to 1920 - 7 yrs
Kumbha .........................................1920 to 1928 - 8 yrs.
Meena ........................................... _1928 to 1937 - 9 yrs.
Mesha ............................................1937 to 1944 - 7 yrs.
Vrishabha ......................................1944 to 1952 - 8 yrs.
Mithuna ..........................................1952 to 1961 - 9 yrs.
Karka............................................1961 to 1968 - 7 yrs.
Simha ............................................1968 to 1976 - 8 yrs
Kanya ............................................1976 to 1985 - 9 yrs

Sub periods af Tufa

Tula is of 7 years duration and so each antar dasha is to get 7
months duration.
Tula ............................................... Nov 1889 to Jun 1890
Vrischika. ........................................Jun 1890 to Jan 1891
Dhanu............................................ Jan 1891 to Aug 1891
Makara ......................................... Aug 1891 to Mar 1892
Kumbha _______ ........ ------------- ......... Mar 1892 to Oct 1892
Meena ........................................... .Oct 1892 to May 1893
Mesh a .......................................... May 1893 to Dec 1893
Vrishabha ..................................... .Dec 1893 to July1894
Mithuna ......................................... Jul 1894 to Feb 1895
Karka ............................................ .Feb 1895 to Sep 1895
Simha ........................................... .Sep 1895 to Apr 1895
Kanya............................................ Apr 1896 to Nov 1896
Further praryanrar dashas also can be calculated. Each
pratyantar for 7 years duration gets the duration of 1 7 days and 12
Each pratyantar for 8 years duration gets the duration of 20
days and each pratyantar for 9 years duration gets a period of 22
days and 12 hours.
The following examples will make the reader clear about the
graha bala or the strength of planets in a very effective manner and
the calculation of dasha is also done for the convenience of the

Example 2
Female; DOB: 3-4-1929: TOB: 13.20 hrs.: Rewari

Slhira Dasha-lnlroduclion Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dash a

Sun Mer
Ven Jup Mars

Example 2
Female; 008: 3-4- Lag Moon
1------i 1929; TOB: 13.20
hrs.; Rewari



Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

28°52' 4•sg· 27"19' 24°11' s·4s· 24°13' s·11'

Graha bala or planetary strength refer to the table

Planet Mulatrikonadi Amsa bala Kendradi bala Total
Bala (M) (A) from AK (K) in units
in units in units in units
Sun 70 Exaltation 10 (OK) 60 Kendra 140
Moon 50 Own house 70 (AK) 60AK 180
Mars 20 Inimical 50 (BK) 20 Apoklima 90
Mercury 30 Neutral 20 (GK) 60 Kendra 110
Jupiter 40 Friend 60 (AMK) 20 Kendra 160
Venus 30 Neutral 40 (MK) 60 Kendra 130
Saturn 30 Nautral 30 (PK) 40 Panaphara 100

Rashi bala or strength of the signs

'J___~j 4------5~ 7 8 ~'llr11'12
Graha bala 90 130 110 180 140 110 130 90 160 100 100 160
Chara bala 20 40 60 20 40 60 20 40 60 20 40 60
Sthira bala 40 10 10 10
Drishti bala
Lord 60 60
Mercury 60 60 60 60
Jupiter 60 60 60 60
Total 270 170 180 270 360 170 150 250 230 120 260 220

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Sthira Dasha-lntroduction

Determination of Brahma
To determine Brahma, the strongest of the lords of 6th, 8* or
1zth is taken from the lagna or the 7th whichever is stronger. The
strength of the lagna and 7~' is taken from the rashi bala and the
strength of the planets taken from the graha bala calculated from
the chart.
In the example, the lagna or Ascendant gains 270 and the 7th
house gains 120 units. Here the lagna becomes strong and to
determine Brahma, the lords of 6th, 8"' and 12th are to be taken and
assessed of their strengths. In this case, the 6th lord is Jupiter has
strength of 160 units; go. lord is Saturn having strength of 100 units
and the I Zth lord Mercury scores strength of 1 10 units. Whenever
Saturn competes for the position of Brahma, it has to be ignored
and Brahma is determined from the other two planets -Jupiter and
Mercury. Since Jupiter is stronger than Mercury, Jupiter becomes
Brahma. For the example chart. Jupiter is Brahma and is placed In
Mesha. a chara rashi.

Rudra is determined from the strength among the lords of the
2nd and the 8th. If we assess the strength of 2nd lord, Sun with 140
units and the 8th lord Saturn with 100 units, the stronger planet.
Sun becomes Rudra.

8th lord from AK is termed as Maqheshwara. For the example
chart, Moon is AK and ~· lord from AK is Saturn and hence is
Maheshwara in this case.

The dasha
In the scheme of sthira dash a, all chara rashis have 7 years'
duration; all sthira rashis have 8 years' duration and all dvisvabhava
rashis have 9 years' duration. In the example chart, Jupiter is Brahma
and is placed in Mesha, a chara rashi. So the dashas begin with
Mesha for 7 years, Rishabha for 8 years and Mithuna for 9 years. The
following table shows the dash a, an tar dashas and pratyantar dashas.
The dashas are always in the direct sequence only.

Dash a
Brahma is in Mesha
Mesha 7 years from .. April 1929 ttll 1936
Rishabha 8 years 1936 1944

Sthira Dasha-lntroduction Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Mithuna . .9 years 1944 1953

Karka ..................................... .7 years 1953 1960
Simha ..........................................8 years 1960 1968
Kanya ............................................9 years 1968 1977
Tula ............................................... .7 years 1977 1984
Vrischika ........................................8 years 1984 1992
Dhanus ........................................9 years 1992 2001
Makara ......................................... .7 years2001 2008
Kumbha .........................................8 years2008 2016
Meena ............................................9 years2016 2025

Antar dasha
Antar dasha of one main dasha is calculated here. The antar
dasha of each rashi dasha starts from itself and the order of the
dasha is direct.
For the example chart, the main dasha Mesha is taken and the
antar dasha for Mesha is given. Mesha dasha is for 7 years.
Mesha Mesha 7 months............... .from Apr 1929 to Nov 1929
Mesha Rishabha 7 months.......... .from Nov 1929 to Jun 1930
Mesha Mithuna 7 months............ .from Jun 1930 to Jan 1931
Mesha Karka 7 months................ .from Jan 1931 to Aug 1931
Mesha Simha 7 months............... .from Aug 1931 to Mar 1932
And so on ...

Pratyantar dasha
Pratyantar dash a of Mesha dash a Rishabha antar dashas, Mesha
Rishabha started from November 1929 and lasted for 7 months till
June 1930. The pratyantar dasha of this is as follows. The pratyantar
dasha is for 17 days and I 2 hours. Mesh a Rishabha Rishabha is from
18m November 1929 and lasted up to 12 hours of 5'" December
1929. In the same way, Mesha Rishabha Mithuna lasts up to Z3•d
December 1929and so on.
· In the same manner, other dashas, antar dashas and pratyantar
dashas are calculated.

Example 3
Female; DOB: 1-1 1-1975: TOB: 11.35 am.: Sikhandrabad

_V-' Predicting throughJaimini's Sthira Dasha Sthira Dasha-lntroduction

Jup Ket Mar

Example 3
Female; Sat
008: 1-11-1975;
TOB: 11.35 am.;
Sikhandrabad Ven

Lag Sun Rah Mer Moon

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

21"01' 14"41' 12"47' a•s5· 28"32' 23"43' 28"14

Graha bala or planetary strengh refer tot he table

Mulatrikonadi Amsa bala Kendradi bala Total
Planet Bala (M) (A) from AK (K) units
in Units units units
Sun. 20 Inimical 40 (MK) 40 Panaphara 100
(Exceeds Deepest
debilitation point)
Moon 40 Friend 30 (PK) 60 Kendra 130
Mars 20 Inimical 10 (DK) 60 Kendra 90
Mercury 50 Own House 70 (AK) 60 (AK) 180
Jupiter 50 Own House 50 (BK) 60 Kendra 160
Venus 20 Inimical 60 (AMK) 20 Apoklima 100
Saturn 20 Inimical 20 (GK) 40 Panaphara 80

Rashi bala or strength of the signs

Nature of strength 1 2-~4-"-5-5-7-,-9-10-11-12-

Graha bala 90 100 180 130 100 180 100 90 160 80 so 160
Chara bala 20 40 60 20 40 60 20 40 60 20 40 60
Sthira bala 10 10 10 20 10 10
Drishti bala
Lord 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Mercury 60 60 60 60
Jupiter 60 60 60 60
Total 110 140 430 160 210 440 190 130 400 100 180 410

Sthira Dasha-lntroduction Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Determination of Brahma
The native's lagna is Dhanu and scores 400 units. The 7* house
is Mithuna scoring 430 units. Among these two houses, the 7th
house is strong So, from this house, the strength of the lords of 6"'.
8* and the 12* is taken and assessed. From Mithuna the 6th lord is
Mars and has the strength of 90 units; the 8"' lord is Saturn and
does not qualify to become Brahma, the 12"' lord is Venus and scores
100 units. Therefore, the stronger between the lords of 6th and tzu.
is Venus and qualifies to become Brahma.

Determination of Rudra
The stronger planet among the 2"' and 8"'1ords become Rudra.
In this case, the 2nd lord is Saturn and has the strength .of80 units
and the 8th lord is Moon and has the strength of 130 units. The
Moon, being stronger, thus becomes Rudra.

Determination of Maheshwara
The lord of the 8th house from AK becomes Maheshwara. In
this case, AK is Mercury and au. lord from Mercury is Mars and is

Maha dashas
In the example chart, Brahma is Venus and is placed in Simha.
So the main dasha or maha dasha starts from Simha or Leo, the
sthira rashi. The dasha scheme is like this:

Simha takes the duration of 8 years.

Simha ............................................8 yrs 1975 - 1983
Kanya.............................................9 yrs 1983 - 1992
Tula ............................................... .7 yrs 1992 - 1999
Vrischika ..............:........ '.. .'..............8 yrs 1999 -2007
Dhanu.............................................9 yrs 2007 -2016
Makar.............................................. .? yrs 2016 -2023
Kumbha .........................................8 yrs 2023 -2031
Meena.............................................9 yrs 2031 -2040
and so on .. .

Antar dashas
The duration of the antar dasha for all chara rashis is 7 months;
for all sthira rashis is 8 months and for all dvisvabhava rashis is 9
Let us take Vrischika dasha and workout the antar dasha. The

F.!Predictmgthrough Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Sthira Dasha-lntroduction

duration of each antar dasha is lor 8 months.

Vrischika Vrischika ...................... .Nov. 1999 to Jul. 2000
Vrischika Dhanu........................... Jul. 2000 to Mar. 2001
Vrischika Makara ......................... Mar. 2001 to Nov. 2001
Vrischika Kumbha........................ .Nov. 2001 to Jul. 2002
Vrischika Meena .......................... Jul. 2002 to Mar. 2003
and so on ...

Pratyantar dashas
Let us take up Vrischika dasha and Dhanu antar dasha and
work out the pratyantar dasha. Each pratyantar takes the duration
of 20 days.
Vrischika - Dhanu ........................ .from 01 July 2001
Qhanu pratyantar lasts lor 20 days and is upto 21" July 2000;
Makar pratyantar is up to 11'" August 2000 and so on.

Interpretation of
chara Karakas in Predictions

In the Parashari system of astrology.Sthira karakas are used.

Sthira karaka means that the significator of a particular thing or person
or relation etc. In this system Sun always represents the soul, father
etc. Moon mother, Mars strength and brothers and sisters, Mercury
signifies maternal relations, intellect, Jupiter progeny, knowledge,
Venus spouse, vitality, Saturn servants, masses, grief etc, Rahu
paternal grand parents and Ketu maternal grand parents and the
karaka for moksha or fmal liberation. Whenever prediction is
concerned, apart from the individual horoscope, one should consider
the natural significators also. Like wise, in Jaimini system we have
chara karakas or varied significators that vary from chart to chart.
The chara karakas depend upon the degrees obtained by planets in
- an individual horoscope concerned. These chara karakas are seven
in number, and Rahu and Ketu are omitted for the purpose. There is
an exception that when two planets compete for one karakatva or
signification, then Rahu is considered.
The seven karakas are named as Atma karaka, Amatya karaka,
Bhratru karaka, Matru karaka, Putra karaka, Gnati karaka and Dara
karaka. Some scholars say that there are eight karakas and the
additional karaka mentioned by them is Pitru karaka which comes
immediately after Matru karaka and stands for father. But Bhratru
karaka itself is capable of indicating about father and the events
related to father. This we can see from the predictions that follow in
the later chapters. The planet which obtains the highest degree of
longitude becomes Atma karaka and the rest of the karakl)s are in
the descending level in their longitudes. '
.,~;srlictinJ! through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Interpretation of
Chara Karakas in Predictions
, Atmit fKaraka(AK)
Alma karaka is the topmost of all the karakas, that attains the
highest degree of longitude. The term 'Atma' means the soul. Soul
is the important feature in a native's life. The soul is the indicator of
all about the individual concerned. So the Atma karaka is related to
the first house or the ascendant. The significations of the ascendant
are physique, appearance, intellect, complexion, vigor, weakness,
happiness. grief and the innate nature. These features can be
examined from the Alma karaka also. The general indications can
be modified by the other influences on Atma karaka.

Amatya Karaka(AmK)
Amatya karaka comes next to Atma karaka i.e. attaining the
next highest degree of longitude. 'Amatya' literally means minister.
If the minister is very intelligent, sharp and knowledgeable person,
then all the features whether it be wealth, education or profession
of the individual will be managed very well and the individual will
be placed at a very high position and status. So in a horoscope
Amatya karaka also governs the financial status, education profession
and related gains. In a horoscope second house or kutumbha sthana
governs wealth, food and food habits, family, primary education,
speech, family business etc, From Amatyakaraka also these things
can be examined . The signification of the fifth, ninth and the tenth
house can also be examined from the Amatyakaraka apart from the
second house. The significations of the fifth house are learning,
progeny, knowledge, sacred spells, royalty, authority, rise and fall .
of position etc. The signification of ninth house is education,
authorship and fortune. The signification of the tenth house is royalty,
place, honour, rise in profession, authority and pilgrimage.

Bhratru karaka (BK)

Bhratru karaka is the third karaka from Atma karaka. 'Bhratru'
means 'brothers'. This karaka represents the signification of the 3••
house, 9th house and J Jth house. From this karaka, all about father,
brothers and sisters, and preceptors can be examined. Third house
governs younger brothers and sisters, servants, journey, talents,
ability, texture of voice and death of parents etc,. The ninth house
governs fortunes, religion, preceptors, father, authorship, higher
education, future, charitable deeds foreign residence etc,. The
eleventh house governs gains, elder brothers and sisters, prosperity,
etc .. If the Bhratru karaka is well placed in a horoscope then the
results of the above said bhavas will be good. and if the bhratru

Interpretation of Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha
Chara Karakas in Predictions
karaka is ill placed then there may be problems to the above
mentioned significations.

Matru karaka (MK)

Matru karaka takes the fourth place in the descending order
from the AK. 'Matru' means mother. So the welfare of the mother
and all about the mother can be seen from this. From the fourth
house the welfare of mother is seen so the other signification of the
fourth- comforts, primary education, jewels, movable and immovable
property, conveyances, happiness etc,. If Matru karaka is well
disposed, then the comforts derived from these signification will be
good. If it is afflicted, then the signification of this karaka will suffer.
For example, if MK is in the Rahu-Ketu axis, or hemmed between
malefic planets, then the health of the mother will suffer. If the rashi
dasha contains M K, then there is possibility of acquisition ofproperty
or the other effects indicated by the fourth house, but there should
be raja yogas formed to get excellent effects. At the same time the
relation indicated by the karaka may suffer due to ill health or even
death and this occurs due to the afflictions to the karaka concerned.

Putra karaka (PK)

Putra karaka is the fifth in the descending order from Atma
karaka. As the term suggests the meaning as the son, it indicates
about progeny. Fifth house always indicates 'purva puny a', education,
and procreation. The other significations of the fifth house are higher
education, learning, knowledge, royalty, authority, recitation or
practice of mantras, spirituality, acquisition of honour, fall in position,
speculation etc,. These are to be examined from putra karaka. If putra
karaka is well placed, then the above said factors will prosper, and if
ill placed or afflicted the effects will be otherwise. From this karaka
the signification of the ninth can also be examined as this is the fifth
from the fifth. The effects of the ninth are, writing ability, acquisition
of knowledge, authorship, fortunes, father, preceptors, future life
etc,. Any rashi dasha which contains PK in it, or aspected by PK is
capable of giving education, birth of children, marriage and other
good effects during its course.

Gnati karaka (GK)

Gnati karaka takes the sixth place in the order from AK. The
literal meaning of 'Gnati' is relations. Without relations and
relationships, no one will flourish in the life. Gnati karaka represents
the sixth house and its signification. From the sixth house we examine

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Interpretation of
Chara Karakas in Predictions
relations-maternal, enemies, accidents, diseases, debts, competitions
disputes, competitive spirit, obstacles, legal proceedings, adoption,
pet animals etc,. These signification hold good for Gnati karaka. In
the same way the signification of the .eighth and the twelth house
can also be examined from GK. The signification of the eighth house
are- longevity, chronic diseases, suddenness, research, accidents,
nature of death, inheritance, spiritual longing etc,. The signification
of the twelfth house are- expenditure, imprisonment, foreign
connections, spiritual gains, marital bliss etc,. lfthe GK is well placed
in a chart towards AK and un-afnicted, then the signification of these
houses prosper, other wise they will turn adverse towards the native.
Whenever GK is placed with other karakas, then one can predict
evils to the particular karaka concerned. For example if GK is
influencing AMK in any way, then the native tends change his
profession frequently or problems related to profession and position
may occur, and at the same time GK will prosper by AMK.

