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Is it better to have lots of friends or just a few close friends?

It is better to have close friends

What is more important, money or happiness?

I think that happiness is more important than money. money does not give you

What's more fun, going to a theme party or going to a museum? Why?

I think it is more fun to go to a museum because the museum has old things.

What is the most popular tourist attraction in your country?

The most popular tourist attraction in Ecuador is the Galapagos Islands.

Who is the happiest person you know?

I think that the happiest person is the one who lives with her family.

What is the best television series you have seen?

The best television series I have seen is Game of Thrones.

What do you do if you are bored?

if i am bored i watch videos.

If you have a cold. What medicine do you take?

If I am cold I take lemonade with paracetamol

If you call your parents, how long do you talk?

if I call my parents I talk about five minutes

If the sea level rises, what will happen to cities like New York?
If the sea level rises, New York City will flood.

What five things do you predict for 2050ir that we continue as we are now?
More diseases
more pandemics
global warming
water shortages

what are the 2 things you should do when you go to the airport?
I must have all my identification and be aware of my departure time.

What are 2 things you should not do when you go to the airport?
I must not carry food and not be drunk.

What does a person have to do to be successful?

self-confidence, self-effort and sacrifice

What are 2 things your parents said you should do?

you must study hard, be polite and respect all people, especially your elders
Complete the dialogue with must or can’t.
A: What day is it today?
B: Ummm. It (1) must be Tuesday.
A: No, it (2) can't be Tuesday because I had French class today and I never have French
class on Tuesdays.
B: Then it (3) must be Thursday because today we have a free afternoon, and we only
have a free afternoon on Thursday.
A: Yeah, it (4) must be. Wow! This week has gone fast!

Look at the photos and complete the sentence.Can you think of a good reply?
1. I can't find my glasses anywhere! I've looked everywhere!
2. I can feel something on my nose. Is it anything gross?
3. Nobody loves me! everybody hates me! I'm all alone in the world.

What do you think happend at the end?

I think they were very scared because the house was haunted.

ANN: Hello? Is 1 anybody in? Hello?

BOB: That's strange, 2 nobody s here.
3 everybody is out.
ANN: They invited us for dinner. They can't be out! And Look, there are light on 4
everywhere all over the house.5 somebody must be here.
BOB: Well, 6 nobody's coming and it's very quiet. I can't hear 7anything at all. Let's go
home. It's freezing.
ANN: Ssh! I thought I heard 8 something but it could the wind.
BOB: Yes, it's probably 9 nothing Just the wind. Come on. Let's go. It's little creepy.
ANN: We drove all the way here! I'm not going 10 anywhere
BOB: Oh, look! the door isn't shut.
ANN: Oh, yes, So let's go in.
BOB: No, I don't think we should.
ANN: Oh, come on! Where's your sense of adventure?
BOB: I don't have on. To tell you the truth, I feel pretty scared.
ANN: Well, I'm not staying out here in the rain. I'm going in.
BOB: OK. I'll come with you, but I don't like it.
11 Something feels wrong...

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