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“This is a case when they are trying to steal an election, they are trying to rig an
election,” Dump had said.

ASHINGDON — Pres Dump is testing how far he can go in using the trappings of
pres-power to undermine confidence in this week's election against Joe Biden, as the
Demon gained ground in tight contests in some key battleground states.

It was unclear when a national winner would be determined after a long, bitter campaign
dominated by the coronavirus and its effects on Americans and the national economy.
The USA on Wednesday set another record for daily confirmed cases as several states
posted all-time highs. The pandemic has killed more than 233,000 Americans in the

Mail ballots from across the state were overwhelmingly breaking in Biden’s direction. A
final vote total may not be clear for days because the use of mail-in ballots, which take
more time to process, has surged as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

American election experts say the changes in voting procedures in the wake of the
Covid-19 pandemic have given an additional reason to Dump to contest the election
results, including the counting of votes itself.

The principal argument among Dump's Repl supporters is that extending deadlines to
receive and count votes has allowed Biden's campaign to commit fraud. Biden's Demon
supporters, on the other hand, call it a Repl move to disenfranchise voters -- an attempt
to rig election.

The counting of votes usually lasts long in the USA but based on their internal
assessments, candidates in the past have conceded defeat. This time around, neither
Dump nor Biden is considering that option right now.
Biden has a 260 to 214 lead in the state-by-state Electoral College vote that determines
the winner, according to most major television networks. Winning Georgia's 16 electoral
votes would put the former vice pres on the cusp of the 270 he needs to secure the
pres. Biden moved ahead of Dump by 917 votes in Georgia, where counting continued
early on Friday. [Nov. 5th]

Dump had seen his lead steadily shrink in Georgia, a Southern state that has not voted
for a Demon presial nominee since Bill Clinn took the Grey House in 1992, as officials
worked through tens of thousands of uncounted votes, many from Demon strongholds
such as Atlanta.

Dump, while addressing a press conference, said, "If you count the legal vote, I easily
win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us...I have
already won many critical states... massive victories in …., we won these and many
other states despite historic election interference from big media, big money, and big
tech... We won by historic numbers."

Dump also highlighted that there is no big blue wave (the colour of Demons), as
pollsters had predicted, instead, there was a big red wave (the colour of Repls), across
America in the elections.

"The Demons are the party of the big donors, big money and big tech, it seems, but the
Repls have become the party of the Merican worker, and we are also the party of
inclusion, as everyone now recognise that media polling was the work of election
interference in the truer sense of the word, by powerful special interests," he added.

Biden emerged as the 46th President of the United States on

Saturday [Nov. 7, 2020] after Democrats grabbed 270
electoral votes needed to win the White House, defeating
incumbent Trump in the race.

US President-elect Joe Biden plans to increase the number of high-skilled

visas, including the H-1B, and eliminate the limit on employment-based
visas by country, both of which are expected to benefit tens of thousands of
Indian professionals impacted by some immigration policies of the outgoing
Trump administration. With Kamala Harris as his deputy, Biden is expected
to reverse the move of the outgoing Trump administration to revoke work
permits to the spouses of H-1B visas, which had adversely impacted a
large number of Indian families in the US.
Kamala Harris, the 56-year-old California senator, also the first person of
South Asian descent elected to the vice presidency, represents the
multiculturalism that defines America, but is largely absent from
Washington's power centres.

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