Dara karaka (DK)

Dara karaka is the last karaka in the descending order from
AK. Dara' means wile. In the ancient days prominence was given
only to male members of the society and they have given the term
dara to indicate wife. But in the modern times the term dara is used
as the common term to denote both husband and wife or otherwise
spouse. This karaka gives the general picture of the spouse. The
signification of the seventh house can be seen from DK. The
signification of the seventh house are- Spouse, partnership, foreign
travels, trade, loss of sight, acquisition of position or pada prapti,
public image etc. If DK is well disposed and be without afflictions
then the married life will be good and if ill placed then the effects of
this karaka will suffer.
In brief we can say that AK rules over the ascendant, AMK
rules over the second house for financial status and business, fifth
house for higher education and related things, tenth house for
profession and related features. The disposition of the above
significators conveys the message of various houses and the
fructifications indicated by them. When any karaka is placed in agood
house, i.e. in a kendra or a kona from AK or the lagna, then prosperity
pertaining to the particular karaka is conferred fully. With the
combination of benefic karakas raja yoga is formed. When the raja
yoga is formed in a particular house, then the prosperity of the house
concerned gets enhanced related to the placement of other karakas
also. Other than the chara karakas, we should examine the sthira

Interpretation of Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha
Chara Karakas in Predictions
karakas mentioned by Parashara for predicting events. Other factors
like exaltation, debilitation, combustion etc also should be examined
while doing predictions.
The dasha concerned is also analysed with reference to the
chara karakas. The placement of these from the rashi dasha is analysed
and the effects of the placement confirms the good or bad events
to be happened.

Dasha Analysis
There are two ways of analyzing and predicting events. First
the static analysis of a horoscope is done with respect to the planetary
combinations, aspects and special features. From this the promise
of the chart can be inferred and then these promises will get fructified
during the dasha and antar dasha periods. In predicting events, both
static promise and interaction of the dasha, antar dasha coupled with
transit are the important features to consider. These should be given
equal weightage. Shri. K.N. Rao says that our life is like a
kaleidoscope, and events take turn very often. Our life is like flowing
water which assumes different shapes and directions.
When dasha is analyzed, one must consider the principles of
treating that planet as lagna and other combinations in different
houses and then analyse the events to take the same way,
when a rashi dasha is considered, first see the concerned rashi dasha
from the lagna, i.e. which house is activated from the lagna ( houses
of various significances). This should also be seen from AK, and
Karakamsha lagna also. From these we can come to some conclusion
about the flow of events in a particular dasha. As far as Sthira Dasha
is concerned, Brahma is considered, and from here which rashi's
dasha is on is to be seen.
In each case, placement of AK is important as it indicates self.
Every event is interwoven with the self only. Placement of AK in
auspicious houses show good promise and otherwise, there may
be problems to the individual concerned. Even in Mahabharata, it is
described that the meetings and partings in life is like a downstream
which get diversified in various directions. This is expressed in the
sloka yatha kashtam tatha l<ashtam .. .' meaning that in a river stream,
just like the logs of wood come together and separated. Similarly in
life, people come and go at the designed time of the divine.
Let us take a known example and analyse the dasha. This chart
belongs to the former Prime minister, Shri Rajiv Gandhi. Brahma is
Moon and is placed in the lagna itself. The dasha starts with Simha
and lasts for eight years from 1944 to 1952. this rashi is having a
Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Interpretation of
Chara Karakas in Predictions
number of planets involved in a raja yoga. A rashi having more
planets become strong and in this case it is true also. As this dasha
0une in his childhood, ensuring good fortunes for the family he
belonged to. During this dasha period only, Jawahar lal Nehru his
grandfather became the first Prime Minister of independent India.
In this rashi AK along with other karakas is placed as this is also the
lagna Kendra. Placement of AK in kendra or kona is auspicious for
the dasha concerned and the only negative part of it is to give
ailments to the individual concerned which we are not aware as
nowhere has it been documented that Rajiv suffered from some
ailment in his childhood, but the possibility cannot be overruled
Following dash a was of Kanya from I 952 to I 96 I. from Kanya,
AK is placed in the J21h house with other raja yoga causing planets.
This shows that Rajiv taking up a foreign residence or being away
from the family. During the same period, MK is placed in the 101h
from the rashi dasha aspected by DK. His mother was made the
President of Congress party. DK's influence results in raja yoga to
the concerned karaka. In the same manner other events are to be
interpreted. Each dasha is the interpreter of various events and the
significations of each dasha should be well conveyed by the
Dasha conveys the change of events in an individual's life in a
very effective manner. The dashas are in a way the best advisors of
the good and bad times an individual is to enjoy or suffer. If we take
up marriage, it took place in Tula-Kanya (last week of February 1968),
Tula receives the aspect of all raja yoga causing planets and Kanya
has DK in it and is the second house from Brahma, and Tula is the
second house from DK. Both the houses Tula and Kanya happened
to be his Darapada and Upapada respectively confirming the event.
All the events take place according to the rashi and the influences
of other chara karakas getting activated during a particular rashi
Dasha is the most important indicator and therefore has to be
considered very carefully. The promises blessed by the individual's
horoscope are to be revealed in the rashi dash a also for fructification
of the promises. Therefore dasha is the divine clock which works
with precision. Maha dasha is the hour hand and antar dasha is the
minute hand of the clock and subsequent dasha levels coupled with
the transits are the second hand of the clock indicating the exact
timing of the occurrences of the event

Interpretation of Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha
Chara Karakas in Predictions
There are two ways of analysing and predicting events
First of all the static analysis of a horoscope is done with all the
planetary combinations, aspects and other features. From here, the
promises can be listed and the fructification of these static promises
takes place during the dasha period. In predicting events both static
promises as well as dasha period are very important and given equal
weightage. Our life is like a kaleidoscope and events take turn very
often. Our life is like the flow of waterfalls which take different
dimensions and driven to different directions. When a dasha is
analysed, one must consider the principle of treating the planet as
the lagna and other combination at different places and analyse the
event to happen. In the same way, when a rashi dasha is analysed,
first see from the lagna, which house's dasha is running and from
AK or KL and from these we can come to know the general trend of
the dasha and events from it. In the case of sthira dasha, the rashi
dasha from Brahma is also considered. From the dasha concerned,
the position of AK is seen and from this one can be able to understand
the flow of life from that particular period. The placement of AK tends
to change from dasha to dasha. Even within one major period, there
are always changes in the placement of planets and these help the
events promised of a dasha to fructify.
In each case, the placement of AK is important as this indicated
the self. Every event is interwoven with the self and the placement
in good houses show good promises and if it is otherwise, there
may be problems to the individual concerned. Even in Mahabharata
it is described that the meetings and partings in life is like a
downstream which get diversified in direction.

The General Characteristics of rashis used

in the interpretation of Dashas
In the interpretation of the dashas, the special principles of
rashis given by Jaimini is used along with the effects of the house
concerned. In the Jaimini system, the Karakamsha (the Alma Karaka's
placement in the Navamsha) in different rashis have a meaning and
the results of this placement is explained in a different manner and
the same special principles should be extended to the interpretation
of rashi dashas also. Let us now see the special principles of rashis

Mesha or Aries
According to classical astrology, this rashi is the rashi of
disturbances created by mice, noise caused by children, and during

~redt"cting through Jaimini 1S Sthira Dasha Interpretation of
Chara Karakas in Predictions
this period a native will have visitors also. This rashi makes one very
aggressive and ambitious also. This rashi dasha is generally said to
be a noisy dasha.
When the Alma Karaka is placed in the Mesh a navamsha, then
there is fear from bits of rats, cats and other similar animals according
to Jaimini.

Rishabha or Taurus
This rashi belongs to the planet Venus and in general is the
rashi of prosperity. This rashi dasha indicates acquisition of vehicles
and therefore vehicular accidents also. This dasha confers on a native
all kinds of comforts.
According to Jaimini when the Atma karaka is placed in
Rishabha navamsha, then there is fear from quadrupeds, fear or
happiness from quadrupeds which in modern days can also mean
cars etc.

Mithuna or Gemini
This is the rashi of Mercury. This rashi is good for business.
This rashi dasha also confers good imagination but this is bad for
health. This dasha indicates skin allergy and diseases related to skin
and nervous system as Mercury is related to skin.
When Atma karaka is plaed in Mithuna navamsha it indicates
corpulence, itches, skin ailments, stoutness etc. It being the rashi of
Mercury examine it also for business and commercial dealings.

Korko or Cancer
This rashi belongs to Moon.This rashi dasha is good for overseas
trade, business dealings with gems and precious stones. This rashi
is also the indicator of water-borne diseases like leprosy, cholera
etc. There is fear of drowning and makes a person very
When the Alma karaka is in Karka navamsha, dangers and
troubles from watery places and leprosy are expected.

Simha or Leo
This rashi belongs to the Sun. This rashi represents hilly and
lonely places. This rashi dasha is to take a native to hilly and lonely
places and is good for meditation and spiritual practices. There is
feifr of fall from heights which ciln mean fall from high positions also.
This rashi dash a is also the indicator of acquisition of power and also
fall from power, fear from quadrupeds -especially dogs.

Interpretation of Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Das~
Chara Karakas in Predictions
When Alma karaka is in Simha navamsha, trouble from canine
animals, accidents by falling from high places or fall from
conveyances, lear of bites of dogs and cats is indicated.

Kanya or Virgo
Again, like Mithuna, this rashi dasha is good lor business as is
the rashi of Mercury. It indicates skin diseases, itching, allergy and
there is lear of lire also.
When Alma karaka is in Kanya navamsha, suffering from fires,
itches and corpulence is indicated. Kanya being the earthy rashi of
Mercury, it can endow practical intelligence also.

Tufa or Libra
This rashi dasha is said to be the best in Jaimini system and
this dasha is the most prosperous dasha and gives a balanced view
of things.
When Alma karaka is in Tula navamsha, money from
merchandise, trade and commerce is indicated. Only this rashi shows
positive result.

Vrischika or Scorpio
This rashi dasha is a dasha lor deep planning lor higher
achievements but generally not good for health as is the period of
food poison or even side effects of strong medicines, lear from snakes
or jala chara etc.
When Atmakaraka is in Vrischika Navamsa, the child will be
deprived of mother's milk, prone to diseases, poisoning etc.

Dhanu or Sagittarius
It is the most mysterious dasha in Jaimini. There can be
tremendous rise, acquisition power and also sudden health upsets.
accidents, fall from power, heights. Dhanu meaning bow, is also a
symbol of power and therefore rise. It is a man in high position who
has fears offal and of getting attacked by his enemies, physically or
When Alma karaka is in Dhanu navamsha, suffering and fall
from conveyances, elevated houses, trees, hills and mountains can
be predicted.
Makara or Capricorn; This rashi dash a is considered as the dash a
of changes. That is ordinary changes like shifting from one place other,
houses to major adjustment like marriage child birth and deaths in
the faimily.

f .-..-tirl/iJmugh Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Interpretation of
wpredictmgrn !:1' Char a Karakas In Predictions
When Atmakaraka is in Makara navamsa the person will be
prectical have changing attitudes and pessimistic at times.

Kumbha or Aquarius
It is a good rashi dasha for philanthropic activities, religious
deeds, charitable works performing as an extrovert. Kumbha means
a pot and here it is symbolic of the sacred pot placed for poojas.
When Alma karaka is in Kumbha navamsha, the native does
charities, construction of temples etc.

Meena or Pisces
This rashi dasha is the period of deep spiritual practices and
makes a native an introvert.
When Alma karaka is in Meena navamsha, one is filled with
virtuous deeds, will attain final bliss. Meena is representative of the
Feet of the Lord.
Among all the rashis, only two rashis are indicating spiritual
gains and only Tula has been given with positive results.

Interpretation of a dasha
While interpreting a dasha, each rashi dasha should be
independently taken as if it is in the lagna. From this, how the karakas
are placed should be examined. The result promised should be timed
according to the concerned house and the antar dasha. In this book,
we concentrate on Brahma. So, along with the lagna, Brahma also
should be treated as the lagna and from Brahma, note the house
concerned before starting to do the predictions.

The aspect
Throughout the book, the Jaimini aspects are taken. In Jaimini
system, all chara rashis aspect all sthira rashis leaving the adjacent
sthira rashi, all sthira rashis aspect all chara rashis leaving the adjacent
chara rashi and all dvisvabhava rashis aspect all other dvisvabhava
rash is.
In the Parashari system all the planets show certain behaviour
in giving results. There the lagna lord indicates the fructification of
events pertaining to lagna or the sell. The dasha of lagna lord blesses
one with name, fame and other significations indicated by the lagna
and also at the same time, shows some health upset. In the same
manner other planets according to their ownership, placement and
other influences help in giving results good or bad. We examine
this from the lagna, Moon and the Sun and also the dasha lord

Interpretation of Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha
Chara Karakas in Predictions
concerned treating them as the lagna.
In Jaimini system, we follow the rashi dasha and the rashi dashas
starting from the lagna rashi give results according the placement
ot chara karakas.

The Lagna or the First House

The lagna rashi indicates about self, physical body, appearance,
complexion, strength, longevity, wisdom, happiness, knowledge,
name, fame, dignity, livelihood, ability to work etc.

Second house
Second house indicates speech, tongue, eyes, soundness of
mind, nails, nose, eloquence, determination, learning, wealth, family,
food habits, efforts to acquire money. business, miserliness, friends,
neighbours, powerful and prosperous living etc.

Third House
Third house indicates ears, throat, siblings, efforts, courage,
development, strength, valour, hobbies, servants, maid servant,
pilgrimages, mental inclination, fitness, longevity of father etc.

Fourth House
Fourth house indicates primary education, faith, mother, house,
travels. vehicle, landed property, conveyance, entering into a new
house, paternal property, victory, name, fame, acquisition of power,
agriculture development and contributing to vedic texts and shastras.

Fifth House
Fifth house indicates mind, progeny, pregnancy, stomach,
education, learning, wisdom, spiritual practices like performing the
japa of mantras, foresightedness, wealth and prosperity, welfare,
means of earning money, friendship, secrets, ministers, scholarship

Sixth House
Sixth house indicates diseases, debts, obstacles, tumour, ill
health, tuberculosis, wounds, ulcers, urinary ailment, imprisonment,
intense worries, foes and enmity, maternal uncle, competition, theft,
quarrels, servitude, grand parents etc.

Seventh House
Seventh House says about spouse, marriage. partnership,

p,edrcrmgthrough Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Interpretation of
Chara Karakas in Prediclions
semen, loose sex life, urinary track, victory in love or passion, loss
of memory, valour, delicious food drinks and likes, acquisition of good
clothes, money kept at different places or distant places, foreign
travels. theft, adopted son, business, victory break in travel, secrets
ofsex affairs etc.

Eighth House
Eighth house indicates longevity, sudden happenings,
punishment, accidents, ailments, loss of limbs, mental anguish,
inheritance, disgrace or defeat, battle, struggles, worries arising from
brothers, enemy, spouse etc.

Ninth House
Ninth House indicates nourishment, fortunes, charity,
auspiciousness, virtuous deeds, father, paternal property, foreign
residence, travels, authorship, efforts to learn, preceptors, worship
of gods, pilgrimages, vedic rituals, name and fame etc.

Tenth House
Tenth house indicates thighs, influences, self control, ability,
fame lordship, recognition from the workplace, profession, honour
from the government, source of income etc.

Eleventh House
Eleventh house indicates gains, income, elder brothers and
sisters, knee, ears, desires-goodand evil, education, wisdom, skills
in fine arts, dependence on others, profits, good returns, paternal
uncle, longevity of mother, special position, rise of fortune etc.

Twelfth House
Twelfth house indicates disturbed sleep, expenditure, loss of
money, mental worries, left eye, feet, crippled limbs, physical
ailment, death, fear from enemies, disputes, imprisonment, loss of
power or authority, foreign places, migration to different places,
punishment, spiritual practices etc.
The dasha running is the indicator of the signification of the
particular house from the lagna or Atma karaka and here Brahma
also. Apart from this, the rashi dasha running is taken as the lagna
and seen. Analyse the placement of Atma karaka from the rashi dasha
and if it is well placed, then the dasha will be smooth. Then the
placement of karakas, and the influence of karakas on the rashi dash a
is to be seen and the events will take place accordingly. In the same

Interpretation of Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha
Chara Karakas in Predictions
way, when one dasha promises certain events, then the antar dashas
follow to take the responsibility to fulfil the promises assured with
the transits. This we can see from the following charts.
Meslja ·Lagna

Male; DOB: 16"'Nov. 1946; TOB: 4.30 pm.; Delhi

This chart belongs to a male born on 161l> November 1946,4.30
p.m. at Delhi. In this chart, lagna has 140 units and the 71l> house
Tula has 90 units and thus lagna is strong and among the lords of
the 6th, 8th and 121l> from lagna, the 12'h lord is strong and is
determined as Brahma. Here Brahma is Jupiter. Rudra is stronger
between 2"" and 8"' lords and 2nd lord venus has 90 units and 8*
lord Mars has 140 units. Here Mars is Rudra and Sll> lord from AK is

lag Rah

Male OKN
16th Nov 1946
Sun (OK)
Ven Jup
OP Mer Mar Brahm•

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
14'10' 00°22' 06'50' 13'54' 11 '56' 1S006' 02'29' 15'53' 18'33' 18'33'

Jupiter Saturn Mars Mercury Moon ·venus Sun

Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dash;;"W

Jup Rah

Sun Ven


Ket Sat MarMer

Venus and is determined as Maheshwara. Let us work out the evens

through sthira dasha.

Marriage - Makara-Simha
This person married on 2'"' February 1975 in the dash a Makara,
which is seventh from DKN and antar dasha of Simha. Makara is the
4th from Brahm a aspected by both OK (Sun) and PK (Moon) and other
planets are also aspecting. Makara is also 7th from DKN any rashi
aspected by many planets becomes strong and capable of giving
good results according to the promises. Makara is the rashi of
changes due to major adjustments, like marriage child birth and
related events.
Antar dasha Simha has PK in it and aspected by AK Jupiter
again assuring a Raja Yoga. Simha also Indicates the acquisition of
power and if we take up Simha from Brahma, it is the 11 "'having PK
in it, aspected by AK, indicates good fortune. From Simha, the 7th
receives the aspect of Saturn (AMK) and Jupiter (AK) and Saturn is •
also the 7~' lord, got the job in the same period Makara Is the 4th
from Brahma and many planets aspecting Makara. Makara is also
the 1O"' from lagna, that indicates a job.

Child birth - Kumbha-Makara

Kumbha is the 5th house from Brahma aspected by both AK
(jupiter),and AMK (Saturn). As a matter offact, Saturn is also the 5th.
from Brahma and Makara again is aspected by PK. The main period
of pregnancy went in Dhanu which is 5th from PK (Moon) and 5th
house from Dhanu also receives the aspects PK Moon.
From Rudra and Maheshwara if we examine then the main
period of activities is indicated by Makara as the 3'd rashi and having

predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Examples

Dasha Sequence
Brahma Jupiter is located in Tula so the Sthira dasha starts from
Tula 7 yrs.......................................1946-53
Vnshchika8 yrs..............................1953-61
Dhanu 9 yrs .................................1961-70
Makara 7 yrs ..................................1970-77
Kumbha 8 yrs................................1977-85
Meena 9 yrs. ... ........... ...........1985-94

Antardahsas of Makara 7 months each

Makara ..................................... .From Nov 72 to June 71
Kumbha .........................................From June 71 to Jan. 72
Meena............................................ .From Jan. 72 to Aug. 72
Mesha. ........................................... .From Aug. 72 to Mar 73
Rishabha .......................................From Mar 73 to Oct. 73
Mithuna. ......................................... .From Oct 73 to May 74
Karka ............................................ .From May 74 to Dec. 74
Simha ............................................From Dec. 74 to July 75

Antar dashas of Kumbha 8 months each

Kumbha. ........................................ .From Nov.77 to July 78
Meena. .............................. .From July 78 to Mar 79
Mesha. .......................................... .From Mar 79 to Nov 79
Rishabha ........................................From Nov 79 to July 80
Mithuna ..........................................From July 80 to Mar 81
Karka ........................................... .From Mar 81 to Nov 81
Simha ............................................From Nov 81 to July 82
Kanya ............................................From July 82 to Mar 83
Tula ............................................. .From Mar 83 to Nov 83
Vrischika. ........................................From Nov 83 to July 84
Dhanu .......................................... .From July 84 to Mar 85
Makara.......................................... .From Mar 85 to Nov 85

aspected by so many planets. The rashi becomes very strong. If we

further go to a step of considering the Brahma amsha, Rudra Amsha
and Maheshwara amsha, the rashi is again showing the relevant

Notable points
The marriage - indicated by the rashi Makara • is 4"' house,
one among (he I Z houses that indicate marriage.

Examples Predicting through Jaimini•s Sthira Dasha

Ifthe Chara dasha sequence Is seen, the marriage took place

in Ka.rka-Karkii which contains darakaraka Navamsha. /tis in the dasha
of Simha-Tulct which contains the purri!karakilthat he had his child.

Events discussed
1. Marriage
2. Child birth

Vrisba&ba Lagna

The chart given below belongs to a female born on 18"' October

1965, 7.22 pm at New Delhi. The strength of 7"' house Is 290 units
and that of the lagna is 240 units. So the 6th, 8* and 12"' lords from
the 7"' house are taken for consideration. Here the 6th lord from the
7"' house Mars is strong and hence takes the responsibility of Brahma.
Among the 2nd and 8"' lords from lagna Mercury and Jupiter, Mercury
is strong to take the responsibility of Rudra and 8th lord from AK is
Mercury becomes Maheshwara as well. Let us analyse some events
with the help of sthira dasha.

Female; DOB: IS"' Oct. 1965;TOB: 7.22 pm; New Delhi

Log Roh Jup


Sot Female Moon PK

18th Oct 1965
7:22 PM
New Delhi

Ket Ven Sun Mer


Saturn Mars Venus Mercury Moon Jupiter Sun

Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
Ot"56' 01'37' 11"57' 15·so· 15'28' 07"54' t6•4o' 17'50' 12•o6' 12"06'

Sot Roh



Jup MorVen Sun Ket

BN Moon

Dasha Sequence
Brahma Mars in this chart is located in Vrischika and hence Sthira
dasha starts from Vrischika
Vrischika 8 yrs...............................1965-73
Dhanu 9 yss...................................1 973-82
Makara 7 yrs.................................1982-89
Kumbha 8 yrs ................................1989-97

Antardasha of Kumbha 8 months each

Kumbha .........................................From Oct 89 to June 90
Meena ............................................From June 90 to Feb 91
.Mesha ............................................From Feb 91 to Oct 91
Rishabha. ......................................From Oct 91 to June 92
Mithuna ..........................................From June 92 to Feb 93
Karka .............................................From Feb 93 to Oct 93
·Simha ............................................From Oct 93 to June 94
Kanya ....................................... .From June 94 to Feb 95
Tula ................................................From Feb 95 to Oct 95
Vrischika ....................................... From Oct 95 to June 96
Dhanu.......................................... .From June 96 to Feb 97
Marriage - Kumbha- Vrischika
Marriage took place in the dasha of Kumbha and antar dasha
of Vrischika. Kumbha is the 4°' house from Brahma and is aspected •
by DK Sun and PK Moon. The antar dash a Vrischika also receives the
aspect of PK Moon and AK Saturn, 7* from Kumbha and Vrischika

Predicting through JaiminPs Sthira Dasha Examples

both are aspected by OK Sun, PK Moon and MK Mercury also

confirming the event. If we analyse from the Lagna, Kumbha is the
10'" house aspected by OK Sun and PK Moon, and the antar dasha
Vrischika is the 7"' from the lagna.

Child birth - Kumbha Dhanu

Kumbha is having AKin it aspected by OK Sun, PK Moon and
MK Mercury. From Kumbha the 5th has GK Jupiter in it indicating
problem to the progeny. PK is placed in the 6th from it and aspected
by Brahma also indicates problems. The antar dasha Ohanu also falls
on the 6., from PK aspected by GK Jupiter. GK is the indicator of
surgical operation, diseases, disputes and here the native's son was
born through a surgical operation only.

The 4th house is the indicator of family and whenever marriage
is to take place, the role of 4'' from Brahma comes in.

Events discussed
I. Marriage
2. Child Birth

Mitbuna Lagna

The chart belongs to a lady born on 28 * January 1982 at 4 pm

at Madurai. According to the calculation, Brahma is Mars and is
placed in Kanya. Therefore the dasha starts with Kanya and lasts for
9 years. Let us see the events. For this chart, Rudra is Saturn and
Maheshwara is Mars.

Female; DOE: 28* Jan. 1982; TOB: 4 pm; Madurai

Break in education - Vrischika-Vrischika
Break in education in the year 1998 in the dash a of Vrischika

28th Jan 1982
Ven(R) OK Madurai

Ket Jup PK Mors S;t


Sat Mars Moon Mer Jup Sun Ven

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
12'58' 14'38' 22•24' 22'35' 22'22' 15'37" 03"23' 28'28' 28'55' 28'55'

predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Oasha Examples

Moon Sun Rah

Mar Mer


Ket Sat

Dasha sequence
Brahma in this chart Brahma Mars is located in Kanya. Hence
Sthira dasha starts from Kanya.
Kanya 9 yrs....................................1982 -91
Tula 7 yrs .......................................1991-98
Vrischika 8 yrs...............................1998-2006

Antordasha of Vrischika 8 months each

Vrischika. ......................................From Jan 98 to Sep 98
Dhanu .............................................From Sep 98 to May 99
Makara. ..........................................From May 99 to Jan 2000
Kumbha. .........................................From Jan 2000 to Sep. 2000
Meena. ...........................................From Sep 2000 to May 2001
Mesha ...........................................From May 2001 to Jan 2002

Vrischika. Vrischika is the 3'd from Brahma and is aspected by MK

Mercury, GK Sun and DK Venus and Sill from Vrischika is aspected
by AK Sat and AMK Mars and forming a afflicted raja yoga, but Mars
and Saturn happen to be Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwara and
whenever they aspect a particular house, then the significances get
affected. Moreover, Mars and Saturn combination is also harmful
to any house. PK Jupiter is also placed in the lllll from Vrischika
confirms the event.

Marriage - Vrischika-Meena
Got married in November 2000 find the marriage was an
unconventional marriage. The dasha running was Vrischika and the
antar dasha was Meena. Vrischika is the 3'" from Brahma showing
neighbourhood and is aspected by DK Venus, GK Sun and MK
Mercury from the Sill house from Brahm a, and is the 3"' from Vrischika

Examples Predicting throughJaimini's Sthira Dasha

showing neighbourhood. Antar dasha is Meena which is 5"' from

Vrischika and y'h from Brahma Vrischika is also the dasha of deep
planning and conspiracies.

Child birth - Vrischika-Meena-Mesha

Birth of a daughter in 2001, in Vrischika dasha and Mesha antar
dasha. Here conception took place in Meena itself, which is the 5*
from Vrischika.

For unconventional marriages, the combination ofDK, GK, MK,
and BK become prominent. OK is the karaka for marriage, GK for
disputes and against the wishes of parents, BK for communication,
short journeys, MK for the parental place.

Events discussed
I. Break in education
2. Marriage
3. Child Birth


The chart is taken for study of Karka lagna and of a lady born
on 21" july 1940 at 6.48 am at Mannargudi. According to her chart,
Brahma is Jupiter, Rudra is Saturn and Maheshwara is the Sun. Here
Brahma is placed in Mesha so the sthira dasha starts with Mesha.
Let us analyse the events through sthira dasha.

Female; DOB:21"July 1940;TOB: 6.48am; Mannargudi

Marriage - Karka-Kumbha
Marriage of the person took place on 6th December 1968 and

Ket JuPBK Ven(R)


lag Sun
Female PK DP MK
21 July 1940
Moon Mannargudi UP


Moon Saturn Jupiter Mars Mercury Sun Venus

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
15'52' 05'05' 24'15' 18°07' 06'57' 19'26' 03' 42' 20•33' 21 °45' 21 °45'

Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha


Sun t.loon

log Ven Mer Jup

Dasha sequence
Brahma Jupiter is located in Mesh a hence Sthira dasha starts
from Mehsa.
Mesha 7 yrs ...................................1940-1947
Rishabha 8 yrs...............................1947-1955
Mithuna 9 yrs................................1955-1964
Karka 7 yrs .....................................1964 -1971
Simha 8 yrs ............. .. .........1971-1979
Kanya 9 yrs ....................................1979-1988
Tula 7 yrs.......................................1988-1995
Vrischika 8 yrs_ .. _ .........................1995-2003

Antardashas of Karka 7 months each

Karka .............................................From July 64 to Feb 65
Simha ............................................From Feb 65 to Sep 65
Kanya ............................................From Sep 65 to April 66
Tula ................................................From April 66 to Nov 66
Vrischika ........................................From Nov 66 to June 67
Dhanu ............................................From June 67 to Jan 68
Makara ..........................................From Jan 68 to Aug 68
Kumbha ........................................From Aug 68 to Mar 69
Meena ........................................... .From Mar 69 to Oct 69
Mesha ............................................From Oct 69 to May 70
Rishabha ...................................... .From May 70 to Dec 70

Antar dashas of Vrischika 8 months each

Vrischika ..................... •..........From July 95 to Mar 96
Dhanu....................................... .From Mar 96 to Nov 96
Makara .................................. .From Nov 96 to July 97
Kumbha..................... .From July 97 to Mar 98
,-predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dash a Examples

thedasha running was Karka and antar dasha was Kumbha. Karka is
the4th rashi from Brahma and has in it PK Mere. MK Mars and GK
Sun. Karka has also darapada in it. Kumbha antar dasha receives
the aspect of DK Venus and is the seventh from Upapada.

Child birth - Karka-Mesha- Vrishabha

Conception In Karka, Mesha major time of pregnancy was in
Vrishabha which is aspected by PK Mercury and with aspect of GK
Sun gave complications during pregnancy birth of a son was on II th
August 1970. The main dasha Karka has PK Mere in it along with
GK Sun and MK Mars and all the karakas are aspecting Vrishabha
which happens to be the 8th from Karka. Brahma and Rudra both
are aspecting the rashi Kumbha showing complications also.

Accident - Vrischika-Kumbha
Met with an accident in October 1997 in the dasha of .Vrischika
and antar dasha of Kumbha both aspected by Brahma, Rudra and
Maheshwara. Vrischika falls in the 11th from Brahma and Rudra
aspected by GK Sun and MK Moon. Vrischika also indicates health
problems and from KumbhaAKis placed in the 12thdearlyexplaining
the event.

4"' from Brahma is the indicator of marriage.
8" and 12"' house indicate health problems and accidents.
Any rashi aspected by BrahmajRudra/Maheshwarasuffers of
the signification.

Events discussed
J. Marriage
2. Child Birth
3. Accident

Simba Lagna

The chart given belongs to a male native born on 13<h

September 1947 at 6 am at Mannargudi. For this chart, Jupiter takes
the responsibility of Brahma and Rudra and Venus takes the
responsibility of Maheshwara. Let us analyse the events one by

Male; DOB: 13"' Sep. 1947; TOB: 6 am; Mannargudi

Death af Father - Kumbha-Mesha
Father died on 29th January 1980in the dasha of Kumbha and

Rah Mar

Male Sat
13 Sep 1947
Gam Lag Moon
Mannargudi OK
Sun BK

DP Ket Jup Mer

Brahm• UP

Jupiter Venus Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Moon

Lag Sun Moan Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
34'03' 26'15' 01"44' 26'02' 08'45' 29'22' 28' 47' 24'03' 02'33' 02'33'

r;:;:,dicfinghrough Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Examples

r.ler Moon Jup


Sat Ket


Ven Sun Lag

Dasha sequence
Brahma Jupiter is placed in Tula, so Sthira Dasha starts from
Tula 7 yrs.......................................1947-54
Vrischika 8 yrs...............................1954-62
Dhanu 9 yrs ....................................1962 -71
Makara 7 yrs ..................................1971-78
Kumbha 8 yrs .............................. ..1978-86

An tar dashas of Kumbha 8 months each

Kumbha .........................................From Sep 78 to May 79
Meena ............................................From May 79 to Jan 80
Mesha ...........................................From Jan 80 to Sep 80
Rishabha .......................................From Sep 80 to May 81
Mithuna ..........................................From May 81 to Jan 82
Karka .............................................From Jan 82 to Sep 82
Simha ..........................................From Sep 82 to May 83
Kanya ............................................From May 83 to Jan 84
Tula.-.... .. .............................From Jan 84 to Sep 84
Mesha. Kumbha is aspected by Brahma and Kumbha happens to
be the 7th from BK Sun and from Kumbha 9th has Brahm a and Mesh a
is the 3'" from Kumbha, 7th from Brahma and also aspected by BK.
In transit also Saturn and Jupiter both influencing BK clearly
shows the event.

Marriage - Kumbha-Tufa
Marriage took place in July 1984 and at that ttme, Kumbha
dasha and Tula antar dasha were running. Kumbha is the 5* from
Brahma and in the 7th house from Kumbha DK Moon and Is placed
with AMK Venus and BK Sun and Kumbha is aspected by PK Saturn
Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

and AK Jupiter and Kumbha is the rashi of DK navamsa. If we see

this from lagna, Kumbha is the 7th and the antar dasha Tula has AK
Jupiter and aspected by DK Moon, AMK Venus and BK Sun.
In transit also Saturn and Jupiter both from Tula influencing
Kumbha confirming the event.

Events discussed
1. Father's Death
2. Marriage

Kanya Lagna

Male; DOB: 4"'May 1969; TOB: 3.00 pm; AI mora

This chart belongs to a male born on 4"' May 1969at 3.00 p m
at AI mora. The total strength of the lagna is 260 and the 7th is also
260. Both the houses have the same strength. We have to take the
longitudes of the lords of these houses. Here lagna lord Mercury is
having higher longitude than the 7th lord is. So the 6"', 8* and I Zd•
lords from lagna is taken and strongest among them will become

DPVen MK Sun Amk Mer PK

Rah Sat

Male pp
4 May 1969

UP Moon Lag JuR

Ml OK Ket
Brahm a

Mars Sun Moon Venus Mercury Saturn Jupiter •

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01'53' 20'1 If 20"15' 23-02' 11'12' 03'13' 17•28' 07-09' 06"11' 06'11'

Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Mer Sat



lag Mar Rah

up Moon

Ven Sun

Dasha sequence
Brahma Mars is placed in Vrischika and hence the Sthira dasha
starts from Vrischika
Vrischika 8 yrs...............................1969-77
Dhanu 9 yrs..................................1977-86
Makara 7 yrs..................................1986-93
Kumbha 8 yrs................................1993-2001

Antar dashas of Dhanu 9 months each

Dhanu .............................................From May 1977 to Feb 78
Makra .............................................From Feb 1978 to Nov 78
Kumbha .........................................From Nov 1978 to Aug 79
Meena ........................................... .From Aug 1979 to May 80
Mesha ......................................... .From May 1980 to Feb 81
Rishabha ...................................... .From Feb 1981 to Nov 81
Mithuna ......................................... .From Nov 1981 to Aug 82
Karka .............................................From Aug 1982 to May 83
Simha ........................................... .From May 1983 to Feb-84
Kanya ........................................... .From Feb 1984 to Nov 84
Tula ................................................From Nov 84 to Aug 85

Antar Dashas of Kumbha 8 months each

Kumbha ...................................... .From May 1993 to Jan 94
Meena ......................................... .From Jan 1994 to Sep 94
Mesha. ............................................From Sep 1994 to May 95
Rishabha .......................................From May 1994 to Jan 96
Mithuna...........................................From Jan 1996 to Sep 96
Karka.................................. :.:~ ..... .From Sep 1996 to May 97
Simha . . . . . .From May 1997 to Jan 98
Kanya From Jan 1998 to Sep 98

Predictingthrough Jaimini's Sthira Dash a Examples

Tula ............................................... .From Sep 1998 to May 99

Vrischika ...................................... .From May 1999 to Jan 2000
Dhanu............................................From Jan 2000 to Sep 2000

Brahma. Here, Saturn is rejected and between Sun and Mars, Mars
is stronger. So Mars becomes Brahma and Rudra as well. 81h lord
from AK is Mercury and is Maheshwara. Let us analyse the events
through sthira dasha.

Sh'ifting - Dhanu-Tula
Shifted to Delhi in July 1985. The rashi dasha running was
Dhanu and antar dash a was Tula. Dhanu is the 2'd house from Brahma
and aspected by MK Venus, OK Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. Any rashi
aspected by MK points out the events pertaining to 41h house and
OK Jupiter indicates distant places. If we analyse the same from the
lagna, then Dhanu is the 4* house aspected by the above karakas.
If we treat Dhanu as the lagna and examine, then the 4"' house has
MKVenus and Rahu in it aspected by OK Jupiter from the 10'h Antar
dasha Tula is 8"' from MK Venus aspected by PK Mercury shows the
incident clearly. In the navamsha, from Brahma and lagna, Dhanu is
the 12"' having MK Venus in it aspected by GK Saturn again shows
the same. Antar dash a Tula is in the 11 "'from dash a as well as the
MK Venus indicating gains from shifting.

Service - Kumbha-Kumbha
Joined service in August 93 in the Kumbha dasha and Kumbha
antar dasha. lt is the 4"' from Brahma, and it is being the giver of
position and profession. Kumbha is aspected by AMK Sun and GK
Saturn. lf we analyse from the lagna then Kumbha is the 6"' aspected
by AMK indicating service. In the Navamsha also Kumbha Is the 2"d
from Brahma and lagna aspected by AMK Sun and PK Mercury again
ensuring a job.

Marriage - Kumbha- Tula

Marriage on 9"' February 1999 and the dasha running was
Kumbha and Tula. Kumbha is the 4"' house from Brahma indicating
marriage. OK Jupiter is placed in Kanya in the retrograde motion
influencing the 7'h from Kumbha and also Tula indicating marriage.
An tar dash a Tula is influed by (R) OK Jupiter and in the 12"' from
Brahma and aspected by PK Mercury. In the navamsha also Kumbha
is the 2"" and Kanya is 9"' both the houses indicating marriage.

Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dash=-1

Child Birth - Kumbho·Dhanu

Birth of a child on s•h March 2000 in the dasha of Kumbha and
Dhanu, major period of pregnancy was in Vrischika which has Brahma
and Rudra in it. Jn the navamsha. Kumbha is aspected by PK Mercury
and Vrischika is also aspected by PK Mercury.

In this chart, all events took place in Kumbha and is the 41h
from Brahma and aspected by many planets which include AK Mars.
AMK Sun with GK Saturn and BK Moon causing afflicted raja yoga.
4:h and Z"' houses always indicate marriage.

Events discussed
1, Shifting
2. Service
3. Marriage
4. Child Birth


Female; DOB: 27* Sep. 1940;TOB: between 9 and 9.30;

This chart is of a lady born on 27* September 1940 between 9
and 9.30. This chart is taken from the book "Predicting through
Karakamsha &. Jaimini's Mandook Dasha" by Mr. K.N. Rao. The
Brahma is determined from the 7th since it has more strength thali
that of the lagna. Mercury is the strongest of the 6th, 8th and 12th
lords and hence becomes Brahma. Among the 2'"' and 8th lords, 8*
lord Venus is strong and hence is Rudra and 8th lord from AK is Mars
and is Maheshwara. The dasha starts with Kanya and let us analyse

Ket JuR DP

Moon PK
27'h Sep 1940 Ven
9 and 9:30am

Mar OK
Lag UP Sun GK
Rah Mer

Mercury Venus Jupiter Saturn Moon Sun Mars

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
00'00' 10'59' 12'40' 01'35' 27'50' 21'48' 26'21' 21'0V 17'57' 17'57'

Examples Predicting through Jaimini 1s Sthira Dasha

Sun Rah



Ketu Sat Jup Mer


Dasha sequence
Brahma mercury is placed in Kanya. Hence this dasha starts
from Kanya.
Kanya 9 yrs....................................1940-49
Tula 7 yrs ......................................1949-56
Vrischika 8 yrs...............................1956-64
Dhanu 9 yrs ....................................1964-73
Makara 7 yrs..................................1973-80
Kumbha 8 yrs ................................1980-88
Meena 9 yrs ...................................1988-97

An tar dashas of Dhanu 9 months each

Dhanu .............................................From Sep 1964 to June 65
Makra ............................................From June 1965 to Mar 66
Kumbha .........................................From Mar 1966 to Dec 66
Meena ............................................From Dec 1966 to Sep 67
Mesha ........................................... .From Sep 1967 to June 68
Rishabha ...................................... From June 1968 to Mar 69
Mithuna. ..........................................From Mar 1969 to Dec 69
Karka............................................. .From Dec 1969 to Sep 70

Antar Dashas of Meena 9 months each

Meena ...........................................From Sep 1988 to June 89
Mesha ............................................From June 89 to Mach 90
Rishabha ...................................... From Mar 1990 to Dec 90
Mithuna...........................................From Dec. 1990 to Sep 91
Karka .........................:.................. From Sep 1991 to June 92

Predicting through Jaimini's Slhira Oasha Examples

the events.

Marriage - Dhanu-Makar
Marriage on 16"' October I %5 and the dasha was Dhanu
Makara. Dhanu is the 4"' from Brahma and is aspected by DK Mars.
7* from Dhanu is also aspected by DK Mars. Makara is the S'h from
Brahma, 2"" from Dhanu and has DK Mars in the 9th, and has DKN in
it, PK Moon in the 7th house explains the event. Makara is the ra5hl
of changes due to marriage, childbirth etc. Dhanu Is the 4"' receiving
the aspect of DK Mars, GK Sun and AK Mercury shows some changes
in the family life.

Child Birth - Dhanu-Meena

First child was born in October 1%7 and the dasha was Dhanu
and antar dasha Meena Mesha. Dhanu is the 4* from Brahma and
antar dasha Meena is 7'h from Brahma and receives the aspect of
DK, GK and AK. From Meena S"' has PK Moon with AMK Venus
explains the event well.
Second child born in the dasha Dhanu and Karka and is
explained in the previous one.

Husband kidnapped - Meena-Karka

Husband kidnapped on October 9 *, 1991 and the dash a
running was Meena and Karka. Meena is the 7"' aspected by DK
Mars who is with the GK Sun and AK Mercury on the Rahu Ketu axis
and from the antar dasha DK Mars which is also Maheshwara with
afflictions explains the event. In the Navamsa Meena in the 7th
from Brahma Mercury which is aspected by Rahu and Ketu and antar
dasha Karaka is aspected by Rudra Venus and GK Sun.

Events discussed
1. Marriage
2. Child Birth
3. Husband Kidnapped

Vri.scbika Lagna

Male; DOB: 21"Sep. 1943; TOB: 11.57 am.;

This chart belongs to a male born on 21" September 1943 at
II :57 am war time. Correction Is made for this chart. The lagna has
the evaluated strength of 230 units and that of the 7u. house is 220
units. From Lagna, the 6u. and au. lords acquired equal strength of
130 units and Brahma is determined by the longitudes of the planets.
Here Mars has higher longitude, so Mars is Brahma. Rudra is Jupiter
and Maheshwara is Saturn. The sthira dasha starts from Rishabha
:;:;,~:O::::::;;;;:!!;;!;:::::.~:::.;::....:.::is:...,p~la:::c:.::e:.::d~. .,. se the events one b
~ Sat OK UP
Brahm• Moon GK

Jup Rah
21 Sep 1943
11:57 am
Ketu VeR BK

lag OKtl Sun


Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury Sun JY1oon Saturn

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
19°29' 04•20' 04 01' 20'50' 11°22' 24.35' 12• 02 03•15' 22•02' 22•02'

predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Examples


Navamsha Mar Ven



Lag Moon Sat

Dasha sequence
Brahma Mars is placed in Rishabha. So Sthira dasha starts from
Rishabha 8 yrs...............................1943-51
Mithuna 9 yrs .................................1951-60
Karka 7 yrs ....................................1960-67
Simha 8 yrs...................................1967-75
Kanya 9 yrs .................................... 1975-84
Tula 7 yrs .......................................1984-91
Vrischika 8 yrs...............................1991-99

Antardahsas of Karka 7 months each

Karka ............................................ .From Sep 1960 to April 61
Simha ........................................... .From April 1961 to Nov 61
Kanya ........................................... .From Nov 1961 to June 62
Tula ...................................:............From June 1962 to Jan 63
Vrischika ......................................From Jan 1963 to Aug 63

Antar Dashas of Simha 8 months each

Simha ..........................................From Sep 1967 to May 68
Kanya ............................................From May 1968 to Jan 69
Tula......... ............. ........... .From Jan 1969to Sep 69
Vrischika ..................................... .From Sep 1969to May 70
Dhanu ........................................... .From May 1970 to Jan 71

4 ntar dasha of Vrischika of 8 months each

Vrischika From Sep 1991 to May 92
Dhanu From May 1992 to Jan 93
Makara From Jan 1993to Sep 93
Kumbha From Sep 1993 to May 94

Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Meena. ........................................... .From May 1994 to Jan 95

Mesha. ........................................ .From Jan 1996 to Sep 95
Rishabha ...................................... .From Sep 1995 to May 96
Mithuna ......................................... .From May 1996 to Jan 97

Job - Karka-Vrischika
first job was on 15°' July 1963 in the dash a ofKarka and Vrischika
antar dasha. Karka is the third rashi from Brahma and Brahma is
also AMK and aspecting Karka which has AK Jupiter and Rahu in the
house of Moon the GK. Vrischika antar dasha is the 7* from Brahma
indicating pada prapti. In the Navamsha, Karka as AMK as well as
Brahma Mars and aspecting Vrischika also, explaining the event.
AMK Mars and AK Jupiter causing raja yoga also.

Marriage - Simha-Dhanu
Marriage was on 21" june 1970 in the dasha of Simha and antar
dasha of Ohanu. Simha is the 4* from Brahma and the antar dasha
Dhanu is seventh from Upapada, s~· from Brahma and aspected by
OK Saturn and PK Sun and MK Mercury. In the navamsha, Simha is
the 2'"' house aspected by OK Saturn.

Health problem - Vrischika-Mithuna

·' Suffered a heart attack on 4 1h January 1997 in the dasha of
Vrischika and antar dasha of Mithuna. Vrischika is the 7on house from
Brahma and lagna itself aspected by AK Jupiter and Rahu, Ketu.
Vrischika itself is the indicator of health upset, bad health. Mithuna
is the 2'"' from Brahma, 8* from lagna which has GK Moon and DK
Saturn. In the navamsha, Vrischika is the 5* from Brahma and has
GK Moon in it aspected by Brahma and Mithuna is the 12"' from
Brahma explaining the event.

Marriage took place in the rashi dasha of 4'" and Bh and in the '
navamsha zoct house all the houses are relevant to marriage only.

Events discussed
1. Job
2. Marriage
3. Health problem

DIJanu Lagna

Female; DOB: 16'hJan. 1957;TOB: 4.50 am;

The following chart belongs to a lady born on 16"' January 1957
at 4.50 AM. According to the rashi bala 7•h house is strong and 6"'
lord Mars is the strongesr and is the Brahma. Rudra for the chart is
Moon and Venus is Maheshwara. Sthira dasha starts from Meena
and let us examine the events one by one.

Ket Moon

Female UP
16th Jan 1957
4.50 am
Sun OK

l•g Ven R•h s.t JupGK


Moon Mercury Saturn Venus Jupiter Sun

la~na Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
_06'12'03'1!28'10' 29'44' 19'46' 08'32' 11'32' 17°39' 03'46' 03'"46'

Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Lag Moon

Ket Ven

Sun Rah

Sat Mer

Dasha Sequence
Brahma Mars is located in Meena. Hence Sthira dasha starts
from Meena.
Meena 9 yrs..................................1957-66
Mesha 7 yrs ...................................1966-73
Rishabha 8 yrs...............................1973-81
Mithuna 9 yrs .................................1981-90
Karka 7 yrs.....................................1990-97
Simha 8 yrs....................................1997-2005

Antar dashas of Meena 9 months each

Meena............................................ .From Jan 1957 to Oct 57
Simha ........................................... .From Aug 1957 to July 58

An tar Dasha of Mithuna9 Months each

Mithuna .........................................From Jan 1981 to Oct 81
Karka .............................................From Oct 1981 to July 82
Simha ............................................From July 1982 to April 83

An tar dashas of Karka 7 months each

Karka ...........................................From Jan 1990 to Aug 90
Simha ............................................From Aug 1990 to Mar 91
Kanya ............................................From Mar 1991 to Oct 91
Tula ......... ___ .... _.... .From Oct 1991 to May 92
Vnschka ..................................From May 1992 to Dec 92
Dhanu....................·.. :.- .............. From Dec. 1992 to July 93
Makara _ _. __ . _____ .From July 1993 to Feb 94
Kumbha ........................................From Feb 1994 to Sep 94

predictmp. through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Examples

Health problem and accident - Mccna-Mesha

Swallowed a pebble exactly on the first birthday and the dasha
running was Meena dasha and Mesha antar dasha. Meena has
Brahma Mars in it and aspected by Rudra Moon. Maheshwara Venus
and GK Jupiter. 8th from Meena is aspected by only Ketu and devoid
of any other benefic influences. All the above said factors also indicate
health problems and other evil effects as far as health is concerned.
Antar dasha Mesha is aspected by Rahu, Mesha is the Z'"' house
from Brahma also a maraka house, 8th from Mesha Rahu and MK
Saturn which is Karaka for 4th house showing accidents explains
the event.
Metwith an accident in May 1982 in the Maha dasha of Mithuna
and antar dasha of Karka. Mithuna is the 4* from Brahma Mars and
aspected by GK Jupiter and is 8"' from afflicted MK Saturn. Antar
dasha Karka again aspected by afflicted MK Saturn. In the navamsha
also Mithuna has Rudra Moon in it, 4'h from Brahma Mars aspected
by GK Jupiter, and antar dasha Karka has Maheshwara Venus in it
and aspected by Ketu explains the event.

Marriage - Karka-Kumbha
Marriage was on 19"' May 1993 in the dasha of Karka and antar
dasha of Kumbha. Karka is the S"' from Brahma and the 7tl• from
DKN Karka has Upapada in it and DK Sun is placed in 7th house.
Anatar Dasha Kumbha is 9th Darapada Z"" from DK Sun. In the
Navamsa Kumbha is aspected by PK Venus and the dasha Karka has
PK in it. Both the houses are relevant to indicate the incident.

In this case all kinds of accidents occurred with the influence
of Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwara and also afflicted MK.

Events discussed
1. Accident
2. Marriage

Makara Lagna

Male; DOB: 14,;, Dec. 1946; TOB: 9.27 am.; New Delhi.
This chart belongs to a male born on 14<h December 1946at
9.27 am. in New Delhi. According to the procedure of computing
graha bala and rashi bala, the 7th house came out to be stronger.
From the 6th, S<h and 12<h lords, Mercury is the strongest and is the
Brahma and also Maheshwara. Sun is Rudra. The sthira dasha starts

SP Rah

Male SaR
14 Dec 1946
New Delhi
lag lloon

Mar DK Ket Sun Jup BK DP

Mer Von

Sun Venus Jup Saturn Moon Mercury Mare

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01 "24' 28"26' 12"30" 04°24" 08°19' 23°52" 24° 39" 15°16' 18"35' 18035'

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Examples

Sun Jup Von Roh




Ket Sot Mir

Dasha Sequence
In this chart Brahma is Mercury and is located In Vrischika and
hence. The Sthira Dasha starts for Vrischika.
Vrischika 8 yrs.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ....1946-54
Dhanu 9 yrs....................................1954-63
Makara 7 yrs ..................................1963-70
Kumbha 8 yrs................................1970-78
Meena 9 yrs...................................1978-87

Antar dashas of Dhanu 9 months each

Dhanu ............................................ .From Dec 1954 to Sep 55
Makara ......................................... .From Sep 1955 to June 56
Kumbha .......................................From June 1956 to March 57
Meena ........................................... .From March 1957 to Dec 57
Mesha .. :.........................................From Dec. 1957 to Sep 58
Rishabha ..................................... .From Sep 1958 to June 59
Mithuna ......................................... .From June 1959 to March 60
Karka ............................................ .From March 1960 to Dec 60
Simha ............................................From Dec 1960 to Sep 61

Antar dashas of Kumbha 8 months each

Kumbha ........................... .From Dec 1970 to Aug 71
Meena............................................ .From Aug 1971 to April 72
Mesha.............................................From April 1972 to Dec 72
Rishabha ...................................... .From Dec 1972 to Aug 73
Mithuna ..........................................From Aug 1973 to April 74
Karka .............................................From April 1974 to Dec 74

An tar dashas of Meena 9 months each

Meena . . . . . . . . . . .From Dec 1978 to Sep79

Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dash

Mesha ............................................From Sep 1979 to June 80

from Vrischika as Brahma Mercury is placed there. Let us analyse

the events.

Death of father - Dhanu-Karka

His father died on 9"' September 1960and the dasha operating
was Dhanu and the antar dasha of Karka. Dhanu is the 2nd from
Brahm a and Karka is the 9th from Brahma. From BK Jupiter, Dhanu is
the 3•d and Karka is the 10"' house. 2"" house is the mar aka house.
From 9P Karka is 7th house and from BK Jupiter it is I O"' house which
is bad for father's health.
In the navamsha, Dhanu is the 8th house from BK Jupiter and
Karka is the 3'd aspected by Rudra, Brahma and Maheshwara.

Marriage - Kumbha-Karka
Marriage was on 29th September 1974 in Kumbha dasha and
Karka antar dasha. Kumbha falls in the 4"' house from Brahma
Mercury and Karka is the 9"' house from Brahma. Kumbha is also
7th Upapada and 2"" from Kumbha has PK Moon in it shows the
event. Karka , the rashi of Moon who is PK also here. In the
Navamsha, Kumbha is aspected by PK Moon and Karka has PK Moon
in it.

Child birth - Moona-Mosha

Birth of son on 13"' March 1980 in Meena dasha and Mesh a
antar dasha. Meena is the su. from Brahma/Rudra and Maheshwara
aspected by DK Mars and also th 5P. Mesh a is aspected by PK Moon.
In the navamsha, PK Moon is placed in the 5* from Meena explains
the event.

In this, 4'h house plays an important role in marriage. 5* house
from Rudra plays an important role in child birth.

Events discussed
I. Father's death
2. Marriage
3. Child birth

Examples Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Oasha

S•t Moon

R•h Mar
l•g Ket

Mer Sun Ven


Dasha sequence
For this chart Brahma is Mercury and is located in Dhanu and
hence the Sthira dasha starts from Dhanu.
Dhanu 8 yrs ....................................1955-64
Makara 7 yrs ..................................1964-71
Kumbha 8 yrs ................................1971-79
Meena 9 yrs ...................................1979-88
Mesha 7 yrs...................................1988-95
Rishabha 8 yrs...............................1995-2003
Mithuna 9 yrs............................... 2003-2012

Antar dashas of Mesha 7 months each

Mesha.............................................From Jan 1988 to Aug 88
Rishabha. .......................................From Aug 1988 to Mar 89
Mithuna. ......................................... .From Mar 1989 to Oct 89
Karka. .............................................From Oct 1989 to May 90
Simha ........................................... .From May 1990 to Dec 90
Kanya ........................................... .From Dec 1990 to July 91
Tula. ............................................... .From July 1991 to Feb 92
Vrishabha ..................................... .From Feb 1992 to Sep 92
Dhanu............................................ .From Sep 1992 to April 93
Makra ............................................From April 1993 to Nov 93
Kumbha ........................................ .From Nov 1993 to June 94
Meena ........................................... .From June 1994 to Jan 95

Marriage - Mcsha-Makar
Marriage was on 19<~> May 1993 in the dasha of Mesha and
antar dasha of Makara. Mesha is the 5"' from Brahma Mercury and
aspected by PK Venus. which is also the natural karaka for marriage.
Kumbba Lagna

Male; DOB: 6"'Jan. 19SS;TOB: 9.31 am.;

The following chart belongs to a male born on 6"'January 1955
at 9.31 a m.gTaha bala and rashi bala computation, lagna is strong.
From the lagna, among 6*. Bth and 12"' lords, Mercury and Saturn
gain equal strength. As Saturn is not considered for Brahma, Mercury
becomes Brahma. Mercury also takes the additional responsibility
of Rudra and Sun becomes Maheshwara. Brahma Mercury is placed
in Dhanu and hence sthira dasha starts from Dhanu. Let us analyse
the events through sthira dasha.

Mor OP Moon Ktl


l•g Male JuR

6th Jan 1955 UPOKN

Sun Mor S•t

Von R•h

Mercury Saturn Sun Moon Venus Jupiter Mars

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
12•1r 21•49· 1go3s· oo•17' 2a•so· o2osa· os•4o· 25•33' 12-23· 12-23·

predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Examples

Mesha also has DP in it. Antar dasha Makara is the 2'" from Brahma
and this also is aspected by PK Venus, which is also 7th from Upapada
and DKN. Both the houses are suggestive of marriage. Makara is
the house of changes. In the navamsha chart also Mesha is the 5 11 '
from Brahma and Makara is the 2'"' from Brahma Mercury and also
the I - 7 axis of DK Mars it also is the 2nct house from Brahma
navamsa. In the same period, there was shifting of house. From
the main dash a Mesha, Rahu, GK Jupiter and also DK Mars afflict 4~~>
house. Makara again indicates changes explains both the events.

Health problem to father - Mesha-Meena

Father suffered from ill health in July 1994. The main dasha
was Mesha and the antar dasha was Meena. From Brahma Mercury,
Mesha again falls in the 5th and from the dash a Mesh a BK Sun in the
9* house is in Rahu Ketu axis. Antar dasha Meena is also aspected
by Rudra and Brahma Mercury and Maheshwara Sun and in this case
Sun is also BK. In the navamsha also Mesha is Slh from Brahma
Mercury. BK as well as Maheshwara is debilitated and from this
Mesha falls in the 7* and serves as a mar aka house. Meena falls in
the 61h house BK Sun explains the event.

Events discussed
I. Marriage
2. Health problem to father


Male; DOB: 25* August 1930;

This chart belongs to a male born on 25th August 1930.
According to the graha bala, rashi bala computation, 7th house is
strong. From this, the 12'h lord is stronger than 6* and Sth lords are.
12"' lord is the Sun and is Brahma to this chart. Venus is the Rudra
and Jupiter is Maheshwara. Brahma Sun is in Simha. Sthira dasha
starts from Simha.

Marriage - Tula-Makar

Lag Rah Mars OK

Jup BK

25th Aug 1930 Brahm a
gp Sun PK
Moon AL

SaRMK Ket MerVen


Moon Venus Jupiter Saturn Sun Mercury Mars

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
27'05' 08°42' 29'57' 05°14' 05'55' 19'47'24'06' 12'34' 03'27' 03'27'

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Oasha Examples

Ra~ Sun

Mer Sat


Moon r.lar Ket

Dasha sequence
For this chart Brahm a is Sun and in located in Simha and hence
Sthira dasha starts from Simha.
Simha 8 yrs....................................1930-38
Kanya 9 yrs....................................1938-47
Tula 7 yrs .......................................1947-54
Vrishabha 8 yrs ..............................1954-62
Dhanu 9 yrs ....................................1962-71
Makra 7 yrs....................................1971-78
Kumbha 8 yrs ................................1978-86
Antar dashas of tufa 7 yrs months each
Tula..........................................From Aug 1947 to March 48
Vrishabha ......................................From March 1948 to Oct 48
Dhanu.............................................From Oct 1948 to May 49
Makra ............................................From May 1949 to Dec 49\....._
Antar dashas of Makra 7 months each
Makra ..................................From Aug 1971 to Mar72
Kumbha............................... From Mar 1972 to Aug 72
Meena ....................................From Oct 1972 to May 73
Antar t~ashas of Kumbha 8 months each

Kumbha ........................................From Aug 1978 to April 79

Meena ............................................From April 1979 to Dec 79
Mesha............................... .From Dec 1979 to Aug 80
Rishabha .............- From Aug 1980 to April 81
Mithuna ................. From April 1981 to Dec 81
Karka ..................... From Dec 1981 to Aug 82
Simha .. From Aug 1982 to April 83
Kanya From April 1983 to Dec 83
Tula From Dec 1983 to Aug 84
Vrishabha From Aug 1984 to April 85

Examples Predicting throughJaimini's Sthira Dasha

Marriage took place on 2nd June I 949 in the dasha of Tula and
antar dasha of Makara. Tula in general is the indicator of prosperity
and aspected by PK Sun and AK Moon. Upapada falls in Tula and
from this OK Mars in the 9th house. Makara also aspected by the
same planets and is the rashi of changes. From Brahma Sun, Tula Is
the 3'" house and Makara is 6* from Brahma. Here both the rashis
do not fall in the houses suggesting marriage and related matters.
But in the navamsha, Tula is the 5"' from Brahma and OK Mars Is 2'"'
house aspecting the 7th house and Makara is the s<~~ and aspected
by the natural karaka for marriage Venus. Makara is aspected by OK
Mars explain the event indirectly.

Father's death Makar-Meena

Father died in November 1972in the dasha of Makara and antar
dash a of Meena. Makara is the 6'Jo from Brahma Sun, Is 8* from BK
Jupiter which is also Maheshwara, 9P falls In from Makara 9th house
GK also with Amk. Makara again suggesting changes from births,
deaths etc. Meena is in the 8th from Brahm a and IQ<h from BK Jupiter
as well as Maheshwara. and Is also aspected by Jupiter and GK
Mercury, Meena Is 3'" from 9P. In the navamsha, Makara falls In
the 8'1' from Brahma Sun and Meena has BK as well as Maheshwara
Jupiter in it. In both the cases Makara as well as Meena fall in the 6th
and 8th from the Sun, the natural Karaka for father explains the event.

Mother's death - Kumbha-Vrischika

Mother died in December 1984 in the dasha of Kumbha and
antar dash a of Vrischika. Kumbha falls in the 7th from Brahma Sun
aspected by Rahu and Ketu, antar dash a Vrischika is the 4 * from
Brahma Sun, aspected by Rahu. Kumbha talis in the 3•• from MK
Saturn and antar dasha falls in the 12<~~ from MK Saturn and4P from
Kumbha afflicted by Ketu. In the navamsha, Kumbha falls in the 9th
from Brahma Sun, but is the 8th from MK Saturn and aspecting
Vrischika which has Mars and Ketu in it. 4ch from Vrischika is also
afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. In the navamsa also 4th from Kumbha
has Rahu and aspected by GK Mercury and MK Saturn explains the

Events discussed
I. Marriage
2. Father's death
3. Mother's death

Enlarged Portraits

India's Independence cbart

Let us take up the chart of India's independence for analysis

through Sthira Dasha. From the graham bala and rashi bala
computation, the lagna becomes strong with 350 units. Among the
6th, 8th and JZ<h lords Jupiter is the strongest with 140 units, thus
becoming Brahma and also Rudra. 8th lord from AK is Saturn, and is
Maheshwara for this chart. Brahma Jupiter is located in Tula, and is
the dash a starts from here. Now let us analyse the events through (
sthira dasha. Brahma of this chart is in Tula so is in Tula in the chart \
of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, shows the connection of both his and India's
destiny. Tula dasha operated from August 47 till 1954.
Maharaja of Kashmir accedes to Indian Sovereignty in Nov
1947. The dash a operating at that time was Tula and Tula antar dasha.
1 Oth from Tula is strong with so many planets thereby making

lag Rah Mar

Moon Mer
Indian SalVen
Independence Sun
15 Aug 1947

Ket Jup

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha



Ven Sat !.loon Ke!

Mar ~, ..

Sun Jupiter Venus Satum Mercury Mars Moon
Brahma Rudra Maheshwara
Jupiter Jupiter Saturn

everyone to agree for the Sovereignty. lOth house also indicates

sovereignty. Tula has AMK as well as Brahma and Rudra Jupiter thus
making the country strong with power. In the Navamsha chart 10th
from Tula is again involved in raja yoga with the aspect of AMK
Jupiter and PK Mercury from the 2nd and 8th house confirms the
event. In the II th House has DK Moon and Ketu having the aspect
of MK Saturn and BK Venus from the 4th House. In Dasamasha Tula
has BK in it and lOth from Tula has PK in it which is also a raja yoka
karka. 9th from Tula has AmK Jupiter having the aspect of both AK
and MK. Thus enhancing the furtune of the country.

Adoption of Constitution - Tu/a-Kumbha

New constitution adopted on 26th January 1950 and signed
and came into force in March 1950. The dasha operating at t hat
time was Tula and Kumbha antar dasha. Tula is where Brahma as
well as Rudra Jupiter is located. Antar dasha Kumbha receives the
aspect of Brahm a and Rudra Jupiter. It is the 5th house from Tula and
1Oth from lagna. 6th house governs adoption of any new project.
So the main dasha is the 6th from lagna is the indicator of this. Here
Jupiter is also happened to be the AMK and any house having AMK
shows prosperity and also aspects the antar dasha Kumbha, and it
receives the aspects of other karakas from the I Oth from Brahm a
narrates the event clearly. In the navamsha 6th from Tula has AK
Sun. having the aspect ofGK Mars. and Tula itself receives the aspect

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portratts

of AMK Jupiter and Rahu the karaka for the 6th house.

First Railway Budget - Tufa-Karka

First Railway Budget presented in January 1948. The dasha
running was Tula and the antar dasha was karka. For Tula I don't
have to explain again and karka has all the planets, making it strong,
and one among them is MK Saturn, represents vehicles and related
activities. Karka is the 3rd from lagna and 1Oth from Tula showing
both activities and action.

Indo-China war - Dhanu-Dhanu

Indo-China war happened in January J 963, in the dash a and
antar dasha of Dhanu. Dhanu is the 3rd from Brahma and receives
the aspect of GK Mars, third being the neighborhood, got afflicted.
Dhanu, in Jaimini system is mysterious, and the rashi of sudden
happenings. This is also the 8th from lagna, and from this rashi 8th
house has MK, here also Maheshwara Saturn is located with other
karakas. This receives the aspect of Rahu and Ketu, indicates troubles
to the karakas concerned. 8th house is also concerned about war.
battle field injuries etc. It is also the 12th from the fourth house from
Brahma, indicates clearly the troubles to the land. In the navamsha,
Dhanu is the 8th from Brahma, GK Mars is located and AK Sun casts
its aspect, again confirms the event. In the navamsha Dhanu is the
3rd having GK Mars and casting the aspect on AK Sun in the 4th
house confirms the event.

Death of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru - Dhanu-Kumbha

Jawaharlal Nehru died on 27th May 1964. The dasha operating
at that time was Dhanu and Kumbha. Dhanu is the 3rd from Brahma,
and antar dasha Kumbha is also in the 3rd from Dhanu. Principles
related to Dhanu have been explained already and Kumbha is the
8th from MK and also Maheshwara Saturn and is the 3rd from Dhanu
itself, receives the aspect of many planets from Karka. This rashi is
also influenced by Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwara. It indicates the
changes in the administration, as it is being the lOth from the lagna.

Indo-Pakistan war - Dhanu-Mesha

Indo-Pakistan war started on 1st of September 1965 in the
dasha of Dhanu and the antar dasha of Mesha. Dhanu is the 3rd
from Brahma and is influenced by GK Mars. Dhanu is the 6th rashi
from the position of MK Saturn. It is also considered to be the
mysterious dasha in Jaimini, and the 6th house shows enmity and

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

GK Mars is located in the 7th from it. It is also the 8th rashi from the
lagna indicating battles, war, and related happenings. The antar dasha
Mesha is the 7th rashi from Brahma, 12th from the lagna, and Ketu
alone influences it. Mesha is also the dasha of disturbances. The
positioning of these rashis indicates problems to the territories of
the country. Maheshwara as well as MK Saturn is in the 4th from
Mesha and 8th from Dhanu explains the situation.

India won world cup - Kumbha-Kanya

India won world cup cricket in Kumbha dasha and Kanya antar
dasha. Kumbha is the 5th from Brahma and Rudra Jupiter and receives
the aspect of all raja yoga causing planets from the 1Oth house. 5th
is also for enhanced dignity and achievements. The 3rd from Kanya
receives the aspect of again all raja yoga causing planets explains
the event.

Earthquake on 22nd April 1997 - Mesha-Mithuna

Earthquake on 22nd April J997, on this day the dasha operating
was Mesha and the antar dasha was Mithuna. Mesha is the 7th
from Brahma, and Rudra Jupiter, and from Maheshwara it is the
1Oth. Ketu alone influences to make it weak. From MK Mithuna is
the 12th and GK Mars is located thus indicating trouble to the relevant
karaka. In the navamsha also Mithuna is the 6th from MK Saturn
explains the event.

Launching of Satellite - Mesha-Karka

On 4th June 1997 a satellite was launched, and the dasha was
Mesha and Karka antardasha. Both the signs are in kendras to Brahm a
Jupiter. From Mesha, Karka is the 4th having MK Saturn as well as
other raja yoga karakas making it strong, and this is the rashi
belonging to the Moon also.

Gujarat earthquake - Mesha-Makar

Gujarat earthquake on Z6<hJanuary 2001, on this day the dash a
operating was Mesh a and the antar Dasha of Makara. Makara is the
4th from Brahma and Rudra Jupiter, receiving the aspect of Ketu
again and is weak. In the navamsha Makara has MK as well as
Maheshwara Saturn, and receives the aspect of Brahma and Rudra
Jupiter, and Ketu explains the event effectively.

Enlarged Portraits -
India's Two Main Political Parties

Congress (I)

Can the fortunes of political parties be seen and predicted

through Sthira Dasha? On an experimental basis, it can be seen
here as the recent history of these two main parties, the Congress
and the Bharatiya Janata Party are available here.
The horoscope of the Congress Party used here is the correct
one as in the year 1978 when Srimati Indira Gandhi split the party
and formed her own party, it was called Congress (1), "1° standing for
Indira. On the basis of this horoscope, Sri KN. Rao has made many
successful predictions, clearly predicting its debacle first in 1989
and then in 19%. This party has been struggling to gain power at
the centre for the last seven years since 19%.
Give here is the horoscope, Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwara
together with the Sthira Dasha sequence. It is necessary to see the

L•g Ket 4P 6P Jup(R)

9P 11P

UPSP Congress (I) M31(R) OP

2 Jan 1978
OP Delhi S•~R)

Ven Sun Mel Moon

lOP SP 2P Rah PL

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Mercury Sun Mars Moon Venus Saturn Jupiter
Brahma Rudra Maheshwara
Sun Venus Mercury

antardashas at the time of elections to understand its successes and


Sthira dasha with antardashas

Dhanu antardashas (1978 to 1987)

Dhanu................ Jan 1978 to Oct 1978 AMK is here
Makara .............. Oct 1978 to Jul 1979 Period of revival and in
Kumbha ............. Jul 1979 to Apr 1980 January 1980 captured
Meena ................ Apr 1980 to Jan 1981 power.
Mesha................. Jan 1981 to Oct 1981
Vrisha ................ Oct 1981 to Jul 1982
Mithuna .............. Jul 1982 to Apr 1983
Karka ................. Apr 1983 to Jan 1984
Simha .................Jan 1984 to Oct 1984
Kanya..................Oct 1984 to Jul 1985 Death of Mrs. Gandhi
Tula .....................Jul 1985 to Apr 1986 Rajiv succeeded
Vrischika ............ Apr 1986 to Jan 1987

Makara antardashas (/987 to 1994)

Makara ...............Jan 1987 to Aug 1987 Bofors Scandal etc.
Kumbha ............. Aug 1987 to Apr 1988
Meena ................ Apr 1988 to Nov 1988
Mesha ................ Nov 1988 to May 1989
Vrisha ................ .May 1989 to Dec 1989 Loss of power.
Mithuna .............. .Dec 1989 to Jul 1990 V.P. Singh, then
Karka ..................Jul 1990 to Feb 1991 Chandrasekhar Succeed
Simha .................Feb 1991 to Sep 1991 Regained power.
Kanya ................. Sep 1991 to Apr 1992 Rajiv killed on 21 May
Tula .. ,.................. Apr 1992 to Nov 1992 1991
Vrischika ............ Nov 1992 to Jun 1993
Dhanu................ Jun 1993 to Jan 1994

Kumbha antardashas (1994 to 2002)

Kumbha . . Jan 1994 to Sep 1994

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portraits

Meena .................Sep 1994 to May 1995

Mesha ~ ................May 1995 to Jan 1996
Vrisha. .................Jan 1996 to Sep 1996 Lost power
Mithuna. ...............Sep 1996 to May 1997 AmK is in 8'h house.
Karka ................. .May 1997 to Jan 1998
Simha ................ Jan 1998 to Sep 1998
Kany a. .................Sep 1998 to May 1999
Tula .......... .May 1999 to Jan 2000
Vrischika ............ Jan 2000 to Sep 2000
Dhanu ..................Sep 2000 to May 2001
Makar.................. .May 2001 to Jan 2002

Meena antardashas (2002 to 2011)

Meena ................ Jan 2002 to Oct 2002
Mesha .................Oct 2002 to Jul 2003
Vrisha. ................ Jul 2003 to Apr 2004
Mithuna .............. Apr 2004 to Jan 2005
Karka ................. Jan 2005 to Oct 2005
Simha. ................ .Oct 2005 to Jul 2006
Kanya ................ Jul 2006 to Apr 2007
Tula .................... Apr 2007 to Jan 2008
Vrischika..............Jan 2008 to Oct 2008
Dhanu................. .Oct 2008 to Jul 2009
Makara. .............. Jul 2009 to Apr 2010
Kumbha ............. Apr 2010 to Jan 2011

Some Events Explained

Revival of the Party in January 1980

Srimati Indira Gandhi was defeated in March 1977 and was

the first ever Prime Minister to lose elections and become an ex-
prime minister. Her party, Congress was defeated badly in northern
India while it did well in Andhra, Karnataka, Maharastra. Yet, it had
to sit in opposition for the first time in its history. What were the
chances of the party getting revived and capturing power was
Srimati Indira Gandhi had to share the largest part of the blame
and her son Sanjay Gandhi for this defeat because of her infamous
National Emergency of 1975 June. She decided to split the party
and form her own which is what has been given and is being

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dash a

Rashi Bala Graha Bala

Meena (250) Sun(140) Brahma, AMK
Mesha (160) Moon(120)
Vrisha(140) Mars(80)
Mithuna(290) Mer(160) Maheshwara, AK
Karaka (21 0) Jup(70)
Simha (190) Ven(1 00) Rudra
Kanya (290) Sat(1 00)
Tula (120)
Vrishchika (250)
Dhanu (270)
Makar (240)
Kumbha (140)

The opening dasha of Dhanu proved very fortunate for ths

party as it contains Amatyakaraka and is also strong. It was in this
dasha that the party captured power and continued to remain in
power till 1989 though it was split into two periods, the first from
1980 to October 1984, the Indira era and from October 1984 to
November 1989 the Rajiv era.

Period of revival - Ohanu-Makar

Dhanu is the rashi where Amk as well as Brahma Sun Is placed,
is with Rudra/PK Venus forming a Rajyoga. Dhanu has 10th Pada
also. Above all this combination receives the aspect of OK Jupiter
MK Moon Rah/Ketu. When a rashi is influenced by So many planets
become strong and in this case also it happened from Dhanu AK/
Maheshawara Mercury is in the 12th house also shows struggles
1Oth from Dhanu is Kanya and MK Moon with Rahu this receiving
the aspect of Rajyoga Karakas as well as Brahma and Rudra. But
11th from Dhanu is influenced by only GK Saturn from its inimical
house thus not promising good gains. Dhanu also shows sudden
happenings and also dasha of mysteries. Now revival took place in
Makar antardasha which is the dasha of changes. This is also
influenced by AK/Maheshwara Mercury in GK Saturn which took
shape after struggles. It is the dasha of 2nd house from Brahm a but
not influenced by Rajyoga, but the aspect a of AK Mercury shows
changes in personality and growth. GK Saturns aspect also shows
changes in Personality. 2nd house family learning etc. In the
navamsha also Makar is the Sth from Brahma and aspected by many
In 1980 came to power in the dasha of Dhanu and Kumbha.
Dhanu is explained already. Kumbha is 3rd from Brahma and Dhanu
Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portraits

showing activities efforts, in the having aspect of BK Mars. 11th

from Kumbha again has all the Rajyoga causing planets, 10th having
AK/Maheshwara Mercury and receiving the aspect of BK Mars. In
the navamsa Kumbha receives the aspect of PK/Rudra Venus, 1Oth
from it has BK Mars DK Jupiter and again aspected by PK/Rudra
Venus. In the D-10 chart Kumbha is 10th from Brahma and 10th
from it receives the aspect of AK/Maheswara Mercury, PK/Rudra
Venus and Ketu explains the event.

Death of Mrs Gandhi - Dhanu-Kanya

Dhanu has Brahma and Rudra in it and aspecting Kanya. Kanya
is lOth from Dhanu and Brahma. 10th house represents head, leader,
leadership, power, etc. In Jaimini system of Astrology any rashi
dasha or antardasha shows events related to the personality
represented by the rashi; events particularly health problems, death
etc, the other events are the significances indicated by the house
concerned. Here Kanya represents head, leader, leadership etc. It
is in the Rahu-Ketu axis. MK Moon is located and receiving the
aspects of many planets, particularly Brahma and Rudra. 8th house
from Kanya is aspected by 1Oth AK/Maheshwara Mercury and GK
Saturn from the 3rd house and 12th house respectively indicates
accidents or violence on the person concerned, and this rashi is also
the Brahma navamsa leading to arishta. In the navamsa, Kanya is
aspected by all the planets Brahma and Maheshwara all these factors
indicate misfotune to the head.

Bofors scandal - Makara-Makara

Makara is the 2nd house from Brahma indicating financial
position, money etc. Makra has DP in it which shows public image
and impression about oneself Makra is the rashi is changes and is
aspected by GK Saturn from Simha the 8th house 8th house is the
house of scandals. 6th house from Makara is Vrisha is aspected by
BK Mars. 12th house from Makara is Dhanu and has Amk/Brahma
Sun and PK/Rudra Venus. Both these planets in this case are 8th
and 5th houses in the 12th house indicating scandals. In the navamsa
also Makara is the Sth and is aspected by BK Mars, DK Jupiter, MK
Moon and GK Saturn. 12th house also is in Rahu Ketu axis and is
aspected by Brahma and Maheshwara. 5th house is mind, and when
it is afflicted by GK will give tendency to have polluted mind and
participating in scandulous activities.
Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Low of Power - Mokoro-Vrisho

Explanation about Makara is already given. 1Oth from Makara
is aspected by GK Saturn from the 8th and no other influence is
there. Amk Sun &. PK Venus are in the 12th house from Makara
indicates loss of power. Antar dasha Vrisha is aspected by only BK
and in not involved in any raja yoga. In the same way 10th from
Vriha is also not invoved in any raja yoga and only aspected by BK
and Strength of Vrisha in also moderate, is the 6th from Brahma and
Rudra. In the navamsa Vrisha has GK Saturn and MK Moon and
aspected by PK/Venus is sutficient to explain the event.

Regained power; Rajiv died - Makara Simha

1Oth from Makara is aspected by GK Saturn from 8th house
Simha is the 8th having GK Saturn with no other influences and is
the 9th from Amk/Brahma Sun &. PK/Rudra Venus, 10th from AK/
Maheshwara Mercury, BK Mars is in the 12th from Simha and aspects
the lOth house from Simha. 9th from Brahma is good for acquisition
of power and at the same time it also shows misfortunes to the
individual concerned. Simha is also the rashi of acquisition of power,
loss of power, climbing and falling the heights and when it happens
to be 8th indicates accident to the individuals concerned. From Makra
Simha is 8th house which is lagna Rajiv Gandhi. In the navamsa
Makara is 5th from Brahma and Simha is the 12th from Brahma and
no planets in influencing the rashi thus making it weak. 8th from
Simha has debilitated AK/Maheshwara influnced by Rahu-Ketu,
Brahma/AmkSun. AK's placement in the 8th house is not good for
longevity. It is clear that both the rashis indicate the events clearly.

Loss of power - Kumbha-Vrisha

Kumbha is the 3rd from Brahama which is weak with J40units
of strength compared to Brahma. Kumbha has both upapada and
8th pada and aspected by retrograde BK Mars from the 6th house.
Kumbha has no raja yoga and 1Oth from it has Mercury AK/
Maheshwara and aspected by weak BK Moon- In the navamsha
also Kumbha is the 6th from Brahma and aspected by PK/Rudra
Venus. Again Venus is in the from Kumbha Amk Sun is also in
the 8th house from Kumbha Vrisha is already explained.

Enlarged Portraits

Bbarati~a Janata Part~


Originally, the Jana Sangha, the Bharatiya Janata Party born in

April 1980, should be treated as a new party for astrological analysis.
Just as in the case of the Congress(!) of 1978, we have to ignore the
horoscope of Jana Sangha and see the present horoscope for the
achievements and failures of this party. It all being recent history,
the achievements and the failures of this party can also be seen
through Sthira Dasha.

Sun DP Ven Lag

Brahm a

Ket Mer BJP 4P

9P 6 Aprii19SO
10 p 11:45 Mar(R)
Delhi Jup(R)

5P liP Moon 3PPL

Saturn Moon Mercury Sun Venus Jupiter Mars
Brahma Rudra Maheshwara
Sun Saturn Jupiter

·--· VOUG!L~ Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Sthira Dasha

Antardashas of Vrisha (1980 to 1988)

Vrisha ................ Apr 1980 to Dec 1980
Mitnuna............... Dec 1980 to Aug 1981
Karka ................. Aug 1981 to Apr 1982
Simha ............... Apr 1982 to Oec 1982
Kanya................. Dec 1982 to Aug 1983
Tula .....................Aug 1983to Apr 1984
Vrischika .............Apr 1984 to Dec 1984
Dhanu................. Dec 1984 to Aug 1985
Makara ...............Aug 1985 to Apr 1986
Kumbha ............. Apr 1986to Dec 1986
Meena ................ Dec 1986 to Aug 1987
Mesha ................ Aug 1987to Apr 1988

Antardashas of Mithuna ( 1988 to /997)

Mithuna ............ Apr 1988 to Jan 1989
Karka ..................Jan 1989 to Oct 1989 Joined coalition at centre
Simha .................Oct 1989 to Jul 1990
Kanya .................Jul 1990 to Apr 1991 Withdrew
Tula .................... Apr 1991 to Jan 1992
Vrischika .............Jan 1992 to Oct 1992
Dhanu..................Oct 1992 to Jul 1993
Makara ...............Jul 1993 to Apr 1994
Kumbha ............. Apr 1994 to Jan 1995
Meena ................ Jan 1995 to Oct 1995
Mesh a .................Oct 1995 to July 1996 13 day governnment
Vrishbha ............ July 1996 to Apr 1997

Antardashas of Karka ( 199 7 to 2004)

Karka ................. Apr 1997 to Nov 1997
Simha ................ .Nov 1997 to Jun 1998 In power
Kanya .................Jun 1998to Jan 1999
Tula ....................Jan 1999to Aug 1999
Vrischika. ............ Aug 1999 to Mar 2000 Won elections and power
Dhanu................. .Mar 2000 to Oct 2000 continued unshaken
Makara ...............Oct 2000 to May 2001
Kumbha. ............ .May 20D1 to Dec 2001
Meena .......... .Dec 2001 to Jul 2002
Mesha Jul 2002 to Feb 2003
Vrisha Feb 2003 to Sep 2003

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portraits

Mithuna ...............Sep 2003 to Apr 2004 Victory in three states,

M.P., Rajasthan and
Chattisgarh in a very big
way in December 2003.

Antardashas of Simha {2004 tO 2012)

Simha................. Apr 2004 to Dec 2004
Kanya ..................Dec 2004 to Aug 2005
Tula .................... Aug 2005to Apr 2006
Vrischika ............ Apr 2006 to Dec 2006
Dhanu................. Dec 2006 to Aug 2007
Makara .............. Aug 2007 to Apr 2008
Kumbha ............. Apr 2008 to Dec 2008
Meena ................ Dec 2008 to Aug 2009
Mesha................. Aug 2009 to Apr 2010
Vrisha................. Apr 2010 to Dec 2010
Mithuna.............. Dec 2010 to Aug 2011
Karka ................. Aug 2011 to Apr 2012
Rashi Bala Graha Bala
Mithuna (200) Sun (120)
Karka (290) Moon (151)
Simha (250) Mars (110)
Kanya (200) Mer (140)
Tula (340) Jup (120)
Vrischika (160) Ven (140)
Dhanu (180) Sat (150)
Makara (240)
Kumbha (260)
Meena (190)
Mesha (310)
Vrisha (250)

Joined Coalition at Center - Mithuna-Karka

Mithuna is the 2nd house from Brahma Venus and is aspected
by MKSun. 3rd house represents neighborhood, coalition friendship,
activities, efforts etc. and here this 3rd house has many planets OK
Mars, GK/MaheshwaraJupiter, AK/Rudra Saturn Rahu. Simha rashi
is powerful with 250 units of strength and Karka is also powerful
with 290 units strength. Mithuna rashi indicates business and related
futures and aspect of MK Sun confirms it. Karka antardasha is the
3rd from Brahama and 2nd from Mithuna, aspects of BK Mercury
and Amk Moon assures goodness to the bhava concerned. It has

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

4th pada in it. 10th from Karka receives the aspects of Amk Moon
OK Mars, GK/Maheshwara Jupiter, AK/Rudra Saturn activating house
of profession. GK presence also shows problem with the neighbour
friendship, coalition etc., which faced much problems during the
periods. In navamsa Mithuna is the 6th from Brahma with GK/
Maheshwara Jupiter do indicate troubles and involved in Rajayoga
also. The 3rd house from Mithuna reveives the aspect of DK Mars
which shows the good will of partners, MK/Brahma Sun. Again 3rd
from Karka is involved in a rajayoga with GK Jupiter shows the
fructification of friendship and problems to it.
In Kanya antar with drew the coalition from Kanya aJI the planets
Rudra/AK Saturn, GK/Maheshwara, DK Mars and Rahu the
12th and Amk Moon in the 3rd is not in a comfortable position. In
the navamsa, Kanya is aspected by by GK Jupiter, PK Venus AK/
Rudra is Saturn as well. 3rd form Kanya is in the Rahu-Ketu axis
with the aspect of MK/Brahma and DK Mars from the 8th again
shows problem with coalition.
In the antar dasha of Mesha had a 13 day goverment. Amk
Moon, GK/Maheshwara Jupiter, AK and Rudra Saturn DK Mars and
Rahu-Ketu and BK Mercury all the planets influencing Mesha, is the
12th from Brahma. In D-9 also Mesha of has DK Mars and 1 th from
it has MK/Brahma Sun not in a comfortable position receives the
aspect of Rahu Ketu axis along with BK Mercury. 12th has PK/Brahma
Venus influenced by GKJupiter and AK Saturn. When 12th house is
activated shows disintegration split and extinction. In D-1 0 chart
Mesh a is the 9th from DK/Brahma Mars and influenced by it and the
10th from Mesh a is influenced by AKfRudra Saturn. Brahma/PK Venus
is in the 12th with Ketu and Amk Moon further lessens the
professional greatness. The placement of Amk in the 12th is not
desirable for professional growth.

In power - Karka-Simha
Karka is the 3rd form Brahma Venus which is also 4P and
receives the aspect of Amk Moon BK Mercury and Ketu, 10th from
Karka also receives the aspect of Amk Moon BK Mercury PK/Brahma
Venus and Ketu, Ketu being in the nakshatra of DK Mars thus causing
raja yoga in both the houses. Antardasha Simha has many planets
thus making the rashi strong enough is with afflicted raja yoga 1Oth
from Simha has PK/Brahma Venus in the nakshata of MK Sun.
In the navamsa Karka is 6th from Brahma Sun and it receives
the aspect of Amk Moon, BK Mercury Rahu-Ketu and lOth from
Karka her DK Mars and receives the aspects of Amk Moon and Ketu

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portraits

in the rashi of DK forming a raja yoga. Simha is the 2nd form Karka
and receives the aspect of Brahma/MK Sun and DK Mars. 10th
from Simha has Rahu and BK Mercury and Brahma/MK aspect the
combination. In D-10 Simha has DK Mars in it 1Oth has AK/
Maheshwara Saturn as well.

In power - Karka-Vrishchika
Vrishcl • .• is the 7th from Brahma and has Amk Moon and no
other planet is aspecting from Vrishchika lOth house Simha has AK/
Rudra Saturn GK/Maheshwara Jupiter, DK Mars and Rahu. 1 tth
from Vrishchika is also un afflicted and influenced by MK Sun. In the
navamsa Vrischika has Ketu in it. The 9th from Brhama and lOth
from it both receive the aspect of DK Mars, MK Sun explaning it
effectively. Vrishchika has Amk Moon in it explains the event.

Victory m three States MP, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh in a very big

way - Karka-Mithuna
Karka is already explained Mithuna is 2nd from Brahma, also
powerful with 200 units of strength receiving the aspect of MKSun
from the 1Oth. 1Oth house is unafflicted and the 11th from it receives
the aspect of Amk Moon and all other planets from Simha which is
the 3rd house as well indicating efforts and success.

Enlarged Portraits

Swami Vivekananoa

Swami Vivekananda was born on 12th January 1863. He was

one among the social reformers of India. He was an eloquent speaker
on various subjects, especially religion. His lagna is Dhanu having
the 9th lord in it. He had many sisters, which is revealed by the
I lth house. According to graha bala and rashi bala computation,
his 7th becomes strong in comparison to the lagna. The total strength
in units is 170, and from this among the 6th, 8th and 12th lords,
Mars gains strength thus becoming Brahma. For the post of Rudra,
strong among the 2nd and 8th lords is taken and here Moon and
Saturn compete for the post. Both the planets gain equal strength,
and the degree gained by the Moon is more, so Moon becomes
Rudra. And 8th lord from AK is the Moon thus becoming
Maheshwara also. Since Brahma Mars is located in Mesh a, the sthira
dash a starts with Mesh a and proceeds. Let us examine the events
in order.
His lagna is Dhanu having the 9th lord Sun in it. The 5th and
12th lord Mars is located in the 5th itself shows the deep interest in
the Vedic and spiritual subjects. His lagna lord Jupiter receives the
aspect ofMars the 5th lord, from the 5th house again confirms this.
The 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn is located in the lOth along with the
8th lord Moon shows detachment and spiritual inclination. Venus
and Mercury in the 2nd house show the ability to speak and also
artistic tendencies. He has Saraswati yoga present in his horoscope.
There is a powerful exchange between the 2nd and I Oth lords. The
9th lord Sun in the lagna gives courage and strong will and also
We can examine the same from Brahma Mars also. Brahma

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portraits

Mar 9P 5P Ket
Brahma Btl

Swami Vivekanand
12Jan 1863

Rah Jup Sat Moon


Von Mer Sat Mar Moon



Sun Jup lag

AK Ami< ··sK· MK PK GK DK
Sun Moon Saturn Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter
Brahma Rudra Maheshwara
Mars Moon Moon

Mars is located in Mesha and attained Mulatrikona status. 2nd and

8th lord Venus is with the 3rd and 6th lord Mercury in the 10th
house. 2nd house has Ketu and receives the aspect of Jupiter, Venus
and Mercury all suggesting artistic talents. His 5th lord Sun is located
in the 9th house and Saturn and Moon the lords of lOth, lith and
the 4th house all are suggestive of a brave and spiritual person.
Mars is GK as well as Brahma. Influence of PK Venus, MK Mercury
and DK Jupiter on Ketu in the 2nd house reveals the artistic talents
and god memory power. His AMK Moon, also Rudra and
Maheshwara and BK Saturn are located in the 6th house and
influencing the AK Sun in the 9th house shows the spiritual inclination

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

and detachment.

Learnt two Great Epics - Mesha; Formal Education • Mithuna

By 1869 he learnt the .two great epics Ramayana and
Mahabharata by heart. The dasha operating at that time was Mesha,
; which is the 5th rashi dasha from the lagna, and has Brahma Mars in
'it, has Sth pada also. Examine the 5th house from Mesha. PK Venus,
MK Mercury, and DK Jupiter, influence the 5th by their raja yoga.
thus making it the best period of learning various subjects.
In 1880 he passed the entrance examination of Calcutta
University and stood first. At that time he was running Mithuna
dasha having the aspect of Rudra as well as AMK Moon, BK Saturn,
and AK sun, forming raja yoga. It is also the 3rd from Brahma
indicating efforts and courage and the spirit of efforts. BK Saturn is
the pointer of institution, AMK Moon for success and recognition.
and AK Sun is the self. From M ith una, the 3rd house receives the
aspect of PK Venus, and MK Mercury and DK Jupiter again forming
raja yoga. DK represents recognition, acquisition of position, PK
' represents education and related fields, and MK again represents
high position. 6th house from Mithuna has Rahu, thus giving the
competing tendencies. 10th from it again receiving the aspect of
raja yoga causing planets confirms the events.

Met his Guru Ramakrishna Paramhamsa - Mithuna-Kanya

November 1880 he met his guru Ramal<rishna Paramhamsa in
the dasha of Mithuna and the antar dasha of Kanya. Mithuna is the
3rd from Brahma. is the house of upadesha or preaching. Rudra as
well as Maheshwara, also AMK Moon and BK Saturn, aspect it from
the 6th. AK Sun aspects from the 9th shows initiation against
conflicts. From Mithuna DK Jupiter is located in the Sth further
confirms it. Kanya is 6th from Brahma, 4th from Mithuna having raja
yoga in it. For any up·lifrment, Rudra plays an important role. From
Kanya the 5th has PK Venus, MK Mercury and aspect of Ketu again
indicates initiation and learning also. In the navamsha also both the
houses have raja yoga.

Death of Father
As a negative feature the same dasha proved detrimental to
his father and guru as well. In this dasha only both of them died.
Aspect of BK Saturn and Rudra and Maheshwara acted badly for
them. Mithuna is the 7th from the 9th house, which has AK Sun the
9th from Mithuna is influence by 6th and 11 rh lord/Brahma Mars.

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portraits

During the antar dasha of Rishabha his guru died and it is the 9th
from BK Saturn and 6th from the 9th house. All these factors explain
the event effectively. In the navamsha also BK Saturn is located in
the 12th with Brahma as well as GK Mars from the' main dasha
Mithuna again confirms the event.

Visit to America - Karka-Vrishabha

On 31 st of May 1893 he sailed lor America. The dash a operating
at that time was Karka and the antar dasha of Vrishabha. Karka is the
4th from Brahma, a watery sign indicates overseas travel. As per
Jaimini Maharishi Karka rashi dash a indicates overseas travels. Here
it is the 4th house, which indicates vehicles and travels. This is also
afflicted by Rahu-Ketu axis, and its lord Moon is in the 6th afflicted
by Saturn. Affliction on the 4th house indicates foreign travels. From
Karka Saturn is the 8th lord located in the 3rd house with its lord
Moon indicates short travel lor religious purposes. 8th lord also
indicates travel by sailing.

Lectures - Karka-Mithuna
He gave lectures in September 1893 in the dash a of Karka and
the antar dasha of Mithuna. Karka is the 4th from Brahma Mars,
II th from Rudra and Maheshwara Moon and Mithuna is the 3rd
from Brahm a and I Oth from Rudra. Giving lectures come from 1Oth
house, 3rd house is the house ofcommuncativeskiils. The 3rd from
Karka has BK Saturn, and AMK Moon also Rudra. Both the planets
are karakas lor 3rd and lOth, and the connection of these two give
so much of popularity in the 10th house but here this is involved in
the 3rd house. 7th house, the house of recognition ~as two planets
PK Venus, and MK Mercury again bestow popularity to the native.
There is connection between the 3rd and lOth lord from Brahma by_
way of exchange and is caused in the 6th house and forming raja
yoga with AK Sun explains the event. 3rd house is also house of
preaching. In the navamsha also the 3rd house from Karka receives
the aspect of both PK Venus and AMK Moon and AK Sun all resulting
in a raja yoga confirming the event.

Misson founded - Simha

In 1877 he founded Ramakrishna Mission in the dasha of Simha,
which is the 5th rashi from Brahma and receives the aspect of PK
and MK and also GK Mars and OK Jupiter. 5th from the rashi Simha
has AK Sun and has the aspect of AMK as well as Rudra Moon, and
BK Saturn forming raja yoga here. Simha dasha generally takes a

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

person to lonely regions and acquisition of power, and good for

spiritual practices which he got during this time. It is also very good
for spiritual practice, and 9th from it has Brahma as well as GK Mars
in the Mulatikona shows help from the relations, and here it is the
public and good recognition from DK Jupiter. Here Simha also
happens to be Darapada indicating recognition and good will among
people. It is also the 12th from Rudra/Maheshwara Moon influenced
by OK Jupiter. 12th house shows spiritual practices. In the navamsha
also Simha is the 4th from Brahma receives the aspect of MK Mercury
from the 12th and here it is appropriate to mention this.

Death - Kanya-Kanya
He died on 4th July 1902 in the dasha of Kanya and Kanya
antar dasha. Kanya is the 6th rashi dasha from Brahma having Rudra
and Maheshwara along with Saturn, and receives the aspect of AK
Sun. Brahma Mars also GK is located in the 8th from the rashi dasha
again does not show a good picture about his longevity. It shows
disease and sufferings and Sun is the 12th lord from Kanya also
reveals the same. Kanya has upapada also.

Combination of popularity
Any connection between 3rd and lOth confers on the native
good popularity. lfwe examine this from the lagna, then the 3rd
lord in exchange with the I Oth lord located in the 1Oth with the 8th
lord. The same combination is seen from Brahma also. The 3rd lord
from Brahma is Mercury in exchange with the 10th lord placed in
the 1Oth house with the 2nd and 7th lord Venus. If we analyse this.
from the chara karakas, then Saturn is BK, Karaka for the 3rd house,
Moon is AMK, the karaka for the lOth house combined together in
the lOth house from AK Sun and lagna as well. These combinations
gained him undisputed popularity within a short span of life. Most
of the combinations present in the horoscope reveal the spiritual
inclination and artistic talents and detachment.

Enlarged Portraits

A.C. BbaktiveoantaSwami Pra&bupaoa

A_C.Bhaktivedancaswami Prabhupada was founder of the

society League ofDevotees' and established ISKCON. His birth took
place in his maternal grandmother's place. A pandit made his Janma
Kundali and made the prediction that at seventy, he would cross
the ocean and become a great exponent in religion and open 108
temples. He was named as Abhaya Charan. His father was a cloth
merchant and had moderate income. He was a pure Vaishnava and
wanted to educate Abhaya Charan as indicated by the pandit. He
was taught mrldangam. The Kala charka made him a vedanti and
take up sanyasa. Let us analyse some of the events from astrological
point of view.
From the graha bala and rashi bala computations, his 7th
becomes strong and from the 7th 12th lord Mercury attains strength
and takes the responsibility of Brahma, Sun as the 8th lord gains
strength than the 2md lord Saturn, thus becoming Rudra, and the

DP BN UP M>r Moon

R>h Prabhupad PL
1 Sep 1896
L>g Calcutta Jup Ket
Sun SP

S>t Ven Mer

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini•s Sthira Dasha

Mer Sat J.lar
Jup Ket


Rah Sun J.loon

Moon Saturn Sun Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
Brahma Rudra Maheshwara
Mercury Sun Jupiter

8th lord from AK Moon is Jupiter and hence takes the responsibility
of Maheshwara. The sthira dasha starts from where Brahm a is placed.
Here in this chart Brahma Mercury is placed in Kanya, hence the
sthira dash a starts from Kanya for 9 years, Tula for 7 years and Vrischika
for 8 years and so on.

Illness- Kanya-Tula
In the first part of 1898 he fell ill of typhoid and the dasha
operating at that time was Kanya and the antar dasha of Tula and
Vrischika. Kanya has Brahma Mercury, which is bad for health, and
confers health problems to the native. 6th from Kanya comes under
Rahu-Ketu axis and no planet influences it. 8th from Kanya receives
the aspects of Rudra 5un. GK and Maheshwara Jupiter and Rahu
Ketu. 12th house from it has GK and Maheshwara Jupiter, along
with Rudra Sun and Ketu. These factors indicate bad health to the
native. The an tar dash a Tula receives the aspect of GK, Maheshwara
Jupiter and Rudra Sun. Rahu and Ketu. 8th from Tula has AK Moon
with BK Mars and Kanya also falls in the 6th from Brahmamsha '
confirms the event. In the navamsha Kanya has Rudra/MKSun and
AK Moon and the 8th from it has GK and Maheshwara jupiter. and
Brahma Mercury indicates the health problem to the native."

Marriage - Vrischika
His marriage took place in the dasha of Vrischika. which is the
Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portrails

1-7 axis of AK moon, has Darapada In it, and 3rd from Brahma, 4th
from Rudra and Maheshwara. In the navamsha Vrischika receives
the aspect of DK Venus and is the 8th from Brahma Mercury.

Child birth - Dhanu

During the birth of children Dhanu dasha was operating and
receives the aspect of PK as well as Brahma Mercury and is the Sth
from Rudra Suh. Antar dasha at that time was' Makara is the Sth
from Brahma, also has Putrapada in it and receives the aspect of
Rudra. In the navamsha Dhanu is the 9th from PK· as well as Rudra,
thus indicating the event child birth effectively.

Death of father - Makar

In 1930 his father passed away and the dasha operating at
that time was Makara, which is the 6th from BK as well as Rudra sun
and maheshwara as well as GK Jupiter and receives the aspect of
the said planet. lfMakara is the 6th, then the above said planets are
in the 8th curtailing the longevity of the father. Makara is also the
rashl of changes from births, deaths and other changes in the family.
In the navamsha 9th from Makara has BK as well as Rudra in the 9th
which is bad for the father's health.

Burglary" .....cMeena·Kumbha •*
' ~In May 1953 burglary took place in the dasha of Meena and
antar dasha of Kumbha. Meena is the 7th from Brahma Mercury and
good raja yoga is also formed. 6th from Meena has GK as well as
Maheshwara Jupiter and Rudra Sun, causing burglary. 4th from
Meena receives the aspect of Brahma. Meena is the 1Zth from'
Brahmarnsha. MK Sun is placed in the 6th from Meena indicates
negative ness to the significances of MK.The antar dasha of Kumbha,
with Rahu is 6th from Brahma Mercury and 12th from the rashi
dasha concerned. 4th from Kumbha receives the aspect of Rudra
Saturn. In the navamsha Meena is the 12th from Brahma and the
6th from it receives the aspect of GK and Maheshwara Jupiter, Brahm a
Mercury along with Saturn and Rahu, Ketu and the antar dasha
Kumbha also receives the aspects the above said planets and the
above factors focus the event in ah effective way.

Writings ....:.... Mesha-Dhanu!Makar

He wrote" a literary work called Viraha Ashtaka for the
disappearance of his guru in December 58. The dasha at that time
was Mesha and the antar dasha of Dhanu/Makara: Mesha is the 8th

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

from the Brahma and also Brahmamsha and receives the aspects of
Rudra and Maheshwara and GK as well. This formation is in the Sth
from Mesha, which is the house of literary pursuits. The antar dasha
Makara is the Sth from PK as well as Brahma Mercury and receives
the aspect of AK Moon and BK Mars from the 9th Makara is also the
10th house from Mesha and Sth from it has BK Mars AK Moon and
influenced Amk Saturn thus forming a Rajyoga and influenced by
all planets is the indicator of the event. In the navamsha Mesh a has
all the planets involved in writing and Makara has DK Venus, which
fetched him, name and fame also.

Sanyasa - Mesha-Kumbha
He accepted Sanyasa in September I 959 and the dash a
operating at that time was Mesha and the antar dasha of Kumbha.
Mesha is the 8th from Brahma and receives the aspects of GK as
well as Maheshwara Jupiter and Rudra as well as BK sun from the
12, Rahu and Ketu. Mesha also has Brahmamsha which is 8th from'.
Brahma shows struggles, interest in occult sciences and Sanyasa
etc. Sanyasa means a death and re-birth. This is shown dearly in his
birth chart as well as the navamsha chart. Here the combination of
Sun and Jupiter occurs in the 12th house from Brahma. Sun and
Jupiter in the Simha-Kumbha axis makes one a builder of temples.
Here the combination is formed in the 12th and Sun is also MK with
Maheshwara/GK Jupiter and Ketu in the sign of MKindicating building
of temples in foreign land. In the vimsamsa also 8th from Mesha
has Mars and Sun and receives the aspect of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
The antar dasha was Kumbha, which is the 6th from Brahma and '
II th from the main dasha Mesha. 11th from Kumbha has PK as well
as Brahma Mercury along with debilitated DK Venus, showing
detachment from worldly affairs and leads towards sanyasa. In
Vimsamsa Brahma is placed in Meena the rashi of spirituality. In
navamsa also Kumbha receives the aspects of all planets from Mesh a,
8th having AK Moon and BK as well as Rudra Sun again focusing on
the event.

Samadhi - Karka-Karka
He took Samadhi on 14th November 1977- At the time of
Samadhi he was running his Karka dasha and antar also of Karka and
is the 11 th house from Brahma and receives the aspects of AK Moon
and BK Mars. 8th from Karka is having Rahu in it and influenced by
it. Karka is also the from Rudra and Maheshwara, has Pada
lagna which has transiting Mars, and Mars is the death inflicting

Predicting through Jaimini 1S Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portraits

planet for Kanya, thus indicating the event clearly. From the radical
lagna Karka is 7th house also a maraka house. In the navamsa Karka
is the 4th from Brahma and 8th from it receives the aspect of Brahma,
Rudra, Rahu and Ketu and 8th from Karka happens to be radical
navamsa lagna and afflicted by these karakas clears the event.

Enlarged Portraits

Jobn P. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was born on 29th may 1917 at Brookline.

USA The lagna of the chart is Kanya. According to the computation
of Planets and rashi strength, lagna is strong with 2SO units. Among
the 6th, 8th and I 2th lords from lagna, Mars becomes the strongest
with 170 units, thus becomes Brahrna. Mars also is Rudra and
Maheshwara as well. Brahma Mars is located in Mesha, so sthira
dasha starts with Mesha. Let us analyse the events happened in
this life through sthira dasha.

Mar Mer Jup Sun Ket

Brahm<~ Ven

tOP UP John F. Kennedy SatDP

29 May 1917
Brookline MA USA Moon

Rah Lag

Mercury Mars Moon Venus Sun Saturn Jupiter
Brahma Rudra Maheshwara
Mars Mars Mars

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira D,:~.=h3 Enlarged Portraits

Ktl Sun

Jup Vtn Sat

Mer Rah Lag

Education - Mithuna-Tu/a
He graduated from Choate in 1935. At that time the dasha
operating was Mithuna and the antar dasha was Tula. Mithuna is
the 3rd from Brahma, comes in the Rahu-Ketu axis, and is the rashi
of activities. 5th from Mithuna is Tula, and DK Jupiter, PK Sun, MK
Venus, and BK Moon aspect it and all these assure good education.
In the same dasha, he enrolled himself at Howard University and
showed interest in sports. Ketu in the ·third house gives interest in
sports and the antar dasha Vrischika receives the aspect of AK, AMK,
and GK. It is also the 6th from Mithuna, 8th from Mesha is the
indicator of accidents also. He injured his back while playing football,
which is indicated by the aspect of Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwara.

Service - Karka-Karka
He was accepted by the Navy in September 1941 in the dash a
of Karka and the antar dasha also was Karka. It is a watery sign and
is 4th from Brahma having GK Saturn in it thus giving service and
also DP in it. A rashi having GK is also not good as far as the health
is concerned. From Karka the lOth house has AMK as well as Brahma,
.Rudra and Maheshwara Mars with AK Mercury, showing a good
promise for profession, and the 1 lth from Karka is having raja yoga
formed by DK Jupiter, PK Sun and MK Venus thus indicating good
gains. In the navamsha, Karka receives the aspects of AMK Mars.
BK Moon, and PK Sun, 9th from Brahmamsa again shows a promising

Accident - Karka-Karka
During the same period of Karka, on 2nd August 1943 he was
thrown out of the boat c.nd that was a risky period and is indicated

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

by the presence of GK Saturn, 8th from it receives the aspect of

Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwara Mars. and AK Mercury, shows again
injury to the physique. In the navamsa Karka receives the aspect of
Brahma, Rudra and MaheshwaraMars, and AK Mercury is placed in
the 6th house confirms the event of accidents, and from the antar
dash a Tula 1Oth has GK Saturn again indicating problems related to
profession and at the same time 7th from Tula has again AMK Mars
and AK Mercury indicating name, fame, recognition and for this he
received medal also. In the navamsha Tula is the I Zth from Mars,
8th from Tula receives the aspect of GK Saturn and MK Venus again
confirms the event. Tula itself is the 4th from Karka and it receives
the aspects of GK Saturn and MK Venus again indicating vehicles
and vehicular accidents.

Election - Simha-Makara
He announced his candidacy in April 1952 for the Senate. At
that time the dasha operating was Simha and the antar dasha was
Makara. Simha is the Sth from Brahma, and receives the aspects of
AMK, AK. The 9th from Simha has AMK as well as Brahma Rudra
and Maheshwara Mars with the AK Mercury, lOth from Simha has
PK Sun and OK Jupiter and MK Venus and receives the aspect of GK
Saturn from the 11th house. These placements make the 9th and
10th strong enough to show rise in career. The 6th from Simha
receives the aspects of OK, MK, and PK and BK from the lOth and
that happened to be the antar dasha also. 6th shows competitions
and both the rashi dashas are strengthened by so many planets
thus making a promise for competitions. The 10th and 11th from
Makara also receive the aspects of all raja yoga karakas explains the
event effectively.

Marriage - Simha-Meena
He got married on I Zth September 1953 in Simha and Meena.
Simha is the 1-7 axis of Upapada 2nd from OP and is the 5th from
Brahma Mars. In the navamsha chart Simha receives the aspect of
OK Jupiter and the antar dasha is the I Zth from Brahma one among
the houses of marriage.

Child birth - Kanya-Tula

First child born on 27th November 1957 and at that time Kanya
and Tula was operating, Sth from Kanya receives the aspect of PK
Sun and OK Jupiter and MK Venus and Kanya falls in the 5th from PK
in both the charts. In the navamsha chart also Kanya is the 5th from

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha Enlarged Portraits

PK Sun, 5th from Kanya as well as the antar dasha Tula receive the
aspect of PK Sun, and Kanya is the 11th from Brahma, Rudra and
Maheshwara Mars.

Presidentship - Kanyd-Mccna
He was inaugurated as president on 20th January in Kanya
and Meena. Kanya is the 6th rashi from Brahma as well as AMK
Mars and is the rashi of service, as well as political career. lOth from
Kanya has Ketu in it, I Oth lord Mercury; here it is also AK has gone
to the 8th house with AMK Mars which is also the karaka for
profession. The position of the lOth lord or AMK in the 8th is not a
desirable condition for the career. Jt does give a good raise or better
position for a while, but there will be frequent ups and downs in
career. This is experienced by him throughout. Kanya is the 6th
rashi from the Brahma as well as AMK Mars and is devoid of any
benefic influences, and comes under the influence of Rahu and Ketu,
thus indicating a short period of career. The an tar dasha also indicates
the same.

Death - Kanya-Mithuna
He was shot dead on 22nd November 1963 in Kanya and
Mithuna. His Longevity computation results in Madhyayu according
to Jaimini ayurdaya. Madhyayu starts from 33 years onwards and if
we analyse the dasha, at the beginning of 33 years Simha dasha
was operating and is the 5th rashi dasha from Brahma Mars, 8th
from Simha is Meena and comes under Rahu Ketu influence and the
dasha itself is having raja yoga and much affliction is not seen. Then
coming to Kanya, we see that Kanya is the 6th rashi dasha from
Brahma Mars, which also happens to be Rudra and Maheshwara,
from Kanya 8th is having AK Mercury Brahma, Rudra, and
Maheshwara Mars, which is also the 3rd and 8th lord for Kanya.
Kanya happens to be his radical lagna and the placement of AK is
not desirable in the 8th house with a malefic and Maraka Planet
Mars and is a fiery Planet in the fiery and inimical sign and in the
22nd dreshkana indicating violence to the physique and violence to
the physique and all the factors said above indicate violent death to
the native and the antar dasha running was Mithuna which is afflicted
by Rahu and Ketu, and is the 3rd from Brahma, Rudra and
Maheshwara and also acts as a house of longevity. 8P also falls in
Mesha from where Kanya in the 6th with the influence of Rahu-
Ketu. Jn the navamsha again Kanya is the radical lagna and 8th
from it is having the aspect of Brahma. Rudra and Maheshwara Mars,

tnlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

which is bad for longevity, it gives accidents and violent death and
moreover, 8th is a fiery sign and afflictions to it gives dangers to life
which holds true in his case. The antar dasha Mithuna is having the
aspect of AK Mercury and 6th from it has Brahma, Rudra and
Maheshwara, the 8th from it receives the aspect of Brahma, Rudra
and Maheshwara Mars, BK Moon and GK Saturn and MK Venus all
showing violent happening to the native and AK Mercury is placed
in the 7th from it in a Maraka house receiving the aspects of Rahu
and Ketu from the 4th and 1Oth indicates the same.
Thus if we analyse the events of an individual, we get the due
for each and every event taking place in life.
Enlarged Portraits

cb. cbaran Singly

(Ex-Prime Minister of India)

We have seen the applicability of sthira dash a in the previous

•chapter for the charts of all the twelve lagans. Now to focus more
attention on the applicability of the dasha, let us do some enlarged
portraits as Shri K.N.Rao has done in his book. Here the chart taken
up is that of Ch. Charan Singh, Ex-Prime Minister of India and a
Parliamentarian also.
Shri. Singh was born on 23rd December 190l,07:23am, near
• Meerut, UP. According to the graha bala and rashi bala computations,
his lagna becomes stronger than his 7th house. Brahma is to be
determined from the strongest of the lords of 6th, 8th and 12th
from the lagna. Here the Moon as the 8th lord presides over to
become Brahma. Rudra is the stronger between the 2nd and 8th
lord~ from the la&na. Here Rudra is Saturn, and the 8th lord from

Ket DP

Charan Singh
23 Dec 1902
Sat Jup

Sun Ven Rah Mar MooiJ.

Mer Lag Brahm a

Enlarged Portra~s Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

Mar Ket Sun

Sat Moon BN

Ven Mer
Jup Lag


Jupiter Moon Mercury Venus Mars Sun Saturn
Brahma Rudra Maheshwara
Moon Saturn Sun

the Atma Karaka Jupiter is the Sun and hence is the Maheshwara.
Brahma Moon is located in Kanya. hence the sthira dasha starts
from Kanya, Let us analyse the events one by one with the help of
Sthira dasha.

Analysis of the chart in general

the horoscope has Dhanu as the rising sign having the 9th
lord Sun, 7th and lOth lord Mercury, and 6th and I lth lord Venus,
and receives the aspect of the 5th and 12th lord Mars. The
combination of the Sun and Mercury in the lagna makes one a learned
and fortunate person and the aspect of the 5th lord Mars make the
yoga more beneficial. The lagna and the 4th lord Jupiter is located in
the 2nd house with the 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn giving rise to a
good Dhana Yoga. The I Oth house has the Sth and I Zth lord Mars
along with the 8th lord Moon. Sth lord in the lOth gives good position"
and this combination receives the aspect of the lagna lord Jupiter,
showing good fortune but fluctuations also indicated. These factors
reveal that the native is fortunate enough in his life. The placement
of Venus as the 6th and I I th lord may not be too beneficial to the
If we analyse the same from Brahma. the same effects will be
the outcome. Brahma is the Moon and is located in Kanya. If this is
treated as lagna then with the conjunction of PK and AMK, raja
yoga is formed in the lagna. The aspect ofMK Venus, BK Mercury,

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dash a Enlarged Portraits

and GK Sun fall on the lagna. In Jaimini system Venus Moon

combination creates rajayoga and is formed in the lagna. The house
of education, fortune i.e. the Sth is having a combination of AK
Jupiter and DK Saturn again forming raja yoga. The lOth house
' receives aspect from almost all the planets thus becoming strong
and involved in raja yoga. But the aspect of GK Sun may not give
stability in career. If this is taken in a positive way then career from
competitions is indicated. With this background the events are
analysed. Let us analyse the events one by one.

From Brahma Moon, the Sth house has two planets Saturn,
and Jupiter. Saturn is the 5th lord from Brahma, and is also OK Jupiter
is the 4th and 7th lord from Brahma, and is also AK The combination
of 4th and 5th lords in the Sth forms raja yoga and by Jaimini system
also raja yoga is caused by AK and DK. He studied law and the
planets Saturn and Jupiter also indicate the same. This also gives an
inclination towards spiritual studies in which he was interested. He
did his education during Tula and Vrischika dashas. Elementary
education would be over by Tula. which might be very ordinary and
Vrischika dasha shows a better situation. From Vrischika the 5th
receives the aspect of Mars and Moon, PK and AMK.

Marriage - Vrischika-Simha
Marriage on 25th June 1925. Marriage took place in the dasha
"of Vrischika and the antar dasha of Simha. Vrischika is the 3rd from
Brahma where the 7th pada from Brahma also falls. It is also Upapada
rashi. This also receives the aspect of DK Saturn and AK Jupiter.
Saturn is Rudra also in this case. The antar dasha Simha is the 12th
from Brahma, receives the aspect of AK and DK from Makara. In this
case both AK and DK influence both the rashis. Vrishchika is the 5th
from Brahmamsa and upapada and Simha is 2nd from UP. 7th from
PL clearly indicate the event. On the day of marriage Jupiter was in
Dhanu in retrogression, Saturn in Tula also in retrogression
influencing Vrischika again confirming the event.

Children - Dhanu-Dhanu
Birth of a daughter on 14th September I 927 in the dasha of
Dhanu and Dhanu antar dasha. Dhanu is the 4th from Brahma and
receives the aspect of PK Mars, from the rashi where Brahma Moon
is also located. Brahma also indicates expansion.
Surviving son born on 21st may 1936. in the dasha of Makar

Enlarged Portraits Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Dasha

and Makar antar dasha. Dhanu is the 4th from Brahma and receives
the aspect of PK Mars. In this rashi 5th lord Saturn from Brahma and
also the natural Karaka for children Jupiter is located. 5th rashi dasha
is capable of giving children. Here Makara is also the 5th from PK
Mars Makara in Jaimini is considered as the rashi of changes due to
childbirth, marriage and shifring from one place to another, deaths
in the family etc. These factors explain the events effectively.

Political Career - Makar-Meena

Elected to assembly on 13th may 1937 in the dasha of Makara
and antar dasha of Meena. Makara is the 5th from Brahma Moon,
also AMK, and PK Mars, and Makara has AK Jupiter, DK Saturn also
Rudra. 5th house is the house of sovereignty, having raja yoga. The
function of Rudra is to raise an individual to a high position is
appropriate to mention here.

Prime Ministership - Mithuna-Makar

Prime minister in July 1979: in the dasha ofMithuna and antar
dasha of Makara. Mithuna is the 10th from Brahma Moon and
receives the aspect of so many planets making it strong. This is the
6th from Rudra, indicating competition and in Makara period only
he was made Prime Minister.

Imprisonment - Mithuna-Mithuna
Imprisoned during emergency, and the period was Mithuna
and antar dasha also was Mithuna and since the rashi is strong, he
was released.

Death of Mother - Meena-Vrischtka

His mother died on 13th may 1957during the dasha ofMeena
and Vrischika antaT dasha. It is the 7th from Brahma, 4th from MK
Venus and also receives the aspect of GK Sun, MK Venus, and BK
Mereu ry. Any rashi dash a period is good for materialistic gains but
may be detrimental to the relation indicated by it. Meena is the 4P
from Brahma. Here it is the mother. The antar dasha at that time
was Vrischika, which is the 12th from MK Venus, and Ketu aspects it
explains the event. In the navamsha, Meena is the 8th and Vrischika
is the 4th from MK Venus confirms it.

Death - Karko-Dhanu
Passing away in May 1987. The dasha at that time was Karka
and the antar dasha of Dhanu. Karka is the 11 th from Brahma. 7th

Predicting through Jaimini's Sthira Oasha Enlarged Portraits

from Rudra and 8th from Maheshwara. It is also the 7th from AK
Jupiter. 8th from Karka receives the aspect of only Rahu and Ketu
thus becoming weak. Karka has Brahmamsa in it. From all the three
points Karka becomes detrimental to the native. Karka is also very
weak, as it receives no aspect from any planet. The antar dasha
Dhanu has GK as well as Maheshwara Sun. and is llth from AK
Jupiter and Rudra Saturn. It receives the aspect of Brahma Moon. In
the navamsha Karka has Brahma in it , Rudra Saturn in the 8th and
GK as well as Maheshwara in the 12th. If we look from Dhanu,
Brahma is in the 8th Rudra in the 3rd, and Maheshwara in the 7th
further confirms the event.
Here in this case there is a point to mention is that most ofthe
events took place in the month of May only. If we ponder into this,
the transit of the Sun is of significance. He had a son in the month of
May, and at that time Sun entered Rishabha and the dasha at that
time was Makara, and the sun in the 5th indicates a positive event.
The same thing happened when he was elected to assembly. His
mother died in the month of May and at that time the dasha was of
Meena and antar of Vrischika and the Sun's transit was in the 3rd
and 7th house. He passed away in the month of May and the dasha
was Karka and the antar was Dhanu and the sun was transiting in
the 11 th and 6th house respectively. This also shows that along
with the dasha the transit also keeps its significance.


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